Radio Free Sarawak

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17 December 2021

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Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu: PKR ngeripot tiket betuah ngelanggar atur bepilih, lalu pemesai opis Penagang Penyalah Makai Suap -MACC enggai nerima repot! Dominique Ng madah kandadet PKR Abdul Karim bisi direpot kandadet GPS ti ngatur prais tiket betuah ngagai opis MACC tang pemesai opis nya enggai nerima repot. Iya ngasuh rayat ngerikut enti bisi nemu orang ti ngelanggar atur bepilih. Kuasa undi siku-siku pengundi berega lebih ari RM100! Abun Sui nagang bala pengundi nyual undi sida ngagai GPS, iya madahka sida ti ngundi GPS reti nya ngundi perintah ti makai-suap. Pengelantang maya perintah PH - Nama asil ti ulih menua Selangor! YB Rodziah binti lsmail madahka PH mujur mutarka penusah rayat ti nadai rumah enggau pekara NCR dalam taun 2008. Ba WhatApp bisi nusui GPS ti ngelanggar atur bepilih! Penulis berita Sarawak Clare Brown bisi nusui sereta ngaga gambar wayang lalu ditusui online bakani Sarawak tau munaska penyalah makai- suap. Dingaka semua cherita tu enggau ti bukai ditusui Radio Free Sarawak online pukul 6 lemai tu....

On Tonight’s Show: PKR reporting lucky dip election abuse to uncooperative MACC! Dominique Ng says attempts to report GPS’ Abdul Karim’s prize draw bribe was met with intimidation by MACC officers. He urges citizens to keep recording GPS election abuse. And, Your dignity is worth more than RM100! Abun Sui appeals to voters considering voting GPS in exchange for cash, saying a vote for GPS is a vote for corruption. Also, Life under PH rule—what Selangor gets right! YB Rodziah Binti Ismail explains how the party have tackled poverty, housing and NCR rights since 2008. And, WhatsApp Election is exposing GPS election abuse! Sarawak Report editor Clare Brown details how Sarawak is fighting back by filming corruption and spreading it online. This and more from 6pm…