8 December 2023

On Today Show
> YB Violet Yong, Assembly member of Pending – Concerns Arise as Petros Niaga Gains Monopoly Power in Sarawak's LPG Gas Distribution
> Dominic Langat, activist from Lonng Tungan Baram – Life After Subsidies: Interior Residents Worry About Increased Diesel Costs
> Baru Bian, Assembly member of Ba' Kelalan – Infrastructure Progress in Sarawak: Unfinished Business Beyond Pan Borneo Highway
> Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator – Promoting Fair Aid Distribution: Urging GPS to Address the Issue

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> YB Violet Yong, Ahli Dewan Negeri Pending - Kebimbangan Muncul Ketika Petros Niaga Memperoleh Kuasa Monopoli dalam Pengedaran Gas LPG Sarawak
> Dominic Langat, Aktivis dari Lonng Tungan Baram - Hidup Tanpa Subsidi: Penduduk Pendalaman Risau Tentang Kenaikan Kos Diesel
> Baru Bian, Ahli Dewan Negeri Ba' Kelalan - Kemajuan Infrastruktur di Sarawak: Tugas Belum Selesai Selepas Lebuhraya Pan Borneo
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - Memajukan Pengagihan Bantuan yang Adil: Mendesak GPS untuk Menangani Isu Ini

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Lawyer for Najib Razak, Shafee, accuses Bank Negara Malaysia analyst Adam Arif Mohd Roslan of conspiring with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM) to frame Najib Razak in the RM2.27 billion corruption case. Shafee is vigorously working to exonerate Najib Razak. However, the Malaysian public is aware that Najib received billions of ringgit in his personal accounts and used his power as prime minister to avoid prosecution.

    2. Opposition Members of Parliament openly express support for PMX without officially defecting from their parties. Party hopping, as defined by anti-party hopping laws, occurs when members of parliament formally leave their parties to support another. In this case, MPs are remaining in their parties while offering support. This distinction is emphasized by the Law Minister Azalina Othman Said.

    3. The impact of the 2023 amendment to the Gas Distribution Act gives significant power and a monopoly on the gas market in Sarawak to Petros Niaga, according to YB Violet Yong. Currently, the price of LPG remains at RM26.60, but there is no guarantee that it will not increase in the future. There is also no assurance that additional fees will not be imposed. The monopolistic business practices of CMS in the cement industry have resulted in property/housing prices in Sarawak being the highest in Malaysia.


    YB Violet Yong, Assembly member of Pending

    *Concerns Arise as Petros Niaga Gains Monopoly Power in Sarawak's LPG Gas Distribution*

    Many problems will arise when Petros Niaga becomes the sole distributor of LPG Gas in Sarawak. Through the Gas Distribution (Amendment) Bill 2023 which was approved by the Sarawak State Assembly recently. PETROS NIAGA has full authority over LPG GAS distribution activities in Sarawak. According to Violet Yong- anything monopolistic will affect the market and consumers in the long run. Give an example of the monopoly power possessed by CMS cement. Making the price of cement and houses in Sarawak one of the most expensive in Malaysia. Although the Minister of Utilities and Telecommunications Sarawak Julaihi Narawi assured the price of LPG Gas will remain at RM26.60 (the federal government's subsidy control price) Petros Niaga has become so powerful that it can choose any business partner who cannot object to any PetrOs Niaga directive. In the future, PETROS niaga has the authority to raise the price of gas barrels or charge any fees if deemed necessary. What the market needs right now is open competition. Where all parties have the same rights and powers in the sale and distribution of LPG Gas in Sarawak. YB Chong Cheing Jen and I protested at the State Assembly. But GPS has almost 100% majority. The GPS government should not bring or approve such a law in Sarawak which has a negative impact on the people of Sarawak.


    Dominic Langat, activist from Lonng Tungan Baram

    *Life After Subsidies: Interior Residents Worry About Increased Diesel Costs*

    In Parliament, MP Oscar Ling from Sibu has raised a crucial question regarding the government's strategies to assist residents in the rural areas of East Malaysia who heavily rely on four-wheeled vehicles. The primary objective is to ensure that the lives of these individuals are not adversely affected and burdened. This inquiry becomes particularly relevant in light of Prime Minister Anwar's statement on November 3. Anwar, who also serves as the Finance Minister, announced the phased re-targeting of diesel subsidies, specifying that this initiative would solely be implemented in the peninsula. He further clarified that Sabah and Sarawak would be excluded from this plan due to the extensive use of diesel in these states.

    Dominic Langat underscores that the proposed cancellation of diesel subsidies would pose a significant burden for users of four-wheel drives in the interior and interior regions. Notably, approximately 80% of the roads in these areas are logging routes, characterized by challenging terrains rather than smooth surfaces. Consequently, reaching destinations in the interior requires covering longer distances and navigating through more demanding landscapes, leading to heightened diesel consumption.

    In addition to expressing concerns about the subsidy cancellation, Langat advocates for a reduction in road taxes specifically for four-wheel-drive vehicles. This appeal stems from an awareness that such a measure would contribute to alleviating the financial strain on users in both interior and interior regions. By addressing these issues comprehensively, Langat seeks to promote policies that recognize and accommodate the distinctive challenges faced by individuals heavily reliant on four-wheel drives in the interior and interior areas.

    He emphasizes that diesel is not only used in four-wheel-drive vehicles but also in interior areas for powering generators. He mentions that while most interior villages have installed solar panels, the capacity is limited to 3000 watts per household, essentially depleted after half a day. As a result, diesel generators are needed to generate power for daily activities. This undoubtedly adds to the burden for the inhabitants of the interior areas as well.


    Baru Bian, assembly member of Ba' Kelalan

    *Infrastructure Progress in Sarawak: Unfinished Business Beyond Pan Borneo Highway*

    All sections of the Pan Borneo Sarawak Highway are on track to be fully accessible to the public by the end of this month. Alexander Nanta Linggi, the Minister of Works, has confirmed that the project has achieved an impressive 98 percent completion. This significant milestone ensures a smoother travel experience for the public, especially those returning to their hometowns during the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations.

    In response to this development, Baru Bian expressed his elation and gratitude for the imminent completion of the Pan Borneo project. While acknowledging the importance of the trans Pan Borneo highway, he emphasized the need to prioritize other critical infrastructures in Sarawak. Specifically, he drew attention to the pressing issues in the education sector, such as the ongoing problem of dilapidated schools, particularly in rural areas. Baru Bian highlighted that even in urban areas, some schools remain unrepaired since Najib's tenure, during which Sarawak was allocated one million annually. He underscored the persistent challenges with computers and internet connectivity in these educational institutions.

    Beyond education, Baru Bian raised concerns about the state of healthcare infrastructure in Sarawak. He urged for a prioritized focus on rural clinics and hospitals, noting the ongoing shortage of doctors in these areas. Addressing these essential issues, according to Baru Bian, is crucial for the overall well-being and development of Sarawak.


    Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator

    *Promoting Fair Aid Distribution: Urging GPS to Address the Issue*

    Abun Sui responds to Gerawat Jala, the ADUN (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for Mulu, after Abun Sui stated that development assistance from the federal government should be directly provided to the people without going through each Member of Parliament. This is because the distribution has been uneven for longhouse communities, with village chiefs being criticized for not allocating any funds to opposition voters.

    Due to the prevalent culture of criticism within the GPS, Gerawat Jala claims that Abun Sui's statement is an unfounded accusation.

    Abun Sui perceives Gerawat Jala as being sensitive to his remarks, likening it to someone who has eaten spicy chili. Abun Sui will continue to emphasize that every allocation from the federal government should not be politicized. Abun Sui issues a biased statement against the village chief based on his real experiences, as he frequently engages directly with the community throughout his career in politics.

