8 March 2024

On Today Show
— Peter Kalang, Chairman of SAVE Rivers Network – Why appeal for funding to the Federal? Where the logging tax revenue and forest concession trust fund?
— [International Women Day] Agnes from Dijih Selangau –Fearless and Determined: Agnes's Fight Against Injustice
— [International Women Day] Chua Kuan Ching, Activist Lawyer and legal advisor for SWWS – Creating a Fair Society: Empowering Women for Equity

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Peter Kalang, Pengerusi Rangkaian SAVE Rivers - Mengapa merayu untuk pembiayaan kepada Pihak Berkuasa Persekutuan? Di mana hasil cukai pembalakan dan dana konsesi hutan?

- [Hari Wanita Antarabangsa] Agnes dari Dijih Selangau - Berani dan Bertekad: Perjuangan Agnes Menentang Ketidakadilan

- [Hari Wanita Antarabangsa] Chua Kuan Ching, Peguam Aktivis dan penasihat undang-undang untuk SWWS - Mencipta Masyarakat Adil: Memberdayakan Wanita untuk Kesamarataan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. YB Chong Chieng Jen urges MACC to investigate Taib Mahmud's wealth assets. According to Chong, in order to be fair to the people of Sarawak, at least investigate and submit a declaration of Taib's assets for public knowledge. Chong spoke in a parliamentary session yesterday.

    2. Stop the provision for maintaining the logging road in Baram. The government should start building its own roads for the safety and convenience of the people. Until when rural people have to depend on log roads. Log roads are only for transporting logs and are not safe for public use.

    3. CUEPACS- Congress of public service workers' unions requesting the consideration of bonuses in conjunction with the Eid al-Fitr celebration.


    Peter Kalang, Chairman of SAVE Rivers Network

    *Why appeal for funding to the Federal? Where the logging tax revenue and forest concession trust fund?*

    Yb Anyie Ngau's speech in parliament yesterday, appealed to the federal government to provide allocations to the Baram parliamentary constituency to repair and maintain the deteriorating log roads. According to Yb Anyie, in Baram there are 425 long houses connected by 1500 km of road, of that, only 100km of paved roads are graded R1, R2 and R3, While the rest is a log road.

    According to Peter Kalang, The log road in Baram is getting worse and impassable. Of course, log roads are not for public use, when the wood that was cut is used up, then the logging company will stop operations in an area. This doesn't mean we need the loggers to come back. But it is the government's responsibility to build safe road infrastructure for the people of Baram.

    Peter's question is, why only appeal for funding to the federal government? While the state government collects logging tax revenue and in 1985 the Forest Concession Trust Fund was established in Sarawak to collect funds from loggers for the development of the people in the Logged Areas.

    Where does the money go? YBs Sarawak should ask this question in DUN and a clear answer should be given to the people of Sarawak. Money from the forest concession fund should be used to build roads and facilities for people in the interior affected by logging. Until when the appeal requests allocation to maintain the log road. The government should build its own roads for the people. Not giving allocations to improve log roads.

    According to Peter, logging in Sarawak became very aggressive in the 1980s, with the use of heavy machinery, helicopters and chainsaws. The rate of forest loss in Sarawak is the fastest in the world. We have to stop logging.

    he visited Sukadana in Kalimantan, was informed by the staff there - since the center was built, more and more Orangutans come to take refuge in the wildlife park. They expect these Orang Utans to come from Sarawak, whose forests are almost extinct. Wild animals will be traumatized by the roar of logging machines. They will look for a lonely forest as a habitat.


    Agnes from Dijih Selangau

    *Fearless and Determined: Agnes's Fight Against Injustice*

    Last week, RFS reported that Agnes has successfully reclaimed her land after 16 years of legal battles. In 2008, Agnes began the legal proceedings, and this year, 2024, she won the case for 1.2 hectares out of her 4.3-hectare land. Fearless against power, she fought against an unjust system. She is known as IBU NCR.

    She started listening to RFS programs in 2011, from being a listener to becoming a sharer of issues and a participant in fighting for NCR rights, she has been with RFS all the way. She said that when her land was deceived, she had sought help from local councilors but was told it couldn't be resolved. This made her angry, prompting her to file the case herself. Despite the 16-year-long legal battle, she eventually succeeded in reclaiming her land.

    She emphasized that inland women must know their rights, especially land rights, and not be easily deceived. When faced with injustice, they must fight to the end.

    This story highlights the importance of women's autonomy and rights protection. Women often face various forms of discrimination and unfair treatment in society, especially in land rights. Agnes's perseverance and efforts demonstrate women's determination and courage in fighting for their rights. This also calls on our society to provide more support and protection for women, ensuring that they have equal rights and opportunities. Only in this way can our society be more just and equal.


