12 August 2024

On Today Show
— Roland Engan, Chairman of the Sarawak People's Justice Party (PKR) – PKR Sarawak Prepares for Election Showdown with GPS, Emphasizes Local Autonomy
— Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah – Indigenous Communities Demand Transparency and Inclusion in Sarawak's Development Plans
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Ongoing Neglect of Indigenous Issues During Nenggiri By-Election


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Roland Engan, Pengerusi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak – PKR Sarawak Bersiap Sedia untuk Pertarungan Pilihan Raya dengan GPS, Tekankan Autonomi Tempatan 
— Gebriel Atong, Aktivis Hak Tanah dari Punan Bah – Komuniti Pribumi Tuntut Ketelusan dan Penyertaan dalam Rancangan Pembangunan Sarawak 
— Nasir Nash, Aktivis dari Gua Musang, Kelantan – Pengabaian Berterusan Terhadap Isu Pribumi Semasa Pilihan Raya Kecil Nenggiri

  • Special Randau
                    1. We will still compete in the Sarawak election - said Sarawak state PKR chairman - Roland Engan. In fact, we are more confident that we will record a better performance this time. By supporting with more advanced data analysis technology, the involvement of young people in the party as well as the prime minister's party pkr narrative. Roland is confident that this time the GPS seat will decline.

                    2. The second Malaysian cabinet reshuffle - due to the unsatisfactory performance of some ministers. PMX is quick to deny that that won't happen. But in politics, what is denied, is what will be done. We wait and see.

    Roland Engan, Chairman of the Sarawak People's Justice Party (PKR)

    PKR Sarawak Prepares for Election Showdown with GPS, Emphasizes Local Autonomy

    The Sarawak Justice Party finished holding its annual convention on Sunday 11 August 2024. Meanwhile on 4 August in Sabah. The Sabah People's Justice Party held a state convention as well. But in Sabah PKR President Anwar Ibrahim attended with a speech full of energy and enthusiasm - while in Sarawak the President and deputy both did not attend the convention. Is this a signal that PKR has handed over all the dun seats to GPS? Roland quickly replied that PKR will still contest in Sarawak. The absence of the president and deputy is our party's strategy - said Roland. We want to give a signal to the people of Sarawak that we can make a decision to fight GPS without instructions from the president or the party leadership at the federal level. We PKR Sarawak have our own autonomy and power. So because of that, in my basic speech, I have emphasized that PKR will still compete in the general election that will be held in Sarawak and we are confident that we will perform better. With the increase of PKR members in Sarawak so suddenly and this is a sign of PKR - the prime minister's party being supported by the people of Sarawak - especially the young generation. According to Roland, this convention is a training ground for party activists to use digital data to win elections. It was driven by Sarawak's own young people and in the next few months the voting pattern will be more visible - Said Roland. I will declare at the right time- that ph/pkr is the main party that will compete with GPS in Sarawak. In this convention, PKR launched the latest line of election machinery at the state level.

    Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah

    Indigenous Communities Demand Transparency and Inclusion in Sarawak's Development Plans

    Activist Gebril Atong shared his views on the statement made by the Premier of Sarawak during the Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration in Kuching. Gebril Atong welcomed the Premier's statement, which emphasized that through discussions, the best possible resolution could be reached, serving as guidelines for planning development programs and welfare for the indigenous people. Gebril urged Abg Jo to fulfill his promises made in his speech, delivered by Deputy Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah. He emphasized that after 61 years of Sarawak's independence, the indigenous communities have contributed significantly to the ruling party's votes, and it is long overdue for the Sarawak government to deliver on the commitments made during the recent Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration. He stressed the need to involve indigenous-based NGOs and activists in the process, not just community leaders, as the government must be more transparent in carrying out its duties.

    The purpose of Indigenous Peoples' Day, as established by the UN, is to raise awareness among indigenous people about their rights and to help others understand the situation of indigenous communities. The current situation of the indigenous people is deeply saddening. As activists, we see the unwavering support that indigenous people have given to the government, but in return, they are treated like foreign settlers, like squatters, as their ancestral land rights are not recognized by the government. Their land has been seized and handed over to plantation or logging companies. Indigenous people are not treated as partners in development, despite the wealth being generated from their lands, while they bear the burdens of development that does not favor them. What is happening is that the government is simply taking away the rights of the indigenous people, despite the fact that they have occupied the forested areas for hundreds of years, and this is not being taken seriously by the government.

    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    Ongoing Neglect of Indigenous Issues During Nenggiri By-Election

    As everyone knows, the peak of the Nenggiri by-election brings to light ongoing issues. Nasir said that logging activities in Pos Pasik are not new to Gua Musang; these concerns were raised a long time ago. However, during elections, political parties tend to highlight such issues. There’s no doubt that indigenous communities are facing significant problems, particularly with land issues, large-scale forest plantations, logging, mining, and other activities that lead to environmental destruction.

    Nasir emphasized that indigenous concerns are not limited to a single state but span across all states in Peninsular Malaysia, regardless of which political party is in power. He urged the respective state governments to commit to addressing these matters. Nasir pointed out that it’s common to hear statements from the Menteri Besar claiming that such incidents were overlooked or that they had no knowledge of them. He said it’s essential to know if the Menteri Besar has taken any action to investigate. Nasir consistently urges the government to consult with the communities whenever there is any development in Orang Asli areas. Unfortunately, he noted, there has been little political will to address issues related to indigenous communities.

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