3 October 2024

On Today Show

— Tr Panting ak Baling, Village Leader of Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park – Standing Strong: How Tr Panting and Villagers Protected Their Land
— David from Long Moh Baram – Paved Roads for Some, Logging Roads for Others: GPS’s Infrastructure Failures
— Jeffrey Ngui, founder of Noah’s Ark Project – Three Generations of Struggle: The Unheard Needs of Kampung Chawan


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park – Berdiri Teguh: Bagaimana Tr Panting dan Penduduk Kampung Melindungi Tanah Mereka
— David dari Long Moh Baram – Jalan Tar Untuk Sebahagian, Jalan Balak Untuk Yang Lain: Kegagalan Infrastruktur GPS
— Jeffrey Ngui, pengasas Projek Noah’s Ark – Tiga Generasi Perjuangan: Keperluan Kampung Chawan Yang Tidak Didengari

  • Special Randau

                    1. The fate of former prime minister Najib Razak will be known on 30 Oct 2024 whether he is released or asked to defend himself. Najib is currently being tried on 4 charges of abuse of power and 21 charges of money laundering from 1MDB worth rm2.27 billion. Trial before judge Coline Lawrence Sequarah.

                    2. Among the last 5 prime ministers of Malaysia - Najib made the most political appointments which is 301 appointments, followed by Ismail Sabri 273, Muhyiddin Yassin 186, Anwar 95 and Mahathir 86. Political appointments are feared as a way to gain political support.

                    3. Finally we succeeded, that was the expression of the village head - tr Panting aka Baling when they managed to defend their garden land from being confiscated by the SFC. We used to fear the SFC, now the SFC run away when they come across us. We are brave because we are on the right side - said tr Panting.


    Tr Panting ak Baling, Village Leader of Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park.

    Standing Strong: How Tr Panting and Villagers Protected Their Land

    Tr Panting shared his happiness with all the villagers for successfully defending the oil palm and coffee plantation land they had been cultivating. This success was the result of cooperation between all parties involved — the villagers, SADIA, Suhakam, the Police, the former chief secretary of the Sarawak state government, and also RFS. The overseas-based RFS appeared to be quite influential and feared by the SFC. Now, the villagers were free to harvest palm fruit, with the price of a ton of fresh palm oil at RM700 and ground coffee selling for RM100 per kilogram. The villagers were relieved, as this provided some income to support their families.

    The most recent incident occurred about three days ago when a group of five SFC officers, using three cars, attempted to erect a fence at the entrance to the plantation. The villagers, who were keeping watch at the blockade site, quickly discovered the officers. They stopped the three cars and confiscated all the car keys. The villagers contacted their head, TR Panting, who confronted the SFC officers. Tr Panting warned them that if the SFC made any further attempts to put up a fence or prevent residents from accessing their agricultural land, strict action would be taken. After the warning, the SFC officers and their cars were released. Since then, the villagers have been free to work in their gardens, and they continue to take turns keeping vigil at the blockade site.


    David from Long Moh Baram

    Paved Roads for Some, Logging Roads for Others: GPS’s Infrastructure Failures

    David welcomes the allocation of 500 million for the road in Kapit. However, he hopes that the Prime Minister (PMX) can also allocate funds equally to Baram, as Baram faces similar issues to those in Kapit.

    PMX should be commended for his concern in contributing to Sarawak’s development. However, it should not just be talk, but actions that deliver on the promises made.

    For the past 60 years, it is clear that the GPS government has intentionally failed to address the basic needs of rural communities, such as roads. David has not returned to his village for the past two years because he cannot afford the damage caused to his 4-wheel drive vehicle every time he goes back, due to the poor road conditions, which are comparable to logging roads.

    According to David, the GPS government has not closely collaborated with logging companies over the years, and as logging activities have decreased, there is no one maintaining the roads. This has resulted in those without 4-wheel drive vehicles being unable to return to their villages.

    After 61 years, the people should no longer have to use such terrible roads, and they deserve to have paved roads, just like in Peninsular Malaysia.


    Jeffrey Ngui, founder of Noah’s Ark Project

    Three Generations of Struggle: The Unheard Needs of Kampung Chawan

    This week, Noah's Ark Project installed poly pipes for all 54 families of Kampung Chawan Kuching, connecting them directly to two old metered water sources for their homes. Jeffrey has known the villagers for the past two years and has gathered a lot of information and shared experiences with them. The community has occupied the area for over three decades, with roots tracing back to their grandparents, and they are now in the third generation.

    Jeffrery said that, the villagers all come from various parts of Sarawak, having moved here in search of better livelihoods.

Guest User
2 October 2024

On Today Show

— Micheal Mering Jok, General Secretary of SCRIPS (Sarawak Indigenous Rights Association) – Anger Grows as NCR Lands in Belaga Face Unlawful Invasion by Unknown Parties
— Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak – Vision or Overspend? Concerns Grow Over Sarawak’s Plan to Model Kapit After Bergen
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – "What About Us?" Sipitang SFI Residents Demand Equal Land Rights
Topik Pada Hari Ini 
— Micheal Mering Jok, Setiausaha Agung SCRIPS (Persatuan Hak Orang Asal Sarawak) – Kemarahan Memuncak Apabila Tanah NCR di Belaga Diceroboh Secara Haram oleh Pihak Tidak Dikenali 
— Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Visi atau Pembaziran? Kebimbangan Meningkat Terhadap Rancangan Sarawak untuk Mencontohi Kapit Seperti Bergen 
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – "Bagaimana Dengan Kami?" Penduduk SFI Sipitang Tuntut Hak Tanah yang Sama

  • Special Randau

                    1. Community leaders, tribal leaders, village leaders are involved in making illegal logging a success. There is a possibility that the local YB, government officials and certain villagers are involved because they want immediate remuneration. That's according to Micheal Mering Jok. He advised all these parties to repent before the villagers responded with violence to defend their rights.

                    2. Trial in the high court - case of money laundering and abuse of power of 1mdb worth rm2.27 billion.  Deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Ikram said all the actions of 1mdb CEO Sharol Azral Ibrahim were on the orders of Najib and Jho Low really existed and were in many chapters in the story of 1mdb. Jho Low was with Najib's family vacation, important petro-saudi meeting, at Najib's house in Langgak Duta including free entry and exit at Najib's office at the finance ministry.