    Chua Kuan Ching, Activist Lawyer and legal advisor for SWWS

    *Creating a Fair Society: Empowering Women for Equity*

    The campaign theme for this year's International Women's Day on March 8 is "Inspire Inclusion," which emphasizes the need to create a space free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. It calls for efforts to empower women to achieve fair treatment and rights in society. Equity and equality are crucial. As members of society, women should have the same rights as men.

    However, they still face discrimination within the family. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and must be given help.

Guest User
7 March 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA – GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?
—“Boss”, Fans and listeners of Radio Free Sarawak – Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging
— Stephen from Long Selungo Baram – Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?
— Mr. Tuan from Niah – Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nicholas Mujah Ason, Setiausaha Agung SADIA - GPS Mahu Autonomi untuk Kawalan Alam Sekitar: Bertanggungjawab atas Isu Kandas Kayu Balak?
- "Boss", Peminat dan pendengar Radio Free Sarawak - Penduduk Kapit Menantang Penafian Rasmi: Insis Kayu Balak di Sungai Katibas Disebabkan oleh Pembalakan
- Stephen dari Long Selungo Baram - Bukankah ironis bagi Baram MP tiga penggal untuk berbicara tentang kekurangan pembangunan di Baram di Parlimen?
- Encik Tuan dari Niah - Adakah pinjaman HDC dimaksudkan untuk memberi bantuan atau menambah beban?

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Director of the Sarawak Forest Department (Hamden Mohammad) Logjam in Sungai Katibas is not because of logging activities. It is because of a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest area which is fully protected. According to Hamden, the Lanjak Entimau forest area is an endangered Orang Utan protected area. Logging is impossible in fully protected forest areas. However, FB Buletin Kapit posted a video lasting 1 minute and 17 seconds showing a view from a helicopter of the logging situation upstream of Katibas. Log road loops are clearly visible everywhere believed to have been built by loggers to cut down and transport logs.

    2. In today's parliamentary session - Member of Parliament Bera - (Ismail Sabri- former PM) asked about the appeal of former PM Najib Razak who requested to transfer his prisoner from prison to house arrest. The decision of the pardon board- has reduced the fine and sentence against Najib. Najib is expected to be released on August 23, 2028.

    3. Nicholas Mujah condemned the actions of environmental criminals that caused the logjam in the Katibas river. Nicholas urged the authorities to act decisively. Nicholas Mujah has just been appointed as the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing the Asian continent. Congratulations to Nicholas Mujah. An activist who has been active in field work for more than 30 years.


    Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA.

    *GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?*

    In a media statement last March 5, 2024. Sarawak Premier Johari Openg said- Sarawak will have absolute power in relation to the environment when Putrajaya fully returns environmental autonomy to Sarawak. Mujah wondered why Johari said that. Because according to the federal constitution, the first schedule states that the state has full power in relation to land and the environment. This means that all this time the state of Sarawak has full power in relation to the environment.

    Therefore, Mujah denounced and demanded that the Sarawak government take full responsibility for the logjam incident that occurred in the Katibas river on March 2, 2024.

    We strongly condemn the actions of loggers who cut down wood uncontrollably and dump waste into the river. The Sarawak government should be held accountable and environmental criminals should be prosecuted - Mujah said.

    Mujah urged local residents to come forward to make a report with photo or video evidence. Mujah who has just been appointed to the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing Asia, insists- with the new role he is playing. He hoped that all parties would work together to take care of the environment and provide complete and accurate reports related to forest rape in Sarawak. Forest damage in Sarawak is at a serious and alarming level


    “Boss”, Fan and listener of Radio Free Sarawak

    *Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging*

    Boss is the nickname of a listener who refuses to be named for fear of being sued by the authorities. He is from Kapit. Since yesterday Akbar in Sarawak published media reports denying that the logjam occurring in the Katibas river in Kapit was caused by logging. Director of the Sarawak Forestry Department Hamden Mohammad said that the pile of logs that drifted away was caused by a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest reserve. The Lanjak Entimau area is a fully protected area and it is impossible for the log waste to come from the area.

    However, Boss believes that drifting logs are logging waste. Some aerial video recordings in the upper forest area of Katibas clearly show the circle of logging roads built by logging companies to cut down and transport logs. The video also shows the forest area upstream of Katibas is badly damaged. The video was shared by RB Buletin Kapit. According to Boss, even if the wood waste is not the waste of logging in the last few months. Probably the remnants of logging that accumulated a few years ago. There is no doubt that it is the remains of logging.


    Stephen from Long Selungo Baram

    *Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?*

    Today, Hulu Rejang MP Ugak Umbong invited members of parliament and ministers to visit the interior of Baram to see the actual situation of the Baram area that has not received development opportunities. This statement was also appreciated by Baram MP Anyi Ngau, who thanked Ugak Umbong and said that he helped him start his speech.

