11 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini

> Peter John, Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia Sarawak – Kebimbangan dan Tuduhan Terkait Kewarganegaraan Ragad di Sarawak

> Robertson dari Ulu Tinjar – Kami Melawan Pencerobohan Tanah oleh Syarikat Perladangan di Sarawak

> Charles Santiago, bekas ahli parlimen Klang – Mengenai layanan teruk terhadap pendatang masih berleluasa di Malaysia

On Today Show
> Peter John, Sarawak Human Rights Activist – Concerns and Allegations Surrounding Ragad's Citizenship and Double Standards in Sarawak
> Robertson from Ulu Tinjar – We Fight Against Land Encroachment by Plantation Company in Sarawak
> Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang – On grotesque treatment toward migrants is still rampant in Malaysia

  • Special Randau

    > Lim Kit Siang's legal team has served a letter of demand on former minister Annuar Musa over allegations linked to the deadly racial riots on May 13, 1969. The DAP veteran's lawyer Sangeet Kaur Deo confirmed that they have served the legal letter at Annuar's house this afternoon.

    > The four abuse of power charges against Muhyiddin Yassin are complete with particulars to notify the former prime minister of the offences he was accused of, contended a prosecutor.

    > After serving as the Governor of Sarawak for 7 TYTs (Yang di-Pertua Negeri), Taib's service has been extended for the eighth time until 1st March 2024. Taib has been the Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33 years, starting from 26th March 1981, and has been the Governor of Sarawak since 1st March 2014.


    Peter John, Sarawak Human Rights Activist

    *Concerns and Allegations Surrounding Ragad's Citizenship and Double Standards in Sarawak*

    Firstly, while the rich the elites plus Ragad managed to get their Malaysian citizenship in just a blink? While our indigenous peoples of different ethnics living in Sarawak for years, waiting for their ICs but in vain. This make Peter John wonder.

    He comment that where as all the time he personally Been helping Sarawak people to obtain their ICs, and those who are facing difficulties. Bring them to relevant departments. Most of the time they are being ignored, compare to those who are elites,, powerful people have no problems in getting their citizenship. That's why he said he is not happy with.

    he is concerning in the case of Ragad's citizenship, because those who are either husband or wife are local can obtain, but not as fast as Ragad.

    As He observe the process is actually very lengthy. And deem difficult for those from the interior coming to town to get the procedures of applications to get their ICs. So why so difficult for them and such an easy process for those elits.

    Ragad only married to Taib in the year 2011 if not mistaken. But got her citizenship in extremely fast. And straight away being Malanau. Which Act that she used in the Malanau customry.

    So dare to challenge Ragad to give speech in Malanau language, local Malay or in Iban language. What Peter John understand she does not speak malanau, even her children from her first marriage also able to get Malaysian citizenship. That is the most wired. So with that he start to investigate all the informations.

    Peter John said that when he got Ragad’s IC No, then Only he dare to lodged police report. Lodged report with MACC. So that MACC can investigate on abuse of power, or corruption Why she got her IC. he emphasizhe that he is not the only one not satisfied, there are many people out there who are not satisfy.

    Pertaining to summons on him. It is not wrong for public to debate on that issue. He said that if Ragad wants to accuse them for revealing all the information, that is public documents. Where we can get it from ROS, ROC, or Land and surveye, etc. They also can get from her own Tiktok, facebook. Tiktok from her son.

    And from that Peter John said Ragad can't intimidate the people, the poor. What is wrong when public questions them. Peter John also commen that, even Taib's first wife, the late Toh Puan Laila Taib can speaks Malanau, Iban, although without Malanau status.

    Ragad is from a chaos country and coming to Sarawak to became the King. This what Peter John said it is so called double standards.

    Peter John shared his experienced recently when he went to JPN. The moment they saw hin, quickly they asked to cut queue. But Peter John reject it, he said that, we must go according to our number.

    He said that he is in the opinion that system in the departments are mostly corrupted. They are very selective. Don't look down on the poor, farmers and etc. Most important is no double standards.


    Robertson from Ulu Tinjar

    *Residents Fight Against Land Encroachment by Plantation Company in Sarawak*

    reported to the RFS that the garden land of residents in 3 Panjang houses in Batang Tinjar-Nanga Seridan, Long Sepiling and Lebu Kulat had been encroached by the plantation company Mega Masor and Miri Timur to be planted with palm oil. Residents in these 3 Panjang houses began to notice the presence of this plantation company during the MCO curfew in 2020. This company brings bulldozers and excavators to level the rubber and fruit gardens of the residents to be planted with palm oil. In order to defend the rights of the residents, they have set up a blockade and take turns guarding the affected area so that it is not invaded by the company in question. Robertson appealed to the public, NGOs and lawyers to come help and give moral support to the people who set up the blockade. Robertson also appealed to the Sarawak government not to give the people's land to plantation companies that are already rich. If our garden is destroyed, how can we continue to live? Robertson's question. The government should come and measure our land and give us a land certificate, that's our request - said Robertson


    Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang

    *On grotesque treatment toward migrants is still rampant in Malaysia*

    Charles Santiago was contacted by a group of 41 migrant workers from Bangladesh coming to Malaysia that they facing challenges two months ago.

    While in Bangladesh they have paid about RM25 thousand to the agent in Bangladesh. Upon arrival in Malaysia, they were kept in a house together with 20 to 30 people who are already there. For 25 days they were without job, poor foods given. And worst 72 people have to share just one toilet.

    Charles was given a video taken by them. So with that video he viral it and release a statement in social media. And only after that Labour Dept went to the site. So they took the migrants to another place.

    The issue now is, the migrants are coming to Malaysia for jobs. But they don't have job. What he knows that some of them are taken to construction site in Penang . But thet were not given salary.

    So what we can here is, not only it against issues related to force labour but it is also a slavery.

    It is clear that the employer keep their passports, to request for 7,000 to 8 000 per person to release their passports to them.

    Charles found out that the employers are making use of passport to control the workers. And also can decide where to send the workers without salary. This is against force labour Act and other Acts in Malaysia .

    Charles questioned, how can they come to Malaysia without any jobs .

    Most of these happen in Malaysia that the employer keep the workers and they outsourcing the labour forces. The problem here is, if they are not given their salary, they can't pay their loan in their country. Some have made loan from private bank and individuals. If they can't pay their loan, the interest will go up higher and higher.

    This must stop. The govt must be more strict on this issue. Recently Malaysia was given a watch list. Currently Malaysia are stage 2. But the issue deteriorating we may go to stage 3.

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