23 February 2024

On Today Show
— Jeffery Ngui, Chairman of Sarawak MUDA – The Need for Improved Telecommunications Services in Rural Areas: A Call for Government Action
— Madam Iza of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah – Coastal Communities Under Pressure: Trespassing Charges and Environmental Impact
— Bruce Yee, PKR of Sarikea Sarawak – Citizenship Rights Struggle: Three Generation without MyKad in Sarawak


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Jeffery Ngui, Pengerusi Sarawak MUDA – Keperluan Perkhidmatan Telekomunikasi yang Lebih Baik di Kawasan Pedalaman
— Madam Iza dari kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah – Tekanan Terhadap Komuniti Pesisiran: Tuduhan Penyeludupan dan Impak Alam Sekitar
— Bruce Yee, PKR dari Sarikea Sarawak – Perjuangan Hak Kewarganegaraan: Tiga Generasi tanpa MyKad di Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The visit of 40 members of the Sarawak state assembly to the UK is only a waste of the people's money. Dun Sarawak is an example of democratic failure when the annual budget was passed with limited debate, the problems of the indigenous population failed to be addressed and authoritarian administration for more than 50 years.

    2. The fall in the value of the ringgit does not affect investment in Malaysia, said Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. It is not the same as in 1998. Malaysian inflation remains low, unemployment is down, investment is up and economic growth is competitive.

    3. 5G users in Malaysia will increase by 2400% percent from 404,323 in 2022 to 10,068,858 in 2024. But the rural internet and telephone service is so sad. The rural residents appealed to YB Minister to provide at least every longhouse in Sarawak with telecommunication service.


    Jeffery Ngui, Chairman of Sarawak MUDA

    *The Need for Improved Telecommunications Services in Rural Areas: A Call for Government Action*

    On 17 Jan 2024, Sarawak Utilities and Telecommunications Minister, Julaihi Narawi said that Internet access in Sarawak reached 78.8% at the end of last year 2023 and Sarawak is confident that it will reach 100% Internet coverage in 2030.

    Although realistic with the government's target, with close cooperation between the state and federal government, several obstacles caused internet and telecommunication services to be interrupted. Among them are geographical challenges, weather, electricity/battery and satellite outages. Therefore, the TELCO and the government should provide a more systematic reporting system when downtime occurs.

    Currently, there is no responsible party to explain to users why there is a disruption and when the service will be restored. Why are telecommunications services not developed quickly in rural areas? Jeffrery comment that, the reason is that the TELCO is too profit-based. Less populated areas, no TELCO company wants to build telecommunications infrastructure there.

    In this context, according to Jeffery, the government should play a role. The government should certify that telecommunication services are a basic need and should be provided to all citizens regardless of location. The cost of telecommunication services should be given a low price for rural and poor communities. If the cost of building a tower and fiber optic is too expensive, direct internet services from satellite are an option - such as Starlink and Connectme Now. All types of communication technology should be explored to enable rural people to get internet services.


    Madam Iza of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah

    *Coastal Communities Under Pressure: Trespassing Charges and Environmental Impact*

    Madam Iza and Madam Sailisah, residents of Kpg Andab Bangau in Kudat, were charged with trespassing in the Magistrate Court. They were apprehended by the police while clearing their huts at the beach, their main source of income for activities like fishing, on 16 May 2023 around 12:45 am. Their statements were taken until midnight. The community of Kpg Andab Bangau has been residing in that area for seven generations.

    Their first court appearance was in June 2023, and later Ghalus Athoi helped them secure the services of Lawyer Datuk Ram Singh. Yesterday marked the final hearing of their case, where the court decided to discharge them without acquittal.

    The presence of a company conducting silica sand mining activities has made Madam Iza and other women feel unsafe and has led to food insecurity, as the beach is now polluted.

    Recently, Barnie Lasimbang highlighted to Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) that there is no publicly available Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the approval of SBH Kibing operations in Pantai Andab Bangau, Kudat. This is concerning as the operations are located near and discharge water into the fragile ecosystem of Tun Mustapha Marine Park, a fully protected Marine area. He only realized this lack of documentation when plotting GPS coordinates taken during a fact-finding mission. This issue is significant, as it could severely impact the environment and the tourism industry. Immediate answers are demanded from the government regarding this matter.


    Bruce Yee, PKR of Sarikea Sarawak

    *Citizenship Rights Struggle: Three Generation without MyKad in Sarawak*

    Bruce Yee, a prominent advocate for citizenship rights, met with a family facing longstanding issues with citizenship documents. The family, comprising four members spanning three generations, has been grappling with this challenge for nearly 60 years.

    Their journey to resolve these issues led them from Bintulu to Lubok Antu, covering a round trip of almost 900km. Their sole purpose was to confirm the schedule of the upcoming Special Citizenship Task Force (PPK) to be held at the Lubok Antu Community Hall from 26/2/2024 to 28/2/2024.

    During a stop in Sarikei, they sought counsel from Bruce Yee, who emphasized the importance of perseverance in navigating the bureaucratic process to obtain citizenship documents. He encouraged individuals facing similar challenges not to lose hope despite encountering repeated setbacks over the years.

    Bruce Yee also underscored the significance of families maintaining communication with district offices to stay informed about PPK schedules in their respective areas. The PPK initiative, a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the State Government, aims to assist Sarawak-born individuals in acquiring citizenship documents promptly.

    The PPK team will continue its presence in various district areas across Sarawak until the end of the year. Bruce Yee urged affected individuals to seize this opportunity and engage with the PPK team or the National Registration Department (JPN) for document-related assistance.

    Bruce Yee’s advocacy comes at a crucial time, as many in Sarawak, including elderly citizens, still lack essential documents such as MyKad. He and PKR Sarawak efforts have drawn attention to the need for comprehensive solutions to address citizenship issues and ensure equitable access to citizenship rights.

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