    Whether it is Ugak Umbong or Anyi Ngau reflecting on the problems in the Baram interior in parliament, it is ironic to the people of Baram. This is because Anyi Ngau has been a three-term MP for Baram but has not provided development opportunities to Baram. Instead, he has to talk about these problems in parliament, showing his incompetence and dereliction of duty.

    Stephen said that the lack of development in Baram is not a problem that can be solved overnight. Anyi Ngau has been an MP for three terms, yet the main roads in the interior are still not there, and the bridges are old and unrepaired. These problems have not been resolved.

    He said that although the government has approved road construction projects from villages to main roads in the interior, it is only a short distance. The most important thing is to repair and improve the transportation facilities that can save travel between the city and the interior.

    He emphasized that Anyi Ngau is undoubtedly derelict in his duty. For so many years, he has not brought development to Baram but instead has taken backward steps.


    Mr. Tuan from Niah

    *Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?*

    Yesterday, RFS reported on the issue of borrowers borrowing HDC loans and facing problems with contractors purchasing construction materials at high prices. Today, we conducted further interviews on this matter.

    Tuan from Niah shared his experience regarding loans from HDC to build houses about 10years ago. Unfortunately, the amount given, which is 5,000 Ringgit for each applicant for the cost of purchasing construction materials, is not worthwhile because the price of materials provided with the loan of 5,000 Ringgit does not seem to match the amount allocated. This is a loss to the borrower as they have to repay the loan, including interest. The people lose, but the construction suppliers make huge profits.

    Mr. Tuan suggested why not distribute it in cash and let the borrowers buy the construction materials themselves so that it is not abused by distributors who only distribute goods cheaper than the actual cost.

Guest User
6 March 2024

On Today Show
— Linggang from Marudi
> HDC Loan Adds Burden to Borrowers; Contractor's Materials Priced Higher than Market
> Pending Compensation: Samling's Unmet Promises to Affected Communities in Marudi
— Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia- Sarawak Zone – Samling Expands Monoculture Timber Plantation in Marudi, Approved by Government
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – Interior Communities' Non-registration with PADU Calls for Government Action


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Linggang dari Marudi
> Pinjaman HDC Menambah Beban kepada Peminjam; Bahan Kontraktor Dipatok Lebih Tinggi daripada Pasaran
> Pampasan Belum Diterima: Janji Samling yang Belum Dipenuhi kepada Komuniti Terjejas di Marudi
— Jok Jau Ivong, koordinator Sahabat Alam Malaysia-Zon Sarawak – Samling Meluaskan Ladang Pembalakan Monokultur di Marudi, Diluluskan oleh Kerajaan
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Komuniti Dalaman Belum Berdaftar dengan PADU Meminta Tindakan Kerajaan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Statement by the Auditor General, Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi- FELDA lost RM1.005 billion.

    2. Malaysiakini opposes the media code of ethics and the direct control of the media by the government.

    3. Abang Johari Openg- Premier of Sarawak- Putrajaya will restore Sarawak's autonomy regarding environmental management. It follows progress in the implementation of MA63. According to Johari Openg - Sarawak has amended several state laws to protect the environment.

    4. Logjam in Sungai Katibas- Environmental criminals should be prosecuted.


    Linggang from Marudi

    *HDC Loan Adds Burden to Borrowers; Contractor's Materials Priced Higher than Market*

    The villagers of Rumah Gendang at Sungai Assan Tengah received approval for a RM700,000 loan from the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for constructing a new longhouse. At a recent ceremony attended by political secretary to Sarawak Premier William Anut and SUPP Dudong branch chairman Wong Ching Yong, plans for the new longhouse were discussed. Wong highlighted the area's vulnerability to floods during the rainy season, emphasizing the need for a new longhouse in a flood-safe location.

    In this case, the GPS government should provide assistance to flood victims in stead of let victims get loans to repair their house. However, providing loans is not worthy of grand announcements and wasting resources on ceremonies. Moreover, HDC's unclear operations have led to complaints from many borrowers, including the requirement to purchase materials through contractors at prices several times higher than market rates.

    Linggang from Marudi told RFS that, the HDC loan which under GPS, is for equipment for longhouse construction. However, what is disappointing is that the loaned equipment or materials do not match the amount allocated by the government to the people. For example, if the allocation is RM 30,000, the materials provided to the people are only worth RM 10,000. This is a misuse of power by individuals appointed by the government, leading to a misappropriation between government representatives and housing equipment distributors.

    some cases are the contractor deducted 30% from the HDC loan of RM30,000 for each door (RM9,000), leaving RM21,000. With the remaining RM21,000, they were supposed to buy materials through them. However, when borrowers checked the prices in the hardware market, there was a significant difference of up to 30%.

