9 September 2024

On Today Show

— Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram – Costly and Unfair: The Struggles of Fertilizer Distribution
— Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun – ATM Access Crisis in Sungai Asap: A Longstanding Issue Ignored by Authorities
— Veron, from Sarawak, who has been working in Johor – Sarawak's Call for Return: Actionable Plan or Empty Promise?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Licki Ngau, Penduduk Long Bemang, Baram – Kos Yang Tinggi dan Tidak Adil: Cabaran Dalam Pengagihan Baja
— Stem Liau, seorang aktivis dari Bakun – Krisis Akses ATM di Sungai Asap: Isu Lama yang Diabaikan oleh Pihak Berkuasa
— Veron, dari Sarawak, yang telah bekerja di Johor – Seruan Sarawak untuk Pulang: Pelan Tindakan atau Janji Kosong?

  • Special Randau
                    1. Upland rice fertilizer assistance from the federal government. But when you get to Long Bemang Ulu Baram. The majority of recipients are staunch supporters of GPS, PH/PKR supporters only get a few. More dissatisfied when there are individuals who do not work in agriculture and live in the city are also on the list of recipients.- Said Licki Ngau, who asked for fairer distribution and asked for palm oil fertilizer to be supplied in the future.

                    2. There is no need for an investigation because no offense was committed, said Seputih member of parliament YB Teresa Kok. Teresa was asked to appear at the Bukit Aman police headquarters tomorrow for objecting to the proposal to require halal certification for restaurants that do not serve pork and alcohol. Teresa wondered why her statement regarding the halal certificate issue was considered to touch the 3Rs - religion, race and king. Reportedly 5 police reports were made against Teresa. The police are expected to investigate Teresa under sections 298 and 505 of the penal code and section 233 of the MCMC Act.

                    3. There is no need to obtain a halal certificate for all restaurants that do not serve pork and alcohol - said the prime minister's political secretary - Azman Abidin. Halal certificate and halal food are two different prisons - said Azman. For example, 100% of Malay restaurants in this country serve halal food, but more than 90% do not have halal certificates. Azman said applying for a halal certificate is a difficult process.


    Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram.

    Costly and Unfair: The Struggles of Fertilizer Distribution

    The residents of Long Bemang recently received rice fertilizer assistance from the federal government for the year 2024. This assistance has been provided almost every year. However, the fertilizer distribution for this year has become increasingly irregular. There are 160 recipients in Long Bemang, and each recipient is supposed to receive 11 sacks of fertilizer. However, they are required to pay RM3 for each sack, totaling RM33 for the 11 sacks provided. For the villagers, this is considered expensive, as there was no need to pay anything in the past.

    In addition, the villagers have expressed that they need fertilizer for their oil palm plants, but the government provided hill paddy fertilizer instead. At present, the villagers no longer plant hill paddy, so they are requesting that the government provide oil palm fertilizer rather than hill paddy fertilizer.

    Moreover, the fertilizer distribution process has been deemed unfair. Some families who do not live in the village or engage in agricultural activities are also receiving the fertilizer assistance. Most of the recipients appear to be supporters of GPS, despite the fertilizer aid coming from the federal government. Therefore, the villagers are calling for an investigation into this matter, especially why they are being charged RM3 per sack, allegedly for transportation costs, but without any receipt being issued. They also want the distribution process to be fairer, regardless of political ideology, and are requesting that officials from the federal Ministry of Agriculture investigate and monitor the situation.


    Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun

    ATM Access Crisis in Sungai Asap: A Longstanding Issue Ignored by Authorities

    There is a video showing the people of Sungai Asap queuing to receive STR cash aid from a mobile ATM. Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun, stated that the lack of an ATM in Sungai Asap has been an ongoing issue. Despite acknowledgment from various YBs and political secretaries, the issue remains unresolved. The state government has cited the absence of a fixed telephone line as the reason. This problem affects not only local communities but also clinics and schools, which are unable to withdraw money due to the lack of an ATM. The community questions why the Sarawak government can't resolve this longstanding problem.


    Veron, from Sarawak, who has been working in Johor

    Sarawak's Call for Return: Actionable Plan or Empty Promise?

    Veron working in Johor for the past 8 years, welcomes the Sarawak Premier's proposal to create more job opportunities in Sarawak, encouraging Sarawakians working in Johor, especially in Peninsular Malaysia, to return and contribute to their home state.

    However, Veron questions whether the Sarawak government can promise that wages in Sarawak will be the same as in the Peninsula. If it's just an empty political promise, then there is no need to call Sarawakians back.

    In Johor, a salary for a coffee shop assistant can reach RM2,500 per month. Can Sarawak offer such a high wage? Yes, it is undeniable that the cost of living in Johor is high, but with a decent salary, the rising cost of living in the Peninsula does not become an issue.

    Without comparable wages or real job creation, he argues, it is impractical for Sarawakians to return, as current promises feel more like political rhetoric than actionable solutions.


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