10 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dr. John Brian, Dayak Activist and Political Analyst – Bintulu Port handed over to Sarawak Gov, means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies
— Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu – Land Grabbing Investigation: Land Survey Department Collaborates with Private Firm in Mulu Land Takeover
— Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram – Controversial Village Head Appointments Trigger Resource Exploitation Concerns in Baram
— Diog Dios from Puncak Borneo – Religious Rights in a Democratic Framework: The Controversy of Quran Recitation in Kuching School

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Dr. John Brian, Aktivis Dayak dan Analis Politik - Penyerahan Bintulu Port kepada Kerajaan Sarawak bermaksud GPS mempunyai sumber kewangan baru untuk memperkayakan kroni-kroninya.
- Dennis Along, Aktivis dari Long Terawan Mulu - Siasatan Perobohan Tanah: Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Berkerjasama dengan Syarikat Swasta dalam Pengambilalihan Tanah di Mulu.
- Paul Nunggang dari Ulu Baram - Pelantikan Ketua Kampung yang Kontroversi Menimbulkan Keprihatinan Eksploitasi Sumber di Baram.
- Diog Dios dari Puncak Borneo - Hak Keagamaan dalam Kerangka Demokratik: Kontroversi Program Bacaan Al-Quran di Sekolah Kuching.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The handover of Bintulu Port from the federal government to the Sarawak state government in June will increase revenue for the Sarawak GPS government. However, from the beginning, Premier Abang Johari appointed GPS cronies as Chairman of the Bintulu Port Authority and Bintulu Port Holding. The increase in revenue will benefit only GPS cronies, not the poor people of Sarawak.

    2. Daim's wife claims that the MACC investigation into the former finance minister is an act of persecution and jealousy over Daim's wealth and success.

    3. The residence of Member of Parliament for Beruas, Ngeh Koo Ham, was set on fire with a Molotov cocktail. Ngeh believes that the attack is a result of his previous statements against non-Muslims being part of committees reviewing Sharia legislation. Ngeh blames PAS and PPBM for fueling hatred against him.


    Dr. John Brian, Dayak Activist and Political Analyst

    *Bintulu Port handed over to Sarawak Gov, means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies*

    John Brian was the former Chairman of Bintulu Port when PH ruled in 2018. Yesterday the newspaper reported that Bintulu Port will be handed over to the Sarawak state government effective June 2024. According to John - this is good news. According to him, Bintulu Port (BP) is the richest port authority in Malaysia. Has a cash reserve of RM 2 billion and handles trade worth RM800 million a year. BP was established in 1981 and was funded by the federal government at a cost of RM500 million. The main businesses are LNG, ABF and Shell MDS. In addition to handling the export of palm oil and logs, chemicals, oil, gas and container ships. The state government holds a 17% interest in BP. With his submission to the Sarawak government next June. So Sarawak has 100% power, there will be an increase in revenue for Sarawak and this strategic holding makes BP the strategic location of the most important Deep Sea port on the island of Borneo. BP's distance is only 700 km from the archipelago and Indonesia does not have a deep sea port on the island of Borneo and neither does Sabah. BP sailing distance from China is only 48 hours. With all these advantages, Sarawak- will get a decent result. The result of GPS's collaboration with PMX Leader Anwar Ibrahim's government. But the large amount of revenue will not necessarily be returned to the people. It was reported that Sarawak Premier Abang Johari's cronies have been appointed as the chairman of BP and Bintulu Port Holding respectively. This means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies.


    Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu

    *Land Grabbing Investigation: Land Survey Department Collaborates with Private Firm in Mulu Land Takeover*

    Yesterday Dennis and Friends visited the SFC- Sarawak Forest Corporation Office and the Land and Survey Department in Miri to deliver objections and a copy of the police report against the activities of measuring the land of long terawan villagers with sec 6 and increasing the area and changing the name of Taman negara Mulu. As a result, the sec 6 measure work has been stopped and a dialogue with the villagers was held in Long Terawan today. However, if the dialogue does not succeed in stopping the sec 6 measures involved. Then a report to MACC will follow (abuse of power) and court action will also follow. Dennis wondered why the Land and Survey Department cooperated with a private company, Geometric, to measure the villagers' land. We are still investigating this matter, said Dennis.


    Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram

    *Controversial Village Head Appointments Trigger Resource Exploitation Concerns in Baram*

    Yesterday, RFS interviewed lawyer Roland Engan regarding cases where headman was allegedly appointed invalidly. Three such incidents occurred in Ba Pakan, Ba Abang, and Batu Bungan in Baram. The former headman of these villages was unjustly removed from their positions and replaced by political figures or parties. However, the new headman does not possess proper appointment letters.

    Paul Nunggang stated that such incidents have been happening for a long time, especially when the village holds resources beneficial to politicians or businessmen, such as land and timber. When negotiations with the original village headman fail to secure approval for resource extraction, alternative methods are sought, including the unauthorized appointment of individuals not favored by the villagers as new village headman.

    He mentioned that these appointed village headmen only show allegiance to political figures or parties, becoming mere "yes men" who abandon the interests of the villagers and the village. As long as they receive money or profits, these appointed headmen do not care about the well-being of the villagers. He pointed out that, under the influence of these "invalid village headman", the villages not only fail to develop but also expedite the exploitation of the villagers' interests, selling off the forests and land resources that belong to the villagers.

    He strongly urged political parties or politicians not to resort to such unethical methods to strip villages of their resources, which also adversely affect the harmony within the villages.


    Diog Dios from Puncak Borneo

    *Religious Rights in a Democratic Framework: The Controversy of Quran Recitation in Kuching School*

    A primary school in Kuching, Sarawak, identified as a missionary school, is not permitted to organize a Quran recitation ceremony. This issue was brought to light by parents and shared online, leading to a significant discussion.

    Cikgu Diog Dios, a retired teacher, shared views on the teaching of Quranic recitation in Mubaligh School. Cikgu Diog considers the Quranic recitation learning not wrong and believes it will not have any adverse effects on non-Muslim students if the program is closely monitored by teachers and parents.

    The school administration cannot prohibit the Quranic recitation program because our school is not only fully sponsored by the church but also receives support from the Malaysian Ministry of Education and uniform funds. Therefore, we must respect the rights of Muslim students to learn.

    What is crucial is periodic monitoring by the Parents-Teachers Association (PIBG), and we must uphold the democracy that we have been practicing for so long.

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