26 May 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Dennis Along, Pengerusi Persatuan Tering Miri - jika jalan dibina, akan menubuhkan sempadan kawalan untuk memastikan tiada kayu balak dicuri.
> Jessica Binawi dari pasukan guaman SAM - SAM menyokong Gerakan Save Rivers dalam Perjuangan Menentang SLAPP.
> Oscar Ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP bagi Sibu - Kerajaan GPS perlu mengambil berat mengenai perbezaan dalam penjagaan kesihatan di luar Kuching.
> Komeok, Pengerusi KERUAN - Pengabaian Kerajaan terhadap Hak Tanah Orang Asli.

On Today Show
> Dennis Along, Chairman of the Tering Miri Association - if road build, will set up check point to make sure no logs are stolen
> Jessica Binawi from SAM legal team – SAM Supporting Save Rivers in the Fight Against SLAPP
> Oscar Ling, DAP MP for Sibu – GPS Gov Must Concern the healthcare disparities beyond Kuching
> Komeok, Chairperson of KERUAN – Government's Disregard for Indigenous Land Rights

  • Dennis Along, Chairman of the Tering Miri Association

    if road build, will set up check point to make sure no logs are stolen

    The tering community located in the Mulu Mountains. The government has proposed building a paved road to Mulu, which has pleased the local people, but there are concerns about potential damage to the Mulu world heritage site. If the road is constructed, a checkpoint will be set up to prevent heavy vehicles and log trucks from stealing logs. There are rumors that the road construction contract will be given to Raziah Mahmud, a member of Taib Mahmud's family. Dennis Along requests that the government be fair and not exclusively award projects to Raziah, as they are already wealthy. He believes that the indigenous people should be given an opportunity as well. If the contract is still given to Taib Mahmud's family, the villagers are prepared to protest or blockade.

    There is also mention of the Sarawak Indigenous Advocacy Organization (APS), led by Nigel Raymond, who claims to campaign for environmental sustainability. However, the Baram residents have doubts and believe that APS is sponsored by certain parties to create division among local NGOs. It is believed that APS is being generously compensated for this purpose, and the concern is that the locals may be negatively affected. The responsibility for building bridges, roads, and providing education to Baram's children lies with the ruling government, not the logging companies. Regardless of the reasons Nigel may provide, the people of Baram remain against logging that damages the environment.

    The Tering Miri Association, led by Dennis Along, is one of the 160 NGOs from both local and international sources supporting the Save Rivers action. The organization is requesting that Samling drop its lawsuit against Save Rivers. Save Rivers is recognized as an organization fighting to protect the rights of indigenous people and ensure environmental sustainability. Dennis Along affirms that what Save Rivers is saying is true, and the 160 NGOs stand firmly behind them.


    Jessica Binawi from SAM legal team

    *SAM Supporting Save Rivers in the Fight Against SLAPP*

    As a team of environmental activists, SAM wholeheartedly support Save Rivers in their campaign to "stop the SLAPP" (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation).

    Save Rivers plays a crucial role in defending environmental and land rights, particularly in cases where communities are affected by logging activities without their consent. It is essential to support Save Rivers as they raise concerns about the environmental impacts that directly affect communities, including Indigenous communities, who rely on the environment for their livelihoods. If we don't raise these issues with relevant authorities and government agencies, who will? Save Rivers serves as a voice for communities, shedding light on their struggles.

    There was a similar case in Pahang involving Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn BHD v Hue Shieh Lee, where decisions at all levels were in favor of Hue Shieh Lee. The concept of SLAPP is recognized in other countries as well. However, this is the first time Save Rivers has explicitly mentioned the issue of SLAPP in their documents. It is evident that these actions are not intended to seek relief but rather to intimidate defenders, creating a climate of fear that discourages others from speaking up.


    Oscar Ling, DAP MP for Sibu

    *GPS Gov Must Concern the healthcare disparities beyond Kuching*

    The Health White Paper is expected to be presented in Parliament next June to obtain bipartisan acceptance and approval for the direction of healthcare system reform in the country. The Ministry of Health (KKM) has announced that the Health White Paper document will be made public after it is approved in Parliament through various platforms.

    Oscar Ling, DAP MP for Sibu, stated that we need healthcare reform, particularly need more regional hospital in Sarawak. So far in Sarawak, only have regional hospital in Kuching. He emphasized that the current capacity in Sabah and Sarawak, especially in Miri and Sibu, is insufficient. Oscar Ling hopes that the Ministry of Health understands the needs of Sarawak and establishes hospitals in Sibu and Miri in the short term. The lack of radiography facilities is also a problem, as patients from Miri have to travel to Kuching for such services.

    Oscar Ling believes that specialized departments like cardiology and oncology should also be distributed to Miri or Sibu, rather than being centralized in Kuching.

    He further mentioned that the Sarawak state GPS government should take responsibility because they are the ones who request the necessary medical equipment or facilities from the federal government. Therefore, the state government should also understand the situation within the state and work towards increasing the number of hospitals and specialist doctors in other regions to alleviate the burden of patients having to travel long distances to seek medical treatment in Kuching.


    Komeok, Chairperson of KERUAN

    *Government's Disregard for Indigenous Land Rights*

    Deputy Premier Amar Awang Tengah announced that 29 individuals involved in offenses related to Totally Protected Areas (TPAs) and wildlife have been imprisoned between 2020 and April of this year. During the same period, a total of 326 cases of TPA and wildlife-related offenses were recorded. Out of these cases, 34 have been taken to court, 30 have been fined with a total collection of RM172,000, and four cases are still undergoing trial. Additionally, 135 cases have been compounded, resulting in a collection of nearly RM434,000, while 157 cases are currently under investigation. In related news, approximately 872,000 hectares of land, equivalent to 87.2% of the targeted one million hectares, have been designated as TPAs, and the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) oversees 67 TPAs in Sarawak.

    In response to this, Komeok questioned why logging companies that encroach upon indigenous customary lands have not faced consequences. While he agreed with the Sarawak government's efforts to punish those who invade protected forests, he highlighted the persistent invasion and exploitation of indigenous customary lands, particularly those belonging to the Penan community, by logging companies since the 1980s.

    Komeok noted that the Penan community has been erecting blockades for decades to prevent such encroachments, and he questioned why the government has not taken action despite being aware of these activities. He emphasized that while protected forest areas should be safeguarded, the customary lands of indigenous communities serve as a means for them to protect the forests, and those who invade should be held accountable. Komeok stressed that the indigenous people would not compromise and would persist in defending their lands until the end.


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