10 October 2024

On Today Show

— Teacher Madeline Jok, Retired Teacher from Long Panai – Where is YB Gerawat? Long Panai Flood Victims Struggle Without Aid
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram – Neglected Roads in Upper Baram: Will the Government Step In Before Disaster Strikes?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Cikgu Madeline Jok, Guru Bersara dari Long Panai – Di Mana YB Gerawat? Mangsa Banjir di Long Panai Bergelut Tanpa Bantuan 
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Baram – Jalan yang Terabai di Ulu Baram: Adakah Kerajaan Akan Bertindak Sebelum Bencana Berlaku?

  • Special Randau

                    1. 132 doors of the residents of Long Panai Baram were hit by floods, but today it has been 4 days - no food aid from any party. YB area - Gerawat Gala is unknown where he went. Residents were forced to produce a video to appeal to the outside world for help.

                    2. Prime minister Anwar Ibrahim and 3 other ministers were dragged to court for removing the diesel subsidy on June 9, 2024. Civil action was taken by Azhani Marlan and Hatta Sanuri - they claimed that the policy introduced by the government was illogical, irrational and unfair.

                    3. Altantuya's father, Shaariibuu Setev, has pleaded with the court to spare the life of the murderer, Azilah Hadri. Instead of the death penalty, he has requested that the sentence be changed to life imprisonment.


    Teacher Madeline Jok, Retired Teacher from Long Panai

    Where is YB Gerawat? Long Panai Flood Victims Struggle Without Aid

    Teacher Madeline reports that it has been the 4th day since Long Panai Baram village was hit by floods. But it is sad that there is no help from the Welfare Department or the district office. YB Kawasan Datuk Gerawat Gala (GPS) - don't know where he is. Directly there is no heart to help us - said Cikgu Madeline. During our election this was a strong supporter and gave him victory. But when we're in this kind of trouble, he doesn't appear at all. While RFS interviewed Ms. Madeline. He is standing on the water - calf level. Three blocks of long houses in long panai with 132 doors were flooded on the ground floor and residents unloaded their goods upstairs. If the water rises again. We don't know where to run, said Cikgu Madeline Jok. Last year the village of Long Panai was hit by floods 7 times. But this year is a little less. We request YB Gerawat, the welfare department and related parties to come and send us food aid. Because in a little while our rice supply will run out. Not only were our lives threatened, our livestock and farms were flooded. In peninsular Malaysia when there is a flood disaster. Aid was quickly received and cash aid was also given to residents to ease the burden of flood victims. The residents produced a video to inform the outside world of the flood disaster that submerged their village.


    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram

    Neglected Roads in Upper Baram: Will the Government Step In Before Disaster Strikes?

    Mr. Anyi, a food supply transporter to the school in Long Luteng, voiced his concern about the deteriorating condition of the road leading to Long Luteng. Several sections of the road are showing signs of imminent collapse due to heavy rains in the Upper Baram area.

    People have frequently complained about the damaged and dangerous roads, but unfortunately, the elected representatives (YBs) have turned a deaf ear to the people's grievances. Anyi urged the government to come down to the ground more often to inspect the people's complaints, saying, "Don't leave the people stranded and add to their suffering."

    Anyi is particularly worried about what will happen if the road to Long Luteng is cut off entirely. "How will the boarding students in the interior receive their food supplies?" he asked. He stressed the critical importance of upgrading the roads in Upper Baram to ensure continuous access and prevent further hardship for the residents.

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