20 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Alan Ling See Kiong, Bekas senator dan kini Setiausaha PH Sarawak - PSB tidak berubah, ia sentiasa menjadi parti blok GPS
> Dennis Along, pengarah Komunikasi PKR Baram - Tolak PSB dan GPS pada pilihan raya akan datang
> Baru Bian, Setiausaha Agung PSB - PSB akan bekerjasama dengan kerajaan perpaduan yang boleh meramalkan landskap politik semasa
> Elias, naib pengerusi PKR Baram – kerajaan membina jalan raya tanpa pengawasan dan membenarkan trak merosakkan jalan raya

On Today Show
> Alan Ling See Kiong, Former senator and now the Sarawak PH Secretary - PSB has not changed, it has always been a bloc party of GPS
> Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communication director - Reject PSB and GPS on coming elections
> Baru Bian, Secretary General of PSB - PSB to collabration with unity gov as can forsee that current political landscape
> Elias, vice chairman of PKR Baram – gov build road without supervision, and allowed trucks damage the roads 

  • Alan Ling See Kiong, Former Senator and now the Sarawak PH secretary

    PSB has not changed, it has always been a bloc party of GPS

    Now it has been proven like what we said before the last Sarawak PRN 2021 - that PSB is only acting to split votes. As a result, PH Sarawak lost badly in PRN 2021. PRN 2016 (PRN11) PH Sarawak won 10 state assembly seats but because of PSB's role in splitting votes (Supposedly as the third power) will replace GPS- in PRN12, PH Sarawak won only 2 seats through DAP and PKR and AMANAH lost all the contested seats. It has not even been 5 years since PSB has asked to cooperate with GPS through PDP (Parti Tiong King Sing). This is what PSB really looks like- said Alan ling. Alan Ling said DAP is a principled party, once DAP only won one seat in the Sarawak State Assembly, but still did not submit to GPS.

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    Dennis Along, PKR Baram communications director

    Reject PSB and GPS in coming elections

    What did PSB, PDP and GPS do to close the door, so that PH cannot enter Sarawak. The same policy was carried out by the previous administration when Sarawak BN did not allow UMNO to enter and contest in Sarawak. Now GPS Sarawak works with PSB so that there is no room for PH Sarawak to ask for a seat to contest. On the grounds that the GPS coalition has represented the Unity government in Sarawak. Dennis hopes that the people will wake up and reject the GPS coalition in the upcoming elections.


    Baru Bian, Secretary general of PSB

    PSB to collaboration with unity govt as can foresee that current political landscape

    PSB to collaboration with unity govt as we can foresee that current political landscape.

    In West Malaysia PN, PAS, including Mahathir, their preparation for the coming 6 states' elections. They brought up religion, race and Royalty or 3R issues. Recently Mahathir raised up an issue that multiracialism is unconstitutional and Malaysia is Tanah Melayu.

    He said, after GE 15, where he made a statement, urged for GPS to collaborate with PH to form a coalition government. That is the best way directly to uphold Unity government. They collaborate with PDP is a positive move especially for the Dayaks.

    If we look at previous Sarawak State election where GPS won 76 seats while the opposition only won 6 seats. Meaning that GPS is strong enough.

    Personally as individul he ever ready to continue as opposition . But when look into a huge picture, there is a need for his people in Bakalalan. But there is no allocation provided. And that is a disadvantage .


    Elias, vice chairman of PKR Barsm

    The government built the road without supervision, and allowed the trucks damage the road section

    He commented on the quality of the main road to Long Lama which is dangerous for road users, this is due to the lack of monitoring since the completion of the Road. Enforcers do not go to field to inspect the condition of the Road from time to time. In addition, overloaded lorries contribute to road damage. But what is strange is why the quality or tar standard of the road does not meet the federal road standard? While the Peninsular Road is very good but the road in Sarawak can be said to be a sick road. There are lots of patches here and there and this is very clear that there are budget deviations during the construction of roads in Sarawak. Request the government or JKR to monitor from time to time the condition of the roads in Sarawak especially to Long lama from Peninjau junction which needs immediate action.

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