24 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Dennis Along, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Baram – Rakyat Sarawak Tuntut Pemulangan Tanah Yang Dirampas Keluarga Taib Mahmud
> Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Pembangunan GPS hanya menjadikan syarikat kaya, tetapi rakyat tidak mendapat manfaat
> Fiqah Roslan, jurucakap kempen TiadaGuru – Reformasi Diperlukan untuk Memastikan Hak Pelajar Dilindungi

On Today Show
> Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director – Sarawakians Demand Return of Land Confiscated by Taib Mahmud's Family
> Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – GPS gov's development only makes companies rich, but the people do not benefit
> Fiqah Roslan, spokeperson for TiadaGuru campaign (No Teacher) – Reform Needed to Ensure Students' Rights Are Protected

  • Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director.

    *Sarawakians Demand Return of Land Confiscated by Taib Mahmud's Family*

    Dennis gave feedback regarding 2 news involving TYT Taib Mahmud.

    According to Dennis, the majority of Sarawakians are puzzled as to why TYT Taib Mahmud was not present at the celebration of 60 years of Sarawak Independence. It is the biggest festival in the history of Sarawak and it is an official government event that requires the presence of TYT. Dennis demanded the Palace to provide further explanation. Or did TYT Taib Mahmud deliberately not want to be in public because he was ashamed of the achievements of Sarawak where there are still many poor people, asked Dennis.

    For the record, Taib was the Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33 years. Other than that. Today Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim warned that action will be taken against the two richest politicians in Malaysia.

    Although not naming names, a Sarawakian - Francis Paul Siah thinks that what PMX Anwar is referring to - is Tun Daim and Tun Mahathir. But Paul Siah asked that Taib Mahmud's name be included in the list that will be taken action. Share the same opinion. Dennis requested that PMX take strict action against Taib Mahmud and also his accomplices in Sarawak. The evidence is clear according to Dennis – many political leaders are rich but the people remain poor. Dennis also requested that PMX correct the injustice in Sarawak, where the Taib family confiscated much of the natives' land. Dennis asked for it to be returned immediately. Does Taib's absence in Sarawak have anything to do with PMX Anwar Ibrahim's actions of chasing rich people who steal the people's wealth? Contact us to share your thoughts. 013-5515219.


    Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *GPS gov's development only makes companies rich, but the people do not benefit*

    Sarawak Premier Abang Johari during the Sarawak Day 2023 celebration at Padang Merdeka, said that Sarawakians must continue to join hands and stay committed in steering Sarawak towards achieving its vision of becoming a developed and high-income state by 2030.

    Jeffrery compared the state government to a company and the people of Sarawak to employees. He said that the company is constantly making money and becoming rich, but it is not giving anything back to the employees. How can the employees become rich with the company?

    In the same way, the GPS state government is only making the companies rich, but it is not seeing the suffering of the people. Forget about reaching the high-income state by 2030, the people are even struggling to escape poverty. Therefore, he said that Abang Jo's speech is groundless.

    He said that Abang Jo should not just talk about his vision, but he should also list how to implement it. He said that this is very important, because in the past, GPS has always put forward many visions, but there are no good plans. The people just listen and forget about it. We don't want empty signboards.

    For example, development projects should be open and transparent tenders, not for the benefit of cronies. The government should not ignore the inland indigenous communities, but only care about the wealth of the 5% of businessmen and cronies.

    On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Sarawak Day, the people of Sarawak are concerned about the development of Sarawak. Although the GPS government is proud of its development, Jeffery said that no matter how many shopping malls or skyscrapers are built, if the people do not have the purchasing power, it is a development in name only. He gave the example of the ART that is about to be built. How many people will be able to use it? "


    Fiqah Roslan, spokeperson for TiadaGuru campaign (No Teacher)

    *Reform Needed to Ensure Students' Rights Are Protected*

    Three students who filed a suit against their former English language teacher in Sabah’s northern Kota Belud district for being absent from class for seven months and four others including the government have won their case in the High Court here.

    From the recent outcome of court case where the court had delivered a judgement in favour of three Plaintiffs(students) against a Teacher, Principal and Others. There are good and bad implications.

    Positively this case sending a message for those students who facing the same issue and who in the community that are under pressure should not be afraid anymore. This case shows that action can be taken and also an ordinary also can demand for justice.

    However, negatively, although we have won a case, after years of struggled. In the part education institution itself there is still lope hole and leakage in term of to ensure this kind of right is secure. As this may not guaranty that this kind of case will not happen again in future. What we can see now that this is a precedent case where action can be taken in term of security is still an issue, as reformation is yet to be implemented at the higher level.

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