26 February 2024

On Today Show

— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Bersih Rally Demands Reform: Peaceful Gathering Outside Parliament Tomorrow
— Madam Agnes from Dijih Selangau – Land Victory: Madam Agnes Wins Case After 16-Year Legal Struggle
— Nora, villager from Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang – Nenggiri Dam Sparks Protests: Orang Asli Communities Unite Against Submergence

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 - Perhimpunan Bersih Menuntut Reformasi: Perhimpunan Aman di Luar Parlimen Esok
- Puan Agnes dari Dijih Selangau - Kemenangan Tanah: Puan Agnes Menang Kes Selepas 16 Tahun Perjuangan Undang-Undang
- Nora, penduduk dari Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang - Protes Berkobar: Komuniti Orang Asli Bersatu Menentang Pemendaman Dam Nenggiri

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Faizal Aziz- Chairman of BERSIH 2.0. He has met the police and submitted a notice of a peaceful assembly tomorrow and the police gave a positive response. BERSIH 2.0 will march to parliament tomorrow to remind the government of the reform promises they promised to implement.

    2. PAS Deputy President Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man believes that the BERSIH 2.0 protest is a manifestation of PH supporters' frustration with Anwar Ibrahim's administration. BERSIH 2.0 is indeed an NGO that has been pro-PH since the days when PH became the opposition. PAS is confident that Anwar's administration will not reach the full term.

    3. The parliamentary session starts tomorrow, February 26, 2024 until March 27, 2024 (29 days. First Meeting, Third Term, 15th Parliament.

    4. The Agong/Raja said he will not entertain requests for a change of government in the middle of the term. The democracy festival can be revived after the parliament is dissolved.


    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0

    *Bersih Rally Demands Reform: Peaceful Gathering Outside Parliament Tomorrow*

    BERSIH 2.0 will hold a march to parliament tomorrow in order to remind the government about the reforms they promised must be implemented 100% and without delay.

    Faizal said, Bersih along with other NGOs, demand that the government set a clear timeline and target for the implementation of the reform agenda. They admit that there is a bit of reform but it is very slow, reforms that should be expedited without delay are the Electoral Reforms, especially regarding the appointment of EC chairpersons and EC members so that the appointments are discussed in parliament. EC reports should be transparently presented and debated in parliament. In addition, the issue of separation of powers between the attorney general and the prosecutor is also very urgent and we demand a moratorium on the granting of DNAA by the attorney general to cases of corruption and abuse of power.

    At the same time, the Kuala Lumpur Police chief reminded the public not to participate in parades/gatherings without a permit. However, according to Faizal, such a peaceful assembly does not require a permit. Just a notification to the Police authorities.

    Today Faizal have met and informed the Police that the peaceful assembly will be held tomorrow. For now, 2 PH parliamentarians (YB Hassan Karim and YB Mohammed Taufiq Johari) have agreed to march together.

    Bersih will submit a memorandum to the government and will hold a press conference. Bersih request that all Malaysians come together in a peaceful assembly to urge the government to implement 100% reform without delay.


    Nora, villager from Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang

    *Nenggiri Dam Sparks Protests: Orang Asli Communities Unite Against Submergence*

    Critics remain unconvinced by proponents' repeated assurances that only three Orang Asli villages will be permanently impacted by the Nenggiri Hydroelectric Dam in Gua Musang. Even those whose villages are not expected to be submerged remain skeptical.

    Nora and her team persist in their protest against the dam, which threatens to submerge three Orang Asli villages. Nora, though her village is not directly affected, anticipates long-term issues such as climate change and flooding, given her village's lower elevation. She recalls severe flooding in 2014, exacerbated by extensive logging in the upper areas. The dam's construction is expected to worsen flooding, affecting villages like Pos Tohoi and Kuala Wias. The affected villages have not yet been relocated, and while half of the communities have agreed to relocation, the other half remain opposed.

    The Nenggiri River is home to hundreds of settlements across eight zones, including Wias, Pasik, Gob, Simpor, Tohoi, Bihai, Angkek, and Depak. Three villages - Pos Pulat, Pos Tohoi, and Kampung Kuala Wias - are slated to be fully submerged when the dam is operational in 2027. This will displace 1,200 Orang Asli, who have been promised housing in new villages as compensation.

    Grassroots activists estimate that around 3,000 Orang Asli, primarily from the Temiar tribe, are actively opposing the dam's construction, which began in early 2022.


    Madam Agnes from Dijih Selangau

    *Land Victory: Madam Agnes Wins Case After 16-Year Legal Struggle*

    Madam Agnes has successfully reclaimed her land after 16 years of legal battles. In 2008, Agnes began the legal proceedings, and this year, 2024, she won the case for 1.2 hectares out of her 4.3-hectare land. Agnes stated that initially, her village engaged in a joint venture with Pelita to operate an oil palm plantation. However, she refused to participate because she knew that once involved in the so-called cooperation, the land would not be returned.

    Nevertheless, one day in 2008, when she went to harvest her land, she was stopped by Palm Raya Plantation, who claimed the land was theirs. Agnes investigated and discovered that Pelita Holding quietly transferred her rights to her land in Lot 804 to the Palm Raya Plantation Company, which prompted Agnes to fight for her NCR land rights.

    For Agnes, this is a victory, demonstrating that if one does not succumb to deceptive joint ventures or unfriendly development, it is possible to reclaim land, even though it may take a long time.


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