Guest User
7 December 2023

On Today Show
> Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer – Ba Pakan Chief Removed for Environmental Stance: Village Rejects Replacement
> Nick Kelesau, leader of Keruan NGO – Logging and Dams: Abang Jo's Version of Green Economy?
> Remould Siew from Tahabas – Towards Permanence: Resolving Land Allocation Issues in Kampung Wawasan
> (call-in) Mr. Nicol from Kuching – Concerns about the mandatory use of Malay arising in Sarawak


Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia – Pemimpin Ba Pakan Dipecat Kerana Bantah balak: Orang Kampung Menolak Penggantian
> Nick Kelesau, Ketua NGO Keruan – Pembalakan dan Empangan: Versi Abang Jo mengenai Ekonomi Hijau?
> Remould Siew dari Tahabas – Ke Arah Kekal: Menyelesaikan Isu Peruntukan Tanah di Kampung Wawasan
> (Panggilan masuk) En. Nicol dari Kuching – Keberimbangan tentang Penggunaan Wajib Bahasa Melayu di Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Hilman Idham's (Azmin Ali's team) victory in the Selangor State Assembly (DUN) for Gombak Setia will be challenged in court next Monday. Hilman won by a slim majority of 58 votes. In addition to Gombak Setia, Azmin's team also won narrowly in three other areas: Dengkil with 407 votes, Sungai Kandis with 167 votes, and Taman Medan with 30 votes. There are allegations from Hilman's side regarding vote count manipulation.

    2. "The appointment of village or community leaders should not be under the authority of State Assemblymen (YB ADUN) or Residents. The call from PKR Sarawak Chairman - Roland Engan - is for village leaders to be appointed by the people of the village themselves.

    3. PMX Anwar Ibrahim urges the acceleration of all public facility projects without any excuses. Anwar is in Sabah for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Ulu Padas hydroelectric dam project. This dam is being built to generate electricity and supply water. For Sarawak, the number of dams is already more than needed. We in Sarawak want schools, roads, bridges, and modern basic amenities.


    Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer

    *Ba Pakan Chief Removed for Environmental Stance: Village Rejects Replacement*

    The Miri High Court will make a decision on 9/1/2024 for the case of judicial review against the appointment of Sakaria Padda as tribal leader for the Ba Pakan, Baram penan. A few months ago - 6 applicants, led by Julian Joy Singa - requested that there be confirmation or not of the appointment of Sakaria Padda as tribal leader.

    Previously, Kampung Ba Pakan appointed Padda Jutang (father of Sakaria Padda) as the tribal leader for the village of Ba Pakan. But Pada Jutang is an anti-logging person. When a logging company wants to log in the Ba Pakan area, Padda Jutang will oppose. Therefore, there is a need to change/replace him. So Sakaria Padda was suggested by the Miri Resident Office. Immediately after being appointed. Sakaria Padda continues to deal with logging companies that want to log in the Ba Pakan area. While the majority of the Penan Ba Pakan people are against logging. It is understood that counsel for both parties have argued in the oral hearing on 6/12/2023 - before high court judge Yang Arif Tuan Dean Wyne Daly.

    Roland Engan represented 6 applicants while Sarawak Attorney - Mr. Justin Lau represented the respondent. There are 4 respondents namely; Sakaria Padda, Miri Division Resident, Sarawak Government Secretary and Sarawak Government. Roland thinks, to solve the problem appoint a tribal leader in the future. The decision of the majority at the village level should be respected by the government or the Resident's office. The Resident's Office should accept anyone appointed at the village or longhouse level. The state government, YB and resident officials should not be involved in choosing who the tribal leader they like.


    Nick Kelesau, leader of Keruan NGO

    *Logging and Dams: Abang Jo's Version of Green Economy?*

    Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg has arrived in Dubai for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) on 6 Dec. He is set to witness the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between InvestSarawak and Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd. The MOU signifies collaboration in the state's green economy initiatives, focusing on environmental sustainability.

    Regarding Abang Jo's active promotion of the green economy, Nick Kelesau expresses significant contrast in Abang Jo's ideas and actions. He states that the GPS state government led by Abang Jo is actively involved in logging and dam construction, activities that harm the environment. The so-called promotion of the green economy, according to Nick Kelesau, is actually contributing to the destruction of forests.

    He points out that the remaining forest areas are small, especially in areas like Baram Inland and Limbang Inland. Despite efforts by inland residents to protect the forests and demarcate areas for preservation, active logging companies are still present, attempting to persuade village chiefs to allow them access for logging. The conditions offered include money, housing construction, road development, and other incentives to entice village chiefs to permit logging in the area.

    These situations have been ongoing, but there is no visible government intervention to stop them. Nick Kelesau mentions that opinions among inland villagers regarding dam construction vary. Some are deceived by the government's sweet words, believing that the construction of dams will bring roads, job opportunities, and new longhouses. However, Nick advises those in favor of dam construction to visit the resettlement areas in Murum and Bakun to see if the future is as they imagined.


    Remould Siew from Tahabas

    *Towards Permanence: Resolving Land Allocation Issues in Kampung Wawasan*

    On December 6th, Remould Siew, together with Tr. Edy and a few others, visited the Jutamas Oil Palm plantation company to further discuss their situation. The company has agreed to allocate a lot for them to stay in the areas where their respective houses and a longhouse, consisting of 18 families (including 3 individual houses) in Kampung Wawasan, batu niah, were built prior to the implementation of the oil palm plantations. The community has occupied the area since 90s, and now they are allowed to stay there permanently. The government has also contributed funds to the community to build the longhouse. The Penghulu and their State Assemblyman (YB) made efforts to issue a letter to the company.

    One crucial aspect of today's meeting was to exclude the community from the company's PL (Plantation License) or to provide the community with enough surrounding compound called "Payong Rumah." The manager agreed to this condition, and he mentioned that he would bring the letter to their superior for approval. Both parties aimed to resolve the situation in a win-win manner. The area is not far from the school and clinic. However, the current issue lies in the poor condition of the access road to the settlement.


    (call-in) Mr. Nicol from Kuching

    *Concerns about the mandatory use of Malay arising in Sarawak*

    Mr. Nicol has expressed his views on the issue of the Malay language, which has become a hot topic on social media following the statement by the Minister of Home Affairs that those who are not proficient in the Malay language will not receive services.

    Mr. Nicol emphasizes that if the Malay language is obligatory according to the constitution, he questions how this aligns with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), which has not been implemented for Sabah and Sarawak for a long time. The people of Sarawak do not consider Malay as the primary language in Sarawak because English is regarded as prioritized. Moreover, in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), English can be freely used.

    It is disappointing if Malayan culture were to spread to Sarawak.

Guest User
6 December 2023

On Today Show
> Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator – Environmental Impact and Disrupted Lives: Murum Penan's Plight Post-Dam Construction
> Agnes Padan, Human rights activist – Rural Rights: MyKad Achievements in Lawas
> Romuald Siew from Tahabas – Access to Services: Language Proficiency and Citizen Rights

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - Kesan Alam Sekitar dan Kehidupan Terganggu: Cabaran Murum Penan Pembinaan Empangan
> Agnes Padan, Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia - Hak Orang Asal: Pencapaian MyKad di Lawas
> Romuald Siew dari Tahabas - Akses ke Perkhidmatan: Penguasaan Bahasa dan Hak Warganegara

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Petros Niaga monopolizes the LPG Gas business in Sarawak. In the long term business monopoly is not good for the people of Sarawak. The Sarawak government suddenly stopped MyGAC's business license effective December 1, 2023. Caused all MyGaz retailers and distributors to be out of a job. Meanwhile Yb Violet Yong in a press conference today informed that all 19 LPG distributors in Sarawak had not been contacted by Petros Niaga before.

