13 February 2024

On Today Show
— Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram – The Importance of Indigenous Rights in Leadership: A Focus on Chief Ministers like Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Tawi Seli
— Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist – The Agrovoltaic Farming Initiative in Baram: Ensuring Land Rights and Sustainability

— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak – Fair Trial or Political Interference? Controversy Surrounding Clare Rewcastle-Brown's Trial


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Richard Engan, Aktivis Sosial dan Politik dari Baram - Kepentingan Hak Asasi Orang Asli dalam Kepimpinan: Tumpuan kepada Ketua Menteri seperti Stephen Kalong Ningkan dan Tawi Seli
- Barnie Lasimbang, aktivis alam sekitar - Inisiatif Pertanian Agrovoltaic di Baram: Memastikan Hak Tanah dan Kelestarian
- Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak - Perbicaraan Adil atau Campur tangan Politik? Kontroversi Berkaitan dengan Perbicaraan Clare Rewcastle-Brown

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Activist and NGO representatives sent a request to meet YB Gerawat Gala, Mulu assemblyman - to hand in a protest petition against the construction of the Tutoh dam. It is understood that more than 800 Tutoh people have signed a petition protesting the construction of the Tutoh dam. The meeting is expected next week. Information from Dennis Along.

    2. Taib Mahmud was transferred to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur for further treatment. Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib's case against Ragad should have been scheduled for Monday 12 February 2024.

    3. The collaboration between UMNO and PBB in Sarawak deceives the Dayaks. It has been 54 years since Malays and Melanaus have been chief ministers of Sarawak. While the majority race was left behind and remained poor. Will the Dayaks continue to remain silent and what can the government led by Anwar Ibrahim be able to do to defend the Dayaks?


    Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram

    *The Importance of Indigenous Rights in Leadership: A Focus on Chief Ministers like Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Tawi Seli*

    Richard commented on how Taib Mahmud and Rahman Yakub were able to maintain power for 44 years as Sarawak's chief minister when Melanaus were only 5% of Sarawak's population. And when talking about the administration of Adenan and Abang Johari as Chief Minister of Sarawak (they are both Malays), the total time that the Malays and Melanaus dominated Sarawak politics was 54 years.

    Richard got the First Chief Minister Stephen Kalong Ningkan and the second Chief Minister Tawi Seli too honest and naive in politics. They are also not highly educated but have the principle of defending the rights of Sarawak. This is not liked by UMNO as the government in the federation. UMNO cooperated with Rahman Yakub and Taib to seize the rights of Sarawak in return for Rahman Yakub and Taib remaining in power. The same policy was used during the administration of Adenan and Johari openg until now. The Iban Dayaks in particular are confused, they are said to be part of the government when they have representatives in the PBB (PESAKA) but that is just a mask.

    The Dayaks in the PBB are only given small ranks and positions but the greatest power is held by the Malays and Melanaus. The clearest evidence is that the Malay and Melanau areas are advanced with various facilities while the Dayak areas remain backward. The Dayaks remain poor but the Malays and Melanaus work with capitalists to build dams, logging and oil palm plantations that take away the Dayaks' land.

    Richard asked the Dayak people to realize this fact and stop supporting GPS. Only then can Dayak become Chief Minister again. The real question is not which race becomes the Chief Minister, but the most fair and honest Chief Minister- Said Richard.


    Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist

    *The Agrovoltaic Farming Initiative in Baram: Ensuring Land Rights and Sustainability*

    Sarawak markets will have access to both sustainable energy and poultry prices for decades to come once a privately-funded 1,000 MWh Solar Plant integrated with Sustainable Animal Feed Economics (SAFE) in Baram is completed. Premier Sarawak Abang Johari Tun Openg was recently briefed on the investment and development of this project by Planet QEOS and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC). The patent-applied technology powering the SAFE Agrovoltaic farm will enable the energy farm to generate annually 1,430 GWh of energy; 170,000 MT of carbon neutral animal feed; and 25 million carbon neutral broiler chickens at fixed, predetermined and sustainable prices for 30 years.

    Barnie Lasimbang comment on the agrovoltaic farm which is a combination of agro griculture and solar energy. This solar farm needs a huge area to install solar panel to gain bigger energy. So there shouldn’t be any other activities in these area.

    He said that the latest trend installation of this solar also for plantation such as poultries or livestocks. In olden days solar panel were place very close to each other that cause no sun ray underneath . New ways to install solar panels are to leave some space. Thus allows sun rays underneath. So underneath solar panel now can plant vegetables or rearing of lives stocks, so not to waste the areas .

    When he heard this program to be introduce in Baram area, he then thinks this is not the very first time done in Malaysia. This kind of program also been done in Perak and Selangor, where aquaculture and rearing of lives stocks.

    But not sure if the area would cause land grabbing. Its all depand on approval. But indeed the areas are involve NCR, there should be consent from the communities


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *Fair Trial or Political Interference? Controversy Surrounding Clare Rewcastle-Brown's Trial*

    Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown was sentenced to two years in absentia by a Malaysian court for defaming Sultanah Nur Zahirah of Terengganu. The verdict was delivered by Magistrate Nik Mohd Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri after she was found guilty under Section 500 of the Penal Code. The trial was conducted in her absence, and an arrest warrant was issued earlier for her failure to attend proceedings.

    This case has attracted domestic attention, and Jeffrey asked whether Clare was given a fair chance to defend herself. He questioned whether the accusations were truly defamation. Jeffrey pointed out that this case originated from the previous government and has dragged on for years. He inquired whether Clare was given the opportunity to defend herself and whether the trial was transparent. Otherwise, issuing a verdict against Clare would be unfair.

    He said this case has garnered international attention, with everyone watching whether Malaysia's judiciary handles it fairly and transparently. Jeffrey mentioned that PM Anwar Ibrahim talked about reform, but after over a year in power, something has hindered him, causing reforms to stall. He pointed out that it's clearly the influence of the "shadow UMNO," especially evident in Zahid's DNA and Najib's 1MDB case where they received pardons reducing their prison sentences and fines.

    He emphasized that the people are waiting for reforms under a Unity government, including judicial fairness and transparency. Clare's case has also put Malaysia in the spotlight, raising concerns about freedom of speech becoming increasingly restricted. He hopes Malaysia's judiciary will give Clare a fair trial.

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