19 January 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Caught in a Lie: Abang Jo's Hollow Assurances on Cascading Dams
— Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawa – Malaysian Power Players Face Accountability: Anwar Ibrahim's Bold Move
— Thomas Jalong, indigenous rights activist – Dammed Disagreements: Assessing Environmental Impact and Community Opposition
— Paul Nunggang from Long Liam – Logging Profits vs. Environmental Preservation
— Muna Getor of Bau – The Green Struggle: Small Padi Farmers in Sarawak Facing Climate Crisis


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Abang Jo Bohong terhadap Jaminan mengenai Empangan
— Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik dari Sarawak - Pemain Kuasa Malaysia Menghadapi Siasatan: Langkah Berani Anwar Ibrahim
— Thomas Jalong, Aktivis Hak Asasi Orang Asli - Menilai Impak Alam Sekitar dan Penentangan Komuniti terhadap Empangan
— Paul Nunggang dari Long Liam - Keuntungan Penebangan vs. Pemeliharaan Alam Sekitar
— Muna Getor dari Bau - Perjuangan Hijau: Petani Padi Kecil di Sarawak Menghadapi Krisis Iklim

  • Special Randau - *Caught in a Lie: Abang Jo's Hollow Assurances on Cascading Dams*

    1. Sarawak Prime Minister Johari Openg's claim - cascading dams do not affect the environment, residents in 3 areas wrote letters asking for dams to be built. Meanwhile Gerawat Gala said the decision whether or not to proceed with the Sarawak government’s proposed cascading dam projects is still subject to a feasibility study which has to be carried out to assess their technical and commercial viability. This is Johari's open lie for the opening of 2024. In tonight's broadcast - we insert Sarawak Prime Minister's media statement regarding GPS's intention to build a dam.

    2. Tun Mahathir Mirzan's son is required by the MACC to declare his assets within 30 days.

    3. The investigation into the untouchables puts Anwar Ibrahim's government at risk. But it was still done by Anwar to fulfill his promise of reform.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawa

    *Malaysian Power Players Face Accountability: Anwar Ibrahim's Bold Move*

    According to Iswardy, the PMX-led government is at risk of being overthrown for investigating "untouchable persons". Currently the government led by Anwar is investigating Daim, his wife and 2 children, related to the Za Star Trust with a wealth value of RM244 million in the Cayman Islands. Tun Mahathir Mirzan's son was also investigated with the wealth collected in the BVI. Muhyiddin and his son-in-law were investigated in the JanaWibawa case and most recently former PM Ismail Sabri was also investigated in relation to funds promoting "Malaysian Family". Najib's case is still long and in trial. The former PMs 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 are being investigated.

    The risk according to Iswardy, these figures have followers and wealth. They have skillfully hidden their wealth and they are the ones who created the system that allowed them to be rich and powerful. They can spend RM750 or more to buy MPs to support them or sponsor candidates or political parties in elections. Actually this value is too small for them compared to the amount of wealth they stole.

    But in order to reform, PMX Anwar Ibrahim dared to do this even though he was aware that his actions would have a bad effect on the government. Asked if this investigation was ordered by Anwar? Directly or indirectly. Anwar detects/suspects irregularities, it is the duty of the authorities to investigate. Previously - if known by the previous Prime Minister. They are afraid to act because they love position and power. Iswardy called on Malaysians to support the PMX administration. However according to Iswardy. Not all rich people in Malaysia are under investigate. Ananda Krisnan, Syed Moktar and many others who have extraordinary wealth. Don't feel intimidated by PMX administration.


    Thomas Jalong, indigenous rights activist

    *Dammed Disagreements: Assessing Environmental Impact and Community Opposition*

    Sarawak Prime Minister Johari Openg claims that the proposed construction of three cascading dams along the Gaat River, Tutoh River, and Belaga River will have no adverse environmental impact. However, residents from these areas have written letters expressing their support for the dams to be built. In response to community objections, Gerawat Gala stated today that the decision on whether to proceed with the Sarawak government’s proposed cascading dam projects is still pending a feasibility study. This study aims to assess the technical and commercial viability of the projects.

    Thomas Jalong emphasized that any project involving villagers and land should prioritize community discussions as a primary and crucial condition. He highlighted the potential impact of projects in inland areas on the lives and livelihoods of local communities. Blindly initiating projects without proper communication may lead to community backlash, and proceeding without assessing the environmental impact could result in unforeseen issues.

    Jalong expressed his belief that the announcement by Abang Jo to construct three dams faced strong opposition from affected communities, with significant support gathered through collected signatures. This indicates that the GPS government's dam construction plans lack approval from the local population. Jalong stressed that without obtaining local consent, such plans should not proceed.

    He urged the government to prioritize communication with relevant communities and conduct ecological assessments before considering any projects.


    Paul Nunggang from Long Liam

    *Logging Profits vs. Environmental Preservation*

    Paul Nunggang provides insights on the demands of Sabah and Sarawak for the transfer of environmental autonomy from the federal government under MA63.

    He states that what is outlined in the MA63 agreement does not need further negotiation because it is the right of Sabah and Sarawak as per the MA63 agreement. Why has the MA63 issue been continuously negotiated for so long?

    Regarding Sarawak, what is the plan behind seeking environmental autonomy when Sarawak's forests have already been extensively destroyed by the government issuing logging licenses for the sake of their own profits? Paul Nunggang does not trust the Sarawak government's management of the environment because they are keen on constructing many dams, and dams are projects that will harm the environment.


    Muna Getor of Bau

    *The Green Struggle: Small Padi Farmers in Sarawak Facing Climate Crisis*

    In the pursuit of achieving the ambitious goals set by the federal government's 'Gelombang Padi' initiative by 2030, special attention must be given to the empowerment of small padi farmers with modest plots in Sarawak. The recent announcement emphasizes the importance of uplifting the agricultural sector, particularly for those cultivating rice on a smaller scale.

    Muna, a small padi farmer in Sarawak, shares the challenges she faces due to global climate change, making it increasingly difficult to achieve a bountiful harvest. Several factors contribute to her struggles, the foremost being prolonged droughts and floods that disrupt the delicate balance required for successful padi cultivation.

    The changing landscape plays a significant role in Muna's predicament. With vast forest areas now converted into oil palm plantations, the natural habitats of various animals, including birds, have been disrupted. These creatures, struggling to adapt to the altered environment, turn to padi farms for sustenance. As a result, they become a menace to the crops, causing further distress to small-scale farmers like Muna.

    The government need to look seriously into those issue and must find ways to help the padi farmers. Especially farmers who are doing padi planting along the riverside or seaside to build bund or waterblockade.

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