    2. The National Registration Department should take an extraordinary approach to solve the citizenship problem of Sarawak residents. Not only adding JPN staff but the ability to communicate in various languages is also required. This is to help rural residents who are not fluent in Malay.


    Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator

    *Environmental Impact and Disrupted Lives: Murum Penan's Plight Post-Dam Construction*

    Recently, heavy rain led to the road entering the Murum resettlement area being cut off. According to a report from the RFS yesterday, the logging company Shin Yang will undertake the task of repairing the road. The Murum Penan community expressed uncertainty about Shin Yang's intentions, while Abun Sui stated that there has been no sign of repair work starting.

    This road cutoff incident once again brings to light the problems faced by the Murum Penan. It is understood that the state government, during the construction of the Murum dam, promised assistance to the affected communities, including a monthly allowance of 250 Malaysian Ringgit per household. However, this support was halted after 2018.

    Abun pointed out that the environment in the Murum Penan resettlement area is not as abundant as before, lacking the forests and rivers for hunting and abundant resources for sustenance. Despite the diminished living environment, the standard of living for the Murum Penan has not improved, and they still rely on subsidies promised by the government. He mentioned that the Murum Penan have raised this issue, indicating that they still require assistance.

    He emphasized that dams within the state of Sarawak are projects of the state government. If there are any issues of exploitation, the state government must address them. However, he also stressed that he would bring up relevant issues in parliament and with the relevant ministers to prevent the rights of the people of Sarawak from being compromised.


    Agnes Padan, Human rights activist

    *Rural Rights: MyKad Achievements in Lawas*

    Agnes comes from Lawas. She focuses full time on helping the residents of Lawas who do not have Mykad/citizenship. Especially poor people in rural areas.

    Today Agnes is happy because the 4 children of the late Lina Samuel got Maykad. After years of struggle. The late Lina Samuel is a descendant of Lun Bawang, who suffered from stage 4 cancer. She died in April 2023. Her MYkad was confiscated by JPN because she was allegedly not a citizen. she appealed to JPN. Finally she was given a temporary MYkad to enable to commute for cancer treatment (Lawas - Miri - Lawas).

    Lina Samuel's case was referred to the Indonesian embassy. Indonesia confirms that Lina is not a citizen of the Republic. Making Malaysia no choice to give Malaysian citizenship to the late Lina Samuel. With that confirmation, her children have the right to have Mykad. In addition to praising the commitment of the ministers and administration of the unity government. Agnes thought, someone who is honest and sincere will be able to help launch the MYkad application process.

    She said she will always ask for updates related to the applications of those she help. She will provide supporting documents when requested and she will answer all difficulties when questioned by the NRD. This helps speed up the application process. The NRD should also know that rural residents do not have money to go to the NRD office regularly, the phone service in the interior is so bad and the elderly in the interior do not speak Malay fluently and do not know how to answer questions in Malay. JPN officials should understand all these problems and appoint competent officials.


    Romuald Siew from Tahabas

    *Access to Services: Language Proficiency and Citizen Rights*

    The recent incidents involving individuals facing reprimands from Road Transport Department (RTD) officers and alleged mistreatment at the Johor UTC due to a lack of Bahasa Melayu proficiency have ignited a debate. Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail emphasizes that proficiency in the national language is a non-negotiable requirement under the Federal Constitution, making individuals ineligible for services if they cannot understand Bahasa Melayu. This assertion has sparked an active debate on social media platforms.

    Romuald Siew from Tahabas expresses disappointment that non-Malay-speaking citizens may face difficulties accessing services at government agency counters in the absence of Bahasa Malaysia proficiency. Siew advocates for Malaysia to embody tolerance and harmony.

    Addressing the potential implementation of a mandatory Bahasa Malaysia speaking system, it is suggested that such a change should not be abrupt. Sufficient time should be provided for people to attain proficiency in the national language.

    In the context of Sarawak, where Bahasa Malaysia is not the lingua franca, there is an argument against adopting the language system practiced in Malaya.


Guest User
5 December 2023

On Today Show

> Gereng Jadum- Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum – Belaga-Murum Road Repaired by Logging Company: Questions Arise
> Nick Kelesau, activist of Keruan NGO – MyKad Application Woes in Rural Sarawak: Calls for Streamlined Processes
> Mr Vernon, Sarawakian who work in Johor – Five-Year Outlook: Public Confidence in Anwar's Potential and Performance

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Gereng Jadum - Penduduk Metalun, Murum Penan - Jalan Belaga-Murum Dibaiki oleh Syarikat Pembalakan: Apa Tujuannya?
> Nick Kelesau, aktivis NGO Keruan - Cabaran Permohonan MyKad di Sarawak Luar Bandar: Seruan untuk Proses yang Dipermudah
> Encik Vernon, warga Sarawak yang bekerja di Johor - Ramalan Lima Tahun: Keyakinan Awam terhadap Potensi dan Prestasi Anwar

  • Special Randau

    1. The road to the Murum dam has started to be opened for public use. Shin Yang Company was found to be repairing the road at KM17 where a landslide occurred 10 days ago. It is understood that Shin Yang SY needs the road more than the local residents because it is the route of Shin Yang's log trucks and palm oil trucks that operate in the area. for Shin Yang's record among the companies that built the road in 2010 at a cost of RM645 million.

    2. Pas Party was ordered by the court to pay NAJ Resources (M) Sdn.Bhd (former Harakah newspaper printer) amounting to RM656,000.

    3. Veteran lawyer Muhamad Shafee Abdullah acquitted of money laundering case of RM9.5 million. When the prosecution decides to withdraw the appeal


    Gereng Jadum- Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum

    *Belaga-Murum Road Repaired by Logging Company: Questions Arise*

    Gereng Jadum gave the latest report regarding Landslides that buried and cut the Belaga-Murum road at KM17. Today is exactly 10 days since the incident.

    According to Gereng, the road has been passable, but the repair work is still ongoing. Surprisingly, it was not the Public Works Department that carried out the repair work. But on the other hand Shin Yang SY Logging Company. Perhaps Shin Yang SY feels responsible for repairing the road, because they are the biggest contributors to the damage to the road. Or Shin Yang SY- need to fix the road as soon as possible because they need to bring the logs and oil palm fruits immediately to the factory for processing.

    Gereng realized that there are 5 people's representatives in the Belaga area. One Member of Parliament (Wilson Ugak MP for Hulu Rajang GPS) 2 Assemblymen - Liwan Lagang and Chuck Pai Ugon (GPS) and 2 Senators. YB Senator Abun Sui (PKR) and YB Senator Micheal Mujah Lihan (GPS-UN) respectively. However, until now the problem of Murum pens still cannot be overcome.

    At the end of 2013, Penan Murum was relocated to Tegulang and Metalun. Promised assistance of RM850 per month until the results of the agricultural SKIMS that are being worked on give returns to the displaced Penan people. 6 years ago (2017) assistance of RM850 for a family was stopped, without reason and the promised agricultural scheme did not work. I request these 5 YBs to speak up for the Penan Murum people. We are currently working as a laborer in a nearby oil palm plantation with a salary of RM1500 per month. This is just enough to buy the basic necessities to continue living. We need the promised help of RM850 per family and we want the agriculture and animal husbandry scheme. The construction of dams has completely destroyed our forests and lives.