    This is not helping people, but rather adding to the burden of borrowers, and the quality of the houses is also being questioned. He requested GPS and the YBs to investigate this matter. The government is requested to appoint monitoring officers to oversee the misuse of aid to the people.

    *Pending Compensation: Samling's Unmet Promises to Affected Communities in Marudi*

    Meanwhile, Mr. Linggang explained that the clearing of forests in Marudi for the purpose of replanting acacia wood by Samling Company is still active since December 2021. However, what is disappointing is the environmental impact, such as rivers becoming increasingly blocked, affecting the natural flow of water from the upstream Marudi and destroying the environment due to logging and replanting activities by Samling Company.

    Previously, Samling had promised to compensate the communities affected by the destruction of the environment, including those whose traditional lands and rivers, which are sources of fishing for the villagers, were affected. However, these promises have not been fulfilled by Samling, and the demand for compensation for the destruction of the environment is still pending for the affected communities.Meanwhile, Mr. Linggang explained that the clearing of forests in Marudi for the purpose of replanting acacia wood by Samling Company is still active since December 2021. However, what is disappointing is the environmental impact, such as rivers becoming increasingly blocked, affecting the natural flow of water from the upstream Marudi and destroying the environment due to logging and replanting activities by Samling Company.

    Previously, Samling had promised to compensate the communities affected by the destruction of the environment, including those whose traditional lands and rivers, which are sources of fishing for the villagers, were affected. However, these promises have not been fulfilled by Samling, and the demand for compensation for the destruction of the environment is still pending for the affected communities.


    Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia- Sarawak Zone

    *Samling Expands Monoculture Timber Plantation in Marudi, Approved by Government*

    Jok Jau informed that Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) did know that Samling was working on a monoculture timber plantation in Marudi. It is located in Sg. Linai Marudi. However, the extent of the area involved has not yet been identified. SAM will write to the superiors to get a map of the area involved. Just this morning a representative of the Samling company visited the SAM office in Marudi. However, the meeting has not been possible due to a tight schedule. We will set a time to hear a briefing from Samling. In addition, residents in Sungai Linai objected to their land being involved in monoculture and Carbon study by Samling.

    We also understand that Samling is expanding their Monoculture farms beyond the area that has been approved for them. SAM will investigate whether Samling complies with all the requirements of the Carbon Study permit and the monoculture license given to them – said Jok Jau


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *Interior Communities' Non-registration with PADU Calls for Government Action*

    The issue of low registration rates for PADU persists, with only 3.7 million registrations out of a total population of 30 million citizens. Jeffrey has not yet registered, but Jeffrey Ngui has partially completed his registration and intends to finish it this month. Recently, he posted about PADU, highlighting a lack of awareness among indigenous people regarding PADU's purpose and registration requirements as a primary concern.

    Many IT experts are hesitant to provide their personal information due to a lack of trust in the PADU system, exacerbated by the country's weak Information Act. Although the Data Protection Act exists to secure personal data, it has not been sufficient to instill confidence. The broad requirements for registration have also contributed to the hesitancy among potential registrants.

    To address these issues, urgent action is needed from the government. This should include improving transparency about how data will be used, strengthening data protection measures, and providing clear information and support for the registration process. Without these measures, increasing registration rates and ensuring the inclusion of all citizens in the PADU system will be challenging.

    Furthermore, a special team should be deployed to rural areas to assist interior communities with registration, especially in areas with unstable internet connections. This approach would help ensure that all segments of the population can participate in the registration process and benefit from PADU's services.

Guest User
5 March 2024

On Today Show
— Apai from Residents of Kapit and Dixon Anak Naga- Resident of Nanga Sebiru Sg. Gaat – Environmental Disaster Strikes Katibas River: Illegal Logging Suspected
— Brune Yee, the PKR branch chief in Sarikei – Supply Chain Struggles: Sarikei's Challenge with LPG Cylinder Exchanges
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Ensuring Financial Access: Government's Responsibility to Open Bank Accounts for Indigenous Peoples

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Apai dari Penduduk Kapit dan Dixon Anak Naga, Penduduk Nanga Sebiru Sg. Gaat - Bencana Alam Melanda Sungai Katibas: Pengloggingan Haram Disyaki
- Brune Yee, ketua cawangan PKR di Sarikei - Cabaran Rantaian Bekalan: Sarikei Berdepan dengan Pertukaran Silinder LPG
- Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang Kelantan - Memastikan Akses Kewangan: Tanggungjawab Kerajaan untuk Membuka Akaun Bank bagi Orang Asli

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The police recorded the statement of PAS President- Abdul Hadi Awang today. Hadi was investigated under the Sedition Act 1948 and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for insulting the Malay Rulers.