    Micheal Mering Jok, General Secretary of SCRIPS (Sarawak Indigenous Rights Association)

    Anger Grows as NCR Lands in Belaga Face Unlawful Invasion by Unknown Parties

    According to Micheal, SCRIPS is reviewing the complaints received by it from the villagers, particularly in Belaga, Murum, Baram and Mulu related to the invasion by unknown parties entering NCR customary land and allegedly making land measurements and mapping. They did not get permission from the villagers -they do not show any valid documents from the authorities/government. Micheal is convinced that these parties are looking for new sites for illegal logging on the NCR land of the residents as well as possibly looking for valuable metals/minerals to steal. It is more unfortunate that these parties are given the cooperation of tribal leaders and some villagers who want immediate financial compensation. There is a possibility that the YB of the area is also involved or government officials who work with the forest department or the department that issues logging or plantation licenses. I want to warn these intruders and thieves to stop this act, because the anger of the villagers has reached its peak. Avoid unwanted incidents. Micheal appealed to the government to tighten monitoring and act decisively against corrupt officials. Please act decisively - Said Micheal Jok. Micheal called on the public to report immediately if they see a glimpse of foreigners/outsiders who are supposedly carrying equipment to measure villagers' land for development projects. Report to us and we will investigate- Said Micheal Jok. Lately Kampung Long Bangan Belaga (Kampung Micheal Jok) and Kampung Una Sambop Belaga reported that their land was encroached by the company MM Golden and UU Green Sdn.BHd.


    Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    Vision or Overspend? Concerns Grow Over Sarawak’s Plan to Model Kapit After Bergen

    The necessity of a Sarawak government delegation’s working tour to Norway next month has been called into question. The visit, aimed at understanding Bergen's development as a model for Kapit, has raised eyebrows among the public and political observers.

    Jeffrey Ngui opines that these types of working tours are not new but have been practiced for decades. He points out that such tours often involve not only officials but also family members and relatives, with expenses claimed from the government. This practice, Ngui notes, has long been unchecked. "Until when will we find a solution or have a voice to ensure proper checks and balances?" he asks.

    At present, Sarawak's State Legislative Assembly (DUN) has only two opposition seats, both from the Democratic Action Party (DAP). However, with DAP now part of the MADANI bloc, some fear this limited representation hinders effective opposition. YB Chong, a DAP leader, has previously remarked on how restricted the opposition’s platform is for voicing concerns.

    To ensure proper checks and balances on government expenditures, like this proposed Norway tour, Ngui argues there needs to be a stronger opposition presence. “If we want to hold the government accountable for all its expenses, we must have enough opposition seats to challenge such decisions.”

    Ngui also questions the logic behind modeling Kapit after Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway. "Why are we aiming to make Kapit like Bergen, or, for that matter, Lundu like Dubai and Sematan like Hawaii?" he asks, referencing past government comparisons. While Ngui respects these ambitious visions, he stresses the importance of realistic and well-planned implementation, starting with responsible spending and proper long-term planning. Without that, he fears such goals may remain unattainable.

    In conclusion, Ngui calls for wise spending and a strategic approach to development that is rooted in practicality, along with stronger oversight to ensure the government’s spending aligns with the needs and priorities of the people.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    "What About Us?" Sipitang SFI Residents Demand Equal Land Rights

    Sabah Chief Minister Hajiji Noor recently announced that part of the former Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) forest estate will be allocated as a village, with several thousand hectares designated for residents. This move aims to provide a solution for villagers in the former paper mill forest estate. He also directed the Sabah Land and Survey Department to implement the Sabah Native Customary Land Services Programme (PANTAS), which is designed to address long-standing land disputes by surveying and granting land titles to rightful owners who have long occupied and cultivated these areas.

    However, this announcement has sparked frustration among SFI residents in Sipitang, particularly from Jeffrey Baudi, who questioned why the allocated land was only given to the residents in Tenom and not in Sipitang. "What about us?" Baudi asked, expressing the disappointment felt by many in Sipitang who have been waiting for a resolution to their land concerns.

    Jeffrey Baudi pointed out that SFI owns over 288 hectares of forest land, and for the residents of Sipitang, the transfer of this land would be a significant step toward resolving the ongoing land dispute that has plagued them for years. According to Baudi, many SFI residents in Sipitang still feel like outsiders, living on land without clear ownership or rights. He argued that the residents of Sipitang deserve the same treatment as those in Tenom and should also be awarded land that they have long occupied.

    Jeffrey Baudi plans to formally request the Sabah Chief Minister to consider awarding land to the SFI residents in Sipitang, similar to the recent land allocation for the people of Tenom. He believes that this would finally address the long-standing grievances and provide much-needed security for the residents in his community.

Guest User
1 October 2024

On Today SHow

— Voon Lee Shan, lawyer expert on MA63 – MA63 Equality: Restructuring Parliamentary Seats for Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya
— Mr. Joseph from Kapit – Kapit's Struggle for Development: A Call for Change in Sarawak's Leadership
— Tobey Qi-Sean, Program Coordinator, MANDIRI – AUKU Outdated: MANDIRI Demands Government Repeal to Protect Student Rights

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Voon Lee Shan, peguam pakar tentang MA63 – Kesaksamaan MA63: Penyusunan Semula Kerusi Parlimen untuk Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya
— Encik Joseph dari Kapit – Perjuangan Kapit untuk Pembangunan: Seruan untuk Perubahan dalam Kepimpinan Sarawak
— Tobey Qi-Sean, Koordinator Program, MANDIRI – AUKU Tidak Relevan: MANDIRI Menuntut Kerajaan Membatalkan untuk Melindungi Hak Pelajar 

  • Special Randau
    1. DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang predicts that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will become one of the longest-serving prime ministers, provided Anwar passes the test of delivering justice and economic harmony for Malaysia.

    2. Sarawak's Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will launch its Youth Wing during the party’s annual general assembly in Sibu on October 5 and 6, 2024. PBB already has a Youth and Women’s Wing, and now we will launch a youth wing for the age group 18 to 28, said the party’s secretary-general, Alexander Nanta Linggi.

    3. Equal political power must be enforced to meet the demands of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), according to Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) President Voon Lee Shan. Voon stated that the allocation of parliamentary seats should be 74 for Sabah, 74 for Sarawak, and 74 for Malaya, bringing the total to 222 seats.


