21 February 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist and Political Analyst – No More Attempts at Pardon: Guilty is Guilty

— Denis Along, land rights activist from Mulu – Taib's Achievements and the Ongoing Land Disputes
— TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Residents of Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan – blockade Dispute: Court Adjourns Case to March 14, 2024
— Mr. George from Uma Akeh – Road Construction Neglects Maintenance: Inland Communities Left Isolated

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Iswardy Morni, Peguam Aktivis dan Analis Politik – Tak Perlu Cuba Lagi untuk Pengampunan: Bersalah adalah Bersalah
- Denis Along, aktivis hak tanah dari Mulu - Kejayaan Taib dan Rampasan Tanah yang Berterusan
- TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Penduduk Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan - Bloakde: Kes Ditangguhkan ke 14 Mac 2024
- Encik George dari Uma Akeh - Pembinaan Jalan Terbiar: Komuniti Pedalaman Terpinggir

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Taib Mahmud died at the age of 87. The people of Sarawak mourned for 2 days.

    2. The case of 9 longhouses vs TH Pelita Simunjan Sdn.Bhd has been postponed to March 14, 2024. Residents remain in blockade until they know the court's decision.

    3. Najib Razak is a criminal and the main planner of the 1MDB scandal. He should be held accountable for the crimes he committed. The people should not believe the narrative popularized by Najib and his team, that Najib is innocent, Najib is the victim in the 1MDB case and Najib should be released and get a full pardon.


    Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist and Political Analyst

    *No More Attempts at Pardon: Guilty is Guilty*

    Najib Razak's main lawyer Mohd Shafee Abdullah is getting louder and bolder in fighting for Najib's release. Najib and Shafee build a Narrative that Najib is innocent, Najib is a victim of persecution in the 1MDB case and Najib deserves an immediate pardon. In the "Reform of the National Pardon System" Forum - Shafee said that the court failed to give Najib a fair trial including during the appeal process. In fact, Shafee quoted Najib's words - "I have the right to amnesty from day one, and I don't even need to go to jail, even for a day".

    Iswardy advised Shafee to accept the fact that Najib is guilty and has already been proven guilty through a long trial (over 4 years) through 3 levels of court). In the long trial, Najib's legal team failed to raise reasonable doubt. So the judge found Najib guilty. When making such comments, Shafee can be accused of contempt of court. Why are Najib and Shafee so brave? According to Iswardy- the movement to free Najib through UMNO is gaining momentum. In the past, PH, which strongly attacked Najib, now does not speak out because it wants to maintain unity in the unity government. Making Anwar look weak. Iswardy insists that Najib is a criminal, he is a prisoner. He can apply for forgiveness but it is not Najib's absolute.

    Asked whether the AG and provincial ministers should be on the Pardon Board because they are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister. That is the requirement of article 42(11) of the federal constitution - Iswardy said. Iswardy advised the people to give a strong mandate to PH and Anwar in GE16. With the big victory of GPS and UMNO, it is no longer needed, so there is no pressure from GPS and UMNO on PMX.


    Denis Along, land rights activist from Mulu

    *Taib's Achievements and the Ongoing Land Disputes*

    Today, Taib has passed away. Denis believes that Taib's achievement of serving the longest tenure as Chief Minister and Governor of Sarawak was truly remarkable, but it discriminated against the Dayaks. Since Taib came to power, the Dayaks have lost their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land. Taib benefited from policies created by his uncle, Tun Abdul Rahman. Their achievements are highly impressive, but the Dayaks have suffered as a result. Taib's contributions to politics have also led to discrimination against the majority in terms of education, job opportunities, development, and more. Both Taib and Tun Rahman have left a tyrannical legacy. Denis feels that discrimination is pervasive in every aspect of life.


    Mr. George from Uma Akeh

    *Road Construction Neglects Maintenance: Inland Communities Left Isolated*

    George also share his opinion about the RM729 million development project that was approved in 2018 for the Telang Usan constituency.

    According to George, there were indeed projects implemented, especially for upgrading roads. However, the quality of the roads built did not meet the allocated budget. The roads are now deteriorating and no longer monitored. Dangerous roads along the hillsides were not equipped with barriers for the safety of road users. Since 2019, no road upgrading has been carried out. This is why when it comes to projects aimed at winning votes, it's just a drama of development projects. Abang Jo once said, "If the elected representative does not work, remove them." Mr. George described this statement as just political theatrics by GPS. Unfortunately, people in the interior areas still want to vote for a political party like GPS, which continues to deceive the people.


    TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Residents of Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan

    *blockade Dispute: Court Adjourns Case to March 14, 2024*

    Today the Kuching High Court is sitting to hear the case of Residents of 9 Long Houses in Ruan Simunjan suing TH- Tabung Haji Pelita Simunjang Sdn.Bhd. However, because there is a court order that has been issued in advance for the residents to open the blockade that was set up. So both parties agreed that the case related to the court order should be heard on 28 Feb 2024. Combined with the court case that is currently being heard. So the court made a ruling that the case will be heard again on March 14, 2024. Residents in the 9 longhouses that were blockaded continued their activities as usual. Lawyer Dominic Ng represents the residents of 9 Longhouses.


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