14 February 2024

On Today Shw
— Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for Penan Keruan Association (Baram) - The fact is Samling threatens Penan to continue logging
— Denis Along, social activist from Mulu - Road to Mulu? Always next year and next year
— Mr. Nixon, a social activist - dont pay allowances directly to the Community leaders who are mostly appointed by GPS


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nick Kelesau, Jurucakap Persatuan Penan Keruan (Baram) - Hakikatnya, Samling mengugut Penan untuk meneruskan pembalakan.
- Denis Along, aktivis sosial dari Mulu - Jalan ke Mulu? Sentiasa tahun depan dan tahun depan.
- Encik Nixon, seorang aktivis sosial - Jangan bayar elaun secara terus kepada pemimpin komuniti yang kebanyakannya dilantik oleh GPS.

  • Special Randau

    1. The 50th prosecution witness - Jasmine Loo (former 1MDB legal advisor gave evidence that Jho Low was Najib's proxy and acted on Najib's will and instructions. Naib was tried on four charges of abuse of power and 21 charges of money laundering involving RM2.27 billion 1MDB funds.

    2. Various parties at the international level condemned the 2-year prison sentence handed down by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's court on the founder of Sarawak Report Clare RB. Clare is accused of slandering Sultanah Terengganu in a book she wrote. In your opinion should Clare be jailed or should the Malaysian government give him an award for his indiscretion in revealing the 1MDB scandal.

    3. 205 million Indonesians started voting to elect a new president today.

    4. The Sarawak government easily approved the logging license to Samling which will definitely affect the environment. But at the same time refused to recognize the Penan people's NCR rights.


    Nick Kelesau- Spokesperson for Penan Keruan Association (Baram).

    The fact is Samling threatens Penan to continue logging

    Media reports mention that Samling's sustainable timber certificate which was suspended in July 2023 has already been resumed to allow Samling to log in the 117,941 hectares of Revenscout FMU forest. According to the senior general manager of the Sirim QAS international forest management system certification department - MD Adha Rahmat. Samling has made a serious effort to dialogue with the Penan people in the area involved. However according to Nick- what you heard from the report is inaccurate and untrue. What actually happened was the threat against the Penan people.

    "Now that Samling is closed, who will pay the salary and allowance to our village chief?". All this time Samling has been giving salaries and allowances to Penan village leaders. By protesting logging in the Ravenscout area, wages and allowances will be stopped. According to Nick there is a possibility that the audit work is not carried out in an orderly manner. The auditor may only accept reports and forms that have been processed by the assembly itself. Samling's party went to Penan villages with ballot forms. In the end, the decision is certainly in their favor. In general, Penan are completely opposed to logging because it affects life and the environment. But the main cause of our problem is because the state government does not recognize our NCR rights. Samling was used as a tool to rob us. We should be encouraged to take care of the forest so that it remains for future generations. Nick said faintly. The Samling Group was given a logging license in 2 areas, namely- Gerenai starting from 2018 to 2027, with an area of 148,305 ha (Samling Playwood (Miri) SDN.BHD) and Ravenscout Forest with an area of 117,941 ha. (Samling Timber SDN.BHD).


    Denis Along, social activist from Mulu

    _Road to Mulu? Always next year and next year

    On Statement by Premier constructing road of 100 km from Miri, marudi mulu and Long Terawan next year. Denis says they welcome and appreciate it if indeed the road be constructed. They have been waiting for decades. But this announcement is very confusing. It has been announced randomly over the years.

    And yesterday statement the road to be built next year. It has always next year for many times now. So people are fed up with this agenda. The previous announcements are yet to be implemented. But instead they implemented difference issues such implementation of sec 6 , with Baram dam and DPA. And of course it will involve NRC. Notice been release in such a short period for Land and Survey for the people to make claim and many do not know about Master Plan for this road. Currently master plan is still a secret. They are not transparent on this project.


    Mr. Nixon, a social activist

    dont pay allowances directly to the Community leaders who mostly appointed by GPS

    Chairman of MPN, Sarawak, Roland Engan suggested PMX to pay allowances to community leaders instead of the government paying the shadow cabinet of PN.

    But Nixon comment that, for the case in Sarawak, many community leaders, especially in Sarawak, are appointed through the political power of GPS. Nixon suggests that the Unity government appoint special officers as liaisons between the people and the government, as there are not many PH representatives in Sarawak, and we must not forget that in Sarawak, PH is the opposition. It is not appropriate to pay the PN shadow cabinet. Nixon requests PMX to focus on the people's economic issues, as the cost of living is very concerning.

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