23 January 2024

On Today Show
— Voon Lee Shan, President of the Bumi Kenyalang Party PBK – Sarawak's Call for Constitutional Reform: Ending Malayan Interference
— Faisal Aziz, Chairman of Bersih – Bersih Urges PM Anwar for Swift Anti-Corruption Reforms
— Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram – No More Political Involvement in Headman Appointments: Advocating for Fair and Transparent Processes
—(call-in)Nixon from Miri – Enhancing Governance: Push for Two-Term Limit in Sarawak Premier Position


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) – Seruan Sarawak untuk Reformasi Perlembagaan: Mengakhiri Campur Tangan Tanah Melayu
— Faisal Aziz, Pengerusi Bersih – Bersih Tekankan Kepada PM Anwar untuk Reformasi Anti-Rasuah yang Cepat
— Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram – Tiada Lagi Campur Tangan Politik dalam Pelantikan Ketua Kampung: Menganjurkan Proses yang Adil dan Telus
— (panggilan masuk) Nixon dari Miri – Meningkatkan Pentadbiran: Dorongan untuk Had Dua Penggal dalam Jawatan Ketua Menteri Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The appointment of the new TYT to replace Taib Mahmud marks the end of Taib's political power - after ruling for more than 33 years. That's according to Jeniri Amir, senior fellow of the National Council of Professors.

    2. The former Prime Minister came down to demonstrate in front of the national palace, claiming that 17 Malays committed suicide because they were depressed by economic problems and lost their cause under PMX Anwar Ibrahim's administration. Mahathir urged the Agong/King to take reasonable action against the country's leadership

    3. Naimah Abdul Khalid, Dam Zainuddun's wife was charged in the Kuala Lumpur session court today on charges of failing to declare 12 properties as required by the MACC in December last year.

    4. There is no order from the prime minister to investigate specific individuals, said the communications minister- Fahmi Fadzil.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of the Bumi Kenyalang Party PBK

    *Sarawak's Call for Constitutional Reform: Ending Malayan Interference*

    Viral discussion in Sarawak when the news said that there will be an appointment of TYT to replace Taib Mahmud whose term of office will expire next February. PM Anwar said, the announcement will be made in 2 days. While Premier Johari Openg said, the appointing power of the TYT is the absolute power of the Agong/King. For Voon the statements of the two main leaders are not accurate. First, Taib's successor cannot be announced as long as he does not resign and secondly, the power to appoint TYT should not be the absolute power of the Agong/King. The appointment and proclamation of the TYT should be done in the Sarawak state assembly itself.

    According to Voon, the Sarawak constitution should be amended, to enable the appointment of TYT to be made through a name that has been proposed and voted on by a majority in the Sarawak state assembly. If only the Premier proposes (prerogative power) and is installed by the Agong, this means that Sarawak is a state under the Malayan colony. While in the concept of the formation of Malaysia, Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya are equal partners.

    According to Voon again, the time has come for Sarawak to correct and stop Malaya's interference in Sarawak's internal affairs. At the beginning of the formation of Malaysia, Stephen Kalong Ningkan is CM and Jugah is proposed as TYT. This matter was objected by Malaya and they sent a representative of UMNO as a candidate for TYT Sarawak. When many objections, so the compromise step is Kalong Ningkan remains CM but Abang Haji Openg is appointed TYT (Sarawak Malay). This is not an understanding, but this is a political intervention by Malaya at that time. The time has come for Malaya not to interfere in the appointment of Sarawak TYT.


    Faisal Aziz, Chairman of Bersih

    *Bersih Urges PM Anwar for Swift Anti-Corruption Reforms*

    Bersih has urged Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to fast-track vital reforms to combat corruption in Malaysia. The focus is on separating the roles of the Attorney-General (AG) and the Public Prosecutor (PP) for more effective handling of corruption cases. The coalition also emphasizes the need for reforms within the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the introduction of a Political Financing Act.

    Expressing deep concern, Bersih highlights the recurring issue of granting "discharge not amounting to acquittal" (DNAA) in corruption cases involving politicians. The recent case of former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, facing money-laundering charges related to SRC International Sdn Bhd funds, has brought this issue to the forefront, eroding public trust in law enforcement institutions.

    Faisal Aziz, Bersih spokesperson, emphasizes the urgency for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to announce a clear timeline for the separation of the AG and PP offices. The coalition argues that this separation is crucial to prevent the misuse of DNAA in corruption cases and ensure a fair legal process. Recent statements by the AG, suggesting no need for explanations when withdrawing charges, have raised concerns, especially in cases of public interest and high-level politicians.

    Bersih categorically rejects the practice of DNAA for politicians facing corruption and criminal breach of trust charges. The coalition advocates for a fair legal process, urging individuals to defend themselves in court rather than seeking dismissal through DNAA.

    The call for immediate reforms in separating the AG and PP offices, along with improvements in the MACC and the Political Financing Act, underscores the need for a strong anti-corruption framework in Malaysia. Bersih emphasizes the importance of upholding public trust in law enforcement institutions and urges the government to fulfill pre-election commitments. All eyes are on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as Malaysians await decisive action to combat corruption and ensure transparency in the country's legal system.


    Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram

    *No More Political Involvement in Headman Appointments: Advocating for Fair and Transparent Processes*

    Minister in Sarawak Premier’s Department, John Sikie Tayai, underscores the crucial role of the Tatau District Office in overseeing the appointment process of Village, Security, and Development Committee (JKKK) members in longhouses. He specifically stresses that key positions like the chairman, secretary, and treasurer should not be occupied by close family members. This measure aims to ensure transparent financial management within the JKKK or any association.

    Elias Lippi, PKR of Ulu Baram, expresses agreement with the statement, emphasizing that JKKK members should not be chosen from close family circles. However, he raises a pertinent question about the involvement of politicians, elected representatives (YB), or political parties in the appointment of community leaders. Lippi points out that in Sarawak, the selection of community leaders is often influenced by political figures seeking political advantages. This, he argues, contradicts democratic principles, emphasizing that the District Officer's office should play a decisive role in appointments free from political interference.

    Lippi's concerns highlight the need for a transparent and democratic process in the appointment of community leaders, ensuring that it aligns with principles of fairness and impartiality. The ongoing discourse reflects the broader discussion around depoliticizing such appointments to strengthen democratic practices within the region.


    (call-in)Nixon from Miri

    *Enhancing Governance: Push for Two-Term Limit in Sarawak Premier Position*

    Nixon anticipates a significant shift in the successor to Taib Mahmud as the Governor of Sarawak (TYT). He identifies three potential candidates: Jabu, Leo Moggie, and Wan Junaidi. The upcoming day holds great anticipation for the entire Sarawakian populace.

    The prolonged inaction on the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) raises hopes for a historic occurrence this time around.

    According to Nixon, the position of Sarawak's Premier should have a restricted term, ideally limited to two terms. This proposal aims to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader for an extended period, thereby mitigating potential abuses of authority.

    As Sarawak awaits the unfolding events, the prospect of change in leadership brings with it the aspirations for adherence to historical agreements and the introduction of governance practices that prioritize transparency and democratic principles. The decisions made in the coming days will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of Sarawak's political landscape.

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