16 June 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Iswardy Morni, Peguam Aktivis dan Analis Politik - Masa untuk Mendedahkan Bukti Rasuah Mahathir dan Daim

> Elia Bit, aktivis PENA (Penan Baram Empowerment Network) - Mengkritik GPS kerana Tidak Menyediakan Kad Identiti Kekal kepada kanak-kanak di bawah 21 tahun

> Dennis Along, Penduduk Long Terawan Mulu - Kerajaan GPS Membuat-Buat Bukti Apabila Mahu Merampas Tanah Orang Asal
> Sevan Doraisamy, Pengarah Eksekutif SUARAM - Langkah-langkah Covid-19 bekas PM Muhyiddin memberi kesan negatif terhadap hak asasi manusia

> Puan Umang dari Miri - Jururawat Terdahulu Mengkritik Kenyataan Wan Razali tentang Pakaian Seragam Jururawat sebagai Kurang Bermakna

On Today Show
> Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist cum Political Analyst – Time to Expose the Corruption Evidence of Mahathir and Daim
> Elia Bit, activist of PENA (Penan Baram Empowerment Network) – Criticize GPS for Not Providing Permanent Identity Cards to children under 21yo
> Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Mulu – GPS Gov Fabricating Evidence whenever they want to Seize Indigenous Lands
> Sevan Doraisamy, Executive Director of SUARAM – Ex-PM Muhyiddin's Covid-19 measures negatively impacted human rights
> Puan Umang from Miri – Former Nurse Criticizes Wan Razali's Statement on Nurse Uniforms as Lacking Substance

  • Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist cum Political Analyst

    *Time to Expose the Corruption Evidence of Mahathir and Daim*

    Iswardy has just been appointed as the information secretary of the PKR and is tasked with making thorough preparations for PKR to face the elections in 6 states which are expected this August. Iswardy explained the development of Tun M's RM150 million defamation case against PMX Anwar Ibrahim. PMX has filed its defense statement through e-filing - among which is evidence that Tun M gave contracts worth RM214.2 million to his children and son-in-law (through Opcom sdn.Bhd) when he was prime minister and finance minister from 1994 to 2021. Mahathir also bail out of KPB (Pos Logistics Berhad (Mirzan Mahathir the majority shareholder) of RM2 billion in 1997. Awarding of contract by Telekom to Opcom Cable Sdn. Bhd worth RM11.157 million and granting of fabrication license to Kencana Petroleum (Owned by Mokhzani).

    According to Iswardy this is enough to prove that Mahathir misused his power and enriched his children who Mahathir has often said did not give contracts/projects to his family when he was Prime Minister. Iswardy also told the development of MACR's investigation into Mahathir's strong ally Tun Daim Zainuddin who was also investigated and his account worth RM2.3 billion was frozen. According to Iswardy, PMX Anwar is a forgiving person, but this disclosure and investigation had to be done to prove the truth in court.

    Regarding the elections in 6 states - Iswardy is still confident that PH will continue to be in power in P.Pinang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. While having the opportunity to defeat PAS and PN in Kedah and Terengganu.


    Elia Bit, activist of PENA (Penan Baram Empowerment Network)

    *Criticize GPS for Not Providing Permanent Identity Cards to children under 21yo*

    The Sarawak GPS government has introduced Temporary Documentation for Individuals without Citizenship in Sarawak (DSITKS) to ensure access to education and healthcare for children. As of April, 594 applications have been received, and 86 applications from the first group have been approved by the GPS government.

    Here we ask, why is the documentation provided temporary instead of permanent?

    Elia Bit stated that the DSITKS program was only initiated in November last year. According to her understanding, applications can be made through the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of Sarawak, and the beneficiaries are children under 21 years old.

    Considering the challenging process that Elia has witnessed in assisting interior people with their applications for MyKad, she can accept that DSITKS is a good step, especially for many indigenous children who do not have identification documents. Without proper identification, these children are unable to access education.

    She explains that, based on her understanding, children applying for DSITKS must meet the following three conditions:

    1) Either the father or mother must be a Malaysian citizen residing in Sarawak.

