5 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sungai Patin Agricultural Heritage Village- Similajau Bintulu – Fight for Land Rights Amid Accusations of Encroachment
— Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch – Uncontrolled Logging and Flooding: The Dire Consequences for Sarawak's Schools
— Dr. Edwin Bosi, a politician from Sabah – Citizenship Rights for Sabah’s Indigenous People: The Long Struggle Continues

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— TR Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin - Similajau Bintulu - Memperjuangkan Hak Tanah di Tengah Tuduhan Menceroboh
— Diog Dios, ketua cabang PKR Puncak Borneo - Pembalakan Tidak Terkawal dan Banjir: Kesannya yang Kritikal kepada Sekolah-sekolah di Sarawak
— Dr. Edwin Bosi, seorang ahli politik dari Sabah - Hak Kewarganegaraan untuk Penduduk Asli Sabah: Perjuangan Panjang yang Berterusan

  • Special Randau
                    1. Malaysia will continue to explore for oil and gas in the South China Sea despite China's objections claiming that Malaysia is violating the permitted boundaries. About the area that China claims is theirs. That is our area but we are open to talk - said prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. Beijing sent a note of protest because they consider it their territory. But we need to continue oil and gas operations for the sake of our country's economic survival, said `Anwar Ibrahim.

                    2. TR Panting was interrogated by bintulu police officers because of a report made by Bintulu SFC officers claiming that he trespassed into the national park. After testifying for more than 2 hours. I was released. Acts of intimidating us like this will not weaken our spirit to continue to demand our rights which have been confirmed by the forest department, land and survey department and former chief minister Adenan Satem's officials.


    Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sungai Patin Agricultural Heritage Village- Similajau Bintulu.

    Fight for Land Rights Amid Accusations of Encroachment

    Residents are preparing for the "Miring" ceremony, praying to the old traditional beliefs of the Dayak Iban tribe - so that the residents will be given strength in facing the problems they face. Residents also prayed that justice would be given to them in an effort to claim the rights to the land that had been given to them. The Miring ceremony will be conducted on the morning of Sept 7, 2024 in front of the entrance to the resident's garden/farm lot. All sympathetic and interested parties are invited to attend. Some NGOs from home and abroad will also be present. In the excitement of the residents make preparations. Superintendent of SFC - Azlan - filed a police report at Bintulu police station - accusing TR Panting ak Baling of encroaching on Similajau national park. Reports call for him to be investigated and arrested immediately. TR Panting was summoned to testify at the Bintulu police station. For more than 2 hours testifying. The police are satisfied with the information and evidence provided. He was released.  TR Panting appealed to all activists in Sarawak to attend this Saturday at the agricultural lot of Warisan Pertanian villagers of Patin Bintulu river. We want you to record a video and go viral on how unfair the GPS government is to us poor people who only need a few acres of land to survive- said TR Panting ak Baling


    Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch
    *Uncontrolled Logging and Flooding: The Dire Consequences for Sarawak's Schools*

    The recent flood in the central region of Sarawak severely affected two schools, with water levels reaching the rooftops, rendering them unsafe. It was the worst flood ever experienced in the area. As a former teacher with over 30 years of experience in educational institutions, I can attest that whenever a disaster strikes schools, it becomes extremely difficult for students and teachers to continue their normal activities. This is due to the damage to materials, equipment, and facilities such as chairs, desks, projectors, TVs, and more. This disruption has a comprehensive impact on both students and teachers.

    The state government, led by GPS, along with the education department, should have been monitoring or at least aware that floods could happen at any time, especially since this is not the first occurrence. Complaints from the local communities must be taken seriously, and drastic action should be taken to build new schools in higher areas to avoid future flooding.

    Flooding is a human-made issue, exacerbated by uncontrolled logging activities that destroy biodiversity and the environment.


    Dr. Edwin Bosi, a politician from Sabah
    *Citizenship Rights for Sabah’s Indigenous People: The Long Struggle Continues*
    Dr. Edwin Bosi welcomes the possibility of the government establishing a special committee to address the issue of citizenship in Sabah. This citizenship issue has been a heated topic for a long time, as Sabah has been flooded with illegal immigrants (PATI), and during the administration of Tun M, the "Project IC" was witnessed, which granted citizenship to foreign nationals entering Sabah. Meanwhile, the indigenous people of Sabah did not receive citizenship, forcing them to become foreigners in their own land.

    Dr. Edwin Bosi, the former assemblyman for Kepayan (DAP) from 2013 to 2018, frequently raised the issue of citizenship in the assembly during his term in office.

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