4 September 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along- Environmental Activist from Mulu, Sarawak – Gazetted Without Consent: Baram's Struggle Against Forest Exploitation
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Walking for Water: 150KM Journey to Aid SFI Families

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along - Aktivis Alam Sekitar dari Mulu, Sarawak – Diwartakan Tanpa Persetujuan: Perjuangan Baram Menentang Eksploitasi Hutan
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – Berjalan untuk Air: Perjalanan 150KM untuk Membantu Keluarga SFI

  • Special Randau
                    1. We protest TPA, SFC and Samling are not worthy to be guardians of our forest - Said Dennis Along. We should be recognized for taking good care of the forest in Mulu, instead of being banned from entering the forest. We don't need to fill out a form to get the right and privilege to enter the forest. That is indeed our forest and land. GPS government through SFC is using various tactics to ban and drive us from our own forest and land- Dennis Along.

                    2. China warned Malaysia through a protest note sent to the Malaysian embassy in Beijing last week. Thus reports the Philippine Daily Inquirer.  China asks Malaysia to stop oil and gas activities in the Luconia Reefs area. But what is strange. The Luconia Reefs area is located 100km from the Sarawak Coast - on the other hand, 2000km from mainland China. Call us on 0135515219, the RFS wants your opinion.

    Dennis Along- Environmental Activist from Mulu, Sarawak

    Gazetted Without Consent: Baram's Struggle Against Forest Exploitation

    Today, we Baram residents - especially those living in the Tutoh and Data Julan area were surprised by the official memorandum by the Miri regional forest officer dated 28/8/2024 - informed that 2 areas will be gazetted as TPA- Totally Protected Area- namely-SURO- TUTOH Protected Forest and Julan Protected Forest Data. The forms that were distributed did not ask for our opinion. Whether we agree or not. Instead we were asked to fill in our name and residential address so that we would be given rights and privileges in the area to be gazetted. First of all - we do not agree that the area should be made a protected forest, because surely the SFC will prevent us from entering the area and secondly - why suddenly the area wants to be protected when there have been dozens of rounds of timber companies logging in the area. We are the ones who should declare the area as a no-go area for loggers or SFC. Because that is our land and forest area.  The forest department and GPS Sarawak government that have allowed logging in the affected area so far. We also don't need special privileges, because we have been free to hunt and fish in the restricted area, for self-sufficiency. Since it is our land, we prohibit logging. But the GPS government still gave logging licenses to Samling and Shin Yang. Now they want to turn the area into a landfill. We can feel that they want to completely seize the area from us to make it a Carbon Trading area in the future. This is the trick of GPS and working with logging companies. I am sad because many retired teachers are employed by logging companies to obtain information and distribute forms on behalf of the SFC. Many tribal leaders work closely with the SFC to maintain their salaries and allowances. However. We TuToh residents still object to the 4400 ha area being gazetted as Protected Forests.

    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park
    *Walking for Water: 150KM Journey to Aid SFI Families*

    Jeffrey Baudi has transformed the event into a 150KM walk while wearing traditional attire from various ethnic groups. The event will take place from 12/09 to 16/09, and at the end of the 150KM journey, Jeffrey Baudi will be welcomed by Saffie Aqdal. What makes this event unique is that students from a secondary school will join Jeffrey Baudi for a short distance walk to show solidarity with the SFI community, in an effort to raise funds for a tube well project that aims to provide water for over 400 SFI families who have been without a water supply for 13 months. The event also symbolizes a powerful act of unity and support, showcasing the commitment of diverse communities and youth to address critical issues affecting the SFI community.

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