    2. SRC International Sdn. Bhd sued Najib Razak and demanded damages of US 1.18 billion. The SRC alleged that the Vice had abused his power and obtained personal benefits from the company's funds in addition to committing embezzlement. Today is the first day of the trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

    3. Illegal logging upstream of the Katibas river. There is a logjam that endangers the lives of residents and pollutes the environment. That's the problem with so much modern technology these days. Why can't these environmental criminals be caught and punished. Are the superiors involved?


    Apai from Residents of Kapit and Dixon Anak Naga- Resident of Nanga Sebiru Sg. Gaat

    *Environmental Disaster Strikes Katibas River: Illegal Logging Suspected*

    Lai reported on March 2, 2024 that thousands of tons of waste logs were swept away by the strong current through the Katibas river in Kapit. The incident caused a logjam like what happened in the Baleh river a few years ago. According to Lai, he has no doubt that the incident was caused by illegal logging and could also be due to the plantations carried out by the TA AN group in the upper reaches of the Katibas river. I used to work with the TA AN group in Hulu Katibas and they have palm oil plantations and also a logging license in Hulu Katibas. But I believe more that this incredible amount of wood waste is caused by illegal logging. I believe that NREB is monitoring the farms and logging areas of the TA AN group. It is very likely that they comply with the requirements of the license issued. But these illegal loggers will cut wood unethically and leave a lot of waste. This illegal logging is believed to be the result of cooperation with villagers who are desperate for quick money. Asked why NREB did not succeed in cracking down on illegal logging and arresting these environmental criminals. Lai said, NREB can also be bribed by the parties concerned. They will not be caught because there must be an informant who informed these illegal loggers before the raid.

    For Dixon, such incidents should be investigated and the perpetrators should be punished. But he wondered why the GPS minister did not issue a statement, when the incident had happened a few days ago. I suspect they just want to save themselves. Don't want to make negative comments. Afraid of being scolded by their respective bosses. Or the minister and YB GPS have shares with plantation and logging companies - Ask Dixon Anak Naga.


    Brune Yee, the PKR branch chief in Sarikei

    *Supply Chain Struggles: Sarikei's Challenge with LPG Cylinder Exchanges*

    Brune commented on the crisis involving yellow LPG gas cylinders in Sarikei, which is very worrying, especially for owners who want to exchange them for red cylinders. Abg Jo had previously assured that there were enough red cylinders to exchange for yellow ones, but the situation doesn't seem as stated by Premier Abg Jo.

    Yellow cylinders can still be exchanged, but why do most shops not accept exchanges from yellow to green or red? Mr. Yee was informed that distributors from Bintulu did not allocate enough stock for exchanging yellow cylinders. Mr. Yee is very disappointed with the monopoly of red cylinders, which has caused a Mygaz Yellow company to face a decline in business. They have been distributing yellow gas cylinders in the market for much longer, and this is very unfair in any business.

    If Petros wants a monopoly, they should not give people an insufficient time to exchange their cylinders.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *Ensuring Financial Access: Government's Responsibility to Open Bank Accounts for Indigenous Peoples*

    In a bid to support the Orang Asli communities residing in the remote interiors of Perak, Pahang, and Gua Musang, Kelantan, the Second Finance Minister has launched an initiative to provide much-needed financial assistance. This initiative comes at a crucial time as approximately 14,000 Orang Asli households in these areas are without bank accounts, hindering their access to financial services and government aid.

    Under this program, the government will personally visit these remote areas to disburse the Sumbangan Tunai Rahman. This direct approach aims to ensure that the financial assistance reaches the intended recipients efficiently. Nasir, a member of the Orang Asli community, views this initiative positively and believes it should be continued to uplift the living standards of his fellow community members.

    Nasir also highlights the importance of Orang Asli households opening their own bank accounts. He emphasizes that having a bank account will not only ease their access to financial assistance but also encourage savings for their future needs. Despite the challenges, Nasir encourages those without bank accounts to take the initiative to open one whenever they have the opportunity to visit town areas, as it will benefit them in the long run.

    While acknowledging that many Orang Asli do not have bank accounts, Nasir is unsure if this is due to lack of identification documents. He notes that in the Batang Padang district, where accessibility to town areas is not an issue, there should be no reason for Orang Asli households to not have a bank account.

    However, Nasir raises a valid concern about the possibility of the financial assistance not being fully delivered to the recipients. He emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in the distribution process to ensure that every eligible household receives their entitled assistance.

