21 July 2022
Najib menyalahkan orang lain seperti biasa tetapi hari ini rakyat Malaysia telah berulang kali diingatkan tentang bil yang mereka perlu bayar kerana rasuahnya - Hutang 1MDB MASIH berjumlah hampir RM 40 BILION yang boleh membina kehidupan baru untuk semua rakyat Sarawak. Dan Sabah akan menghilang dua aset Petronas kerana kecuaian yang dia salahkan kepada orang lain. Sementara itu, mahkamah telah menolak taktik penangguhan terbaharu Najib untuk hukumannya, yang akan diumumkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan
Najib's chickens come home to roost. He is blaming everyone else as usual but today Malaysians have been repeatedly reminded of the bills they have to pay owing to his corruption - The 1MDB debt STILL stands at almost RM 40 BILLION which could have built new lives for all the people of Sarawak. And Sabah stands to lose two major oil fields thanks to negligence he blames on others. Meanwhile, the courts have thrown out Najib's latest delaying tactic for his sentence, which the Federal Court is due to pronounce.
Iswardy Morni, aktivis peguam dari Sarawak – PH DAN TOMMY THOMAS BUAT BETUL
Iswardy membongkar pembohongan Najib. Bagi Iswardy apa yang dilakukan oleh Thomas dan kerajaan PH adalah wajar. Cuba menyelesaikan masalah yang ditinggalkan kerajaan Malaysia dibawah pentadbiran Najib. Yang bersalah dan cuai adalah Najib sehingga negara Malaysia berisiko kehilangan aset RM67.5 billion. Ditambah lagi dengan hutang 1MDB yang ditinggalkan oleh Najib. Najib adalah perompak negara, beban kepada negara. Dia memang boss kepada orang UMNO. Tapi di mata rakyat dia adalah perompak.
Iswardy Morni, Lawyer activist from Sarawak – PH AND TOMMY THOMAS DID RIGHT THING
Iswardy exposed Najib's lies. For Iswardy what Thomas and the PH government did was right. Trying to solve the problems left behind by the Malaysian government under Najib's administration. The guilty and negligent is Najib so the Malaysian state risks losing assets of RM67.5 billion. Added to this is the 1MDB debt left behind by Najib. Najib is a national robber, a burden to the country. He is indeed the boss of UMNO people. But in the eyes of the people, he is a robber.