9 October 2024

On Today Show

— Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram – Landowners Seek Clarification on Compensation for Long Bemang Water Supply Project
— Mr. David from Long Moh – Baram Politicians Called Out for Unfulfilled Election Pledges
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – Youth Engagement in Politics Gains Momentum Ahead of State Elections

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Licki Ngau, Penduduk Long Bemang, Baram – Pemilik Tanah Meminta Penjelasan Mengenai Pampasan Projek Bekalan Air Long Bemang 
— Encik David dari Long Moh – Ahli Politik Baram Didesak Tunaikan Janji Pilihan Raya yang Tidak Ditunaikan 
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Penglibatan Belia dalam Politik Semakin Meningkat Menjelang Pilihan Raya Negeri

  • Special Randau
                    1. Residents of Long Bemang, Baram demand that their land affected by the implementation of a clean water supply project worth more than RM10 million be compensated. Shocking after more than 61 years of independence. The Sarawak government has still failed to supply clean water to 300 residents of Long Bemang.

                    2. Former education minister - Mahzzir Khalid and former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin are among those investigated in the case of false claims by YTL in the 1BestariNet project. The entire project involves 10,000 schools at a cost of RM4.47 billion - to supply all schools with broadband services/

                    3. Tun Daim's lawyer questioned why PM Anwar Ibrahim was not investigated for abuse of power. Sources told that the sprm chief commissioner on Anwar's instructions ordered not to investigate the purchase of shares by Anwar's former political secretary, Farhash Wafa Salvador.

    Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram

    Landowners Seek Clarification on Compensation for Long Bemang Water Supply Project

    Yesterday, a group of Long Bemang Baram residents uploaded a video demanding compensation for landowners affected by the clean water supply project to Long Bemang village. Licki explained that the residents did not oppose the project but were simply asking for appropriate compensation. A few days earlier, YB Dennis Ngau had officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for the clean water supply project, which is being implemented by the Public Works Department. However, there has been no clarification on whether affected landowners will receive compensation, nor has there been any dialogue with the villagers. It seems as if their land is being taken without proper compensation. Licki urged YB Dennis to explain the process for compensation payments.

    Licki also noted that two previous clean water supply projects had failed, forcing the residents to rely on rainwater as their drinking water source. While the community is eager for the project to be completed, they believe that compensation should be a priority as well. Long Bemang, a Kayan longhouse with 300 doors, and the nearby primary school are both in urgent need of clean water.

    Mr. David from Long Moh
    *Baram Politicians Called Out for Unfulfilled Election Pledges*
    Mr David issued a warning to the elected representatives of Baram, which consist of three state constituencies (DUN), urging them to fulfill their election promises as they have just over a year left in their current term. He highlighted that during election campaigns, the representatives made sweet promises everywhere, but once election day was over, everything went quiet.

    Their mandate will expire in 2026, and David emphasized that there should be no excuse for failing to fulfill all the promises made during the election. He called on the youth who are of voting age to take their responsibility seriously in shaping the future of Sarawak.

    David stressed the importance of raising this issue early, so that the youth remain aware of the current political situation and are courageous enough to contribute toward positive change in the state. He urged the younger generation not to be complacent but to actively engage in the political process, as their votes will play a crucial role in determining the direction of Sarawak’s future.

    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak
    *Youth Engagement in Politics Gains Momentum Ahead of State Elections*

    Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) may introduce new faces from its newly-launched Youth Wing in the upcoming state election if they meet the necessary criteria. The Premier Abang Johari emphasized that he prefers youth candidates to undergo proper training so they can engage with people from diverse backgrounds effectively.

    Commenting on the recent launch of the PBB Youth Wing, Jeffrey Ngui stated that while the move may not significantly impact the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA), it will have more influence on the existing youth segment within PBB itself. The leadership within PBB is being reviewed ahead of the next election, and new leaders are being assessed, with 1828 serving as a key reference point for potential candidates.

    Jeffrey expressed his satisfaction with PBB’s efforts to focus on youth voices, recognizing that it allows young people to contribute to the state's development. He welcomed the party’s initiative to engage the younger generation in politics. MUDA, on the other hand, reiterated its stance that youth must be given a chance to participate in politics. The party noted that there have been improvements in youth involvement, and they view this development as a positive step toward greater inclusion of young people in shaping the future of the state.

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