    Nick Kelesau, activist of Keruan NGO

    *MyKad Application Woes in Rural Sarawak: Calls for Streamlined Processes*

    Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has emphasized the urgency of addressing citizenship approval in rural Sarawak, urging the special joint committee to intensify efforts. Nick mentioned that many inland Penan people often inquire about how to apply for the Malaysian identity card (MyKad). Frequently, even when the father possesses a MyKad, the children face challenges in obtaining one. Approval conditions seem unclear, yet the required documents are numerous. Nick pointed out that Penan individuals encounter issues with officials citing incomplete documentation during the MyKad application process. He has repeatedly reminded the Penan community to prepare thorough documentation, including copies of family members' MyKads, a letter from the village chief, and the chief's MyKad copy. Despite some documents not being explicitly required, when Penan individuals submit them in urban areas, they are informed of insufficient documentation, hindering their applications. Nick acknowledges the government's attention through the establishment of a special committee for inland areas, reducing the challenges for many applicants. However, he urges village chiefs to cooperate by compiling a list of residents without MyKads and assisting them in preparing documents so that the special committee can efficiently handle applications upon arrival, avoiding unnecessary trips.


    Mr Vernon, Sarawakian who work in Johor

    *Five-Year Outlook: Public Confidence in Anwar's Potential and Performance*

    After a year of the Unity Government leading Malaysia, Mr. Veron is quite satisfied with PMX's achievements so far, even though there are citizens who are dissatisfied with the Madani government due to the increased cost of living and other pressures. However, for Mr. Veron, the key is not to criticize the government. There are still many issues that the government needs to address, aside from economic matters. Give PMX a full term to manage its administration.

Guest User
4 December 2023

On Today Show

> Elia Bit, Founder of PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association) – Digital Divide: The Struggle of Penan People in Accessing the Civil E-Wallet Program
> Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas – Critical Call to Action: Enhancing MyKad Application Access in Rural Sarawak
> Oscar Ling, DAP MP of Sibu – Diverse Coalitions, Diverse Views: Challenges Faced in Anwar's Leadership
> Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Roads Unusable, Villages Cut Off in Kelantan Orang Asli Villages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Elia Bit, Pengasas PENA (Persatuan Pemerkasaan Penan) - Perjuangan Masyarakat Penan untuk Mengakses Program E-Wallet Awam
> Agnes Padan, aktivis sosial dari Lawas - Panggilan Kritikal untuk Tindakan: Meningkatkan Akses Permohonan MyKad di Sarawak Luar Bandar
> Oscar Ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu - Gabungan Pelbagai, Pandangan Pelbagai: Cabaran yang Dihadapi dalam Kepimpinan Anwar
> Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang, Kelantan - Jalan Tidak Boleh Dgunakan, Kampung Terputus di Kampung Orang Asli Kelantan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Credit Program RM100- civil e-wallet can be applied today. A total of 10 million Malaysians are eligible with an allocation of RM1 billion- in the 2024 budget. However, the majority of the Penan people will drop out due to lack of skills and internet connection.

    2. Lawyer Shafee Abdullah and the IRB agree to settle the tax arrears case of RM9.41 million. The IRB claimed that Shafee failed to pay income tax for the assessment years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016.

    3. The Premier of Sarawak said - Najib and Adenan Satem are figures who made Pan Borneo a reality. But the real facts are. In the 2008 election campaign, DAP/PH campaigned. if given the chance to rule Sarawak- DAP/PH will build Pan Borneo and will be ready in 5 years. For fear of such a campaign. Sarawak BN at that time promised the same thing in the 2011 election campaign. Malaysians know Najib better as the originator of the 1MDB scandal. The biggest financial scandal in the world.


    Elia Bit, Founder of PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association)

    *Digital Divide: The Struggle of Penan People in Accessing the Civil E-Wallet Program*

    The Madani E-wallet Credit Program starts today. Eligible citizens can start applying from today until 20 February 2024. A total of 10 million citizens are eligible to apply with an allocation of 1 billion ringgit. But Elia's worry is that the Penan people will be left out of enjoying the RM100 civil e-wallet. Where the majority of the Penan people live, there is no internet connection, the problem of illiteracy - many drop out of school and the problem of not having a Maykad/citizenship. I have to rebuke the Prime Minister- should be sensitive to the needs of minorities like the Penan. I applaud the initiative of the Anwar-led government to mobilize a special task force - the National Registration Department (NRD) to facilitate the process of applying for birth certificates and identity cards. But the process is too slow. The question is why is it late?. Because JPN officials do not know the Asal people from every village and longhouse. Therefore, JPN should appoint staff from among Sarawak Natives who know and understand the residents of a longhouse better. Like me (said Elia) I almost know 100% of all Penan residents from the Baram area. This will make it easier and faster to give birth certificates and identity cards to them. There are cases referred to me. Up to 3 to 4 times Penan residents were asked to go back and forth to meet the NRD in Miri. Each time it costs RM300 to RM500. I am asking for the help of a civil e-wallet to be credited directly to the deserving Penan people. The majority do not know how to apply online.


    Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas

    *Critical Call to Action: Enhancing MyKad Application Access in Rural Sarawak*

    Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail emphasized the need for the special joint committee on citizenship approval to intensify efforts in locating individuals in rural Sarawak without birth certificates and identity cards. He urged the committee to be more aggressive in their approach and suggested deploying additional mobile units to reach the interior areas, which consist of approximately 6,000 longhouses and remote villages lacking proper road access. The minister stressed the importance of thorough coverage in addressing citizenship issues in Sarawak's rural regions during an event at Wisma Bapa Malaysia in Kuching.

    In response to this initiative, Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas, warmly welcomes the focus of KDM Saifuddin Nasution in establishing more special teams to reach remote communities on a mission to locate citizens without MyKad or birth certificates. Given the existing backlog in MyKad applications, she expresses hope that this initiative will alleviate the persistent issue, especially for ICs in Sarawak. Agnes Padan expresses deep sadness over the significant number of individuals in Lawas lacking proper identification, including former border scouts who once played a crucial role in safeguarding the nation. She remains hopeful that the Madani government will continue providing support to address these challenges and ensure inclusivity for all.


    Oscar Ling, DAP MP of Sibu

    *Diverse Coalitions, Diverse Views: Challenges Faced in Anwar's Leadership*

    In evaluating Anwar's one-year tenure as the Prime Minister, the public's opinions are mixed, with some commending his efforts and others expressing dissatisfaction with the perceived lack of reforms. Oscar Linng emphasized that the recent parliamentary focus was on the budget, crucial for fiscal reforms. While past practices relied on subsidies to alleviate the public's burden, the upcoming year is expected to concentrate on attracting foreign investments. Linng acknowledged dissenting voices criticizing the incomplete reforms under Anwar's leadership but highlighted the establishment of a special committee in parliament this year to oversee policies. He pointed out that the diversity in the Madani government, including PH, GPS, and BN, poses challenges due to differing coalition perspectives.

    The key reform people are eager to witness is in the economic sector, as it directly impacts their daily lives and standard of living. Linng emphasized the need for swift and effective solutions to alleviate economic pressures and enhance the quality of life for the people.

    Additionally, he noted another issue that goes against democratic principles, where the opposition attempts to seize power within the five-year term. Linng emphasized that Anwar and his government were elected by the people, guaranteeing stability to prevent political upheavals from adversely affecting the economy. He urged the government to prioritize improving the economic conditions of the people for genuine reform.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *Roads Unusable, Villages Cut Off in Kelantan Orang Asli Villages*

    The number of flood victims in Kelantan has risen to 4,398 people from 1,405 families as of 9 pm, compared to 2,632 people from 799 families this morning. According to the Social Welfare Department Disaster Info portal, all victims are currently seeking shelter at 12 temporary relief centers in the Pasir Mas and Tanah Merah districts.

