13 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini

> Randau Khas – Pentingnya Pertimbangan terhadap Manfaat bagi Orang Asli dalam Hidrogen Hijau
> Iswardi Morni, Aktivis dan analis politik - Pendapatan Sarawak tinggi, tetapi pembahagian kekayaan tidak sekata.

> Wahid Anyie, Penan Long Belok Baram - Penan Long Belok menubuhkan blokade untuk menghentikan Shinyang merampas kawasan hutan yang dilindungi

> Chris Lau, Wartawan bebas dari Sarawak - Kritikan terhadap Cadangan Penternakan Ayam Muhyiddin sebagai penyelesaian yang tidak berkesan terhadap masalah ekonomi.

On Today Show
> Special Randau - Consideration of Benefits for Indigenous People in Hydro Power and Green Hydrogen Projects
> Iswardi Morni, Activist and political analyst – Sarawak’s income is high, but the distribution of wealth is uneven
> Wahid Anyie, Penan Long Belok Baram – Penan Long Belok set blockaded to stop Shinyang encroach their protected forest area
> Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak – Criticism of Muhyiddin's Chicken Farming Proposal as an Ineffective Solution to Economic Problems

  • Special Randau

    > Recently arrested former 1MDB executive Jasmine Loo wants to assist authorities in expediting asset recovery efforts related to the scandal

    > The production of Green Hydrogen through electrolysis using electrical energy sources instead of hydro dams has been identified as a contributor to global warming. Whether indigenous people benefit economically from hydro power and green hydrogen projects is something that Environment Minister Nik Nazmi and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should consider when facing Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Tun Openg in the upcoming National Carbon Policy meeting, scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, July 14, 2023.


    Iswardi Morni, Activist and political analyst

    *Sarawak’s income is high, but the distribution of wealth is uneven*

    Related to the announcement by World Bank economist Apurva Sangi that Sarawak is now classified as a high-income state. It is true that according to the calculation of per capita income (total income divided by the total population) the income of the people of Sarawak is high - more than RM5000 per month. However, this does not reflect the actual situation. It is true that Sarawak's income is high, but the distribution of wealth is uneven. Therefore, one of the ways for fair economic distribution is by empowering the people's economy.

    The agriculture and tourism sectors have the potential to contribute directly to the economic improvement of poor communities in rural areas. Therefore, land-related policies such as current GPS practices should be reformed and should give advantages to poor people who really need it.

    The proposal of the Speaker of the National Assembly - Wan junaidi Tuanku Jaafar to introduce a law to make it easier for the Prime Minister to be dismissed through the Dewan Rakyat process - the presentation of prosecution motions and charges is a necessary and progressive one - according to Iswardi. The history of Tun M's administration as a dictator for 22 years is enough to warn Malaysians that Tun M often turns his back on the cabinet to make decisions that end up harming the country. With such a law in place, the Prime Minister will be more responsible and careful not to abuse his power.

    Wahid Anyie, Penan Long Belok Baram

    *Penan Long Belok set blockaded to stop Shinyang encroach their protected forest area*

    Wahid reported that Penan Long Belok and Penan Long Sanyan had set up a blockade on 8 July 2023 to prevent the Shin Yang Logging Company (Kejin Camp) from entering the Penan protected forest area. The protected forest area is the Penan's hunting area, it also houses the salty water area, medicines and the area that supplies clean water for the Penan. After Shin Yang went through Kejin Camp logging the area between Long Belok and Long Sanyan for 2 years. Now the logging area has entered and approached the Penan settlement area. All this time the Penan people in Long Sayan and Long Belok get a little payment from Shin Yang. But two years later. The Penan people in these two settlements are aware that they have been cheated through various means. We the Penan people have been in contact with Roland Engan's lawyer and we will defend our traditional land until Success. - Wahid Anyie said.


    Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak

    *Criticism of Muhyiddin's Chicken Farming Proposal as an Ineffective Solution to Economic Problems*

    Muhyiddin Yassin, the chairman of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition, has revealed that he has started raising chickens on his farm to address the shortage of eggs and the high cost of living in the country. He referred to a study conducted by researchers, where 1,200 respondents identified inflation as their most pressing concern. Muhyiddin aims to demonstrate that the problem can be overcome with determination, although he did not provide additional details about the study.

    However, Chris argues that this is an impractical suggestion. He has previously raised dozens of chickens and knows from experience that relying on chicken farming to combat economic issues only adds to the burden instead of alleviating it.

    Chris explains that the cost of purchasing feed for the chickens to ensure they grow and lay eggs is an additional financial burden. Furthermore, not everyone facing economic difficulties has access to farms, and even their living conditions may not be suitable for raising chickens. Therefore, he reiterates that Muhyiddin's suggestion of chicken farming as a solution to economic problems is ineffective and unreasonable.

    He finds it puzzling that Muhyiddin, being a former prime minister, would propose such a suggestion that does not align with the people's welfare.

    Chris believes that while the economic issues do need to be addressed, they cannot be resolved overnight. He points out that the previous government, Pakatan Harapan (PH), had promised to tackle economic problems within 100 days of taking office, which he considers overly impatient.

    He believes that the PH Unity government has the capability to address economic issues and urges leaders like Rafizi and Anwar to provide policies that directly benefit the people, enabling them to address pressing concerns in a shorter timeframe.

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