10 September 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst. Once served as SHO Officer during the development of MLNG Bintulu – Sarawak's Push for Green Energy Faces Scrutiny After Fatal Industrial Accidents
— Jimmy, Social activist from Sarikei – Public Slams Government for Importing Sarawak Flag, Questions Misuse of Public Funds
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – PSM Questions Arrests, Calls for Protection of Free Speech


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian, Penganalisis Politik Sarawak. Pernah berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai SHO semasa pembangunan MLNG Bintulu – Tekanan terhadap Sarawak dalam usaha Tenaga Hijau selepas Insiden Industri Maut 
— Jimmy, Aktivis sosial dari Sarikei – Orang Ramai Kecam Kerajaan kerana Mengimport Bendera Sarawak, Mempertikaikan Penyalahgunaan Dana Awam 
— S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM – PSM Mempertikaikan Penangkapan, Menuntut Perlindungan Kebebasan Bersuara 


  • Special Randau
                    1. A large explosion occurred in the Press Metal aluminum smelter early this morning. We the people of Sarawak are waiting for an official media statement from the authorities, especially Sarawak industry minister Awang Tengah Ali Hasan - Said Jihn Brian.

                    2. Trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court - USD 1.83b claim by 1mdb against Arul Kanda and former treasury secretary Mohd Irwan Serigar Andullah. The UK-based financial fraud investigator admitted that he and PAC Malaysia came to different conclusions regarding the turmoil that hit 1mdb. Richard Templeman put the blame on Arul Kanda as being responsible for the turmoil that hit 1mdb but the PAC put the blame on Arul's predecessor, Shahrol Azral.


    John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst. Once served as SHO Officer during the development of MLNG Bintulu

    Sarawak's Push for Green Energy Faces Scrutiny After Fatal Industrial Accidents

    John Brian commented on industrial accidents at the Samalaju Industrial Park that are becoming more frequent and costing lives. Two incidents that happened only 3 weeks apart, the first was the explosion at the OCIM sdn.bhd chemical factory which killed 2 lives and injured 8 people on 14 August 2024 and this morning there were several large explosions in the Press Metal aluminum smelting factory in Samalaju. My initial reaction is that the authorities must issue an immediate media statement to allay the public's fears. Samalaju Assemblyman Majang Renggie, Sarawak Industry Minister- Awang Tengah, Niosh chairman and DOSH chairman. So far no one has given an explanation. Both a thorough investigation should be done. I think, in Sarawak's enthusiasm to lead the green energy industry and energy transition. They lack carefulness and weak leadership in the field of job security. The work system is not organized, ministers do not understand their responsibilities and security is not tightened. In the GAS industry, smelting, chemical and so on. Will use a lot of electricity. Therefore the safety aspect is very important. The question is why Korea and Japan are willing to buy green Hydrogen from Sarawak by 2027?. Because the hydrogen production process is very risky. They are willing to buy expensive as long as they don't sacrifice the safety of their people. Due to the negligence of plant operators in the country involved, they face prison terms. This means, if Sarawak is serious about developing the hydrogen industry. The safety aspect is paramount. The explosion at the metal press factory in Samalaju happened 24 hours after the Premier of Sarawak spoke at the PetroleumAsia Pacific 2024 conference in Singapore. In his speech Abang Jo said- Sarawak wants to strengthen its position as a global leader in the green hydrogen market including ASEAN and ASIA PACIFIC


    Jimmy, Social activist from Sarikei

    Public Slams Government for Importing Sarawak Flag, Questions Misuse of Public Funds

    Sarawak has commissioned a manufacturer in China to produce a new giant Sarawak flag (25 meters by 12 meters) to replace the one damaged by strong winds on the 99-meter-high flagpole in Kuching. According to Deputy Minister Dr. Abdul Rahman Junaidi, the previous flag was torn apart, and its cable snapped during a storm. Rahman explained that until a local manufacturer capable of producing a durable flag is found, they will continue sourcing it from China. He declined to disclose the cost of producing the new flag.

    RFS listener and supporter Jimmy from Sarikei expressed his frustration and lack of surprise over the decision to import the Sarawak flag from China to ensure its durability.

    According to Jimmy, it makes no sense that in Malaysia, or even Sarawak, there are no skilled tailors capable of producing the Sarawak flag, which is to be hoisted on a 99-meter-high flagpole that cost RM30 million. He argued that this indicates the GPS government is deliberately mismanaging public funds under the pretense that foreign-made flags are more durable. Jimmy questioned whether this is merely an excuse for Sarawak politicians to misuse public money under the guise of requiring higher-quality flags.

    Jimmy also criticized the logic of replacing the flag every month, calling it nonsensical and pointing out that each new flag likely incurs high costs. He remarked that this wasteful spending is the consequence of a public that continues to support a government that spends lavishly and irresponsibly, using funds that should be directed toward poverty alleviation instead.


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    PSM Questions Arrests, Calls for Protection of Free Speech

    PSM expressed shock upon learning that two leaders from the United for the Rights of Malaysians party, Gunasekaran Kuppan and Sunthrraju Kuppusamy, were arrested last week for raising questions about the Selangor government's allocation for the Indian community under the iSeed and Sitham schemes on TikTok. According to PSM's Arul, the remarks made by the two leaders contained no seditious or offensive content that would justify such an action.

    What made the situation more unusual was that a police report had been lodged against the two leaders, leading to their detention. Despite this, when the police sought a three-day remand, the court rejected the application, raising further questions about the justification for their arrest.

    PSM emphasized that the government has a responsibility to respond to public inquiries, especially when they involve concerns over community welfare and public funds. In this case, the arrest of individuals for merely asking questions undermines the basic right to freedom of expression.

    The party has urged the police or an independent commission to investigate the circumstances surrounding this arrest. PSM also reaffirmed the importance of upholding the public's right to free speech, calling on the authorities to ensure that such incidents do not become a tool for silencing dissent or legitimate concerns.


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