6 February 2024

On Today Show

— Peter John Jaban, Sarawak Veteran Activist – Peter believes Police are investigating Raghad for allegedly stealing Taib's property
—Dr. Michael Teo, ex-Miri MP – Protecting Patient Safety: Dr. Michael Teo Highlights Risks in Ragad's Unauthorized Removal of Taib Mahmud
— Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK), lawyer – Najib's Pardon: Still on Criminal Status

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Peter John Jaban, Aktivis Veteran Sarawak – Peter percaya bahawa Polis sedang menyiasat Raghad atas tuduhan mencuri harta Taib
— Dr. Michael Teo, bekas MP Miri – Menjaga Keselamatan Pesakit: Risiko dalam Pengeluaran Tanpa Kebenaran Ragad terhadap Taib Mahmud
— Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), peguam – Penggampunan Najib: Masih dalam Status Jenayah.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Raghad denied running Taib from Normah Specialist Medical Center, instead claiming to have permission from the nurse. But Peter John Jaban believes that Raghad is at war with his stepchildren to seize Taib's wealth.

    2. BERSIH 2.0 may hold a demonstration protesting the reduction of sentence against Najib. The matter was discussed in yesterday's meeting. The final decision will be announced tomorrow - said its chairman Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz.

    3. Tony Pua was investigated under the sedition act 1948 - this is very shameful said the former vice chairman of PKR- N. Surendran. According to Surendran, PH in the manifesto in GE15 is determined to abolish the act of sedition. According to another former PKR member Latheefa Koya - other countries that are also investigating 1MDB are watching Malaysia's behavior. Will they cooperate now, when Najib's sentence has been reduced?


    Peter John Jaban, Sarawak Veteran Activist

    *Peter believes Police are investigating Raghad for allegedly stealing Taib's property*

    Update related to the news of Tun Taib Mahmud being forcibly taken out by his wife Raghad Kudi from Normah Specialist Hospital in Kuching while receiving treatment in the ICU. Several police reports were made and confirmed that it really happened. However, the Sarawak police do not allow the public to speculate about it.

    According to Peter, what happened was a fight over Taib's property. Raghad made preparations to pack hundreds of boxes of Taib's property to be taken abroad, a viral photo shows that. This caused unease among Taib's children. They accused Raghad of stealing their father's property. Depressed by that, Raghad brought Taib home from the hospital's ICU so that he could take a picture with him with the treasures that had been packed in the hundreds of boxes, this will justify that it is not stolen property,it is a gift from Taib. According to Peter again, since 2014, Raghad did not allow Taib's children to meet their father.

    The follow-up, at 1.21am this morning, through a post on his Instagram account, Raghad denied the matter and asked to stop the bad suspicions against him. She said, she will not run away from the country and will continue to be in Sarawak - I am indeed a foreigner, but I am a Malaysian citizen - she said.

    Raghad also denied reports that Taib was kidnapped from the hospital. He took Taib out with the nurse's permission. Peter questioned Raghad's statement by asking a question. Who has the authority to discharge patients? Doctor or nurse. With this irresponsible action, Peter urged the Sarawak government to revoke the Malaysian citizenship given to Raghad. The native status owned by Raghad can be misused to increase the amount of wealth, get involved in politics or distribute property to his relatives. Don't be surprised if members of the Raghad family dominate Sarawak's politics or wealth. Said Peter John Jaban.


    Dr. Michael Teo, ex-Miri MP

    *Protecting Patient Safety: Dr. Michael Teo Highlights Risks in Ragad's Unauthorized Removal of Taib Mahmud*

    Dr Michal Teo, as a medical practitioner of 50 years, is deeply disappointed by Ragad's actions in taking Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud, who was receiving treatment at Normah Hospital. This is highly endangering Taib's health as he was taken home and unable to receive proper medical care. Taib Mahmud's health history includes a cancelled colonoscopy while seeking treatment in Singapore, and in the last ten years, he has been suffering from memory loss, requiring more careful attention from the hospital. Ragad's actions in taking Taib out can also warrant police action.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK) , lawyer

    *Najib's Pardon: Still on Criminal Status*

    On the issue of Najib's pardon, Voon Lee Shan expresses his opinion that according to the law, the meaning of a pardon implies that one has been found guilty and subsequently pardoned for that guilt. Merely being released from prison does not constitute a pardon. This type of pardon leaves a record of guilt or criminal charges. Alternatively, a pardon can be granted without an admission of guilt. However, in Najib's case, the pardon serves to shorten his period of imprisonment, indicating that he is still considered a criminal. Nonetheless, he would be released after serving six years. According to prison procedures, if an inmate maintains good behavior, their sentence can be reduced by one-third. Therefore, if one-third of six years is deducted, Najib could potentially be released in approximately four years. Hence, Najib could be released sooner than expected.


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