    Voon Lee Shan, Lawyer expert on MA63

    MA63 Equality: Restructuring Parliamentary Seats for Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya

    Voon Lee Shan expressed his views on a proposal put forth by four NGOs that are vocal about electoral reform—BERSIH, SARAWAK ROSE, TINDAK MALAYSIA, and ENGAGE. These NGOs suggested that one-third of the Senate seats in the Dewan Negara (Senate) be allocated to the Borneo states—Sabah and Sarawak—so they could veto any laws passed in the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) that could affect the rights of Sabah and Sarawak.

    However, Voon believes this is not an appropriate suggestion. In his opinion, the real power lies in the Dewan Rakyat. If Sabah and Sarawak are to have equal power, as agreed upon in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), then the number of seats in the Dewan Rakyat must be balanced. Currently, there are 222 seats in the Dewan Rakyat, but Sabah only has 25 seats, Sarawak 31, while the rest are in Malaya. According to Voon, the distribution should be restructured so that Sabah has 74 seats, Sarawak 74 seats, and Malaya 74 seats, keeping the total at 222. This, Voon argues, is the proposal that should be supported by all parties to restore the MA63 principle of political equality between Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya.

    He further adds that the appointment of Senators to the Dewan Negara is merely a reward for political party members who lost in elections or an appointment of intellectuals with specific expertise to assist the government in the cabinet. Voon's views align with those of 11 NGOs from Sarawak that oppose the SAMA Project (Stability and Accountability for Malaysia Project), which proposed that Sabah and Sarawak should have 35 Senators in the Dewan Negara to safeguard the interests of the two Borneo states. The SAMA Project's media statement was released on September 16, 2024, in conjunction with Malaysia Day.


    Mr. Joseph from Kapit

    Kapit's Struggle for Development: A Call for Change in Sarawak's Leadership

    Mr. Joseph commented during PMX's visit to Kapit, where PMX expressed his commitment to focusing on the development of Kapit, particularly in terms of roads and the repair of bridges in Kapit's interior. Despite the passage of time, Kapit remains underdeveloped, and this should open the eyes of the people to the need for awareness and change.

    PMX's speech, notably, differed from his role as the opposition leader. Due to the sentiment of the Madani government, PMX's address was more focused on promises rather than blaming the Sarawak government, which is widely known to have failed in advancing Sarawak's development.

    Kapit is the 7th division of Sarawak, but it should have its own technical school for the youth of Kapit. Currently, students have to travel to Mukah, Kuching, or Miri to pursue their education, as Kapit lacks a technical school. However, PMX did not touch on the issue of education during his visit.

    On a personal note, Mr. Joseph Jinggut does indeed wish for the GPS government to be replaced, as they have not been able to solve the poverty issue in Kapit. However, he sensibly believes that it is not entirely fair to blame the Sarawak government, as the people themselves have continued to elect a government that has impoverished them for the past 61 years. The people themselves must rise to bring about a new government to lead Sarawak.


    Tobey Qi-Sean, Program Coordinator, MANDIRI

    AUKU Outdated: MANDIRI Demands Government Repeal to Protect Student Rights

    MANDIRI strongly condemns Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for indoctrinating new students to comply with restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly. During UMS's Orientation Week, students were told that any gatherings without university approval are banned, which violates Article 10 of the Malaysian Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of speech and assembly.

    Tobey comment that, UMS's actions suppress student intellectual growth and expression, especially in the context of the Malaysia Madani government, which claims to support freedom and human rights. Ironically, Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, a former student activist, once fought for these very freedoms, but under his leadership, they are now being stifled.

    This suppression is rooted in the Universities and University Colleges Act (AUKU) 1971, which has long been used to silence student movements. AUKU is outdated in today’s Malaysia and must be abolished to restore students' rights to freely speak, assemble, and think critically.

    He said, MANDIRI urges the government, particularly Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Higher Education Minister Dato Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir, to immediately revoke AUKU. Students are the future of Malaysia, and their freedom must not be compromised.

Guest User
30 September 2024

On Today Show
— Baginda Minda, Resident of Kapit and is a member of PKR who together established the People's Justice party since the first day of its establishment – PM Anwar Ibrahim's Kapit Visit: A Turning Point for GPS-PH Cooperation?

— Mr Nicol dari Kch berkongsi mengenai isu Senator di Dewan Rakyat – Calls for Civil Society Senators: A Push for East Malaysia's True Representation
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – 33-Year Wait Ends: Families Finally Receive Homes in Cheras After Abandoned Project

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Baginda Minda, penduduk Kapit dan ahli PKR yang turut serta menubuhkan parti Keadilan Rakyat sejak hari pertama penubuhannya – Lawatan PM Anwar Ibrahim ke Kapit: Titik Peralihan untuk Kerjasama GPS-PH? 
— Encik Nicol dari Kch berkongsi mengenai isu Senator di Dewan Rakyat – Seruan untuk Senator dari Masyarakat Sivil: Usaha untuk Perwakilan Sebenar Malaysia Timur 
— S Arutchelvan, timbalan pengerusi PSM – Penantian 33 Tahun Berakhir: Keluarga Akhirnya Menerima Rumah di Cheras Selepas Projek Terbengkalai

  • Special Randau            

    1. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim hinted in the 2025 budget that will be presented on 18 Oct 2024, that the rich will no longer be given education subsidies.

    2. The wife of former finance minister Daim Zainuddin- Naimah abdul Khalid claimed that the investigation and prosecution against her and her husband were politically motivated. According to Naimah, the Bloomberg report shows that PMX did abuse the power to move the court case against them.

    3. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's 2-day working visit to Sarawak gives an impression of closer political cooperation in the upcoming state and state elections - said Bagidat Minda.

    4. PMX's work visit to Sarawak is more beneficial to GPS supporters - said a caller to RFS - a caller who did not want to be named said that. The prime minister was not allowed to meet the thousands of citizens and party supporters who were outside the Miri airport. (PMX is taken directly from the jet landing site - get into the car and go straight to another place) In addition, in the Civil Community program almost all the villages that got a grant of RM100k - funds to boost economic activities in Kamlung. The recipients of this grant are only GPS supporters - because the screening and approval is done by the state government. While the allocation is from the central government.


    Baginda Minda, Resident of Kapit and is a member of PKR who together established the People's Justice party since the first day of its establishment

    PM Anwar Ibrahim's Kapit Visit: A Turning Point for GPS-PH Cooperation?

