7 July 2023

On Today Show
> Abun Sui, PKR Senator of Sarawak – Sarawak high income state? Not from most Sarawakian
> John Brian, Sarawak activist - Only 10% are rich. They are politicians and families /cronies of them
> Thomas Fann, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0 – Extending Election Timeframe: Empowering Voters to Make Informed Choices for Their Future
> Komeok Joe, Penan Activist – GPS Government's Neglect of Penan People's Needs and Infrastructure Priorities 


Pada Rancangan Hari Ini
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Sarawak adalah negeri berpendapatan tinggi? Bukan dari kebanyakan orang Sarawak
> John Brian, aktivis Sarawak - Hanya 10% yang kaya. Mereka adalah ahli politik dan keluarga/kroni politik
> Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Bersih 2.0 – Memanjangkan Masa Kempen Pilihan Raya: Memperkasa Pengundi Membuat Pilihan Termaklum untuk Masa Depan Mereka
> Komeok Joe, Aktivis Penan – Pengabaian Kerajaan GPS terhadap Keperluan Rakyat Penan dan Keutamaan Infrastruktur

  • Abun Sui, PKR Senator of Sarawak

    *Sarawak high income state? Not from most Sarawakian!*

    According to the latest data from the World Bank, Sarawak has achieved the status of a high income state. The World Bank's Malaysia lead economist, Apurva Sanghi, confirmed that Sarawak qualifies as a high income state with a gross national income (GNI) per capita exceeding US$13,205. This puts Sarawak among the ranks of 83 out of 218 countries that have attained high income status. Sanghi announced the news on Twitter, expressing that while Malaysia's pursuit of joining the high income club continues, Sarawak's achievement is a pleasant surprise.

    Abun Sui shared his thoughts on Sarawak becoming a high income state. While he recognized the positive news, he pointed out that most Sarawakians don't experience the benefits of this achievement. He explained that the advantages of high income are mainly enjoyed by a small group of wealthy corporations and individuals in Sarawak. Abun Sui highlighted the unequal development between urban and rural areas as a reason for this disparity. He mentioned that economic opportunities and benefits are not fairly distributed. As a senator representing the rural Belaga constituency, he noticed that certain groups of people are being left out and unable to access the economic opportunities that come with Sarawak's high income status.


    John Brian, Sarawak activist

    *Only 10% are rich. They are politicians and families /cronies of them*

    World Bank economist Apurva Sanghi- confirmed that Sarawak is now listed as a high-income state. The latest data analyzed by the World Bank obtained from DOSM- Department of Statistics Malaysia found that each Sarawakian earns an annual income of RM61,00 (USD 13,205) or at least RM5000 per month. According to John Brian, "I do not dispute this data. But I think the majority of Sarawakians are still poor. Indeed, Sarawak's annual income is high. But it is donated or owned by the upper classes who have political and commercial power. These people are mostly friends/cronies of those in power". If a country is rich but its people are still poor. This means there is a big problem in the administration. This is what Sarawak is facing, according to John Brian. Businesses that generate billions of ringgit in profits such as the oil and gas industry, palm oil plantations, logging, ports, hotels, manufacturing, renewable energy/dams and now entering the phase of hydrogen energy and carbon trading are dominated by a small group. 10 percent of the rich have high incomes while the other 90 percent of Sarawakians are still poor. I request that the state administrator be changed. Only then will the new administration be able to distribute wealth fairly and equally. This can all be done through political power and the ballot box. The people of Sarawak should choose wisely during the election.


    Thomas Fann, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0

    *Extending Election Timeframe: Empowering Voters to Make Informed Choices for Their Future*

    6 states elections in which SPR today had announced polling day on 12 August, nomination on 29 July and early voting on 8 August. Meaning that campaign period only 14 days.

    Bersih feel frustrated that 14days of campaign is difficult for overseas postal voters to send back their postal vote to returning officer on polling day.

    On Bersih’s experienced was that from previous elections PRU 15, most postal voters only managed to receive their ballot paper just few days prior to polling day. A lot have reported to Bersih, that they can't cast their vote. Thus, all the while Bersih have urged that campaign period at least 21 days.

    Only one time where campaign period was 21 days that was Balakong by -election in 2019. And after no more as many politicians don't like campaign period for 21 days as it is costly and very tiring . But what Thomas Fann emphasize is that election is for the voters to cast their vote. Giving voters more time to get more information. SPR must prioritise the comfort of the voters and not the ease of the politicians.

    But if SPR refuse to extend campaign period, what they should do is to provide easy process sending postal votes to applicants. What Bersih suggest is that, right after nomination day, as people already know who is the candidate of constituency, and ballot papers printed out, they should be able to go to their account in Myspr and download format in PDF of ballot paper and Form 2 via online. Which just need witness to sign and send back. This is a good suggestion and more reduce cost and totally eliminate clerical mistakes.

    Bersih urge everyone must go out to vote, as it is very important, whoever form state govt, will has right to appoint local councils or the Mayor. If we don't have a good management team in our area, we will have direct impact


    Komeok Joe, Penan Activist

    *GPS Government's Neglect of Penan People's Needs and Infrastructure Priorities*

    The GPS Sarawak government plans to build preschools for children in the Penan and Ulu areas. However, this is another empty promise of development for the Penan people.

    It seems suspicious that they are only now planning to build schools while issues such as roads, identification cards (IC), and illegal logging remain unresolved.

    Komeok said that people have no expectations for the GPS government to fulfill their promise of building schools when the condition of the roads in Baram still requires significant improvement. There are also several damaged bridges that need attention from the government, but he wants people to observe that GPS government are not taking the issue seriously.

    As a result, Komeok are now taking the initiative through NGO to build bridges using a community-based approach and funding from external sources. This will facilitate crossing the river and provide a solution to the transportation problem. These are all ignore by the GPS government.

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