31 May 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Dayak Iban Sarawak (SADIA) – Legasi Taib Mahmud: Rampasan Tanah dan Tuduhan Rasuah di Sarawak
> Nicholas Bawin Anggat, Bekas calon PKR di Parlimen Lubok Antu dan bekas pengarah SESCO/SEB pada 1980-1990 – Gesa Kerajaan Utamakan Pengagihan Elektrik Berkualiti di Sarawak
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Memperkasakan Perpaduan dan Kemajuan: Komuniti Dayak Menuntut Pembangunan dan Hak Kewarganegaraan
> Chris Lau, wartawan bebas dari Sarawak – Memperkasakan Pembangunan Negara melalui Kebebasan Media dan Akauntabiliti Kerajaan
> Jeffrery Ngui, Presiden Muda Sarawak – Pasukan MUDA Kuching Meningkatkan Kesedaran tentang Kekurangan Kemudahan Asas dalam Komuniti Setinggan Chawan

On Today Show
> Nicholas Mujah, General Secretary of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) – The Legacy of Taib Mahmud: Land Seizures and Allegations of Corruption in Sarawak
> Nicholas Bawin Anggat, Former PKR candidate in the Lubok Antu Parliament and former director of SESCO/SEB in 1980-1990 – Urges Government to Prioritize Quality Electricity Distribution in Sarawak
> Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator – Empowering Unity and Progress: Dayak Community's Pursuit of Development and Citizenship Rights
> Chris Lau, independent journalist from Sarawak – Empowering National Development through Media Freedom and Government Accountability
> Jeffrery Ngui, President of Muda Sarawak – MUDA Kuching Team Raises Awareness of Basic Amenities Shortage in Chawan Squatters Community 

  • Nicholas Mujah, General Secretary of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)

    The Legacy of Taib Mahmud: Land Seizures and Allegations of Corruption in Sarawak

    Nicholas Mujah describes the issues faced by the community in UsahaJaya Tukau, Miri, as a result of the people's lack of awareness of their rights and their failure to advocate for their permanent status. It is known that during Taib Mahmud's over 30 years in power as Chief Minister, he silently carried out land seizures, granting rights to his family members such as his sister Raziah Mahmud to obtain the land in Tukau Jaya. It is not denied that the late Tok Nan (Adenan Satem) had previously awarded the land to the people of UsahaJaya Tukau, but it should be understood that before Tok Nan became Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud had already been in power and it is certain that the area had already been given to his sister and Parabena Company.

    As a result, the people living on government land in Sarawak are considered temporary occupants until the authorized developer with a Provisional Lease takes over according to the law. The people have no permanent place because of the corrupt political system at play.

    However, if the people want to take action, the only way is through international law, specifically Economic Justice, which many are unaware of.

    If the people have conducted community mapping, it cannot be used to obtain grants without the approval of government agencies such as the Department of Land and Survey. However, the mapping can be used during court proceedings. Through political will, the oppressive system that affects the people can be changed.


    Nicholas Bawin Anggat, Former PKR candidate in the Lubok Antu Parliament and former director of SESCO/SEB in 1980-1990.

    Urges Government to Prioritize Quality Electricity Distribution in Sarawak

    Nicholas Bawin praised the determination of SEB and the Sarawak Government to achieve full electricity supply for Sarawak by 2025. But such targets are often heard and they always fail to be achieved and after that new targets and dates are announced. According to Nicholas- the electricity supply in Sarawak is sufficient, even exceeding the requirement. Bakun 2400mw, Murum 944mw and Batang Ai 108mw. The real problem is the distribution/delivery of the electricity to the user. Especially in isolated long houses in the hinterland. Some Panjang houses have electricity but only enough to light a few light bulbs and a little for cooking. Such cases are usually for electricity supplied by SARES- Rural Electricity Supply Scheme (solar power). There is a Panjang house whose electricity transmission grid bypasses the Panjang house. But electricity is not connected to Panjang's house because it is not equipped with a transformer. Bawin requested that sufficient and quality electricity be connected to the homes of Sarawak residents before 2025. Sarawak residents are entitled to cheap and sufficient/quality electricity supply - according to Bawin. Only then is the electricity sold to neighboring countries - such as Indonesia. Bawin's statement follows that electricity from the Batang Ai Dam has been sold to Panjang houses on the Malaysia-Indonesia border in Lubok Antu. Bawin urges that certified electrical wiring contractors do their job properly to prevent fires. Bawin wants the electricity coverage percentage/statistics publicized by the government to be more than just a gimmick. It must be sufficient and of good quality so as not to harm the user.


    Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator

    Empowering Unity and Progress: Dayak Community's Pursuit of Development and Citizenship Rights

    Harvest Festival, known as Gawai, is an important day for the Dayak community. He believes that the Dayak people should unite and work together to develop their community without being easily swayed by divisive influences that hinder the progress of the Dayak community.

    He emphasizes the importance of avoiding internal divisions among the Dayak people, which often serve as political tactics used by politicians. He mentions that under the efforts of the unity government, he believes that the issue of citizenship rights and the application for MyKad (Malaysian identity card) can be resolved quickly. He expresses his commitment to assisting the people of Sarawak in applying for MyKad and analyzing cases of those who have not yet obtained it.


    Chris Lau, independent journalist from Sarawak

    Empowering National Development through Media Freedom and Government Accountability

    Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told the country's largest media gathering on Sunday journalists should have no fear of criticizing the government and promoting views even when they are in opposition with his government policies. Speaking during Malaysia's third National Journalists Day (Hawana), Anwar, who was elected into office late last year, said he encouraged the media to get rid of the old culture of writing in favor of the ruling government.

    Chris agrees that the media must be able to criticize the government without facing threats. As an independent media person who also expresses opinions through social media, he has observed that the media atmosphere under the unity government is indeed more free and secure compared to past administrations.

    He mentions that during the Mahathir era in the 1980s and 1990s, the Internal Security Act was frequently used to target dissenters, and Najib also filed multiple lawsuits against the media. He further states that Anwar Ibrahim has organized dialogue sessions to listen to the dissenting voices of different groups.

    He states that this is the epitome of an enlightened and free government, allowing the media to freely criticize government shortcomings. He also points out that independent media outlets like RFS should be welcomed by the government as they reflect the voices of the people and advocate for their interests without being aligned with any particular faction.


    Jeffrery Ngui, President of Muda Sarawak

    MUDA Kuching Team Raises Awareness of Basic Amenities Shortage in Chawan Squatters Community

    On the night of 29 May MUDA kuching team led by Jeffery Ngui went to chawan squatters communities to distribute some new clothes to 54 families. It was not not for Gawai but clothes like to shirts, track suit for sports or exercise. Went there at night was an experienced for the team on how those communities living in darkness, and without proper water supply. And also get to know how those who will go back to the village for gawai festival and those who are not going back to the people will take care of the empty houses.

    Form that experienced the MUDA team will bring up the issue of electricity and water to the relevant authorities

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