    Baginda Minda commented on the impact of PMX Anwar Ibrahim's two-day visit to Kapit. According  Baginda, Anwar managed to erase all doubts about his ability all this time. Especially among Dayak voters, all this time GPS has been speculating that Anwar will not succeed in becoming prime minister. Anwar not only proved that he succeeded in becoming the prime minister, but the prime minister who was less than 2 years succeeded in driving the growth of Malaysia's economy. The average Kapit resident is happy with Anwar's presence - according to Baginda Minda. Anwar officiated several road and bridge projects and even more importantly officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kapit Police Headquarters. All this time the police capit has no headquarters. Only depend on the small police station. Asked if it is possible that GPS and PH/PKR will work together in the election. I'm positive it will happen, based on the speech and cooperation shown, even if it's not liked by supporters of both parties. I noticed supporters, even the GPS minister and PKR supporters gave negative comments regarding cooperation in the election. But I am confident that when the party's leadership decides to cooperate in the election, the supporters will agree - said  Baginda Minda.  According to Baginda Minda,Anwar chose Kapit as the parliamentary area he visited because he was aware that Kapit/Hulu Rajang was far behind in development, even though it was the parliamentary area of ​​Malaysia's founding father Tun Jugah, who was also the grandfather of works minister Alexander Nanta Linggi.  Baginda Minda called on the people of Sarawak to give 100% support to PMX and wait for the form of cooperation in the upcoming election.


    Mr Nicol dari Kch berkongsi mengenai isu Senator di Dewan Rakyat

    Calls for Civil Society Senators: A Push for East Malaysia's True Representation

    An advocacy group has proposed giving 15 additional Senate seats each to Sabah and Sarawak to ensure a one-third veto power to block any unilateral constitutional amendments by Peninsular Malaysia. Projek Sama pointed out that Sabah and Sarawak currently only have 7.1% representation in the Senate.

    Mr. Nicol expressed his agreement that the two East Malaysian states should be granted an increase in the number of Senators. However, he believes that a more suitable approach would be for Senators to be appointed from civil society representatives, such as NGOs, to ensure a proper system of checks and balances.

    He argued that currently, with GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) in power, the Senators representing Sarawak are from the same political coalition, which has not brought any real benefit to the people. The pressing issues faced by the local population continue to be overlooked because these Senators come from the same "ship" as the ruling party.

    Therefore, Mr. Nicol emphasized that appointing Senators from independent civil society representatives could ensure that the voices of the people of Sabah and Sarawak are heard and that the interests of these regions are properly safeguarded.


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    33-Year Wait Ends: Families Finally Receive Homes in Cheras After Abandoned Project

    After 33 years of waiting, 6 out of 7 families recently received keys to flats in Taman Harmoni in Cheras, following the abandonment of the low-cost housing project in Taman Sri Raya. They had purchased the homes in 1987, and the houses were supposed to be completed by 1992.

    The owner of the housing project is PSNB, a Selangor state government agency. In 2007, a group of the affected families met with PSM (Parti Sosialis Malaysia), and Arul led them in a series of strategic actions, including demonstrations in front of the Ministry of Housing.

    Initially, the agency suggested offering compensation, but the group demanded houses instead. Eventually, they succeeded and were given the keys to their homes free of charge last Thursday.

Guest User
27 September 2024

On Today Show

— Benjamin Lenjau, Resident of Uma Sambop Belaga – Land Rights Violated: Uma Sambop Demands Government Action Against MM Golden and SOPB
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief – Public Funds Should Benefit Sarawak, Not Extravagant Forums
— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst – Project SAMA Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Increase Senate Seats for East Malaysia

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Benjamin Lenjau, Penduduk Uma Sambop Belaga – Hak Tanah Dilanggar: Uma Sambop Tuntut Tindakan Kerajaan Terhadap MM Golden dan SOPB 
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Ketua Dapsy Kuching, Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) – Dana Awam Harus Manfaatkan Sarawak, Bukan Forum Mewah 
— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Ahli Akademik dan Penganalisis Politik – Project SAMA Tuntut Pindaan Perlembagaan untuk Tambah Kerusi Senator bagi Malaysia Timur

  • Special Randau
    1. Why are there no arrests and prosecutions against the MM Golden logging company sdn.bhd and UU Greens sdn.bhd who encroached and committed illegal logging in the NCR land area of ​​Uma Sambop Belaga. Is it because the owner is a deputy minister. A deputy minister of natural resources and environmental sustainability like Huang Tiong Sii should feel ashamed and take more responsibility.

    2. Former prime minister Najib claimed that his personal account at Ambank was used for CSR purposes. When testifying in the hearing of SRC International's suit against him today, Najib said that the account ending with the number 694 was opened in 2011 and closed two years later. SRC International's lawyer, Lim Chee Wee, cross-examined Najib regarding the former prime minister's bank statement which showed that US$70 million was deposited into the account in 2012. SRC filed the suit under the new management in May 2021, alleging that Najib committed fraud trust and abuse of power, as well as obtaining personal profits from the company's funds, in addition to misappropriating billions of ringgit. SRC is also seeking a court declaration that the defendant is responsible for the company's losses due to alleged breach of responsibility and trust, as well as asking Najib to repay RM42 million


    Benjamin Lenjau, Resident of Uma Sambop Belaga

    Land Rights Violated: Uma Sambop Demands Government Action Against MM Golden and SOPB

    A few months ago, Benjamin spoke to RFS reporting the encroachment by the company MM Golden sdn.bhd and UU Greend Sdn.Bhd against the forest/land of the residents of Uma Sambop. In simple language, illegal logging occurs in ncr land areas. Both of these companies are linked to Malaysia's deputy minister of natural resources and environmental sustainability Huang Tiong Sii. Following that on 12 Sept 2024, Benjamin made an official report to Suhakam and a copy of the report to the police, sprm, the Sarawak premier's office, the prime minister's office and the Sarawak forest department. As a result of the report, the forest department confiscated some logs that were cut by the MM Golden company on Sept 24, 2024. However, Benjamin and the residents of Uma Sambop were not satisfied because no arrests and prosecutions were made against the owner of the MM Golden company. We the residents of Uma Sambop demand transparency and firmness from the authorities in law enforcement. We want in the near future there will be action against companies that illegally log and encroach on our land - said Benjamin Lenjau. Benjamin and the residents of Uma Sambop also demanded that the oil palm plantation company SOPB - pay compensation to the residents of Uma Sambop for opening an oil palm plantation on the land of Uma Sambop but until now they have not paid any compensation or damages.


    Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief

    Public Funds Should Benefit Sarawak, Not Extravagant Forums

    Michael Kong, special assistant to DAP Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen, called for the Sarawak government to re-evaluate its spending priorities and focus on state development and public welfare. He criticized the government for spending RM533,988.65 on a Leadership Forum in Langkawi in January 2024, suggesting that the money could have been better spent on infrastructure, education, or local businesses. Kong praised the federal government’s recent decision to cancel a costly exhibition trip to Berlin, noting that it demonstrated fiscal responsibility, which has led to positive investor confidence and strengthened the Malaysian ringgit. He urged Sarawak to follow the federal government’s example to ensure prudent use of public funds, which would benefit the state and promote economic growth.


    Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst

    Project SAMA Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Increase Senate Seats for East Malaysia

    In principle, Project SAMA, supported by Rose, Bersih, Engage, and Tindak Malaysia, proposes an increase in the representation of Sabah and Sarawak in the Senate. Currently, there are 70 members in the Senate, with only 2 seats each for Sabah and Sarawak, plus 1 seat for Labuan. This gives East Malaysia only 5 members, which is less than 7% of the total.

    This means that Sabah and Sarawak have significantly less power than West Malaysia. Project SAMA proposes adding 15 additional senator seats for Sabah and Sarawak, raising their total to 17%, plus 1 representative from Labuan. This would give East Malaysia a total of 35 members in a Senate with 100 members, granting them veto power over any constitutional amendments.

    This proposal is realistic if we want to give Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan veto power before the 16th General Election. The amendment required to increase the number of senator seats only affects Article 45 of the Constitution, which is straightforward. As long as both Parliament and the Senate agree with a two-thirds majority, the amendment can be passed and approved, making this proposal achievable.

Guest User
26 September 2024

On Today Show
— Mandau ak Dinggat- Nanga Ingu Kabo, Saratok – The Saratok Equation: How GPS and Ali Biju Shape the Future of Iban Politics
— Munan Laja from Kapit – Addressing Long-Awaited Rural Concerns: PMX's Visit to Kapit

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Mandau ak Dinggat- Nanga Ingu Kabo, Saratok – Persamaan Saratok: Bagaimana GPS dan Ali Biju Membentuk Masa Depan Politik Iban 
— Munan Laja dari Kapit – Menangani Isu-isu Luar Bandar yang Lama Tertunggak: Lawatan PMX ke Kapit

  • Special Randau

                    1. 2-day working visit to Sarawak by prime minister anwar ibrahim. Several programs are organized in the cities of Miri and Kapit. The prime minister will attend 2 events in Miri and 4 events in Kapit. The public is invited to welcome the arrival of prime minister Anwar Ibrahim at Miri airport on 28 Sept 2024 at 2pm in their traditional clothes. In Miri, there will be a Madani Rakyat program and a dinner with the Sarawak state leadership. In Kapit, PMX is expected to attend a meeting of leaders with the people at the Kapit community hall, the ground-breaking ceremony for the new Kapit police headquarters complex, a site survey of the new Yong river bridge project, Kapit and a friendly meeting with the people at the home of Robert Nanga Sebatu Kapit.

                    2. Yb Ali Biju has a chance to lose in Saratok Parliament and Dun Krian if he continues with PN.  The news that is currently circulating states that Bahaea Ali Biju will contest in the Krian state seat which he won before. However, the chances of winning have decreased due to several issues, particularly the issue of the Islamic supremacy of the Malay party and GPS, which is increasingly sprinkled with many projects.


    Mandau ak Dinggat- Nanga Ingu Kabo, Saratok.

    The Saratok Equation: How GPS and Ali Biju Shape the Future of Iban Politics

    Mandau gives a brief overview of the Saratok parliament and the 3 duns included in this parliamentary area. The Dun concerned are Krian, Kelaka and Kabong. Krian represented the majority of Iban voters. Makala Dun Kalaka and Kabong voters are majority Malays. But if all 3 duns in the Saratok parliament are combined. Iban is still the majority of 65%. The rest is gone. Therefore, YB Ali Biju's position in the Saratok parliament in the next general election may not necessarily win, even though he is quite popular among the locals. But according to Mandau GPS has an advantage in Kabong and Kalaka because GPS is a local party, the majority of Melanau voters and GPS is seeding many projects at the moment and before voting day - surely money politics will dominate. Although YB Ali Biju is quite popular among the local residents of the Kerian State Assembly area - because before he was the YB of the area. YB Friday ak Belik is increasingly competing with him now with GPS sowing many projects. YB ALi Biju is still popular among Krian residents for supplying residents with 2 kobelco excavators to help residents level house sites, build roads and bridges and to help residents in palm oil plantations for free. GPS has implemented many infra projects for local residents. Because of that there is a possibility if a 3-cornered competition is held between GPS, PH and PN Ali Biju. It is possible that GPS will win - said Mandau. But if PH is given a similar allocation by the Prime Minister - like GPS has. PH also has bright hopes because the vote will be split. Mandau said that residents are aware that Ali Biju represents the PN party - the party of Malay supremacy. Ali Biju will not be able to do anything related to good policies for the Iban people because this party is dominated by Muslim Malays. But many will still vote for Ali Biju because of his service and goodness. It can be concluded that GPS is leading in Kerian, followed by ALi Biju - PN and Ph/PKR far behind. Asked if Iban voters will win ALi Biju in Krian if he stands using an independent party that fights for Dayak/Iban interests. Mandau thinks that not only in Krian, but also in other places, support for Dayak candidates who are believed to be fighting to defend the Dayaks will be given victory.


    Mr. Munan Laja from Kapit

    Addressing Long-Awaited Rural Concerns: PMX's Visit to Kapit

    Munan Laja is extremely pleased with the upcoming visit of Prime Minister PMX to Kapit this Sunday. This long-awaited visit brings hope to the local community, as they have been waiting for an opportunity like this for years. Many important issues affecting the people in the rural interior of Kapit have been ongoing, and the presence of PMX signals that these matters may finally receive the attention they deserve. The people are optimistic that PMX is aware of their struggles and is in a position to bring about the changes they need.

