9 January 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – Najib's Lawsuit on "Man on The Run" on Clare and Tommy Thomas : A Potential Embarrassment in the UK Court
— Roland Engan, Human rights lawyer – Empowering Villagers: Ending GPS Interference in Village Chief Appointments
— Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram – Logging Wealth, Rural Neglect: A Decades-Long Struggle in Baram
— Rahmat Mosa of Iskul DiLaut Omadal – Unveiling Education Rights: The Plight of Statelessness in Sabah and Malaysia


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Iswardy Morni, Pakar Analisis Politik – Saman Najib ke atas "Man on The Run" terhadap Clare dan Tommy Thomas: Potensi Mencemarkan Nama Najib di Mahkamah UK
— Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia – Memberdayakan Penduduk: Mengakhiri Campur Tangan GPS dalam Pelantikan Ketua Kampung
— Thomas Jalong, Aktivis dari Baram – Kekayaan Pembalakan, Pengabaian Luar Bandar: Perjuangan Berdekad-di Baram
— Rahmat Mosa dari Iskul DiLaut Omadal – Menyingkap Hak Pendidikan: Cabaran Kewarganegaraan Tanpa Negara di Sabah dan Malaysia

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Appointment crisis of village chief - GPS should stop interfering in the appointment of village chiefs. Let the villagers choose someone they trust the most.

    2. 1MDB trial - an SPRM investigator informed the court that Najib did not inform the cabinet about the issuance of a $3.5 billion 1MDB bond. What was Najib's motive for doing so?

    3. GRS Sabah Member of Parliament - Armizan Mohd Ali stated that he did not sign the statutory declaration to bring down PM Anwar.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst

    *Najib's Lawsuit on "Man on The Run" on Clare and Tommy Thomas : A Potential Embarrassment in the UK Court*

    The documentary film Man On The Run has been shown on the NETFLIX streaming since 5 January 2024. The film tells the story of the role of the former Malaysian prime minister - Najib Razak and his accomplice Jho Lo in misappropriating 1MDB funds for personal gain. Najib was found guilty of 7 charges of corruption, money laundering and embezzlement of RM42 million SRC international funds and was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined RM210 million.

    Najib's lawyer requested that the film be stopped because it is subjudicial to the trial he is currently facing.

    According to Iswardy- it is up to the court to determine whether this film can cause subjudice or not. But look at the country's judicial system which consists of 3 or 5 judges who judge the trial. Judges are not easily influenced. Compared to trials in UK courts which use a jury system. It will have a different impact. But according to Iswardy, another important question is, is the NETFLIX server located in Malaysia or abroad. If in Malaysia, it is relatively easy for the court to give instructions/orders. But if abroad, it will involve a long process and not necessarily successful.

    Regarding Najib's arrogance, he wants to sue Tommy Thomas and Clare Brown. Looks like Najib will have to go to UK court, if he dares face Clare. But if what Clare and Tommy say is true. So it is most likely that Najib will lose and be embarrassed.

    Watching the film Man on The Run - according to Iswardy made you realize that Malaysia has been mired in corruption for a long time. Najib is just a prime minister who does not fight corruption and only continues it. Through this movie everything is explained clearly and simply. But PMX Anwar Ibrahim is the strongest person against corruption. First day as PM. He exposed himself by declaring that corruption is the number one enemy of the country and that he has declared his wealth and does not want to receive a salary. Yesterday the Anwar administration introduced a new format for property declaration. Anwar with the entire government machinery is trying to restore the glory of national administration and asking Malaysians to fight corruption together.


    Roland Engan, Human rights lawyer

    *Empowering Villagers: Ending GPS Interference in Village Chief Appointments*

    Roland handled at least 4 cases involving the appointment of village heads in Baram. Among them is the famous case in Ba Pakan involving the appointment crisis of Pada Jutang vs Sakaria Pada. Ba Abang involves the appointment of Panai Erang vs Arun Nyaling. In Batu Bungan involving the appointment of Ukau Lupong vs Avit Turau.

    Tomorrow the decision involving the case in Ba Pakan, Padda Jutang vs Sakaria Pada- will be known. Roland applied for a judicial review of Sakaria Pada's appointment as the head of the tribe, dismissing Pada Jutang (Sakaria's father), who no appointment letter from the Resident's office. Instead, the Resident's office issued an appointment letter for Sakaria Pada. When this case is examined in depth, why is Sakaria so desperate to oppose his father to be appointed to the position of village head. Apparently he was motivated because he was supported by a logging company and supported by Yb Dennis Ngau. Which in turn allowed him to work with the GPS government, YB Dennis and the logging company to log in the Ba Pakan forest area. Recognizing injustice occurs. Roland acts to help those who are oppressed and wants a village head to be appointed - chosen by the villagers themselves. It was opened by politicians such as YB or the Resident Office representing the GPS government. The GPS government used all the powers they had to interfere in the affairs of the Penan villages, so that the village chiefs they appointed agreed to the logging.


    Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram

    *Logging Wealth, Rural Neglect: A Decades-Long Struggle in Baram*

    When Minister of Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development, Fatimah Abdullah, expressed the Sarawak government's commitment to ensuring that its development agenda extends to benefit rural communities, Thomas Jalong questioned what the people of Baram are gaining from sources like logging. Despite decades passing, they still do not seem to enjoy the fruits of government development. Roads and bridges to Ulu Baram remain neglected, with logging companies attributing the lack of repairs to diminishing timber, making it seemingly impossible to carry out necessary maintenance. Despite the government's wealth, the interior residents continue to use roads that have gone without upkeep for decades. The pressing question remains: What development benefits has the GPS government brought to the region?


    Rahmat Mosa of Iskul DiLaut Omadal

    *Unveiling Education Rights: The Plight of Statelessness in Sabah and Malaysia*

    Iskul DiLaut Omadal is a school established by an NGO for undocumented Bajau children on Omadal Island, Semporna, Sabah. The critical issue arises from government schools prohibiting undocumented students, affecting communities like Omadal. In a poignant example, a relative from this very village, hailing from Tawau, attempted to enroll his nephew in a government school. Unfortunately, after only three days of study, the nephew was compelled to leave due to incomplete documentation.

    Iskul Omadal plays a vital role in providing education for stateless children in Sabah, with approximately 300 below the age of 18 on Omadal Island alone, all of whom should have access to education. The school currently caters to 34 students, offering education from Pre-school (Stage 1) to Primary One (Stage 3) with its own set of educational standards and subjects.

    Education is considered a fundamental human right, and Malaysia is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). According to Article 28 of the CRC, all children below 18 years old have the right to basic education, regardless of their citizenship status.

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