16 February 2024

On Today Show

— Ngeow Chow Ying, Lawyer and legal practitioner – Justice Denied: The Political Persecution of Clare Rewcastle Brown
— TR. Mini ak Ringkai.Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan – Defending Community Land: The Fight Against Corporate Greed
— Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Chairman of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) – Generations of Cultivation: The Battle for Kantan Farmers' Land
— Ms. Agnes from Dijih – Challenges of Political Alignment in Rural Communities

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Ngeow Chow Ying, Peguam - Keadilan Dinafikan: Penindasan Politik terhadap Clare Rewcastle Brown
- TR. Mini ak Ringkai. Ketua Kampung Ruan, Simunjan - Mempertahankan Tanah Komuniti: Perjuangan Menentang Kezaliman Korporat
- Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Pengerusi Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) - Generasi Penanaman: Pertempuran untuk Tanah Pemilik Tanah Kantan
- Puan Agnes dari Dijih - Cabaran Penyesuaian Politik dalam Komuniti Dalaman

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The blockade by 9 villages in Ruan, Simunjan continues even though TH has obtained a court order for eviction. 11 years ago Tabung Haji TH has conducted a joint venture with 9 villages involved in oil palm cultivation. But when the Palm oil yields. TH refused to share the profits with the residents. We are ready to face the authorities and we also dare to face TH in court - said Tr. Mini ak Ringkai.

    2. The possibility of Clare Brown being extradited to Malaysia will not happen. Such is the view of Lawyer Ngeow Chow Ying. This is because Malaysia and the UK do not have a treaty related to extradition. On Feb 7, Clare was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's Court for allegedly defaming Sultanah Nur Zahirah. Chaw Yin is convinced that the prosecution of Clare is politically motivated. According to Chaw Yin, Book - The Sarawak Report - The Inside story of 1MDB expose. Key clues to the 1MDB case

    3. Larry Sng was almost attacked by 4 men in Julau, because he was not satisfied with the salary he received. It is understood that the angpau distributed by Larry Sng is only RM5 per person. Larry Sng in a visit to the Chinese community in the Julau parliamentary area was almost attacked. But the end result is just an argument. The Julau police are investigating the real motive behind the attempted attack on the president of the Parti Bangsa Malaysia.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Lawyer and legal practitioner

    *Justice Denied: The Political Persecution of Clare Rewcastle Brown*

    Clare Rewcastle Brown (CRB) was sentenced to 2 years in prison by Magistrate Nik Mohd Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri after the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's Court heard and heard the case of Sultanah Terengganu Nur Zahirah's Defamation Suit against CRB. CRB was accused of slandering the Sultanah of Terengganu in his book The Sarawak Report "The Inside Story of 1MDB expose". Is the judgment valid?

    Ngeow thinks there are clear doubts that the trial conducted was unfair. In any court case, those accused should be given space to defend themselves. In this case, CRB was not informed of the charges against her and her lawyer who was in Kuala Lumpur was also not informed. This leads to doubts about the validity of the sentence imposed.

    Of course there is an argument that states that section 425A of the Criminal Procedure Code allows the trial to be conducted in absentia or without the presence of the accused. But according to Ngeow, this section only applies to trials that have started and halfway through the accused has refused to appear in court. This is different from the CRB case that she was not informed from the beginning. Section 425A was only included in the criminal procedure code in 2016 and should not be misused.

    Is there a remedy to correct this error? Ngeow believes that Clare's lawyers have filed an appeal and there is indeed a chance for Clare to defend herself. However Ngeow is convinced that the prosecution of Clare is politically motivated. Since CRB has written a book that opened the eyes of all Malaysians and the world regarding the 1MDB scandal - the world's biggest financial scandal.

    Will Malaysia request that Interpol arrest and extradite CRB so that he can serve his sentence in Malaysia? and will Interpol obey without question to follow the wishes of Malaysian courts? Ngeow said that there is no treaty/cooperation/agreement between Malaysia and the UK regarding extradition. Under the UK extradition act - the person to be extradited must have committed an offense under UK law. If there is no treaty between Malaysia and the UK, then Interpol will not be able to act.


    TR. Mini ak Ringkai.Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan.

    *Defending Community Land: The Fight Against Corporate Greed*

    Tr. Mini explained that until now no police or Semelatong Farm authorities have come to evict them. Although yesterday they were told by their lawyer Dominic Ng that TH Tabung Haji had obtained a court order to evict them from the blockade site.

    Tr. Mini raised the question is how dare they evict the community, this is the community’s land, not TH's Haji Fund land.

    The land area of 9 villages that was fraudulently taken by TH is more than 2000 hectares. Tr. Mini said the community has made a police report since the first day their land was invaded and they have also sued the parties involved in court. But they always failed to appear in court so the trial could not be conducted.

    The Community hope that the court will make a decision to return community land along with compensation for losses.


    Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Chairman of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

    *Generations of Cultivation: The Battle for Kantan Farmers' Land*

    On the eviction of Kantan farmers in the Tambun constituency, which is represented by a Member of Parliament Anwar, these farmers, who are now in their fourth generation occupying the area, have been cultivating it since before the Second World War.

    These farmers are responsible for supplying food to the surrounding areas as well as to mining workers. During the state of emergency in those days, they were evacuated to Kampung Baru but were allowed to continue their farming activities during the day to meet essential needs.

    They continue to reside in Kampung Baru. These farmers have applied for land titles and so forth, but the Perak State policy is not to grant titles to this group. Even to this date, the majority have not received titles.

    There are about 400 farmers here who can produce 40 tonnes of fruits and vegetables daily. This is the main area for supplying essential products.

    What has happened now is that PKNP has been allocated over 700 acres by the Perak state government. PKNP is one of the GLCs, in which the Chairman is the Menteri Besar. Among all the farmers, 7 farmers were evicted.

    The farmers have tried to bring up the issue in court, claiming that they were promised other land. However, this promise has yet to materialize. So, the farmers are applying for the eviction to be suspended until their land is replaced.


    Ms. Agnes from Dijih

    *Challenges of Political Alignment in Rural Communities*

    Agnes commented on the statement by the Bukit Begunan assemblyman, Mong Dagang, who called on the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) to act as a bridge between the people and the government. However, according to Agnes, political differences in longhouses have greatly caused disunity among the community, especially in the distribution of government development projects where there are still those who practice favoritism towards the people who support the opposition. Usually, those who oppose are often marginalized from receiving any form of development assistance from the government. For example, a few years ago, the village head who supported the ruling party (which was then BN before changing to the GPS brand) divorced his wife because she strongly opposed and supported the opposition party, which should not have happened.

    Ms. Agnes calls for the people under the Unity government led by PMX to practice unity towards each other for the sake of mutual harmony.

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