    In conclusion, the government's initiative to assist the Orang Asli communities in the remote interiors is a commendable step towards financial inclusion. By providing direct financial assistance and encouraging the opening of bank accounts, this initiative has the potential to uplift the socio-economic status of the Orang Asli communities and empower them for a better future.

Guest User
4 March 2024


On Today Show
— Urai Wan, Residents of Long Bedian Village, Baram – What is Green Hydrogen? Dennis Ngau didn’t explain to the villagers
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Bumiputra Inclusion: Advocating for Indigenous Representation in KEB 2024
— Maria Chin Abdullah, Ex-PKR lawmaker – Rallying for Change: No Permits Needed for Assembly

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Urai Wan, Penduduk Kampung Long Bedian, Baram - Apakah Hidrogen Hijau? Dennis Ngau tidak menjelaskan kepada penduduk kampung tersebut.
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - Inklusi Bumiputera: Membangkitkan Perwakilan Orang Asal dalam KEB 2024.
— Maria Chin Abdullah, Bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR - Bergerak untuk Perubahan: Tiada Permit Diperlukan untuk Perhimpunan.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The police will record a statement from PAS President - Hadi Awang - tomorrow. The Inspector General of Police informed that the police will go to the PAS Party Headquarters at 2.30 pm tomorrow to record Hadi's statement regarding his statement which is said to have insulted the Malay rulers. The police previously opened investigation papers according to section 4(1) of the Sedition Act 1948 and investigations under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

    2. Muhyiddin cannot appeal the case to the federal court. In the Jana Wibawa Case which started in the session court. A case that starts in the session court. His appeal will end up in appellate court, not federal court.

    3. Daim and his family failed to get the court's permission for a judicial review. Daim and his family Challenge the MACC to investigate them.

    4. YB Dennis Ngau is more friendly talking to the media than talking to us residents of the same village as him. Urai Wan said, YB Dennis will brand us as anti-development if we question the government's plan to build the Tutoh dam. He never explained to us what Green hydrogen energy is. We only know that the green hydrogen project will be implemented in our village through Borneo Post.


    Urai Wan, Residents of Long Bedian Village, Baram.

    *What is Green Hydrogen? Dennis Ngau didn’t explain to the villagers*

    On 29 Feb 2024, the Borneo Post reported that Rumah Panjang Long Bedian will be the first longhouse to use electricity sourced from green hydrogen power - the first in the country. Yb Dennis Ngau, Telang Usan assemblyman stated that the green hydrogen project will be implemented in Long Bedian and this will benefit the people there.

    Green hydrogen is a new energy source capable of producing cheap and clean electricity. That is according to Dennis Ngau.

    However, Urai Wan was surprised by Dennis Ngau's statement. Dennis Ngau is indeed from the village of Long Bedian but he never said anything or gave an explanation to the villagers regarding the green hydrogen project.

    Urai Wan said that, Dennis Ngau should have told them first before speaking to the media. According to Urai Wan, the residents of Long Bedian currently use solar energy and are charged RM100 to RM200 per month based on usage, this project is called Sarawak alternative rural electrification scheme (SARES).

    But still, Urai Wan emphasize that, Denis Ngau must explain to the villagers first. Is green hydrogen really safe and cheap? They don't want the Tutoh Dam to be built. It will drown the village of Long Bedian - Said Urai. I have visited Bakun and the people there are much poorer than before the dam was built. Only 3 acres of land was given by the government for one family and no more after more than 25 years. We are protesting the construction of the Tutoh dam.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    *Bumiputra Inclusion: Advocating for Indigenous Representation in KEB 2024*

    Abun Sui Anyit has emphasized the importance of fair representation from all regions in Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak, in the permanent secretariat for monitoring the implementation of resolutions from the Bumiputera Economic Congress (KEB) 2024. He stated that such representation would lead to more comprehensive development in the country, particularly benefiting Sabah, Sarawak, indigenous areas, and marginalized communities.

    He emphasized that the Bumiputera include the indigenous people of both Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak, and that many policies tend to favor the Malays while overlooking them (indigenous people's). This includes development, educational scholarships, and so on; everything must be equal.

    He further stressed that the permanent secretariat's membership should encompass all Bumiputera races, including non-Muslims and individuals familiar with the issues faced by those in the interior of Sabah and Sarawak.

    Abun expressed hope that decisions made by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at KEB 2024 would be implemented fairly for the benefit of all Bumiputera across Malaysia.

    Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi recently announced the establishment of a permanent secretariat under the Bumiputra Economic Council to monitor the immediate execution of resolutions proposed during KEB 2024. Zahid, also the Rural and Regional Development Minister, mentioned that the secretariat's formation was based on the congress's resolutions and that he was entrusted as the secretariat steering committee chairman. The secretariat's role is to monitor and facilitate the implementation of resolutions approved by the Bumiputra Economic Council.


