9 August 2024

On Today Show
— Tr.  Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong, Serian – Merakai Village Faces Corporate Aggression: Residents Demand Compensation for NCR Land
— Maria Nexion from Ba Data Bila, Upper Baram – Ba Data Bila Villagers Stand Against Logging, Demand Action from Sarawak Premier
— Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei – SUPP Youth Criticizes Ignored Plea Over Pan Borneo Highway Rerouting

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr. Keliang ak Suat, Ketua Kampung Merakai, Gedong, Serian – Kampung Merakai Berhadapan dengan Serangan Korporat: Penduduk Menuntut Pampasan untuk Tanah NCR
— Maria Nexion dari Ba Data Bila, Hulu Baram – Penduduk Ba Data Bila Berdiri Menentang Pembalakan, Menuntut Tindakan dari Premier Sarawak
— Encik Lau, ahli Sayap Pemuda SUPP dari Jakar, Sarikei – Pemuda SUPP Mengkritik Rayuan yang Diabaikan Berhubung Pengalihan Laluan Lebuhraya Pan Borneo

  • Special Randau

                    1. Tensions peaked at the Kampung Merakai blockade site, Gedong-Serian. A group of 60 armed thugs tried to break down the blockade that had been set up by the villagers for 2 months and 20 days. The effort failed because it was prevented by the residents who had to act aggressively. We will not retreat until compensation is paid for our land or our land is returned.

                    2. Former Malaysian finance minister Daim Zainuddin and his wife request to be tried by a separate judge. Both of them were charged in the Kuala Lumpur sessions court for failing to comply with the SPRM notice - failing to declare assets. They were charged separately but tried by the same judge Azura Alwi. Deputy public prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin said the trial was guaranteed to be fair because the judge's decision was based on facts. Today Daim and his wife requested that judge Azura Alwi not hear their case.

    Tr.  Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong, Serian

    Merakai Village Faces Corporate Aggression: Residents Demand Compensation for NCR Land

    Merakai village residents have set up a blockade to prevent the Tridewind Melor Gemilang plantation company from harvesting palm oil. The blockade was initiated after the company, which claimed to be in a joint venture with the people of Merakai village, failed to deliver on its promise to return a portion of the revenue to the villagers who own the land.

    Tr. Keliang ak Suat said that, the blockade has been in place for 2 months and 20 days. Yesterday, the company reportedly sent 60 individuals armed with sharp weapons and clubs to dismantle the blockade under the guise of negotiation. Feeling threatened, the villagers acted aggressively to defend their blockade. No discussion took place, and the residents are demanding compensation for their NCR land, which is part of the Melor Gemilang oil palm plantation area. If compensation is not paid, they insist that the land be returned to them.

    The village head has stated that the blockade will not be lifted until their demands are met. The villagers are aware that the company may continue to apply pressure and bring more thugs in the future, so they are calling on activists in Sarawak, Malaysia, and internationally for support. Keliang ak Suat expressed gratitude to RFS for providing a platform to voice their concerns.

    Maria Nexion from Ba Data Bila, Upper Baram

    Ba Data Bila Villagers Stand Against Logging, Demand Action from Sarawak Premier

    Recently, the logging issue in Ba Data Bila remains unresolved. According to the latest updates, Borneoland Timber Resources Sdn. Bhd. has incited local supporters to put up a banner rejecting the interference of BMF and its supporters in the ongoing projects in the Ba Data Bila area. The banner declares that BMF and its supporters have no rights in the Ba Data Bila area and asserts that the local residents fully support the Sarawak Premier and the logging company in their projects.

    Maria Nexion stated that in the village of Ba Data Bila alone, a total of 42 people are actually opposed to Borneoland Timber's intrusion, while only 21 people support it. However, the minority does not comply with the majority.

    Maria Nexion and some villagers attended the International Indigenous Peoples' Day forum organized by JOAS from the 7th to the 9th in Bau. With the help of The Penan NGO-Keruan, they were brought to Kuching to advocate against this destructive operation. A letter of protest and demand has been issued to the company, demanding an immediate stop to the logging. They also plan to submit a petition to the ITTO and Sarawak Premier Abang Johari.

    Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei

    SUPP Youth Criticizes Ignored Plea Over Pan Borneo Highway Rerouting

    Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei along with other members of the SUPP Youth Wing, expressed their dissatisfaction with the rerouting of the Pan Borneo Highway from its original plan. The latest plan does not include the route passing through the Jakar market, which has long been a popular stopover point for travelers on their journey from Miri to Kuching. The Jakar market is a rapidly growing community market, attracting many visitors who stop to purchase their necessities. However, the rerouting of the Pan Borneo Highway now requires a 5-kilometer U-turn to access the market, which will likely result in economic decline for the Jakar market traders.

    When the SUPP Youth Wing raised this issue with their elected representative, their concerns were ignored, and the request to use the original Pan Borneo Highway route was dismissed. As a result, the SUPP Youth Wing had to seek assistance from DAP Senator Roderick Wong of Sarikei, who has brought the matter to the attention of the Dewan Rakyat. However, they believe it would be unfair to proceed with the Pan Borneo Highway project without considering the impact on the traders at Jakar market.

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