13 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Resident of Penan Murum – Penan Workers Fight Back: Compensation Delays and Employment Fraud in Murum
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Sabah Activist's Solo Run Stalled by Authorities, But Campaign Presses On
— Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan – River Pollution and Cultural Loss: Pos Pasik's Struggle Against Environmental Threats

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Murum – Pekerja Penan Berjuang Kembali: Kelewatan Pampasan dan Penipuan Pekerjaan di Murum
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – Larian Solo Aktivis Sabah Tergendala Oleh Pihak Berkuasa, Tetapi Kempen Tetap Diteruskan
— Jimi Arifin dari Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan – Pencemaran Sungai dan Kehilangan Budaya: Perjuangan Pos Pasik Terhadap Ancaman Alam Sekitar

  • Special Randau
                    1. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will announce the percentage increase in civil servants' salaries this Friday in the 19th public service prime minister's ceremony, at PICC Putrajaya. Civil servants salary increases are expected to be between 15-42 percent. The highest in the history of the Malaysian public service.

                    2. The decision on the application for release and acquittal of former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, which was supposed to be on August 20, 2024, was postponed to September 11, 2024. Muhyiddin requested the court to reinstate the court order that released and acquitted him of charges of corruption and abuse of power in the Jana Wibawa project.

                    3. Danum Sinar should be charged in court for violating the Sarawak Labor Ordinance 1959. The Sarawak Labor Ordinance states that workers paid less than rm2500 must be given a service contract. However, Gereng Jadum stated that Danum Sinar did not give them a service contract, but was instead creating a fake service contract.


    Gereng Jadum, Resident of Penan Murum

    Penan Workers Fight Back: Compensation Delays and Employment Fraud in Murum

    Gereng is also a spokesperson for the local Murum workers who were laid off by the Danum Sinar plantation company. The situation went viral on social media a few weeks ago when 126 local workers, all from the Penan Murum community, were suddenly fired by the Danum Sinar oil palm plantation in Murum. In response, the workers set up a blockade. Despite the intervention of the police, the labor department, and Penan lawyers, the blockade was dismantled with the promise from Danum Sinar to pay compensation to the laid-off workers.

    However, according to Gereng, the payment has been delayed because Danum Sinar is falsifying employment documents. He claims that the lawyer appointed by the Penan workers informed them that the employment entry forms for the 126 Penan workers had been altered. The documents were redesigned to show a shorter employment period and were modified and signed by Danum Sinar itself, not by the workers. Gereng believes this was done to reduce the amount of compensation the workers are entitled to. "In reality, we have been working here for more than seven years," said Gereng Jadum. "We are giving the management of Danum Sinar three more chances. After that, if compensation is not paid, we will re-establish the blockade."

    Regarding the recommendation from Sarawak Premier Johari Openg to establish a special committee involving the plantation, construction, and manufacturing sectors to expedite the issuance of work permits for foreign workers, Gereng expressed his concerns. He stated that the labor law clearly requires companies to prioritize hiring local workers first. Only if no local workers are interested can foreign workers be employed, and they must have valid work permits. In the case of Danum Sinar, the foreign workers do not have work permits. "This issue is not isolated to Murum," Gereng said. "I have been told by others that employing foreign workers without permits is happening all over Sarawak. By employing undocumented foreign workers, employers neglect the welfare of the workers, and their salaries are uncertain. Often, wages are paid too low, and the workers are completely exploited."


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park
    *Sabah Activist's Solo Run Stalled by Authorities, But Campaign Presses On*
    Jeffrey Baudi was forced to cancel his 150KM solo run because he could not obtain a permit from the police and the authorities. It was likely difficult to get approval due to vested interests in SFI (Sabah Forest Industries). However, the permit application will be resubmitted soon, as the run is scheduled to take place on September 13, 2024. Despite this setback, the social media campaign will continue.

    Even though the permit may be challenging to secure, widespread support, including from opposition members in Sabah, has been encouraging for the solo run. Media outlets, including RTM, have also shown support and inquired why the run was canceled. This issue is putting pressure on government politicians and individuals with vested interests in SFI, as they are turning a blind eye to the people’s problems, which are more about humanitarian issues. Sabah government representatives have completely ignored the people's problems and have never met with the SFI residents. However, we are very grateful to the opposition leaders for their continuous support.

    The solo run is struggling to obtain a permit because it is perceived as being driven by opposition parties, but in reality, this is not a political agenda. It is a humanitarian agenda, a fight for their lives. There are still 647 families holding out in SFI housing, and they will not leave because they cannot afford to buy houses or have no land to build homes.

    NGOs in Sabah have also done little to fight for the SFI issue, with only a few individuals stepping forward to help personally. Those who wish to contribute to the Tube Well Fund can contact Jeffrey Baudi directly at 01136633628.


    Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan

    River Pollution and Cultural Loss: Pos Pasik's Struggle Against Environmental Threats

    Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik is deeply concerned about the current situation in Pos Pasik, which involves river pollution, logging, and the construction of a dam. Logging activities are occurring in their water catchment area, even though this area is outside the designated logging zone. During the rainy season, the water becomes milky and is no longer suitable for bathing or drinking. The community is worried that the water may be contaminated with toxins released by the logging company.

    Regarding compensation, the issue is not about money; the community seeks a court order to permanently gazette their native territory for the sake of future generations. Concerning the dam, the state government has approved the construction of the Nengiri Dam. However, the community is worried that many historical sites along the river, including Gua Cha in Pos Tohoi, will be submerged. This is why Jimi and his fellow villagers strongly oppose the construction of the Nengiri Dam.

    They are also concerned about losing their traditional medicines and natural resources, as well as the potential loss of traditional knowledge on healing practices that could affect future generations.

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