    2) The applicant must have a birth certificate registered in Sarawak, and their nationality is yet to be determined, with an application made for Malaysian citizenship according to Article 15A of the Malaysian Constitution.

    3) The age must be below 21 years.

    Elia wonders why, if they already have a birth certificate from Sarawak, they cannot be directly given a MyKad. She questions why only a temporary identification document is provided, saying that if the intention is to help the people, it should be done completely and not halfway.

    Referring to Article 14 of the Federal Constitution, she highlights that children born abroad to a Malaysian father automatically acquire Malaysian citizenship. Therefore, she finds the conditions for Sarawak children to apply for DSITKS stricter. Since one parent is a Malaysian in Sarawak and the child has a birth certificate, shouldn't they be directly granted a MyKad?

    Elia questions the difference between DSITKS and the green identity card (MyKas). Both have an expiration date, but DSITKS is valid for two years. She demands that the GPS government engage with the people, understand the difficulties they face in applying for MyKad, and particularly visit Kuching to verify whether the applications are successful. This would undoubtedly alleviate the financial and time burdens for the people.

    Furthermore, she mentions that in most of the cases she handles, is the Penan parents do not have MyKad. In such situations, Penan children cannot fulfill the three conditions for applying for DSITKS. Thus, they cannot obtain this temporary identification document.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Mulu

    *GPS Gov Fabricating Evidence whenever they want to Seize Indigenous Lands*

    30 years ago Bursa Mulu, a company owned by Roziah Mahmutd and her husband Robert Gennet was given PL by the administration of her brother Taib Mahmud to establish Hotel Bursa Mulu. The land belongs to the Asal Tering people. Dennis Along and 14 others sued Bursa Mulu company. But they lost in the high court and the court of appeal. Defeated as a result of their claim being delayed beyond the 60 days required by law. However, when Dennis' lawyer wanted to take the case to federal court. There is new evidence found that the disputed land is no longer owned. So Dennis submitted an application to confirm that the land belonged to them. However, after a few weeks, a new document appeared from the Land and Survey Department which stated that there was a new document confirming that the PL of the land belonged to Bursa Mulu. Dennis was frustrated that the authorities could produce any evidence to support their arguments in court. While the original people who are indeed the owners of the land are denied rights. It is only allowed to submit objections/claims within 60 days after the PL is issued. Dennis and 14 others sued Bursa Mulu, the Sarawak State Government and the Land and Survey Department.


    Sevan Doraisamy, Executive Director of SUARAM

    *Ex-PM Muhyiddin's Covid-19 measures negatively impacted human rights*

    A Suaram report said measures introduced by former prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (pic) during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic caused negative impacts on human rights, fundamental freedoms and marginalised communities.

    This research by CIJ focuses on the measures taken by various countries to address the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to parliamentary sittings. However, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made the decision to suspend parliamentary sessions. Many other countries, on the other hand, found alternative means such as conducting parliamentary sessions online.

    Sevan from Suaram emphasized that Parliament plays a crucial role in approving provisions during the pandemic. While the initial suspension may have been deemed acceptable, there were concerns regarding the repeated suspensions, particularly when a state of emergency was declared while the country was already under the Movement Control Order (MCO).

    It was widely believed that these actions were driven by the Prime Minister's political interests to remain in power despite lacking sufficient support. He consistently claimed to have enough support and refused to step down. Another issue raised was the limitation on the right to voice opinions when parliamentary sittings were not held.


    Puan Umang from Miri

    *Former Nurse Criticizes Wan Razali's Statement on Nurse Uniforms as Lacking Substance*

    Puan Umang, an ex-nurse comment on the issue of Wan Razali PN-Kuantan's statement questioning the ethics of strict nurse uniforms.

    Puan Umang states that Wan Razali PN-Kuantan's statement lacks substance and is cowardly. She questions why the opposition often plays the issues of Shariah and religion when PH (Pakatan Harapan) was in power. This implies that soon the kebaya dress might become an issue in the future.

    Nurse uniforms adhere to international standards, and she criticizes the narrow and misguided thinking of PN PAS (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) for issuing such statements in parliament without any sense of shame.

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