    Nasir commented that currently, none of the Orang Asli villages in the Gua Musang area are affected by the flood. However, some roads to certain villages in the interior are impassable due to continuous rain. The weather is still favorable at the beginning of the month, but it usually deteriorates towards the end of the month. Thus, he urges the community to be alert and prepare for worse situations. He also urges the state government to take preventive measures by repairing affected roads to avoid more severe conditions in the event of upcoming floods.

Guest User
1 December 2023

On Today Show

> Boyce Ngau Anyie, Vice Chairman of GCRAC (Gerenai Community Rights Action Committee) – SIRIM QAS Defends Samling's Sustainable Timber Certificate Despite Local Opposition
> Bruce Yee Chin Kui, Chief of PKR Sarikei Branch – Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Monopoly: Bruce Yee Advocates for Fair Market Practices
> Nasiri Sabiah of Pacos Trust  Sabah – Bridging the Gap: Urban and Rural Methodologies in Youth Political Engagement

Topik Pada Hari Ini

> Boyce Ngau Anyie, Naib Pengerusi GCRAC (Jawatankuasa Tindakan Hak Komuniti Gerenai) – SIRIM QAS Membela Sijil Kayu Lestari Samling Walaupun Mendapat Tentangan Tempatan

> Bruce Yee Chin Kui, Ketua Cawangan PKR Sarikei – Monopoli Silinder Gas Sarawak: Bruce Yee Membela Amalan Pasaran yang Adil

> Nasiri Sabiah dari Pacos Trust Sabah – Metodologi dalam Penglibatan Politik Belia di Bandar dan Luar Bandar

  • Special Randau

    1. Many Special Task Force counters have been set up throughout Sarawak to assist the Sarawakian population in applying for MyKad and resolving citizenship issues. The PKR/PH administration is perceived to be more serious about helping the indigenous people who have been victims for so long. Certification from a resident of Rumah Panting, Sungai Kelikok-Marudi. Vote for PKR in the upcoming elections - he said.

    2. Boyce invites SIRIM to come down and visit Gerenai-Baram and hear the complaints of the residents. We disagree with logging activities in the Gerenai area.

    3. Najib's lawyer requests the Discharge Not Amounting to Acquittal (DNAA) for the RM27 million SRC illegal money conversion case. This is fair for Najib, who has already been sentenced to prison in the RM42 million SRC International corruption case. These are two different cases. Najib should be tried - says the prosecution.


    Boyce Ngau Anyie, Vice Chairman of GCRAC (Gerenai Community Rights Action Committee).

    *SIRIM QAS Defends Samling's Sustainable Timber Certificate Despite Local Opposition*

    Audit body SIRIM QAS International said that there was no reason to cancel the sustainable timber certificate given to Samling, despite the dispute in the FMU Gerenai area - but it was handled well. Sirim said this in response to BMF and The Borneo Project's call for international timber buyers to boycott Sarawak timber, especially those produced by the Samling Group company. According to Boyce, for decades Samling has been logging in our area and causing various problems. Now is the time for all the agencies to go to the field and see the damage done by Samling. I have met the majority of residents in the FMU Gerenai area. They have never seen a SIRIM representative come to their area to clearly see their problems. As an audit and certification body, SIRIM should hold open meetings and encourage residents to submit opinions and views. Samling entered our forest, took logs and after profiting hundreds of millions. They left us to inherit forests and broken roads. Is this sustainable? Boyce Ngau question. Samling withdrew from a RM5 million defamation suit in court a few months ago. This proves that Samling is not ready to face the people of Gerenai - brings evidence that Samling does not implement a transparent approach to get the consent of the people of the Gerenai area.


    Bruce Yee Chin Kui, Chief of PKR Sarikei Branch

    *Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Monopoly: Bruce Yee Advocates for Fair Market Practices*

    Bruce has voiced concerns over the potential drawbacks of a monopoly in the gas cylinder business in Sarawak. While acknowledging the current benefits of a subsidized gas top-up rate for Petros and Petronas at RM26.60, he questions the sustainability of this pricing and expresses worry about the lack of consumer choice if the government monopolizes the gas cylinder market with Petros and Petronas.

    Recently, Bruce Yee visited several LPG gas cylinder distributors in Sarawak to gain insights into the latest state government policies. A new policy, stemming from the approval of the Gas Distribution (Amendment) 2023 Bill during the Second Session of the Second Term at the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly on November 21, designates PETROSNiaga as the sole distributor of subsidized LPG gas cylinders in Sarawak from December 1, 2023.

    Contrary to this, MYGAZ distributors claim that PETROSNiaga has approached them, requesting a switch and encouraging them to apply as new distributors. MYGAZ distributors assert that customers with yellow gas cylinders can still obtain PETROS (red cylinder) or PETRONAS (green cylinder) branded subsidized LPG gas cylinders at the familiar price of RM26.60 from MYGAZ distributors without any additional charges.

    Nevertheless, unconfirmed rumors circulate, suggesting that the new sole distributor might not accept exchanges of yellow LPG gas cylinders without an added fee in the future. Concerns are also raised about potential job losses for MYGAZ distributors and speculation regarding an increase in subsidized LPG gas prices due to a lack of healthy competition resulting from the monopoly.

    As of December 1, 2023, PETROSNiaga will exclusively control the distribution of subsidized LPG gas cylinders in Sarawak, effectively creating a monopoly in the market.

    Bruce Yee urges the GPS to reassess this new legislation, emphasizing the need to create a business environment that fosters harmony, attracts foreign investment, and encourages fair market competition to meet global demands. The Sarawak government should not use autonomy as a pretext to revoke MYGAZ's license, appreciating its historical contributions since the 1960s and its role in providing employment opportunities throughout Sarawak.


    Nasiri Sabiah of Pacos Trust Sabah

    *Bridging the Gap: Urban and Rural Methodologies in Youth Political Engagement*

    Recently, Mohamad Sabu expressed in the media that a good youth leader is not only skilled in theory but also demonstrates resilience and commitment when put to the test. When questioned about the qualities of a youth leader desired in Amanah, Mohamad explained that this is because, in political reality, the role of a leader necessitates someone who can exhibit a very high level of commitment.

    Nasiri commented that the statement by YB Mohammed Sabu is true. As a youth leader, one should not only be proficient in theory but also capable of navigating various challenges and remaining committed to the struggle. The needs in the current situation, both as a leader and a youth, should exceed what YB Mohamed Sabu has articulated.

    Regarding the current political climate in Malaysia, Nasiri pointed out that if the youth are more politically aware, it presents a challenge given the prevailing trend where they can anticipate encountering dirty politics. There is a need to understand how current politics is being interpreted.

    To engage more youths in politics, Nasiri emphasized the importance of raising awareness about the significance of politics among them through campaigns or modern methods such as TikTok or short videos. Recognizing the current trend where youths are more inclined towards new technology and social media, conveying messages on real politics becomes crucial to clarify the mindset of the youth.

    The extent to which youths actively participate in political discussions depends significantly on the methodology, with differences between rural and urban areas. In urban areas where youth awareness is more prevalent through social platforms and forums, providing space for youths to think is essential. In rural areas, where face-to-face methods prove most effective, traditional means remain the best approach.

