19 February 2024

On Today Show

— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst – Malaysians Should Support and Rally Behind Clare, Because Justice is Universal
— Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu – Over 600 Tutoh Village Residents Express Anti-Dam Sentiment, Yet Gerawat Sends Only Aide for Discussions
— Barnie Lasimbang, social activist from Sabah – Local Community Discontent: Chinese Company's Silica Sand Mining Project in Kudat
— Mr. James from Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri – Tradition Village Residents Stand Firm: No Relocation Without Full Compensation for Homes and Crop

Topik Pada Hari In
- Prof Wong Chin Huat, Ahli Akademik dan Analis Politik - Rakyat Malaysia Patut Memberi Sokongan dan Solidariti Kepada Clare, Kerana Keadilan Adalah Universal
- Dennis Along, Aktivis dari Long Terawan, Mulu - Lebih 600 Penduduk Kampung Tutoh Menyuarakan Sentimen Anti-Empangan, Namun Gerawat Hanya Menghantar Pembantu untuk menerima Memo
- Barnie Lasimbang, Aktivis Sosial dari Sabah - Ketidakpuasan Komuniti Tempatan: Projek Perlombongan Pasir Silika Syarikat China di Kudat
- Encik James dari Kampung Tradisi Usahajaya Tukau Miri - Penduduk Kampung Tradisi Berdiri Teguh: Tiada Pemindahan Tanpa Pampasan Penuh untuk Rumah dan Tanaman

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The prison sentence against Clare Brown is politically motivated and intended to intimidate other parties into not daring to speak out.

    2. YB Gerawat Gala refused to meet with NGOs and residents' representatives. Just send a representative. Representatives of 600 Tutoh residents who signed a petition protesting the state government's plans to build a dam in Tutoh have submitted their objections to the representative of Yb Gerawat Gala.

    3. Rafizi is ready to start/debate with Najib's strongmen if approved by the prime minister and deputy prime minister

    4. Former MP from Sarawak Mutang Tagal was sworn in as speaker of the National Assembly today.


    Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst

    *Malaysians Should Support and Rally Behind Clare, Because Justice is Universal*

    Prof Wong discussed the impact of the 2-year prison sentence on Clare Brown by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's court. Of course it puts pressure on Clare but more unfortunately it scares others and makes them afraid to speak up.

    In this case, Clare was trialed by two courts. First the court of public opinion and second of course the civil court that tried Clare. It would be unfair to sentence Clare without a full trial (in absentia) or Clare not being given a chance to defend herself.

    First the case was filed in the high court in Kuala Lumpur then transferred to Terengganu, where the plaintiff got the upper hand. It would be unfair for Clare to be punished for writing a paragraph that really only needs corrective action. The sentence handed down against Clare sparked an international reaction. The court of public opinion began to question what the Madani government was doing. 1MDB offenders and criminals Najib Razak were given a half amnesty and fines were discounted by 76%, but the main informant of the 1MDB scandal was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Like it or not Madani government should act decisively. In the event of an abuse of court process in the Clare Brown case. So strict action should be imposed on the negligent party. Wong Chin Huat is convinced that there is a political motive in the prosecution of Clare. However - Wong asked that Malaysians do not hesitate to support Clare's actions and efforts, even though she is a foreigner. Justice is universal - Said Prof Wong. It doesn't matter if she is a stranger, as long as she is fair and does the right thing. So her action should be supported. Even local Malaysians, if robbing and corruption. So all Malaysians should reject and oppose.


    Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu

    *Over 600 Tutoh Village Residents Express Anti-Dam Sentiment, Yet Gerawat Sends Only Aide for Discussions*

    Dennis and friends were disappointed when Gerawat Gala (GPS) Mulu assemblyman - was too busy and could not spare time to meet them as promised (17 Feb 2024).

    Gerawat gave the reason that he had more important and unavoidable meetings and commitments, only sent his secretary, Mr. Simon Julie Lugun to meet anti-dam activists.

    Dennis and friends submitted a petition of 600 Tutoh residents protesting against the proposed construction of the Tutoh dam. Dennis and friends explained that he is not anti-development.

    We are only against the construction of the dam, against the sec 6 land measurement and against the TPA policy of increasing the area of Taman Negara Mulu. We want roads, electricity and clean water. We are only against projects that destroy the environment- Said Dennis Along.


    Mr. James from Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri

    *Tradition Village Residents Stand Firm: No Relocation Without Full Compensation for Homes and Crop*

    Mr Janmes confirms that the villagers have received a letter from the land and survey department stating that the Parabena company has agreed to provide a relocation scheme by helping to fill in the land with low fertility to ease the burden on the villagers. This is to avoid them having to fill in the land themselves for the purpose of rebuilding their homes after they leave Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau. However, according to Mr. James, they will not move as long as the government or any relevant department involved in the eviction of the Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri community does not fully compensate them for the loss of their homes and all the crops that have yielded results for them.

    According to a statement from the land and survey office, the entire community there is said to be squatters, and this disappoints Mr. James as the rights of the people are being undermined by the land and survey department. If they were squatters, why is there 24-hour electricity and plots from the land and survey office have also been given for over 30 years, with some having lived in the village since the 1940s.

    Once again, Mr. James explains that as long as the compensation they demand is not fulfilled, no community eviction can take place.


    Barnie Lasimbang, social activist from Sabah

    *Local Community Discontent: Chinese Company's Silica Sand Mining Project in Kudat*

    A fact-finding mission was conducted in Pkg Andab Bangau, Kudat, regarding silica sand mining by a Chinese company. The project was supposed to provide job opportunities for local communities, but it was found that most workers were Chinese nationals, with only 2 or 3 locals supporting the mining project. Silica sand is a primary material for solar panels.

    Barnie and his team discovered that the water surrounding the area is now polluted. While the water used to be clear, it is now the color of coffee. Additionally, the team learned that two local women were charged in a Sabah Magistrate's Court for trespassing into the factory. Simultaneously, the communities are claiming their Native Customary Rights (NRC) to the area for their livelihoods. Since the mining operation began, their access road has been blocked. However, the charges against the two women were dropped.

    The company is avoiding disclosing their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.


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