11 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along- Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu – Gerawat's Legal Threats vs. Dennis's Villager Allegations on NCR Lands
— Ramould Siew of Tahabas – High Costs, Hidden Consequences: Undocumented Workers in Sarawak
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Forgiveness Possible, But Justice Must Prevail: People's Resistance to Najib's Pardon

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along- Aktivis dari Long Terawan, Mulu – Ancaman Undang-Undang Gerawat terhadap Dakwaan Penduduk Terhadap Tanah NCR oleh Dennis
— Ramould Siew dari Tahabas – Kos Tinggi, Akibat Tersembunyi: Pekerja Tanpa Dokumen di Sarawak
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Keadilan Harus Menang: Perlawanan Rakyat terhadap Pengampunan Najib

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Dennis Along vs Datuk Gerawat Gala: Differences in opinion regarding the Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land Section 6 compel Dennis Along to challenge the Mulu assemblyman, Datuk Gerawat Gala, to a debate.

    2. Delayed justice is injustice. The Judicial Review case of the village head in Ba Abang has been repeatedly postponed. Similarly, the Punan Ba case against Samling, TAAN, and the Sarawak State Government has been postponed more than 10 times without reasons provided. The residents await the court's decision, but logging companies continue their operations in the forest.

    3. Tun Daim and family seek a court order to halt the MACC investigation against them. Daim requests the cancellation of the investigation, arguing that it is unconstitutional.


    Dennis Along- Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu.

    *Gerawat's Legal Threats vs. Dennis's Villager Allegations on NCR Lands*

    A few days ago, Dennis and his community villagers made a police report and complained to the Marudi District office that a group of people from the land and survey department (JTS) had come to the village of Long Terawan to measure the residents' land with sec 6. Dennis and the villagers did not agree on the land they are measured in sec 6 because their NCR land will be changed ownership to government land.

    Today Mulu assemblyman, Gerawat Gala responded and criticized what Dennis and his community villagers did. According to Gerawat, the sec 6 land survey was conducted throughout Sarawak at the request of the residents, as well as in Long Terawan. Gerawat said, according to the definition of the Sarawak NCR Land Code, all lands explored before 1957 are NCR. Explored after 1957 without a letter of permission from the District Office - is Sarawak government land. The land measured by sec 6 will not be taken as state land. The proof is according to Gerawat, the land of the residents of Long Panai was measured with sec 18, after being measured with sec 6. The argument that the measure of sec 6 is an attempt by the government to seize the people's land is false. Gerawat also claimed that the majority of Long Terawan residents agreed with the measure of sec6 and finally Gerawat objected. Anyone who prevents government officials from carrying out their duties can be reported to the police and prosecuted.

    Dennis questions the understanding of lawyers like Gerawat towards NCR, How can Gerawat and GPS deny the rights of Sarawakians to the land inherited by their families for generations, with only numbers and dates before and after 1957. Why Gerawat and GPS do not provide adequate provisions to measure the land of the people using sec 18 and give individual land title deed.

    In 2022, Sarawak state income are RM11.9 billion and in 2023 it will increase to RM13.1 billion, why is there no NCR land measurement allocation and additional JTS staff? Gerawat complained that he will make a police report and will prosecute anyone who obstructs the land measurement of sec 6. According to Dennis, they found that the majority of the villagers did not agree and they found that there were employees of a private company (Geometric)in their land area. This means they are intruders.

    Dennis challenged Gerawat to debate on the Land issue - because Gerawat's understanding is far different from the wishes of the majority of the people. Gerawat is campaigning with a manifesto- Effective solution to NCR problem in 2021. Dennis is ready to face Gerawat for the next state election, If given the chance.


    Ramould Siew of Tahabas

    *High Costs, Hidden Consequences: Undocumented Workers in Sarawak*

    Addressing the Challenge of Illegal Foreign Workers in Sarawak

    In a recent crackdown named 'Ops Selera' on January 5, the Immigration Department arrested 37 foreigners in Miri city, Sarawak, for not having valid working passes. The detainees include 36 Indonesians and one Filipino, all caught in various food premises.

    This issue of foreigners lacking proper working permits in Sarawak is not new; it has been a persistent problem. The root cause appears to be related to government policies. The high costs imposed on obtaining legal foreign workers, ranging from 7,000 to 10,000 per person, create a significant burden. Middlemen exploit this situation for substantial profits, leading many employers to prefer hiring undocumented workers.

    The problem is particularly prevalent in the plantation sectors, where a significant number of these illegal workers are employed. Sarawak relies on foreign labor, especially in plantations, highlighting the crucial role they play in supporting various industries.

    While acknowledging the need for foreign workers, especially in plantations, it is crucial for the government to reconsider its approach. Affordable and accessible avenues for employing foreign workers could help mitigate the issue of undocumented labor. The current situation not only fuels illegal employment but also poses challenges for law enforcement.

    In addition to the plantation sector, foreign workers are essential for various other industries, including domestic help. Striking a balance between protecting national interests and ensuring a feasible system for employing foreign workers is crucial for the sustained growth of Sarawak's economy.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Forgiveness Possible, But Justice Must Prevail: People's Resistance to Najib's Pardon*

    Najib Abdul Razak's lawyer, Shafee Abdullah, has mentioned that even Najib is unsure if the Pardons Board will meet this month to discuss his pardon request. Shafee emphasizes that as of December 4th last year, there has been no response to Najib's pardon application. He urges for a quick resolution, asserting Najib's innocence and stating that any extra day in prison is unjust.

    Recent reports from Channel News Asia, report that Najib's pardon application was discussed in a December Pardons Board meeting, but it was postponed to this month. The report hints at a potential resolution during the Federal Pardons Board meeting in the third week of this month.

    Paul Wan believes that Najib's corrupt actions against Malaysians might be forgiven in several years, but forgiveness doesn't mean escaping punishment; those who deserve to serve their sentences should continue to do so. He mentions that last year, there was a movement within UMNO to release Najib, but it was not acknowledged by the Agong.

    Given the numerous corruption cases involving Najib, people have not forgotten his actions. Therefore, regardless of the accuracy of Channel News Asia's reporting, Paul Wan believes that the public never expects Najib to be granted a pardon.

    RFS also repeatedly recommends the currently popular Netflix documentary "Man On The Run," which delves into the 1MDB scandal, encouraging everyone to watch the film.

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