11 September 2024

On Today Show

— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg.Patin Agricultural Heritage Village, Bintulu – Tensions Rise at Blockade: Villagers Demand Access to Agricultural Land
— Tr Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong-Simunjan – Merakai Blockade Intensifies: 14-Day Deadline Set for Sarawak Premier to Act
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – 150KM for 471 Lives: walking for water
— Colin Nicholas, founded the Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) – After the Courtroom Win: Orang Asli Semai Must Now Protect and Sustain Their Land

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sg.Patin, Bintulu – Ketegangan Memuncak di Sekatan: Penduduk Kampung Menuntut Akses ke Tanah Pertanian 
— Tr Keliang ak Suat, Ketua Kampung Merakai, Gedong-Simunjan – Sekatan di Merakai Semakin Meningkat: Tempoh 14 Hari Diberi kepada Premier Sarawak untuk Bertindak 
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – 150KM untuk 471 Nyawa: Berjalan Demi Air 
— Colin Nicholas, Pengasas Pusat Kebimbangan Orang Asli (COAC) – Selepas Kemenangan di Mahkamah: Orang Asli Semai Kini Perlu Melindungi dan Memelihara Tanah Mereka

  • Special Randau

                    1. Four charges of abuse of power against former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin were upheld by the appeal court today. The four charges of abuse of power involving rm232.5 million were linked to the Jana Wibawa program - Bumiputra contractor empowerment program during the Muhyiddin administration. On August 15 last year, the high court quashed the four charges because they were allegedly flawed. But the appeals court in February 2024 changed the decision.

                    2. Thousands of hectares were given by the GPS Sarawak government to timber companies and oil palm plantation companies. But the 600 acres of land for the poor to farm for subsistence was confiscated again by the administration of Sarawak Premier Johari Openg.

                    3. The villagers held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Land and Survey office in Kota Semarahan demanding that the land department decide the status of their land. They also insisted that Sarawak premier Johari Openg who is the assemblyman for the Gedong area come to listen and solve their problems. - residents give 14 days for the government to act or they will take more drastic action.

    Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg.Patin Agricultural Heritage Village, Bintulu

    Tensions Rise at Blockade: Villagers Demand Access to Agricultural Land

    Panting gave an update on what happened at the blockade site this morning. After the Miring ceremony on Saturday was held successfully by the villagers of agricultural heritage. Today the SFC responded when they learned that residents would break in and open the fence they had erected to prevent residents from entering their agricultural areas. After discussing with SADIA and SUHAKAM on Saturday, the residents unanimously agreed to demolish the fence built by SFC. This is to enable them to harvest coffee and palm oil in their plantation area. But the people have not had time to act. The SFC, Police and PGA set up roadblocks on the entrance to the residents' plantation area. Residents are not allowed in, even as far as their blockade encampment. When this recording was made the residents were still trying to ask in a good way for the fence erected by the SFC to be opened or the residents would crash in - said TR. Panting and Baling. Residents have made it clear that they are not intruders. A police report was made and strong evidence was included that the residents got permission from the former chief minister of Sarawak and the land and survey department to cultivate agriculture in the area.

    Tr Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong-Simunjan

    Merakai Blockade Intensifies: 14-Day Deadline Set for Sarawak Premier to Act

    Keliang gave an update on the blockade they have set up to prevent the Melor Gemilang plantation company from picking palm oil in the disputed land area. The blockade which entered the 5th of September was further intensified - when yesterday morning, a group of 200 residents demonstrated peacefully in front of the land and survey department officials of Kota Semarahan, to demand that the land and survey department determine the disputed land status and request that the Gedong assemblyman, i.e. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari to come to Merakai himself and solve the problems of the people.

    All this time we have never asked for anything from the Premier of Sarawak. But because this problem has dragged on for so long. As a representative/assemblyman for the Gedong area. We beg Brother Jo to come and solve our problem. We give a period of 14 days starting yesterday. If not, we will take more drastic action. - said TR. Keliang and Suat. The land of the people of Merakai village is included in the PL given by the state government to Melor Gemilang to be cultivated with commercial oil palm cultivation. We want compensation to be paid on our land or return the land to us.

    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    150KM for 471 Lives: walking for water

    Solo Walkathon Covering 150KM from Sabah State Administration Center (PPNS) to Sipitang, Starting at 5am on 12.09.2024 until 4pm on 16.09.2024, Wearing Traditional Sabah Attire.**

    The mission is to raise RM150,000 in funds to build a 500-foot-deep tube well to provide water for 471 residents of SFI who have been living without a water supply for 1 year and 3 months since SFI ceased its operations.

    According to Jeffrey Baudi, if the electricity supply had not been cut off, the water issue would have been resolved because SFI has its own advanced water supply plant. However, since the Sabah government did not approve the reconnection of electricity, the water plant cannot function without power. As a result, SFI residents are taking the initiative to build a 500-foot-deep tube well to access underground water, which will cost RM150,000. It is crucial to have donations from the public to fund this humanitarian project for SFI residents.

    For those who wish to contribute, donations can be made to Hong Leong Bank account 28601002124, or you may contact Mr. Jeffrey Baudi directly at 011-36633628.

    A meeting with the Chief Minister of Sabah on December 22, 2022, did not yield any results regarding the demands of SFI residents. On February 28, 2023, Jeffrey Baudi personally handed a memorandum to PMX at Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, but there has been no further action from Malaysia’s top leader. Hence, this 150km solo walkathon must continue for the needs of the SFI community.

    Colin Nicholas, founded the Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)

    After the Courtroom Win: Orang Asli Semai Must Now Protect and Sustain Their Land

    For communities Orang Asli Semai of ulu Geruntum filed lawsuit in2018 against private companies, perak govt, federal govt and others for enchroachement into 3000 hacters for michro hydro dam without the consent from the communities. The enchraochment was in 2012. The project was within the settlements where the communities directly affected.

    The report made by the Defendants was not correct.

    At the of the case , when environmental NGO started to protest against the project along with Orang Asli, because it will impact the environment. But the enforcement just ignored it. So the commumities have no other choice but to take legal action against the Defendants in 2018 to their land rights. At that time the communities were affraid to challenge . But after series of meetings and later some were aware that they have to for their own. A small group was dare enough to set their own capacity building to fight for their rights.

    And last monday the Ipoh High Court delivered judgement in favour of communities.

    The communities were happy with the outcome.

    The question now is how would the communities managing that 3000 hactres area ? The problem is that not all the communities are cooperate. Some still affraid. Some still not confident. Collin urges that all communities must unite to ensure that area is protected and manage systematically with their traditional ways to ensure sustainability and benificial to them.

    Actually in term president cases in Semenanjung where the court had made decissions that Orang Asli are the rightful ownership over their land , in the case of Sagong Tasi, Rosli Along , Mohamad and many more.

    The real issue that convinced the Judge to realized Orang Asli are the rightfull owner when the Judge went to the site and found out that the project was directly right in the middle of the villages. So Perak state government shouldn't denied the present of Orang Asli in the project area.

    There are 6 villages in that area and as well as school and clinic built by the government before.

    The court urged the government to do demarcation of the area along with the Orang Asli and Jupen is come out with the map for gazzate

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