    Maria Chin Abdullah, Ex-PKR lawmaker

    *Rallying for Change: No Permits Needed for Assembly*

    Ex-PKR lawmaker Maria Chin Abdullah has urged the Home Ministry and the Inspector-General of Police to educate the police force that permits are no longer required for rallies under the Peaceful Assembly Act. Maria is leading a group of women for a peaceful assembly in conjunction with International Women's Day this coming Saturday. She emphasized that according to the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, organizers only need to notify the police in advance of the event, without requiring a permit. The notification period was reduced from 10 to 5 days in 2019.

    Maria criticized the police for their conduct in refusing to accept a notice for the Women’s March Malaysia 2024, stating that their actions are unacceptable. She clarified that the purpose of notifying the police is not to obtain a permit, but rather to facilitate matters such as traffic and public safety during the event. Maria highlighted the importance of police training in dealing with assemblies and understanding human rights in a democratic society.

    She pointed out that the right to assemble is protected under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, and therefore, a permit is unnecessary under the Peaceful Assembly Act. While a permit traditionally indicated police approval for an assembly, the Peaceful Assembly Act shifts the focus to notification rather than seeking permission. Maria emphasized that organizers simply need to notify the police of their event on a certain date, based on the provisions of the Federal Constitution.

Guest User
1 March 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah, Environmental activist from Sri Aman, Sarawak – Carbon Trading Profits: A New Avenue for Giant Companies in Sarawak
— Muna Getor, farmer from Sebauh, Bintulu – Supporting Local Farmers: The Case for Floating Rice Prices
— Agnes Padan, Social activist from Lawas – Hopeful Signs in MyKad Applications, Yet Challenges Persist

Toppik Pada Hari Ini
- Nicholas Mujah, aktivis alam sekitar dari Sri Aman, Sarawak - Keuntungan Perdagangan Karbon: Satu Jalan Baru untuk Syarikat Raksasa di Sarawak
- Muna Getor, petani dari Sebauh, Bintulu - Menyokong Petani Tempatan: Argumen bagi Penetapan Harga Beras yang Mengapung
- Agnes Padan, aktivis sosial dari Lawas - Tanda-Tanda Positif dalam Permohonan MyKad, Namun Cabaran Masih Berterusan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Muhyiddin appealed to the Federal Court to be acquitted of 4 charges of misusing the authority of the Jana Wibawa program. Muhyiddin was charged under section 23(1) of the MACC Act 2009 - using his position as prime minister and president of Bersatu at the time to bribe RM232.5 million from three companies and one individual, between March 1, 2020 and August 2021.

    2. Tun Daim's lawyer Zainuddin-Rajesh Nagarajan questioned why PMX Anwar Ibrahim was so prejudiced against Tun Daim. According to the lawyer, Daim has never been found guilty in any court before and what is the need for Anwar to sneer at the opposition for remaining silent against the MACC. Does the opposition also get any reward from Daim. Or the opposition expects financial help from Daim in the upcoming election.?

    3. Carbon Trading in Sarawak. Once again the Natives will be excluded and will not be given compensation or payment for their land involved. The Sarawak Forest Ordinance- forest carbon activity 2022 and the Sarawak Land Code Carbon storage 2022 do not clearly state the rights of indigenous peoples in relation to carbon trading.


    Nicholas Mujah, Environmental activist from Sri Aman, Sarawak

    *Carbon Trading Profits: A New Avenue for Giant Companies in Sarawak*

    In short, according to Mujah carbon trading is between one country and another. Countries that preserve forests / don't cut down forests (replace forests with polluting industries) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will be paid by countries that have exceeded their permitted carbon emission limits.

    Sarawak has passed the Sarawak Land Code (carbon storage) 2022 and the Sarawak Forest Ordinance (forest carbon activity) 2022. While in Sabah, the Sabah Biodiversity Enactment 2020 has been established.

    All this is the preparation of the state government for carbon trading. But the question arises whether the people/indigenous people will be able to benefit from the forest they take care of?

    According to Mujah, looking at the current situation, it is clear that the original forest owners will not benefit. In the law that has been approved, it does not state that the people will be paid with a certain amount of money.

    In the case of Sarawak, the indigenous people cannot claim the forest or land in their village as theirs without a title deed. Therefore, the people of Sarawak should be aware that in order to benefit directly. It is at this time that they should put pressure on the GPS government so that in the law that is passed there should be a stipulation of the return of carbon trading revenue to the people in a certain percentage. The people of Sarawak should be aware and aware of every decision and law passed by the state government. If it is not in favor of the people, then the people should rise up and protest. What can be observed now, according to Mujah, The giant company that owns PL on thousands of hectares of land in Sarawak will once again profit from carbon trading. Once they made a lot of profit from logging and plantation. Is it fair that those who destroy the environment are the ones who are paid because they supposedly preserve the forest?


