24 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu – Residents Protest Sec 6 Land Measurement Amidst Allegations of Bribery and Misappropriation
— Janie Lasimbang, Kapayan Assemblywoman – Call to Action: Empowering Indigenous Women in Politics
— Solomon Ngau, activist Sape musician from Ulu Baram – Armed Enforcement and Unannounced Land Surveys: GPS Faces Backlash

Topik Pada Hari Ini:
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Long Terawan, Mulu – Penduduk Protes Pengukuran Tanah Sec 6 Sambil Dituduh Suap dan Salahguna Kuasa
— Janie Lasimbang, Ahli Dewan Kapayan – Seruan untuk Bertindak: memperkasakan penyertaan wanita dalam politik
— Solomon Ngau, Aktivis dari Ulu Baram – Penguatkuasaan Bersenjata dan Pengukuran Tanah Tanpa Pemberitahuan: GPS Dihadapi Tentangan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Demonstration in front of the Istana Negara organized by Tun Mahathir to urge the Agong/King to reconsider Anwar Ibrahim's position as Prime Minister. Mahathir was under pressure because his son and cronies were being investigated for possessing an extraordinary amount of wealth.

    2. The 49th witness today told the court that Najib did not allow 1MDB CEO to repatriate the funds raised US$2.7 billion from the Bonds back to Malaysia, the funds raised by 1MDB through the issue of Bonds in 2013. Najib did this on the orders of Jho Low, on the grounds that the money would be used as the UMNO election fund.

    3. Another PN member of parliament declared himself in support of PMX Anwar Ibrahim, making the number of PN members of parliament who support Anwar currently 6 people.

    4. According to MACC, Tun Daim should have been charged in court a week ago. However, it was delayed because Daim was being treated at a hospital in the capital. However Daim's wife Naimah Abdul Khalid insists that MACC is lying. According to Naimah, Daim is ready to be prosecuted and will not use the excuse of health to avoid prosecution in court.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu

    *Residents Protest Sec 6 Land Measurement Amidst Allegations of Bribery and Misappropriation*

    Dennis Along and friends will make a report to MACC Miri at 10 am on 25 January 2024, it is about the case of abuse of power and misappropriation of money by some tribal leaders and counselors in the Mulu area.

    In 2009 PUSAKA KTS donated RM2 million in cash to the villagers of Long Terawan and Long Melinau Mulu, However, there is no financial statement of the use of the money. This RM2 million money was given by PUSAKA KTS because of the taking of NCR land from the residents.

    In 2019, the Radian Legon company opened a palm oil plantation in the NCR land area of the residents of Long Terawan and Long Melinau and announced cash assistance of RM 400k for the residents of Long Terawan, RM400K for the residents of Long Melinau and RM200k for the water pipe project for the residents of Long Terawan. Again, there is no financial statement related to the money.

    This time, the land measurement of the residents of Long Terawan and Melinau also witnessed the same method. Dennis Along believe that community leaders and councilors were also bribed until they agreed to the sec 6 measure.

    Before the dialogue and before the residents agreed to the sec 6 measure, the land and survey department along with the staff of private companies have been in their land area. They are strongly protesting and they don't want their land to be measured under sec 6.

    What can he summarize, he said, more and more power is given to GPS, the more greedy they rob the people's land. Dennis is asking people to come and support him on this Friday.


    Janie Lasimbang, Kapayan Assemblywoman

    *Call to Action: Empowering Indigenous Women in Politics*

    Janie Lasimbang attended a domestic seminar on indigenous women and highlighted two noteworthy issues. Firstly, she discussed the issue of underage girls getting married, and secondly, the limited involvement of indigenous women in politics.

    Regarding underage marriage, Janie Lasimbang pointed out that although this issue has been raised in state and national assemblies, there are challenges in amending laws within the Children's Court. While Shariah and civil laws already address related issues, modifications are needed in the Mahkamah Adat (indigenous court), as there is currently no law restricting the age of marriage. Importantly, any new legislation must gain recognition and support within the national parliament to be successfully amended.

    She emphasized that if these underage marriages are not recognized or legally registered, their children may become stateless, affecting the education and economic prospects of the next generation.

    In terms of political participation, Janie Lasimbang highlighted the limited involvement of indigenous women. She stressed the importance of training and accepting indigenous women in political activities, encouraging political parties to initiate relevant training programs. She hopes that by enhancing the political participation of indigenous women, they can become candidates and have their voices heard on higher political platforms. Additionally, Janie Lasimbang urged the organization of more political awareness events in communities to promote broader participation.


    Solomon Ngau, activist Sape musician from Ulu Baram

    *Armed Enforcement and Unannounced Land Surveys: GPS Faces Backlash*

    The land survey arranged by GPS involves fully armed law enforcement personnel on site, appearing as if facing a major threat. Is this an intimidation tactic against the villagers? Such threatening methods are becoming more common, akin to entering a mall with weapons and indiscriminately taking goods – it's nothing short of thuggish behavior.

    According to him, the current land survey bureau enters the villagers' land without prior notification, deploying teams directly into the villages, catching the villagers off guard. This approach, whether based on law enforcement regulations or humanitarian considerations, is deemed incorrect.

    He mentioned that most of the villagers now are elderly and children, and the sudden arrival of law enforcement personnel frightens them. Human rights are completely ignored in this situation. He argued that if Section 6 (sec6) is in line with public sentiment, there is no need to invade community land in this manner. In other words, GPS is well aware that sec6 is unpopular and carries a connotation of land encroachment, prompting them to conduct so-called land surveys in this absurd manner.

    Solomon urged the interior people to be more vigilant and, at the same time, requested GPS to immediately cease the intimidating actions against the villagers.


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