14 June 2023

> Randau Khas

> Desmond Ling, penduduk Kampung Usahajaya Tukau - Penduduk-penduduk menuntut kerajaan Sarawak GPS dan Land Survey atas kecuaian dalam menjual Kampung Usahahaya Tukau kepada Parabena
> Abqari bin Annuar, Ketua Perancangan Strategik Pelajar Universiti Malaya - Kerajaan Perpaduan Perlu Menggalakkan Keterlibatan Politik di Kalangan Pelajar Universiti
> Barnie Lasimbang, aktivis alam sekitar dari Sabah - Keputusan oleh Kesatuan Eropah untuk membatasi pengeluaran minyak kelapa sawit untuk mengurangkan kerosakan hutan adalah perkembangan positif

> Special Randau
> Desmond Ling, villager of Kampung Usahajaya Tukau – Villagers sue the Sarawak GPS government and Land Survey of negligence in selling Kampung Usahahaya Tukau to Parabena
> Abqari bin Annuar, Head of Strategic Planning KMUM Students University of Malaya – Unity Gov Must Encouraging Political Involvement among University Students
> Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist from Sabah – The decision by the European Union to restrict palm oil production in order to minimize forest degradation is a positive development

  • Special Randau

    > Zaid Ibrahim - Former Minister of Law requests PMX to free Najib Razak

    > PAS feels offended when Saifuddin questions that political competition should be based on policies and ideology rather than race and religion.

    > Urge GPS to collaborate with PH in a unity government in Sarawak. GPS seems to be monopolizing all state-level positions without being willing to share with PH. Although PMX has given many positions to GPS in the federal government.


    Desmond Ling, villager of Kampung Usahajaya Tukau

    *Villagers sue the Sarawak GPS government and Land Survey of negligence in selling Kampung Usahahaya Tukau to Parabena*

    Villagers sue the Sarawak GPS government and Land Survey of negligence in selling Kampung Usahahaya Tukau to Parabena. Desmond Ling stated that although Kampung Usahajaya Tukau had lost the legal battle against Parabena in the past in the High Court, Federal Court, and Court of Appeal, which resulted in Parabena owning the village, but one of the plots of land, Lot 189, was previously acknowledged by former Chief Minister Adenan Satem as a kampung with basic amenities such as water and electricity, proving its legitimacy. He said that Parabena had won the land in a court case years ago, which is an undisputed fact. However, he and 12 other villagers are taking the GPS government and Land Survey to court to seek compensation for the loss of their agricultural and residential land. Desmond Ling pointed out that Parabena had already sold the land to multiple developers who now intend to develop it. The villagers have repeatedly approached Lambir State Assemblyman DR Ripin to address this issue but have not received any assistance. He also mentioned that Awang Tengah is one of the directors of Parabena. He stated that if a people's representative has a vested interest in the matter, no matter how the people seek help, they will not receive any response. Desmond Ling noted that although Parabena is currently accusing three village representatives of refusing to relocate, he and the other 12 affected villagers have decided to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit against the GPS government and Land Survey on June 17. This way, neither Parabena nor the developers can utilize the land until the lawsuit is resolved in court. He pointed out that during Taib's tenure, he used his power to allocate the land in Tukau for his sister Raziah Mahmud's development, despite the village already having the status of a kampung. However, the land was transferred to Parabena, which is owned by his sister. He said that if such actions are carried out by the top leaders, the lower politicians are also affected and will not assist the villagers.


    Abqari bin Annuar, Head of Strategic Planning KMUM Students University of Malaya.

    *Unity Gov Must Encouraging Political Involvement among University Students*

    PMX's action of visiting the University and asking questions with students is good to give space to students to ask questions and bridge the gap between students and national leaders. But the same opportunity should also be given to other politicians, even if they are from the opposition party. Giving an example, before becoming Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was prevented from delivering a lecture at the University of Malaya in 2014. The reason given by the government at the time was because it was against the Universities and Colleges Act 1971 (AUKU). But when Anwar became prime minister - AUKU was not abolished. This is very disappointing. Abqari thinks that university students should be given the space and freedom to be political in an adequate democratic space, as long as it does not violate the limits of democracy. However, Abqari agreed with PMX - so that university students think critically and do not accept 100% of politicians' arguments. Students on the other hand should be able to evaluate, research, read and compare what politicians say. According to Abqari, the Malaysian education system is too oriented towards learning to pass the test, and is still a long way from forming critical thinking students. Therefore, the syllabus/curriculum of Malaysian Education should be reviewed. So that university graduates in Malaysia are not only smart in the majors they choose in the University but also understand political issues. Therefore, political literacy should be intensified. Abqari felt sad that after GE15 racial and religious sentiments were used by political parties to gain support. He hopes that the competing political parties can campaign cleanly, presenting facts and a convincing manifesto.


    Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist from Sabah

    *The decision by the European Union to restrict palm oil production in order to minimize forest degradation is a positive development*

    We have always hear the inconsistency in oil palm price and operation cost that need inputs such as fertilisers, weedicide and etc. We also question if the govt has enough action plans to assist small holders due to increase cost of the commodity.

    There are two holistic issues for oil palm operation, as I'm also one of the small holders, and understand the difficulties face by the small holders. When oil palm price increase, the price of fertilisers and pesticides are increase as well, but when the price of oil palm is decrease, the price of fertilisers and weedicides do not decrease.

    Govt should give subsidy or the alternative means of planting oil palm. Like organic fertilisers are much better. And to introduce new agriculture techniques will help to reduce operational cost.

    Govt also must monitor and control the price of fertilisers and weedicides.

    As per malaysiakini article. There is a truth in the statement by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sri Fadillah Yusof, on the comparation between oil palm and soya oil. Oil palm is more efficient as it is only plant once and producing in much longer period. Atleast 20 years while other bean need to replanting in every season.

    What happened when EU release circular to minimize productions from forest degradation is good as we already have huge area planted with oil palm.


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