22 January 2024

On Today Show

— Special Randau – Public Opinion and the Appointment of Sarawak TYT: A Call for Inclusivity
— Rebeca Bana from Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu – Armed Enforcement in NCR Lands: Tensions Rise in Bintulu as Villagers Resist Land Measurement
— Jaba ak Mawa, Residents of Ruah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi – YB and Political Strings Pulled? Residents React to Plantation Companies reneging on Promise
— Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Sarawak Zone) – Urgent Call for Action: Addressing Land Grabbing and Encroachment in Sarawak
— Wille Kajan from Mulu – Petition Power: 80% of Locals Oppose Cascading Dam Construction in Baram
— Nekodimus Singai of Gedong – Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Questions Feasibility Without Adequate Farmer Empowerment

Topik Pada Hari
— Randau Khas – Pendapat Awam dan Pelantikan TYT Sarawak
— Rebeca Bana dari Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu – Penguatkuasaan Bersenjata di Tanah NCR: Ketegangan Meningkat di Bintulu Apabila Penduduk Menentang Pengukuran Tanah
— Jaba ak Mawa, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi – YB dan Politik Pengaruh? Penduduk Bertindak Balas terhadap Syarikat Perladangan yang Ingkar Janji
— Jok Jau Ivong, Koordinator Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Zon Sarawak) – Seruan Mendesak untuk Tindakan: Menangani Penceroboh Tanah dan Penyeludupan di Sarawak
— Willie Kajan dari Mulu – Kuasa Petisyen: 80% Penduduk Menentang Pembinaan Empangan di TBaram
— Nekodimus Singai dari Gedong – Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Menimbulkan Keraguan tanpa Pemberdayaan Petani yang Memadai


  • Special Randau – *Public Opinion and the Appointment of Sarawak TYT: A Call for Inclusivity*

    1. The announcement of the appointment of TYT Sarawak to replace Taib Mahmud will be made in the near future, PMX Anwar Ibrahim said. The Sarawak Premier said the appointment of TYT is the power of the Muthlak Agong/King, but everyone knows that the proposal is from the Premier of Sarawak. What is your opinion? Who is eligible to be appointed the 8th Sarawak TYT? Why is it that since 1963 there has been no appointment of TYT from among the Dayaks. It is said that there is an understanding among previous Sarawak leaders that the TYT and Premier of Sarawak should be a combination of the 2 largest races in Sarawak, That is Dayak and Malay. But now both positions have been monopolized by the Malays. What do you say? Contact us at 013-5515219.

    2. Land encroachment was reported to have occurred in Long Terawan Mulu more than a week ago. The same was reported to happen in Logan Entasan Marudi. And today it was reported to happen at Rumah Panjang Nura Buling and Rumah Panjang David in Bintulu. With increasing power. GPS and Abang Johari are increasingly greedy in seizing people's land.


    Rebeca Bana from Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu

    *Armed Enforcement in NCR Lands: Tensions Rise in Bintulu as Villagers Resist Land Measurement*

    Today an enforcement team armed with M16s entered the NCR area of Rumah Panjang Nura Buling and Rumah Panjang David in Bintulu. They introduced themselves as security enforcers accompanying the land and surveying department, to measure the land of villagers involved in the construction project of the electricity transmission line from Bakun to Samalaju Bintulu. But the residents protested and did not want their land to be measured before any written explanation and dialogue. Residents do not believe that the measure is for a project to build an electricity transmission tower. They believe that the land and survey department wants to confiscate their land to allow the Sebekai Plantation company to increase the area of oil palm plantation next to their longhouse.

    Rebeca explained that the people in the area have been working on their NCR land with oil palm cultivation for a long time and have produced satisfactory results. The question is why the government wants to take the land away from them and give it to a richer plantation company. We do not fight with violence. We just want dialogue, said Rebeca Bana.

    According to residents, this is not the first time such an incident has occurred. It has happened several times in the past. But can be stopped by longhouse residents. According to Mrs. Rebeca again. Today, along with the armed enforcement. Someone introduced himself as "Dato" from the Sarawak Premier's office - Abang Johari.


    Jaba ak Mawa, Residents of Ruah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi

    *YB and Political Strings Pulled? Residents React to Plantation Companies reneging on Promise*

    Logan Entasan Longhouse is one of the 30 longhouses whose NCR land was seized by the Universal Palm Oil plantation company Pelita Marudi Plantation. In 2017, the villagers of Logan Entasan were surprised by the presence of bulldozers to encroach on their NCR land. The villagers managed to hold back 5 bulldozers and forced the plantation company to negotiate with them. The result of the consultation is some residents are willing to give up their land for a payment of RM500 per hectare. For residents who oppose, the company will not enter their land.

    The area of land that is not entered/encroached is around 138.31 hectares. But lately the company has started encroaching on this area. Therefore, the residents set up restrictions and held the "Miring nabur beras Kuning" ceremony, a religious ceremony to prevent the entry of intruders into their land spiritually. Trespassers who violate the established mark, Bad luck will befall you.

    Jaba is not sure who owns Universal Pelita Marudi Plantation, But he believes it has something to do with YB and someone who have powers.

    Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Sarawak Zone)

    *Urgent Call for Action: Addressing Land Grabbing and Encroachment in Sarawak*

    Jok Jau informed that Universal Pelita Marudi Plantation is one of the subsidiaries of PELITA which owns 50,000 hectares of land in Marudi. This company has many cunning tactics and ways to trick the villagers into giving up their land. Besides Logan Entasan, residents in Lubok Nibong, Stapang, Tutoh Island and Tanjung Menawa are also facing the same problem. They have reported dozens of cases of encroachment on their land to the police and other authorities, but so far no action has been taken.


    Wille Kajan from Mulu

    *Petition Power: 80% of Locals Oppose Cascading Dam Construction in Baram*

    Willie Kajan questions Datuk Gerawat Jala's statement regarding his assertion that it is too early for the Baram community to oppose the Cascading Dam issues as it is still under discussion. Mr. Willie questions why the Premier himself had previously stated that they had already obtained consent from the community in the area to allow the construction of the Cascading Dam.

    Nevertheless, the protest campaign will continue despite the government's changing statements over time. They will not allow the project to proceed because they do not want deception to occur against the people, namely, constructing a Cascading Dam but actually building a mega Dam. They cannot trust the words of the YB or the Premier.

    So far, the petitions have garnered 500 signatures from the surrounding community, with 80% expressing disagreement with the construction of the Cascading Dam.


    Nekodimus Singai of Gedong

    *Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Questions Feasibility Without Adequate Farmer Empowerment*

    On govt wish to strengthening padi farmers for modern farming to achieve Gelombang Padi by 2030 , in which Nekodimus in the opinion that is quite impossible unless the govt really want to empowering the farmers by providing technical support and other kind of support . For example in his village now no one is planting padi due to many reasons. Firstly due to climate change. Prolong draught will cause drop of padi yield and constant floods all over the year during high tide also damage padi. Another reason is only elderly people stay in the village. Now most rural communities turn to oil palm small holders as it can produce better income. That is why Gedong rice factory closed down now as no one planting padi

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