1 February 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu – Villagers Publicly Oppose Dam Construction, Criticize Lack of Transparency and Question Leaders' Credibility
— Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram – Ineffective Communication Systems Leave Interior Villagers Out of the Loop on Current Affairs
— Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak – Controversial Pardon Rumors Elicit Strong Opposition from Public
— Asraf Sharafi, Bersih senior manager – Ensuring Accountability: Bersih Calls for Public Disclosure of Election Information

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Long Terawan, Mulu – Penduduk Menentang Pembinaan Empangan Secara Terbuka, Mengkritik Ketiadaan Ketelusan dan Mempersoal Kredibiliti Pemimpin
— Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram – Sistem Komunikasi yang Tidak Berkesan Meninggalkan Penduduk Dalam Terokai Isu Semasa
— Chris Lau, Wartawan Bebas dari Sarawak – Khabar Angin Pembebasan Kontroversi Menimbulkan Penentangan Kuat dari Awam
— Asraf Sharafi, Pengurus Kanan Bersih – Memastikan Tanggungjawab: Bersih Mendesak Penyingkapan Awam Maklumat Pilihan Raya

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari- unprofessional, disrespectful to the villagers and uncivilized. Johari Openg just issued a statement stating that the government will build dams in Tutoh, Belaga and Gaat. He never asked for permission, dialogue, meeting with the community in the area. When getting opposition from the population. Johari Openg used community leaders, penghulu and local Yb to defend his actions. Johari should be more professional and use the right channels to implement what he wants. Johari and GPS should be ashamed to continue promoting the dam project. Because the people in the resettlement of the dam project are much poorer than their previous lives.

    2. Although it is not yet confirmed that the news of Former Prime Minister Najib Razak has been pardoned, but several international media have reported it, among them CNA Singapore- which reported that Najib got a partial pardon for good behavior (prison sentence and fine reduced by half). If this is true, this is a shame. Without denying the right of the King/Agong who has absolute power in the issue of pardon. Forgiveness should not only be given to VVIP prisoners. Ordinary people who steal bread because of hunger should also be given forgiveness. The person who caused Malaysia to incur a debt of rm50 billion should be severely punished. Instead of being pardoned and released - to serve as a warning to anyone who wants to steal the country's money. The majority of Malaysians want the punishment set by the Court to be fully implemented.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu.

    *Villagers Publicly Oppose Dam Construction, Criticize Lack of Transparency and Question Leaders' Credibility*

    The war of words between supporters of dam building and anti-dam is heating up in Tutoh. Wednesday, Mulu assemblyman Gerawat Gala announced to the media that the majority of tribal leaders in Tutoh supported the GPS government's plan to build the Tutoh dam. Gerawat said that the residents agreed because they were aware of the economic benefits and the minimal impact on the environment. On January 30, 2023 - the tribal leaders, led by the area chief Tutoh Benedict Wak said, only a small group opposes the construction of the tutoh dam and they do not represent the voice of the local population, they are not in the village, do not attend meetings and are anti-development.

    Dennis explained that they are the largest group representing the people of Tutoh who are against the construction of the Tutoh dam. To date, more than 600 people have signed a petition against the construction of the dam.

    They are often denied the right to attend meetings. The meeting is set on a certain date, but is made at another time. More importantly they are not anti-development.

    Dennis emphasize that, they want clean water, paved roads, electricity, sec 18 land measurement for development. All this was mentioned by GPS in their manifesto during the state elections, and the communities have support. In the manifesto, there is no mention of the government's plan to build a dam.

    Dennis question, is it true that there is support from the tribal leaders who support the construction of the dam? If the name of support dams has revealed, then they also ready to reveal the number of Tutoh residents who oppose the construction of the dam and will send a letter and list to the Premier of Sarawak.

    Dennis said it is important on transparency, and they work with transparence. On the other hand, the Premier of Sarawak, His Excellency, Ministers and tribal leaders are working in the dark and are unprofessional.

    He conclude that building dams does benefit the state government and their crony contractors. But look at what happened in Bakun and Murum. The people there live harder than before. They also pay electricity bills like other Sarawak residents. They are poorer than anyone who don't have hydro dams. Dennis also ask who works at all the hydro stations in Sarawak. Are they local people there?


    Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram

    *Ineffective Communication Systems Leave Interior Villagers Out of the Loop on Current Affairs*

    Dominic Langat shares his views on the dire state of Wi-Fi accessibility in rural areas, stating that it is severely lacking and practically unusable. This is crucial in the modern era where internet connectivity is essential, especially in remote regions, as these communication lines are vital for connecting and sharing information.

    Over the 60 years since gaining independence, the Sarawak government is perceived to be hindering rural communities, preventing them from staying informed about the happenings around them. This is seen as restricting the people's freedom to use the internet, even though the government has the capability to address this issue.

    Regarding 5G, Dominic expresses that it is not a solution, as even in urban areas, he experiences difficulties obtaining a signal.


    Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak

    *Controversial Pardon Rumors Elicit Strong Opposition from Public*

    Chris said that, news is flying everywhere, although unconfirmed, the possibility of a pardon has emerged sooner than expected. He has only been imprisoned for 2 years, and the gravity of his offenses is unforgivable to the entire nation. Therefore, if a pardon, be it a reduction in sentence or any other possibility, were to occur, it would be unacceptable.

    He believes that this is a tactic employed by UMNO, attempting to release Najib to regain the support of the Malay community. However, the majority of the Malay community today is rational, well aware of Najib's actions, and his release would not inspire them. Corruption has led to a setback in the Malaysian economy, affecting everyone.

    He asserts that if Najib is pardoned, Anwar's support will also undergo a change. After being in power for only a year, with people expecting him to combat corruption and establish a clean nation, the release of the biggest corrupt offender would be a significant blow to supporters, especially when success in these efforts has not been fully achieved.


    Asraf Sharafi, Bersih senior manager

    *Ensuring Accountability: Bersih Calls for Public Disclosure of Election Information*

    Bersih monitored elections in six states and various by-elections last year, employing Election Observers to scrutinize the electoral processes. Subsequently, the organization initiated the preparation of an election observation report, focusing on the election process and identifying election offenses. The report revealed a staggering number of over 300 offenses, with the majority occurring on polling day.

    Asraf said that, Bersih expressing concern over the transparency and accountability of the electoral process, called upon the Election Commission (EC) to submit the election report to Parliament. Despite the EC's submission, the report remained inaccessible to the public.

    Bersih emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in electoral proceedings and aims to uncover crucial information such as the budget allocation for the elections, issues detected during the election period, and any police reports filed by other agencies. The organization believes that tabling these issues in Parliament is essential for addressing and rectifying electoral shortcomings.

    Bersih advocates for the public disclosure of the report, provided it does not compromise sensitive information. The intention is to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the identified issues, enabling collaborative efforts to develop effective strategies and solutions to address electoral challenges.

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