6 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Barnie Lasimbang, pakar alam sekitar – Jeffrery Ketinggan perlu menjawab tanah mana untuk program Carbon Trading
> Irene Chang, bekas ADUN Bukit Assek DAP – Memastikan Akses Sama rata: Panggilan Irene Chang untuk Bantuan Mendapatkan MyKad bagi sesiapa yang memerlukan
> Oly William, Penduduk Kampung Usahajaya Tukau Miri – Tiada rancangan pemindahan untuk 23 penduduk di Kampung Usahajaya Tukau

On Today Show
> Barnie Lasimbang, environmental expert – Jeffrery Ketinggan need to answer which area for Carbon Trading program
> Irene Chang, DAP former Bukit Assek assemblywoman – Ensuring Equal Access: Irene Chang's Call for Assistance in Obtaining MyKad for anyone who need help
> Oly William, Residents of Kampung Usahajaya Tukau Miri – No relocation plans for 23 residents in Kampung Usahajaya Tukau

  • Special Randau

    > Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has called on supporters of former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to vote in the upcoming state elections. Zahid emphasized the need to separate Najib's legal issues from the elections and mentioned ongoing efforts to assist Najib in legal matters.

    > It is not a new matter that Tun M and Muhyiddin Yassin colluded to defend their wealth, positions, and ways, said Anwar Ibrahim.

    > Analysts argue that the GPS should distance itself from the state elections campaign in the six states in West Malaysia, despite the alliance being a pillar of the unity government.


    Barnie Lasimbang, environmental expert

    *Jeffrery Ketinggan need to answer which area for Carbon Trading program*

    This NCA issue has been a hot topic in Sabah since it was revealed by one of international portal during Cop26 in Glasgow.

    NCA is an agreement signed by Sabah State govt and a company which was registered in Singapore, that's Hock Standard whom owner is unknown, that was given power to manage Tropical rainforest in Sabah with an area of 2millions hactres, for 100 yrs for carbon trading project.

    Where there was consultation carried out. The agreement was made secretly.

    There was no clear justify and the informations were limited, as such Barnie took initiative to file an Originating Summons to request for access to get more information in detail. And with that the Conservator gave Barnie photocopies of the information. So that was the first time they saw the contents of agreement. After further studied it with Lawyers, experts where they found that the agreement was only one sided. Benefiting Hock Standard company. And there was no clause for sabah state govt to exit this agreement.

    What is the most scary part in the agreement is process of benefit sharing which is in favour of the company.

    There were several issues raised by Sabah NGOs on their concern to Dr. Jeffry but he refuse to answer to us, instead accused the Sabah CSOs are the mastermind.

    After he filed the Summon, Sabah SAG had made a clear statement that the agreement was not enforceable, as it is not fulfilling the procedures and not due diligence.

    So with that he decided not to continue the suit, as he took the statement by Attorney General is official.

    But however after a year Jeffry Ketinggan emerged with a statement saying that Sabah State Govt is ready with carbon credit trading program and sell to Malaysia stock exchange may also be set up in Sabah. With 2Millions hactres .

    And the confusing part is he did not mention in which area. Waiting Jeffrery Ketinggan to answer it.


    Irene Chang, DAP former Bukit Assek assemblywoman

    *Ensuring Equal Access: Irene Chang's Call for Assistance in Obtaining MyKad for anyone who need help*

    Irene Chang is dedicated to assisting Malaysians who do not have a MyKad in applying for one.

    The cases of individuals without MyKad vary, including indigenous people from the rural areas and Chinese residents in urban areas.

    She explains that each applicant has a different background, and the reasons for not having a MyKad are diverse, resulting in variations in the application process. She further clarifies that the process of applying for a MyKad is extremely complex and challenging, with the level of difficulty depending on the completeness of the documents provided by the applicant.

    However, many applicants are unable to provide the required documents because they simply do not have them, such as birth certificates or their parents' official marriage certificates.

    Nevertheless, she urges Malaysians without MyKad not to give up and suggests seeking assistance from lawyers or Members of Parliament (YB) for the application process or applying directly at the National Registration Department (JPN). She emphasizes that the issue of MyKad affects not only the indigenous people but all Malaysians throughout the country.


    Oly William, Residents of Kampung Usahajaya Tukau Miri

    *No relocation plans for 23 residents in Kampung Usahajaya Tukau*

    (update) Oly told that 23 houses of residents in Kampung Usahajaya Tukau are currently being demolished. By the Parabena Development Company, owned by Raziah Mahmud (Taib Mahmud's sister). Most of the garden land with pineapple, coconut, banana, fruit and palm oil plants has also been pushed and flattened. Residents have tried to save their village through various channels until appealing for the intervention of YB Sibuti Parliamentarian (Lukanisman) and Bekenu Assemblyman Ripin Lamat. But no one could help. Everyone is afraid of the family of TYT Taib Mahmud. YB Ripin Lamat was previously an employee at Syarikat Parabena before becoming YB. Both of these YBs visited and saw the demolished settlements. But there is no solution. Residents are not paid garden or house compensation. There are no relocation plans. Residents are asked to rent and the developer pays rent for a year. Oly wonders why the poor people who have been living on government land for a long time are not helped/or paid compensation and the village land is given to a developer company that makes millions of ringgit profit for themselves.

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