Guest User
30 November 2023

On Today Show

> Special Randau – Sarawakians Go to Extremes to Solve ID Card Issues

> Willie Kajan, Social activist from Baram – Political Betrayal: PSB's Defection Disappoints Voters
> Abun Sui, PKR Head of Ulu Rejang – Community Isolation: Murum's Disrupted Road Sparks Calls for Immediate Attention
> Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung – Critical Issues Unveiled: Human Rights Concerns in Mega Energy Transition Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini

> Randau Khas – Sarawakian Mahu Selesaikan Masalah Isu Kad Pengenalan

> Willie Kajan, Aktivis Sosial dari Baram – Pengkhianatan Politik: Peralihan PSB Mengecewakan Pengundi

> Abun Sui, Ketua PKR Ulu Rejang – Komuniti Diasingkan: Jalan Terputus di Murum Membangkitkan Seruan untuk Perhatian Segera

> Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung – Isu Kritikal Terungkap: Kebimbangan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Projek Transisi Tenaga Mega

  • *Special Randau*

    1. More than 1000 people attended the open counter of the National Registration Department's Special Task Force to help Sarawakians who do not have a Maykad/citizenship at Miri Auditorium. The public requested that the duration of the program be extended and NRD staff at the special counter be added.

    2. The Chairman of MPN Sarawak appealed to the Ministry of Transport to intervene to lower the price of flight tickets from Kuala Lumpur to all destinations in Sarawak. Currently, all routes to major cities in Sarawak cost more than RM1000 for a one-way ticket.

    3. Tun Mahathir-Anwar can be removed through open support by any party willing to support PN. The method is the same as the 5 PN parliamentarians who currently express open support for PMX. A Prime Minister from PN can be appointed to replace Anwar - said TUN M.

    Willie Kajan, Social activist from Baram.

    *Political Betrayal: PSB's Defection Disappoints Voters*

    Willie Kajan- in the 2021 Sarawak state election supported the PSB Party because PSB promised to be the successor to GPS ruling Sarawak. PSB President Wong Soon Koh (United Sarawak Party) insisted that they do not want to be a strong opposition (like the DAP campaign) but are confident that they can replace GPS to rule Sarawak. But less than 2 years - Willie was so disappointed when in the Sarawak state assembly meeting that ended yesterday. All YB PSB have expressed open support for GPS. Now I consider the PSB Party to be a "Camelion" party that can change direction at any time. I was deceived and many voters were also deceived.

    Today Willie reported that the Miri Auditorium was flooded with more than 1000 people to meet the NRD Special Task Force to solve the problem of Sarawakians who do not have identity cards and citizenship status. People are angry when JPN staff are not many and cause some residents to wait up to 3-4 days. They requested the assistance of YB and the Minister to extend the duration of the program because the rural community is in dire need of it. We are poor residents, we come from far away and sleep/overnight by this hall, just to solve our ID card problem. We are often scolded by hospital staff when receiving treatment because we do not have identity cards. We hope our problem will be solved this time.

    Abun Sui, PKR Head of Ulu Rejang

    *Community Isolation: Murum's Disrupted Road Sparks Calls for Immediate Attention*

    Yesterday, RFS received a report from the Murum Penan, stating that the main road to the community longhouse had been severed due to flooding. Abun pointed out that they also received reports from the Murum people, confirming the road interruption. He mentioned that the affected communities include Tegulang, Metalun, Lusong Laku, as well as places along the way such as Long Jeh, Magan, SK Tegulang, and SK Metalun.

    This road is the only entry and exit route, and although there are alternative routes, it is reported that they are also impassable due to flooding, leaving walking as the only option. Abun stated that the road must be repaired immediately, and at the same time, logging activities upstream in the area must be halted, a demand that has been repeatedly emphasized in the past.

    He emphasized that no region should rely on only one road, and an unexpected event causing the sole passage to be severed results in the inability to travel. Therefore, he urged JKR to not only repair the road but also to establish an alternative route during the restoration.

    Abun pointed out that he believes this issue has gained widespread attention, although he is uncertain whether this road falls under the responsibility of the central government or the state government's engineering department. Regardless, he trusts that JKR has received instructions and hopes that they can address this emergency situation promptly.

    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung

    *Critical Issues Unveiled: Human Rights Concerns in Mega Energy Transition Projects*

    Barnie is now attending 12th UN Business and Human Rights forum in Geneva. Organize by office of Human Rights Commissioner. A lot of issues being discussed regarding world Business safeguard to run their business to ensure that they are comply to Human Rights standards of UNDRIP. And this forum will celebrate the 75th anniversary since it was made during setting up of UN.

    And one of the issues pertaining to energy transition which is related to climate change. Transition of fossil energy to renewable energy. Such as hydro, solar and etc. In this transition process where there are many issues arise related to mega project such as building of dams, huge solar plantations. So all the indigenous peoples delegates worldwide have share their issues. One of the issues is why the indigenous communities continuesly being sidelined in decision making process. FPIC process is not respected as stated in UNDRIP. This is questionable. There are also representatives from corporates and as well as govt attending this forum.

    A resolution will be submitted to UN during the coming General Assembly, pertaining to transition process of energy to ensure that standard universal humans Rights be respected.

    There are some countries questioning the need of this resolutions as they say there are already resolutions that of similar issues. Still a lot of things need to be discussed.

Guest User
29 November 2023

On Today Show

> Gereng Jadum, Penan from Metalun Murum – Urgent for Action: Penan Community Cut Off by Landslide at Murum Dam
> Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth Kuching chief – Democracy in Focus: DAP Member Highlights Need for Opposition Leader Appointment in Sarawak
> Mr. Nicholas Bawin, social activist – People's Welfare as Priority: Amidst Political Games in Sarawak
> Mr. Boyce Ngau, retired teacher – Language Policy Mistakes: Boyce Ngau's Perspective on the Evolution of Malaysia's Education

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Gereng Jadum, Penan dari Metalun Murum – Komuniti Penan Terputus Hubungan oleh Tanah Runtuh di Empangan Murum
> Michael Kong Feng Nian, Ketua Pemuda Parti Tindakan Demokratik Sosialis Kuching – Fokus Demokrasi: Ahli DAP Menyoroti Keperluan Pelantikan Pemimpin Pembangkang di Sarawak
> En. Nicholas Bawin, aktivis sosial – Kesejahteraan Rakyat Sebagai Keutamaan: Di Tengah-Tengah Permainan Politik di Sarawak
> En. Boyce Ngau, guru bersara – Kesilapan Dasar Bahasa: Pandangan Boyce Ngau tentang Evolusi Pendidikan di Malaysia

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Lim Guan Eng criticizes the President of PPBM, Muhyiddin Yassin, for using the excuse that it's at his wife's behest to contest the position of PPBM president for another term.

    2. DAP confirms that they have filed a lawsuit against PAS Member of Parliament Siti Mastura for accusing DAP leaders of having family ties with former leader of the Malayan Communist Party (PKM), Ong Boon Hua. The lawsuit was filed in the George Town High Court two days ago.

    3. The lawsuit by the son of the TYT Sarawak, Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib, against his stepmother, Ragad Kurdi Taib, regarding the transfer of shares (Tycoon Taib's assets with his first wife) is still awaiting a trial date. Will Taib be allowed to testify, and can Taib provide testimony?

    4. The Future Wealth Fund of Sarawak, starting operations with an upfront injection of 8 billion for the coming year, will receive a fixed deposit annually. Do you know who the 9 board members are, and will it benefit the people of Sarawak?


