7 February 2024

On Today Show
— Ngang Kuja, Penan residents of Kampung Long Tanyit, Linau River Belaga – Severe Flooding Strikes Five Penan Villages along Linau/Belaga River: Should the Sarawak Government Construct More Dams?
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak and lawyer – Even someone holds the title of TUN, they must still be investigated for crimes, and the seriously ill Taib is no exception
— Muhammad Faisal abdul aziz, Chairperson of Bersih – Reform Demands to be Reinforced Before Taking to the Streets

On Today Show
— Ngang Kuja, penduduk Penan Kampung Long Tanyit, Sungai Linau Belaga - Banjir Teruk Melanda Lima Kampung Penan di sepanjang Sungai Linau/Belaga: Patutkah Kerajaan Sarawak Membina Lebih Banyak Empangan?
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak dan peguam - Walaupun seseorang memegang gelaran TUN, mereka masih perlu disiasat atas jenayah, dan Taib yang sakit teruk tidak terkecuali
— Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Pengerusi Bersih - Tuntutan Reformasi Perlu Diperkukuh Sebelum Melakukan Demonstrasi di Jalanan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Inspector General of Police issued a statement that Taib Mahmud was not kidnapped or escaped. The police have received a report - there may be incorrect facts and the reported news is not accurate.

    2. Najib's lawyer wants to submit another pardon application to the new King/Agong. Claiming that Najib did not get a fair trial. Meanwhile, senior lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla is worried that the AG will drop another case that Najib is currently facing, given that his sentence has been reduced. The AG is also a member of the Pardon Board.

    3. Tun M-Mirzan and Mokhzani's children will be prosecuted, if they fail to declare their assets. A week ago Daim and his wife were charged for failing to declare assets under section 36 of the MACC Act

    4. BERSIH 2.0 chairman - The 6th BERSIH demonstration will be launched if there is no total reform - said BERSIH 2.0 chairman Muhammad Faizal Abdul Aziz.

    5. Sarawak Report editor, Clare Rewcastle-Brown, was sentenced to two years' jail in absentia by the Magistrate's Court here today for defaming the Sultanah of Terengganu, Sultanah Nur Zahirah.

    Ngang Kuja, Penan residents of Kampung Long Tanyit, Linau River Belaga

    *Severe Flooding Strikes Five Penan Villages along Linau/Belaga River: Should the Sarawak Government Construct More Dams?*

    Ngang Kuja reported that 5 penan villages have been flooded by the Linau river which has been overflowing with flood water for the past 4 days. The villages involved are Long Abit, Long Kajang, Lusong Laku, Long Lidem and Long Tanyit.

    According to Ngang Kuja, this is an extraordinary flood as far as I know as long as I live in the linau area. We lost everything like rice crops, livestock and houses. The long house of Long Kajang is no longer habitable because it has almost collapsed due to being washed away by the water. When asked if logging is the cause of this extraordinary flood. Probably not, he said- because there is no more active logging in our area. But I expect it is the effect of global climate change. Because the part of Indonesia that borders us is also badly affected by the flood. We are asking for immediate help. The aid sent to us at this time can only cover our lives for 2 days only. It is difficult for us to connect with the outside world because the telephone line is not stable. Long Kajang 25 doors and 38 households. Other longhouses have not been able to identify the number of affected. The government came to send us aid very slowly, using boats and land. But if you use a helicopter it will be faster - said Ngang Kuja.

    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak and lawyer

    *Even someone holds the title of TUN, they must still be investigated for crimes, and the seriously ill Taib is no exception*

    Regarding Taib, many previously believed that anyone holding the title of Tun is immune from the law. This is incorrect because every offender will face the courts. As we know, Tun Mahathir and Tun Daim will also face legal action for their mistakes, as will Taib Mahmud.

    Abun Sui argues that the Najib pardon case represents a separation of powers among Malaysia's judiciary, legislative branch (Parliament), and executive administration by the Malaysian government. Within the Malaysian constitution, there is also the royal pardon institution. The executive branch has apprehended Najib and will bring his case to the judiciary for trial. This pardon institution is an independent body where the government cannot interfere but is granted authority under the Federal Constitution under Article 42, and we cannot blame anyone for this matter. Many understand the provisions under Article 42, and many point fingers at PMX as the Prime Minister and blame the Unity government, even though Najib's pardon case is under the authority of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. It is unfair if the pardon institution under the Agong makes the decision, but the people blame PMX. We must respect this system. However, it is hoped that there will be amendments to this pardon institution in the future if it receives one-third in Parliament to change the law by this pardon institution. Thus, we as citizens must accept the decision made under the Agong.


    Muhammad Faisal abdul aziz, Chairperson of Bersih

    *Reform Demands to be Reinforced Before Taking to the Streets*

    Bersih is extending an open invitation to opposition parties and NGOs to join forces in their latest campaign, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and collaboration across party lines. At the core of Bersih's agenda is combating corruption, a pervasive issue that erodes public trust in governance. They urge the Attorney General to stop granting DNAA to influential figures implicated in corruption scandals, as this perpetuates impunity and undermines confidence in the justice system.

    Additionally, Bersih stresses the need for the separation of powers, particularly regarding the roles of the Attorney General and the Election Commission (EC). They propose detaching the Attorney General from the Public Prosecutor's office and the EC to ensure impartiality and integrity in overseeing the rule of law and electoral processes.

    Bersih aims to push for legislative reforms in Parliament to address systemic issues and foster a more inclusive and accountable political environment. They also remain open to grassroots activism, including street campaigns, to amplify their message and garner public support for reform efforts.

    As Bersih prepares for their latest rally, they reaffirm their commitment to championing democratic principles and advocating for meaningful change. Through public participation and pressure, Bersih seeks to catalyze the transformative reforms necessary to strengthen Malaysia's democratic institutions and uphold the rights and interests of its citizens.


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