    There are two primary concerns that the people of Kapit hope PMX will prioritize during his visit:

    1. Issuance of NCR (Native Customary Rights) land grants under Section 18: This is one of the most pressing issues for the indigenous communities in Kapit. For years, the Sarawak government has failed to respect and acknowledge the customary land rights of the native people, a fundamental aspect of their identity and livelihood. The GPS government has not only ignored their claims but has also allowed land encroachments, issuing licenses for commercial activities on ancestral lands. This has led to disputes, displacements, and the erosion of the indigenous people's heritage and connection to the land. The people hope that PMX will address this injustice and push for the rightful issuance of land grants under Section 18 of the Sarawak Land Code, ensuring that the land is protected and returned to its rightful owners.

    2. Improved infrastructure and essential services in rural areas: The rural communities in Kapit suffer from a severe lack of infrastructure, particularly when it comes to roads and transportation. Most of the roads in the area are in poor condition, making it difficult for residents to travel, especially since many cannot afford four-wheel-drive vehicles, which are necessary to navigate the rugged terrain. For those living in these remote areas, proper infrastructure is not a luxury but a lifeline. In addition to roads, there is a dire need for better access to healthcare facilities, such as clinics, which are often too far away or inadequately staffed to serve the population's needs. Similarly, the state of rural schools needs serious attention. Many of the schools in these areas are in disrepair, with outdated facilities and limited resources, depriving children of a quality education.

    The people of Kapit are hopeful that PMX’s visit will not only shine a spotlight on these critical issues but will also result in concrete actions to improve their lives. They believe that with PMX’s leadership, there is a real opportunity to address the land rights issue and to ensure the rural population has access to basic infrastructure, healthcare, and education—necessities that should be a given for all citizens, regardless of their location.

Guest User
25 September 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah, General Secretary SADIA – Sarawak’s Timber Industry Under Fire: NGOs Push for EU Action to Protect Indigenous Rights
— Bruce Yee, the PKR branch leader for Sarikei – 30 Minutes From Town, But 30 Years Without Water: Sg Ribong’s Struggle for Clean Water

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Industri Perhutanan Sarawak Di Bawah Tekanan: NGO Desak Tindakan EU Untuk Melindungi Hak-Hak Orang Asal 
— Bruce Yee, Ketua Cabang PKR Sarikei – 30 Minit Dari Bandar, Tetapi 30 Tahun Tanpa Air: Perjuangan Sg Ribong Untuk Mendapatkan Air Bersih

  • Special Randau            
    1. The SADIA office in Kuching Sarawak almost every day receives complaints from the Orang Asal community about land and forest encroachment throughout the state of Sarawak. This shows that the logging, mining and oil palm plantation companies do not comply with and respect the customs and culture of the local communities who own the land and forest. - said SADIA secretary general- nicholas Mujah.

    2. The trial of the US$1.18 billion SRC fund embezzlement case at the Kuala Lumpur High Court. SRC alleged that Najib controlled the board of directors through Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil. The company's chief executive officer. Acknowledging that Nik Faisal represented himself. But Najib denied that he was in a position to micromanage the company. Investment decisions are made by the board of directors after due diligence.

    3. The ringgit maintained its upward momentum against the US and surpassed the RM4.14 level for the first time since November 2021.


    Nicholas Mujah, General Secretary SADIA

    Sarawak’s Timber Industry Under Fire: NGOs Push for EU Action to Protect Indigenous Rights

    Several local and international NGOs have urged the EU to classify Sarawak's wood products as "high risk" under the new EUDR regulations that will come into force in 2025. Nicholas Mujah, representing SADIA, also expressed agreement with the NGOs' call. The SADIA office in Kuching receives almost daily reports of encroachment on indigenous people's land by logging companies, oil palm plantations, and mining operations, a result of decades of unchecked aggression. According to Nicholas, the devastating effects of climate change are already being felt, and without decisive action from the EU, the invasion and dispossession of the indigenous people's land and rights will continue.

    He addressed concerns that blocking Sarawak's wood products, palm oil, and mining products from the EU market might negatively impact the economy of Sarawak and Malaysia. However, Nicholas clarified that the EUDR does not mean a total ban on sales. Instead, products must be produced in compliance with transparent laws that respect the rights, customs, and culture of local and indigenous populations.

    Nicholas also pointed out that the GPS government in Sarawak often cites MTCS (Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme) as proof of compliance with industry standards. However, he criticized the MTCS audit process, stating that it relies too heavily on existing laws and fails to respect the rights and customs of the indigenous communities that own the forests. He added that the MTCS audit does not account for the social impact, and worse, the audit teams often consist of individuals from the timber industry itself. Furthermore, state-level enforcement agencies responsible for approving logging permits are frequently influenced by powerful politicians, leading to logging and plantation activities that violate indigenous rights.


    Bruce Yee, the PKR branch leader for Sarikei,

    30 Minutes From Town, But 30 Years Without Water: Sg Ribong’s Struggle for Clean Water

    Bruce Yee shared about the struggles of the people in Sg Ribong, Sarikei, who have not had access to clean water for the past 30 years. They have been forced to rely entirely on dirty river water. Access to clean water is a basic human necessity, yet it seems that the Sarawak government has made no effort to assist the people. Although the Sarawak government claims that Sarawak is a developed and high-income state, the reality is that the people are still underdeveloped and poor.

    During dry seasons, villagers in Sg Ribong are often forced to walk 2 kilometers just to find water for bathing. It is unbearable for the residents to have to walk such long distances. Every election, GPS frequently promises to provide clean water to the people, but after the elections, these promises remain empty.

    There are 8 longhouses along the same road suffering from the lack of clean water, with 481 families still using polluted river water for bathing. According to Bruce Yee, it would not be difficult for the Sarawak government to extend treated water pipelines, as the population of Sg Ribong, Sarikei is only a 30-minute drive from the Sarikei market.

    It is unreasonable that the Sarawak government cannot provide clean water access to the people in Sg Ribong. It is also unfair for the Sarawak state government to request development funds from the federal government but fail to implement projects for the benefit of the people.

    Could it be that because Abang Jo once belittled the people of Sarawak, claiming that Sarawakians are wealthy because they can afford to buy Hilux vehicles, the government is neglecting the needs of the rural people?