    Gereng Jadum, Penan from Metalun Murum

    *Urgent for Action: Penan Community Cut Off by Landslide at Murum Dam*

    Gereng Jadum reports that today marks the 3rd day of the landslide at KM17 of the road to the Murum dam. Causing the Penan community there to be cut off from the outside world. Which we are most concerned about. How to send a sick family in an emergency. Gereng said that he himself was stuck on the road for 3 hours. The road is impassable due to mud floods. An alternative road, through the oil palm plantation road was opened. But unfortunately the road was also flooded. Residents take their own risk to wade through the flood to get home. I reached home at 12 pm. Three hours looking for a way out of the oil palm plantation. According to Gereng again, such incidents often recur every year. No wonder why landslides often occur in the area. The area is an active logging and plantation area. The landslide area is through the SOP- Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation. I appeal to the state government and the central government. Repair the road to Murum. At least 4 dangerous rubble areas. When the rainy season ends at the end of the year, the situation becomes more risky. The government should not just build the road to the Murum Dam. Build a road to the Penan village. I think it is fair to demand that the timber company and the Palm Oil Company be held responsible for rebuilding the road that was damaged due to their actions.


    Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth Kuching chief

    *Democracy in Focus: DAP Member Highlights Need for Opposition Leader Appointment in Sarawak*

    Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) member Michael Kong Feng Nian has called on the Speaker of the Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN), Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohamad Asfia Awang Nassar, to officially appoint a new Opposition leader in the assembly.

    Asfia had previously declared that Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) president Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh is no longer the Opposition leader after his party pledged support for Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

    Despite this vacancy, Kong expressed regret that the Speaker has yet to formally announce the appointment of a new Opposition leader in the DUN. He raised concerns about the adherence to established norms within the Westminster parliamentary system, emphasizing that the absence of an Opposition Leader denies citizens the full spectrum of representation and discourse necessary for a healthy democratic process.

    Kong, who also serves as the special assistant to Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen, stressed that the recognition of the Opposition leader should go beyond a nominal title. It should encompass tangible support, including office allocation and staff, to empower effective scrutiny of government policies and actions. He emphasized that this is not mere symbolism but a fundamental tenet of a functioning democracy.

    He urged the Speaker to prioritize the appointment of an Opposition leader and provide the necessary resources, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the integrity of the parliamentary system. Kong underscored that every voice, regardless of its stance, should be given due recognition and resources to fulfill its democratic responsibilities.

    On Nov 18, Asfia had announced that Wong is no longer the Opposition leader in the assembly because they are no longer playing the role of the Opposition. Presently, GPS holds 76 out of 82 seats in the assembly, with the remaining six seats represented by DAP's Chong Chieng Jen and Violet Yong Wui Wui, PSB's Johnichal Rayong Ngipa, Wong Soon Koh, and Baru Bian, and Independent member See Chee How.


    Mr. Nicholas Bawin, social activist

    *People's Welfare as Priority: Amidst Political Games in Sarawak*

    Mr. Nicholas Bawin who previously supported the PSB party during the last state election, expressed his views on PSB's bold declaration of support for GPS. Bawin is not surprised by the dirty politics brought by the PSB party president, as it is a cunning political game aimed at strengthening the GPS coalition. However, Bawin emphasizes that in Sarawak, we must remember that the anti-hopping law has not been implemented yet. Therefore, there is no barrier for any leader or party to switch parties. Nevertheless, what is crucial is that the people's welfare should be prioritized.


    Mr. Boyce Ngau, retired teacher

    *Language Policy Mistakes: Boyce Ngau's Perspective on the Evolution of Malaysia's Education*

    Boyce Ngau reflects on the statements made by academic Syed Ali Tawfik Al Atas regarding the poor state of Malaysia's education system over the decades. Mr. Boyce Ngau concurs with the assessment.

    According to Mr. Boyce Ngau, it is evident that our education system has experienced a decline, particularly at the primary and secondary school levels, where he has had teaching experience. The transitions that have taken place, especially in Sarawak, have put the region at a disadvantage.

    In the past, there was a strong emphasis on striving for excellence among students. However, changes in teaching methods and the implementation of certain subjects have impacted the system. The old system prioritized Bahasa Malaysia, resulting in English being taught only for one subject, which limited exposure for both students and teachers. This was a government policy aimed at promoting and strengthening Bahasa Melayu for all Malaysians, which Mr. Boyce Ngau acknowledges as a slight mistake.

    Mr. Boyce Ngau also mentions his direct involvement in overseeing the implementation of English language teaching in two subjects, namely mathematics and science. However, this was limited to top classes, highlighting a disparity in English language education.


Guest User
28 November 2023

On Today Show

> Samaruddin Ajing, Residents of Muara Selebai Village, Betong-Sarawak – Ensuring Accountability: The Need for Annual Audits in Local Governance
> Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator – A Call to End Unjust Practices in Aid Distribution
> Mr. Ragunath Kesavan, Suhakam commissioner – Unveiling Shadows: Suhakam's Urgent Call to Combat Human Trafficking in Malaysia


Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Samaruddin Ajing, Penduduk Kampung Muara Selebai, Betong-Sarawak – Peruntukan RM 100K: Keperluan Audit Tahunan
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Seruan untuk Mengakhiri Amalan Tidak Adil dalam Pengagihan Bantuan
> Mr. Ragunath Kesavan, Pesuruhjaya Suhakam – Seruan Segera Suhakam untuk Memerangi Pemerdagangan Manusia di Malaysia

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Each village and longhouse JKKK account must be audited every year. If there is any wrongdoing, the MACC should press charges. An allocation of RM100,000 for each longhouse should be used honestly and transparently.

    2. Police arrest an individual offering RM5 million to assassinate PMX Anwar Ibrahim.

    3. Member of Parliament for Bukit Gantang, a member of PPBM, openly expresses support for PMX.

    4. Certificates for Sarawak timber show significant defects; NGOs warn international timber buyers not to purchase timber from the Samling company.


    Samaruddin Ajing, Residents of Muara Selebai Village, Betong-Sarawak

    *Ensuring Accountability: The Need for Annual Audits in Local Governance*

    Samaruddin welcomed the grant allocation of RM50-RM100K for each village and longhouse across the country under the Madani community program. The unity government has allocated RM1 billion overall to all villages and longhouses in the 2024 budget, allowing residents to decide on projects beneficial to them. Din hopes for government guidance in the planned economic ventures/projects of the villagers, emphasizing the need for marketing, packaging, and advisory services. Additionally, he calls for the annual audit of financial accounts of the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK). However, he expresses concern for his area in Betong, where the majority of JKKK is dominated by GPS, and he fears that the project and allocation will also be controlled by GPS. Din cites an example where YB GPS is invited to the launch ceremony, making it appear as a state government effort despite federal government allocations through the Madani community program. He highlights past instances where the central government's initiatives, such as the JPJ masuk kampung program, were manipulated by YBYB GPS, urging vigilance from the administration of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim against GPS's influence. Din concludes by emphasizing the need to recognize efforts from various sources, not just those praised by the people.


    Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator

    *A Call to End Unjust Practices in Aid Distribution*

    In Sarawak, residents from rural areas are expressing concerns about unfair treatment and bias in the distribution of government aid and financial allocations by community chiefs. Abun Sui has drawn attention to reports indicating that certain community leaders are leveraging political affiliations when allocating government aid, leaving residents unaligned with their camps without assistance. He strongly emphasized the urgency of putting an end to such abuses of power, highlighting that personal disputes and political differences should not impede the fair distribution of aid.

    Abun Sui elaborated on the federal government's process of channeling aid through specific programs, indicating that allocations are intended for distribution to rural populations in longhouses and villages through Sarawak ministries. Despite this structure, he observed instances where community chiefs selectively provide aid based on personal disputes and political affiliations, underscoring the need to terminate these detrimental practices.

