8 October 2024

On Today Show

— Dr John Brian, the Permanent Chairman of the PBDS Party – Uniting for Change: John Brian’s Proposal for a PH Plus Coalition in Sarawak
— George Laeng, Resident of Uma Akeh Baram – Critical Roads in Ulu Baram Cut Off: Community Calls for Immediate Action
— Mahmud Epah, Branch Chief of Kota Samarahan – Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Warns Voters Against Short-Term Political Temptations


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dr. John Brian, Pengerusi Tetap Parti PBDS – Bersatu untuk Perubahan: Cadangan John Brian untuk Gabungan PH Plus di Sarawak
— George Laeng, Penduduk Uma Akeh Baram – Jalan Utama di Ulu Baram Terputus: Komuniti Menyeru Tindakan Segera
— Mahmud Epah, Ketua Cabang Kota Samarahan – Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Mengingatkan Pengundi Tentang Godaan Politik Jangka Pendek

  • Special Randau

                    1. A total of 60 individuals, including 50 enforcement agency officers were investigated by SPRM for allegedly conspiring with the medical visa syndicate. Previously we heard that there was a syndicate bringing in foreigners using tourist visas. But now there are also syndicates bringing foreigners into Malaysia using medical visas. Investigations show more than 20,000 medical visas were granted to a state last year. Each person is charged RM4,500 and this syndicate involves RM8 million ringgit.

                    2. PH Plus of the local party is the best formula to defeat GPS- said John Brian, Chairman of Sarawak Dayak Bansa Parti PBDS. PBDS who fight to defend the Dayak people will add value to the PH party. GPS can no longer play the issue of the Malayan party, because the PH coalition has PBDS.


    Dr John Brian, the Permanent Chairman of the PBDS Party

    Uniting for Change: John Brian’s Proposal for a PH Plus Coalition in Sarawak

    Dr John Brian recently expressed his thoughts regarding the upcoming Sarawak state election (PRN). He mentioned that he had read in the media about PKR contesting against GPS, and that DAP, as confirmed by Sarawak DAP Secretary Alan Ling See Kiong, would oppose SUPP in all the seats SUPP contests.

    In John Brian's view, this is a very positive development because elections require organized movements and careful planning. He noted that DAP will contest in their traditional areas, particularly in seats where the majority are Chinese, while PKR, as a multi-racial party, has the flexibility to compete in any seat. However, he emphasized that one of the largest and most influential voter groups is the Dayak Iban.

    According to him, the ideal approach to challenge GPS this time would be through cooperation under the PH Plus banner. He suggested that PH should collaborate with local parties that share similar policies, specifically mentioning PBDS. He believes that PH's strength would be enhanced by working with PBDS, as this would prevent GPS from accusing the coalition of being a "Malayan party," since PBDS is a local Sarawak party that advocates for the advancement of the Dayak people.

    John Brian further remarked that Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) would not be suitable to join this coalition because PBK's goal of achieving Sarawak’s independence from Malaya is not aligned with the objectives of PKR, DAP, or PBDS. He asserted that the concept of PH Plus could attract local voters to support this coalition.

    He also added that Madani's direct government candidates should be considered, particularly in areas where there are potential independent candidates who are not affiliated with DAP, PKR, or PBDS. In his opinion, this should be part of the opposition's strategy if they are serious about defeating GPS in the upcoming 13th Sarawak PRN.


    George Laeng, Resident of Uma Akeh Baram

    Critical Roads in Ulu Baram Cut Off: Community Calls for Immediate Action

    George Laeng, who frequently drives to Long Bangan, has reported on the conditions in Ulu Baram. Recently, the road from Long Lama to Long Bedian has been cut off due to heavy rains causing soil erosion. In the Temalak area, there has also been severe flooding. The bridge from Long Banga to Pa' Dalih, a logging bridge, has also been destroyed.

    The situation is becoming increasingly worrying if the government does not immediately repair the roads. Since logging activities have decreased, road maintenance has also stopped, and the people of Baram often complain to their elected representatives, but no action has been taken.

    This issue must be taken seriously, as the people fully rely on these old logging roads. We can no longer depend on the logging companies, as they have profited and no longer operate as they used to. Therefore, it is essential that the Sarawak government takes responsibility for addressing this.


    Mahmud Epah, Branch Chief of Kota Samarahan

    Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Warns Voters Against Short-Term Political Temptations

    Mahmud Epah participated in the “Road to Reform Sarawak workshop” organized by BERSIH, focusing on the issues of gerrymandering and malapportionment in elections. He emphasized that electoral reform includes re-delineation and ensuring a fair distribution of voters across constituencies.

    Sarawak is expected to hold its state election in 2025, and various political parties are already taking action. This includes PBB expanding its youth wing, DAP contesting against SUPP in specific seats, and PKR launching a statewide campaign. Mahmud Epah pointed out that voters themselves need to become more aware of the current political situation and make important decisions during critical election periods.

    He further noted that many people are still lured by the temporary benefits offered by GPS, which only provide short-term gains without truly benefiting the voters or their constituencies in the long run. As the election is still some time away, he urged Sarawakian voters to take the opportunity to understand what reform is and why it is necessary, in order to give Sarawak a truly bright future.

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