Guest User
24 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of the Agricultural Heritage Village sg. Patin Bintulu – Dispute Over Similajau National Park Boundaries: Residents Demand Compensation for Encroachment
— Dennis Along, Social activist from Mulu – Federal Assistance for Flood Centers Undermines GPS's Capabilities

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian sg. Patin Bintulu – Pertikaian Mengenai Sempadan Taman Negara Similajau: Penduduk Menuntut Pampasan atas Pencerobohan 
— Dennis Along, Aktivis Sosial dari Mulu – Bantuan Persekutuan untuk Pusat Banjir Merendahkan Keupayaan GPS

  • Special Randau            

    1. The Royal Malaysian Police has opened an investigation paper regarding a viral video showing the glorious Malaysian flag being taken down in front of the Victoria Parliament building, Melbourne- Australia, and replaced by the Sabah and Sarawak flags. It is said to have happened on 16 September 2024 as a symbol of the end of Malaya/Malaysia's colonization of Sabah and Sarawak and the declaration of Sabah and Sarawak as a republic.

    2. The SFC encroached, felled oil palm trees, dug holes and large ditches to prevent the villagers of the agricultural heritage park from entering their garden area. The residents filed a police report for strict action and they demanded compensation from the SFC. A conflict occurred between the SFC and the residents when the SFC claimed that the residents were encroaching on the Similajau National Park. But what is happening now is the opposite - said Panting.


    Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of the Agricultural Heritage Village sg. Patin Bintulu.

    Dispute Over Similajau National Park Boundaries: Residents Demand Compensation for Encroachment

    Tr Panting gave an update on what happened after the meeting at the IPD Bintulu Police Office - which was also attended by former Sarawak state chief secretary Datuk Amar Morshidi Abdul Ghani. All parties agreed to go down to the field to see the boundary of the Similajau national park with the residential lots / agricultural areas. For 2 days the residents waited for the SFC to go and see the border. But the SFC was absent and did not show its face. For suspecting something has happened. So the residents dared to enter the fenced area. Apparently for the past few weeks, when the SFC was doing roadblocks. They have entered our garden, cut down more than 20 oil palm trees and dug with a bulldozer 3 big holes/trenches so that our car cannot enter the garden area. This is a form of encroachment on our garden and we will demand compensation. During the meeting I stated that the distance between our garden and the border of the national park is 1.65 km as agreed upon when we were first given permission to explore the area. It was clearly confirmed by SFC officials that the third exstantion was gazetted in 2018. This shows that we have been gardening in the area in question earlier (2009) before 2018. This proves that we were given permission in advance before the third exstantion in 2018. On SFC's encroachment on the garden us. We have made a police report for immediate action- said Panting.


    Dennis Along, Social activist from Mulu

    Federal Assistance for Flood Centers Undermines GPS's Capabilities

    Putrajaya will assist the Sarawak government in setting up two additional major flood preparation centers in Sibu and Miri ahead of the year-end monsoon season. These centers will supplement the existing ones in Kuching and Samarahan. Each center, costing RM6.1 million, will store supplies for up to 30,000 flood victims and be equipped with food, tents, blankets, mattresses, and wheelchairs.

    Dennis Along criticized the GPS government regarding Putrajaya's assistance in establishing flood disaster centers in Miri and Sibu.

    "This is extremely embarrassing because flood preparedness centers are a minor issue that GPS should be able to handle without federal assistance. Does Sarawak not have money? When Abang Jo is so eager to launch mega projects like supplying electricity to neighboring countries, and Sarawak has billions of ringgit in reserves, this should be a manageable task."

    "This proves that GPS has failed to develop Sarawak and its people over the past 60 years. They can't even provide basic necessities like clean water and roads for rural communities. Their progress only benefits themselves and their cronies."

    "We must bury GPS in the next state election."

Guest User
23 September 2024

On Today Show
— Komeok Joe- Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization – Penan Leader Criticizes Timber Companies for Illegal Activities and Deception
— Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak – From Education to Solar Energy: Three-Pronged Charity Effort in Sarawak
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park –150KM Trek: A Call for Support to Solve Water Crisis in Sabah


Topik Pada Hari
— Komeok Joe - Pengerusi Organisasi Penan Keruan – Pemimpin Penan Mengkritik Syarikat Pembalakan atas Aktiviti Haram dan Penipuan
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Dari Pendidikan ke Tenaga Solar: Usaha Kebajikan Tiga Serampang di Sarawak 
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Residen Taman Perumahan SFI – Perjalanan 150KM: Seruan Sokongan untuk Menyelesaikan Krisis Air di Sabah 

  • Opening and Randau 23 Sept 2024.

                    1. The Borneoland Timber Logging Company should be taken into action and brought to court for employing foreign workers without a permit and committing illegal encroachment and logging in the Komeok Joe forest reserve.

                    2. Sarawak film Tegkang won an award in London - a film that tells the story of life in the Bario highlands and the culture of the Kelabit tribe was selected as the winner of the best new film making award session at the recent First-Time Filmmaker Schowcase


    Komeok Joe- Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization.

    Penan Leader Criticizes Timber Companies for Illegal Activities and Deception

    On 19 Sept 2024, The New Sarawak Tribune reported that - the Sarawak government will establish a special task force to deal with the main issues that are delaying the development of the Penan community. That is according to Sarawak Premier Johari Openg. At the same time Johari received 13 memorandums from the Penan people which were delivered by Pemanca Uning Bong. The Premier said that Penan cooperation with some NGOs may not reflect the true will of the Penan people. Komeok said that the act of establishing a special task force is a reasonable step and the main issue of the Penan people at the moment is the problem of citizenship, health, education, environment and infra facilities. The Sarawak government should not blame NGOs for penan poverty. NGOs do not have financial resources like the government. NGOs only help as much as they can. Last Friday I was in Hulu Limbang to complete the tap water supply project for penan there. I ask the government to take strict action against the Borneoland Timber company for logging in the Penan forest reserve in Ba Data Bila. What they did was an invasion. They cut down trees in a large area without the consent of the penan. This company also employs foreign workers without permits. 10 people have been arrested, but we believe many are still hiding in the forest. The government should act strictly against them. They are not doing road and bridge projects as claimed. If there is a project there must be a sign and there must be a tender. This company is encroaching on forests, doing illegal logging, fooling and deceiving people.


    Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    From Education to Solar Energy: Three-Pronged Charity Effort in Sarawak

    The Aero Big Charity Program was actually an aerobic exercise event held in Miri, Sibu, and, most recently, in Kuching. The purpose of this program is to serve as a platform for MUDA to collect funds for three main causes:

    1. Reviving an Abandoned Penan Preschool – Education is crucial for the Penan community's future. By reviving the preschool, it ensures that young Penan children have access to early education, which is vital for their development and future opportunities. Without this, the cycle of poverty and marginalization could continue in their community.

    2. Helping Stateless Children in Sibu Receive Education on Their Rights – Stateless children are often deprived of basic rights, including access to education and healthcare. By educating them about their rights, it empowers them to seek legal status and protections, giving them a chance for a better future. These children need support to break free from their disadvantaged situation.

    3. Installing Solar Systems in Kampung Chawan, Kuching – Many squatters in Kampung Chawan live without reliable electricity. Installing solar power will improve their quality of life, providing essential lighting and reducing dependency on costly or harmful energy sources. This initiative helps address energy inequality and provides a sustainable solution for the community.

    For the solar system, a company has agreed to send a technical team with no installation costs, making the project more feasible.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    150KM Trek: A Call for Support to Solve Water Crisis in Sabah

    Solo walker Jeffrey Baudi has completed his 150km mission to raise funds for a tube well project to meet the needs of the SFI community in Sabah. The mission only raised just over RM800, donated by the community along the 150km route. Although the fundraising results were not encouraging, he will not stop until he succeeds in fulfilling the need for water.

    Jeffrey Baudi hopes that after completing the walk, he can raise awareness about the critical need for funds to ensure a water supply for survival. The community cannot fully rely on bottled drinking water sold in the market, which many cannot afford to buy every day.


Guest User
13 September 2024

On Today Show

— Tr Panting Ak Baling- Head of Similajau agricultural heritage village, Bintulu – Clash Over Agricultural Rights: Villagers Challenge SFC’s Authority on Similajau National Park
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Power for Neighbors, Neglect for Locals: Sarawak’s Priorities Under Fire
— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Youth Engagement Key in BERSIH’s Push for Clean Elections

Topik Pada Hari Ini 
— Tr Panting Ak Baling - Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Similajau, Bintulu – Pertembungan Hak Pertanian: Penduduk Mencabar Kuasa SFC di Taman Negara Similajau 
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Elektrik untuk Negara Jiran, Keperluan Tempatan Diabaikan: Keutamaan Sarawak Dipertikaikan 
— Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 – Penglibatan Belia Kunci Utama dalam Usaha BERSIH untuk Pilihan Raya Bersih

  • Special Randau
                    1. The SFC failed to come to the field to determine the boundaries of the national park and the residents' agricultural land as decided in a meeting with the heads of government agencies at the IPD Buntulu police office yesterday. This proves that the SFC's claim that we are trespassers is not true - said tr Panting.

                    2. The ART project costing rm6 billion is not a priority, the money should be used to develop infrastructure outside the city - said Pending assemblyman - YB Violet Yong. Yong argued that the cost of ART using hydrogen is prohibitive and such projects in China have already been cancelled. He wondered why the Sarawak government still wanted to continue it.

                    3. SCRIPS is concerned about the presence of outsiders coming to measure the villagers' land without the residents' permission. They are not indigenous nor are they local. They are outsiders who claim to be sent by some government agency- said scrips secretary general Micheal Jok. The incident claimed by Michael is taking place in his village Long Bangan and the nearby village of Uma Sambop in the upper reaches of the Belaga river.


    Tr Panting Ak Baling- Head of Similajau agricultural heritage village, Bintulu.

    Clash Over Agricultural Rights: Villagers Challenge SFC’s Authority on Similajau National Park

    The conflict between the villagers and the SFC reached a critical level when a blockade was set up by the villagers in front of the entrance to their agricultural area which is claimed to be included in the Similajau National Park area. Residents claim - during the administration of Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem. The area is outside the national park and was given by Adenan when he sympathized with the poor people who came to migrate to bintulu town to find work. When more and more members of the public came to give support to the villagers of agricultural heritage in an effort to defend their rights. The SFC set up roadblocks at the entrance to the agricultural area, making it difficult for residents to get in and out. Aware of this problem, yesterday the IPD Bintulu police called a meeting which was also attended by the former Chief Secretary of Sarawak Mohammad Morshidi Abdul Ghani (2009-2019) who was on duty when Adenan was Chief Minister of Sarawak. Present in the meeting IPD Bintulu Police Chief, Head of Bintulu Land and Survey Department, villagers and SFC. The meeting decided that the SFC and the villagers should go to the field to determine the boundaries as approved by the Adenan Satem administration. But until late this evening, the SFC failed to appear, thus proving that they were on the wrong side and the residents remained with the argument - that they were not intruders. The agricultural land they occupied was a gift from Adenan Satem.


    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0
    *Youth Engagement Key in BERSIH’s Push for Clean Elections*

    Faizal Aziz stated that the upcoming roadshow provides an opportunity for youth to participate in activism, as BERSIH sees the need for a new generation to continue the struggle for democracy and reform, particularly in the fight for clean and fair elections. He emphasized that it is important to stay current with the aspirations of younger generations, which is why BERSIH is promoting their involvement in this campaign across states outside the Klang Valley.

    According to Faizal, the program aims to listen to the voices of young people, who may have significant concerns related to education, job opportunities, and the economy. He believes it is crucial to push forward the voices of the youth, especially with the implementation of Undi18, as they must be aware of their rights.

    He also highlighted the issue of redelineation, stressing the need for a fair process and the importance of young people having the opportunity to voice their opinions. Faizal mentioned that the roadshow will visit Sarawak from October 6-9.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    Power for Neighbors, Neglect for Locals: Sarawak’s Priorities Under Fire

    Paul Wan listened to RFS online yesterday and wanted to share his opinion on the issue of the undersea cable project for the transmission of electricity to neighboring countries like Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, and Indonesia. Paul is deeply disappointed with the actions that continue to neglect the development of essential services for the people in the Baram interior, and Sarawak in general. He noted that the state itself has yet to be fully equipped with electricity, clean water connections, and the most desired need of all—roads. These three basic needs have not been fulfilled in the past 61 years, yet the government is proud to channel electricity to neighboring countries. Is this fair to the people of Sarawak?

    The people are not asking for money all the time, but they do want these three vital needs met. However, the Sarawak government, led by PBB GPS, continually denies progress for the people.

    Why not fulfill the needs of the people first, and only then provide electricity to neighboring countries?

Guest User