    Bringing attention to the upcoming Madani monetary allocations from Putrajaya, approved under Budget 2024 for the repair of homes in longhouses and villages, he urged that the funds be directed toward deserving individuals rather than being misused by community chiefs involved in political maneuvers. Additionally, Abun Sui called on state government leaders to enforce transparency measures and prevent the misuse of federal aid by unscrupulous community chiefs. The issue reflects the broader importance of ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of government aid to benefit all residents in rural Sarawak.


    Mr. Ragunath Kesavan, Suhakam commissioner

    *Unveiling Shadows: Suhakam's Urgent Call to Combat Human Trafficking in Malaysia*

    Rafunath of Suhakam has expressed deep concern about human trafficking in Malaysia, emphasizing its importance as an ongoing issue involving both women and men using false documents. This problem has persisted for many years. To tackle the issue head-on, Suhakam has urged the government to establish a special task force with higher authority to uncover the roots of the problem, identify the masterminds, and ensure that charges are brought against them.

    One particularly troubling aspect is the plight of victims stranded at airports after completing immigration procedures without any employer coming to claim them, despite having paid significant agent fees. This prolonged issue is exacerbated by the demand for foreign workers in sectors such as plantations, factories, and restaurants, leading to difficulties in obtaining workers. The exploitation of those already in the country has become a pressing concern that requires immediate attention.

    The lack of transparency in the system, coupled with the absence of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for employers, contributes to the problem. Instead of following established procedures, employers often rely on agents, fostering a system that is conducive to exploitation. The current system's laxity is exploited by syndicates, possibly due to corruption within the system. Swift action is needed to address these issues and establish a more transparent and accountable framework to prevent further exploitation of vulnerable workers.

Guest User
27 November 2023

On Today Show

> Jeffridin Baudi, the Resident Representative of Sabah Forest Industry Housing Park – SFI Housing Estate Residents' Dilemma: Seeking Justice and Support
> Wesley from Belaga – Ensuring Fairness: The Call for Transparent Fund Utilization in Villages
> Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung – Tonibung's Vision: Amplifying Community Voices through Renewable Energy
> Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak – Communication Revolution: Addressing Network Gaps in Sarawak's Budget Plans

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Jeffridin Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan Industri Hutan Sabah - Dilema Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI: Mencari Keadilan dan Sokongan
> Wesley dari Belaga - Memastikan Keadilan: Seruan untuk Penggunaan Dana yang Telus di Kampung
> Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung - Visi Tonibung: Memperkuat Suara Komuniti melalui Tenaga Boleh Baharu (TBB)
> Chris Lau, Wartawan Bebas dari Sarawak - Revolusi Komunikasi: Mengatasi Kesenjangan Rangkaian dalam Pelan Belanjawan Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. During the annual PKR Congress, PMX announced an allocation of RM100,000 for each village and longhouse in Malaysia through the Smart Community Program. A total allocation of RM1 billion for each village and longhouse is available for proposals on suitable projects in their communities.

    2. The Malaysia-Singapore Submarine Cable Project will pass through the Muri-Midai Corridor, covering 80% of the area in Indonesia and 20% in Malaysia. The agreement related to the Muri-Midai Corridor was signed in 1983. Malaysia is set to sell 1000MW of power to Indonesia, as disclosed by Sarawak's Minister of Utilities and Telecommunications, Dato Sri Julaihi, during the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly session today. The question arises: why export clean energy when the country itself relies on sources such as coal, diesel, and gas?


    Jeffridin Baudi, the Resident Representative of Sabah Forest Industry Housing Park

    *SFI Housing Estate Residents' Dilemma: Seeking Justice and Support*

    Through a media release dated November 26, 2023, that the Sabah State Government has emerged victorious in the 13,000-hectare land dispute case. The court ruled that Grant Thorn (GT) was a trespasser, and the state government's acquisition of the land was deemed complete.

    Consequently, GT, its agents, and staff are required to vacate the land immediately to facilitate the implementation of forest sustainability, research, and conservation programs by the Sabah state government. Jeffridin emphasized that any disputes between the state government and external parties should not adversely affect the workers of Sabah Forest Industry (SFI). Many SFI employees have dedicated 20 to 30 years to the organization, and some are elderly and fragile.

    According to available information, an eviction notice will be issued shortly, and Jeffridin appeals to the Chief Minister of Sabah and other leaders entrusted with the welfare of the people to provide assistance. He urges them to prepare a place for the affected individuals to relocate. Highlighting that the residents of the SFI housing estate are also citizens with rights, Jeffridin expresses concern that the state government appears to view the matter solely from a business profit and loss perspective.

    He reminds the authorities that the affected individuals are the people of Sabah, entitled to basic facilities as human beings and deserving of compensation if they lose their jobs. A total of 647 families residing in the SFI Housing Estate, all of them former SFI factory workers, are affected by this decision.


    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung

    *Tonibung's Vision: Amplifying Community Voices through Renewable Energy*

    Barnie Lasimbang is currently in Geneva attending the 12th United Nations Business and Human Rights Forum. Tonibung has recently been recognized with the ORG Impact Award by international organizations for its work in the NGO sector.

    Barnie shares that, the initiative serves as a source of encouragement for them, as Tonibung has been actively involved in renewable energy for over two decades. The award symbolizes recognition for their efforts in Sabah, Sarawak, and West Malaysia, providing a platform for the promotion of renewable energy, including micro-hydro and solar solutions.

    Beyond recognition, this award is a means of encouragement for them to persist in their efforts. Despite facing challenges, especially in combating mega projects planned by the government that impact communities and leave them with no choice for sustainable projects, Tonibung remains dedicated. Their goal is to continue providing a platform to amplify the voices of these communities, especially regarding their rights.

    With this recognition, they aim to extend their support to more communities. Additionally, they hope to secure more funding from corporations, NGOs, and ultimately, the government.

    **Tonibung is an indigenous-led NGO developing sustainable alternatives to rural electrification, which is based in Penampang, Sabah.


    Wesley from Belaga

    *Ensuring Fairness: The Call for Transparent Fund Utilization in Villages*

    Yesterday, Anwar Ibrahim stated at the PKR Congress that there will be an allocation of RM50,000 to RM100,000 aimed at empowering villages, rural areas, longhouses, and urban housing. For those in the inland areas, this is seen as excellent news, providing an opportunity to effectively utilize the funds for the development of inland villages.

    However, many are concerned that if these funds are handed over to village heads for management, politically biased village leaders might misuse the allocation, leading to a lack of proper development within the villages. Wesley expressed that in many inland areas, village heads often act as puppets for the GPS, and corruption issues frequently arise in the use of funds. Using his village as an example, he pointed out instances where a road was supposed to be fully constructed, but only half was completed, leaving the other section unfinished. He finds it illogical to allocate funds for only half of a road.

    Wesley is calling for the establishment of a Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) within each village, emphasizing that the committee should be free from the influence of village heads' relatives to ensure fair, transparent, and effective use of allocated funds for village development.


    Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak

    *Communication Revolution: Addressing Network Gaps in Sarawak's Budget Plans*

    Sarawak is set to bring forth its largest annual budget within the year 2024 - RM12.36 billion. Chris believes that this data indicates the initiation of numerous large-scale projects. He emphasizes that while such projects may require several years for completion, it is crucial for them to be executed within the planned timeframe, avoiding delays or incomplete results.

    Chris considers communication infrastructure as the most vital among the various projects. This is because there are still many areas in Sarawak without reliable internet access or communication facilities, which he deems unreasonable in the context of the 21st century. He urges the Sarawak government not to overlook the networking needs of inland regions.

    Furthermore, he notes that although key points from the state assembly can be found in newspapers, the absence of live broadcasts on Sarawak Television is perplexing. He questions why the Sarawak State Assembly sessions are not broadcast live on the national television network to enable a wider audience to tune in.

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