2 February 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Political and News Analyst – Controversial Pardon: Public Outcry Expected as Najib Sees Sentence Reduction
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Accountability Matters: Projek SAMA Raises Alarms on Najib's Pardon Proces
— Mr George from Miri – Unveiling Taib Mahmood's Legacy: Calls for Investigation into Political Wealth and Environmental Impact

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik – Pengampunan Kontroversial: Dijangka timbul kemarahan rakyat akibat pengampunan kepada Najib
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Pengerusi Projek KeStabilan dan Akauntabiliti untuk Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Akauntabiliti Penting: Projek SAMA Memetik Perhatian Mengenai Proses Pengampunan Najib
— Encik George dari Miri – Seruan untuk Siasat Taib Mahmud mengenai Kekayaan Politik dan Impak Alam Sekitar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Najib Razak got a partial pardon and the probability of getting parole is also quite positive. With Najib's release, will Anwar Ibrahim's administration be more loved or hated?

    2. Today Daim and his wife applied for the cancellation of the criminal charges against them on the grounds that the SPRM's actions were misleading, the SPRM's investigation was unfounded and the commission did not reveal the nature of the offense that had been investigated against him since last year.

    3. MACC should not forget Taib Mahmud. Even though Taib Mahmud is no longer the TYT of Sarawak. The people of Sarawak still do not want him to be forgotten. MACC once opened investigation papers against him and now. After no longer being TYT, MACC certainly has more time to investigate him. The people of Sarawak also want to know if he resigned as TYT or if he was fired. The people of Sarawak hope that the new TYT can ensure that there are no more poor families in Sarawak. Sarawak is a state rich in natural resources.


    Iswardy Morni, Political and News Analyst

    *Controversial Pardon: Public Outcry Expected as Najib Sees Sentence Reduction*

    Iswardy shared the news that has just been published by a nationwide news portal that Najib Razak got a partial pardon. Fined RM50 million and expected to be released in August 2028, 6 years earlier than the actual imprisonment time.

    According to Iswardy, whether we like it or not - Najib still has the influence, finances, position and political power to force such a decision. Malaysia is a country that has practiced the parole system since 2008. Where prisoners who have served one third of their sentence, can apply for parole (incarceration at home) for the remainder of their sentence. This means that Najib only has to wait another 7 months to apply for parole.

    Regarding the effect of political support and the effect on Anwar Ibrahim's PMX administration, It is certain that the general public will be angry with PMX and even more unfortunate, Najib's supporters are also angry - because it seems that the unity government administration is not serious about freeing Najib completely. But according to Iswardy, the government has enough time to regain support from the people in the 16th GE which is expected in 2028.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA)

    *Accountability Matters: Projek SAMA Raises Alarms on Najib's Pardon Proces*

    Projek SAMA, the sole NGO issuing statements, has requested the Pardon Board to clarify the rumors surrounding Najib's pardon. These rumors have led to confusion and chaos in society for the past week. In the final decision, the Pardon Board has reduced former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s jail time from 12 years to six, resulting in his release on Aug 23, 2028. Additionally, the board has reduced the fine imposed on the former premier from RM210 million to RM50 million.

    However, Projek SAMA blames the Pardon Board for not providing any clarification before the official announcement. They are also seeking information about the recommendations made by the Pardon Board to the King.

    Projek SAMA views this as an extraordinary matter. A former Prime Minister, charged with corruption, has undergone the complete judicial process. If the process of pardoning is not transparent and accountable, there is a risk of the public perceiving that powerful individuals can be exempted from imprisonment. This has significant implications for our judiciary and prosecution in the long run. It is a serious matter that demands public attention.


    Mr George from Miri

    *Unveiling Taib Mahmood's Legacy: Calls for Investigation into Political Wealth and Environmental Impact*

    George recalls throughout Taib Mahmood's career as someone who held power and unimaginable wealth for the longest time, emphasizing that the people should not remain silent even though Taib has abdicated as the Head of State. He has extensively damaged the environment alongside his cronies, and during his iron-fisted rule, he also usurped the rights of indigenous people. Mr. George hopes that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM) will take steps to investigate all the wealth accumulated by Taib during his tainted political journey. Similarly, Mr. George expresses hope that the new Agong (King) will take stern action against any leaders or citizens involved in corruption. He urges not to let Taib escape comfortably, even in retirement.


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