22 February 2024

On Today Show
— TK. Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu – Taib failed to bring development to the Penan area
— Paul Nunggang from Baram – Taib Mahmud's Impact on Orang Ulu NCR Land Rights: All about Exploitation
— Mark Bujang, land mapping expertise – Empowering Communities: NGOs Push for NCR Land Surveying without compromising land rights


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- TK. Mutang Tuo, Ketua Kampung Long Iman Penan, Mulu - Taib gagal membawa pembangunan ke kawasan Penan
- Paul Nunggang dari Baram - Impak Taib Mahmud terhadap Hak Tanah Adat Orang Ulu: Semuanya tentang Rampasan
- Mark Bujang, pakar pemetaan tanah - Memperkasakan Komuniti: NGO Mendorong Penyelidikan Tanah NCR tanpa mengorbankan hak tanah

  • *special randau*

    1. Taib Mahmud was buried at the family cemetery in Demak Jaya at 2.20 this afternoon. The people of Sarawak mourned for 2 days starting yesterday.

    2. BMF urges the Malaysian government to immediately freeze Taib Mahmud's assets and reopen the investigation into Taib's alleged misuse of power and violation of constitutional provisions while being chief minister and TYT.

    3. Muhyiddin Yassin's son-in-law who fled a year ago will be charged with breach of trust. According to the chief commissioner of MACC - the investigation papers against Muhammad Adlan have been completed and are ready to be accused in court.

    4. Taib failed to bring progress to the penan area, according to village head Mutang Tuo. Dozens of Penan villages have no infrastructure facilities and the Penan people live in poverty. It's getting harder and harder for us to live because our land and forests are confiscated. All this happened since Taib became the chief minister of Sarawak.


    TK. Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu.

    *Taib failed to bring development to the Penan area*

    Today I just heard the news that the former chief minister of Sarawak Taib Mahmud has died - Mutang said.

    Mutang comment that, all parties praised Taib for bringing progress to Sarawak. That may be true for people in the city, but for penans, Taib failed to bring development in their area. In fact, Taib and his cronies, they seized Penan forests and land.

    Mutang felt sad that the river is broken. There is no telephone service in his longhouse in Long Iman. When the RFS spoke him, he is fortunate to be on a hill in his paddy field. In his village, there is 100% no telephone line. Therefore he think Taib has failed to advance penan.

    Penan ask for paved roads, house building projects and rights to NCR land so Penan can move forward. But what the government builds, are Dam. They are not proposing the construction of the Tutoh dam, but this is what GPS and Sarawak Premier Abang Johari want to build.

    Dozens of penan settlements are hoping for roads, clean water supply and electricity. But until now Penan have not been given the project as we requested. It is often mentioned by the government that Penan is the golden child of the government. But why are basic infrastructural facilities not built in Penan area? - Mutang Tuo asked.

    Others will say that Taib succeeded in bringing development. But for penans, he failed. He failed to bring prosperity in the Penan area.


    Paul Nunggang from Baram

    *Taib Mahmud's Impact on Orang Ulu NCR Land Rights: All about Exploitation*

    Paul Nunggang comment that Taib Mahmud did not do much to help the indigenous people, especially those living in the interior, because what Taib did was to grab the native customary rights (NCR) land of the indigenous people in Sarawak. Taib, being a lawyer by profession, has amended many NCR land laws, which has led to many cases of encroachment by his cronies on NCR land. Taib's power has also not recognized the rights of the indigenous people to their ancestral land. This has greatly inconvenienced the people and does not recognize the rights of the indigenous people to land ownership.


    Mark Bujang, land mapping expertise

    *Empowering Communities: NGOs Push for NCR Land Surveying without compromising land rights*

    In today's news, Ibans in Serian were advised by Sarawak Deputy Premier Amar Douglas Uggah Embas to use the Dayak Bidayuh National Association’s (DBNA) module for surveying their native customary rights (NCR) land. During a meeting with Iban community leaders from Serian, Uggah emphasized that landowners should take the lead as surveyors, identifying their land boundaries. Mark Bujang, a land mapping expert, viewed this as a positive step, noting the importance of communities conducting their own land surveys, although he is not familiar with the specifics of the DBNA module.

    However, Mark Bujang questioned why the government has not introduced GPS to all communities and NGOs, considering its widespread use in Sarawak and globally. He raised concerns about the government challenging community maps and not recognizing surveys conducted by him and other NGOs, despite their efforts to assist communities with land surveys. Bujang questioned whether this lack of recognition is due to communities not being registered with the Land and Survey department, and he emphasized that this should not invalidate their surveys.

    Mark Bujang and NGOs conduct workshop training on GPS and GIS before conducting ground surveys, and they also consult with communities on their boundaries. He expressed a desire for clarity on the differences between their approach and the DBNA module, and he urged land surveyors to explain and introduce a module that the government recognizes, without compromising land rights.

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