    Muna Getor, farmer from Sebauh, Bintulu

    *Supporting Local Farmers: The Case for Floating Rice Prices*

    Sim Tze Tzin, a Member of Parliament, has proposed that the government float the price of rice to address local rice supply shortages and combat cartels in the industry. He argues that artificially low prices harm farmers, consumers, and the government's subsidy efforts. He suggests letting the market determine the price of rice as a more sustainable solution.

    Pn. Muna, a consistent paddy farmer, agrees with YB Sim's proposal to float the price of rice. She recently purchased a pack of local fragrant rice at the price of imported rice, which turned out to not be locally produced. She also encountered cases where the packaging was different from the original. Additionally, her own local rice production is insufficient to meet the demand within her community alone. Pn. Muna urges the government to assist local farmers like her by providing support for good quality rice and shorter ripening periods.


    Agnes Padan, Social activist from Lawas

    *Hopeful Signs in MyKad Applications, Yet Challenges Persist*

    After years of fighting for stateless individuals, there is finally a breakthrough. Recently, several MyKad applications for indigenous school children were successfully processed, giving them a new hope to continue their education without shame, as they have lacked identification documents for so long.

    However, this struggle is not only for indigenous children but also for many elderly individuals who still do not have identification documents. One such case is an 82-year-old man named Purait Arun, who needs to undergo a biopsy and follow-up treatment at Miri Hospital but cannot leave Lawas because he is still classified as a non-citizen, despite being an indigenous Lun Bawang from Ba'Kelalan.

    Agnes hopes that the government will expedite the MyKad application for elderly individuals like Purait Arun.


Guest User
29 February 2024

On Today Show

— Boyce Ngau Anyie, Vice Chairman Gerenai Community Right Action Committee (GCRAC) – Where are the PROFIT of logging all this time, why are they not used to build roads to the interior?
— Diog Dios, Chief Information of MPN PKR Sarawak – Emphasizing Edible Agriculture Development Over Destructive Palm Oil Land Use
— Jeffrery Ngui, chairperson of Muda Sarawak – Empowering B40 Traders: Promoting Economic Sustainability

Topik Pada Hari Ini

- Boyce Ngau Anyie, Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tindakan Hak Komuniti Gerenai (GCRAC) - Di mana keuntungan dari aktiviti pembalakan sepanjang ini, mengapa mereka tidak digunakan untuk membina jalan ke pedalaman?

- Diog Dios, Ketua Maklumat MPN PKR Sarawak - Menekankan Pembangunan Pertanian yang Boleh Dimakan Berbanding Penggunaan Tanah Sawit yang Merosakkan

- Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak - Memberdayakan Pedagang B40: Mempromosikan Kelestarian Ekonomi

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim assured that any cabinet member involved in corruption and misuse of power will be fired.

    2. The Prime Minister felt strange, when the MACC investigated and prosecuted the "Super Rich", the opposition is silent.

    3. Who embezzled the forest concession area fund? Boyce Ngau Anyie urged the Sarawak state government to be transparent in handling the fund and use the money accumulated over the past 40 years to build roads to the interior and stop logging now.

    4. The value of the ringgit will strengthen again in the second quarter of 2024. The ringgit is expected to stabilize at RM4.50 against 1 US dollar.

    5. Two Members of Parliament (PN) are ready to vacate their seats, if the court finds that their actions in giving support to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is an offence.


    Boyce Ngau Anyie, Vice Chairman Gerenai Community Right Action Committee (GCRAC)

    *Where are the PROFIT of logging all this time, why are they not used to build roads to the interior?*

    In conjunction with the current school holidays, Boyce who is a retired teacher brought his family and grandchildren back to Long Selawan village in Ulu Baram.

    What's sad is that many of the log roads have been damaged and are difficult to pass. The 200km journey takes seven hours to reach the village. Residents hire bulldozers to repair the road. The road is a log haulage road by the Samling company. Because Samling has not been operating in this area since a year ago, so the road has been damaged a lot.

    Does this show that the rural population still needs Samling to return to logging? Not at all- said Boyce. This proves the failure of Samling and the government. The government told us that logging would bring progress. What progress have we made?

    In 1985, the Sarawak government established the Forest Concession Area Fund to collect logging revenue to be used for the advancement of communities involved in logging areas. The question is, where will the revenue collected for the past 40 years be spent? Why is there no explanation and financial presentation of this fund and he doesn’t believe GPS will make a difference.

    Logging should be stopped 100% because it has failed to bring progress to the rural population and it is the responsibility of the central and state governments to build roads and progress for the people in the interior. Boyce urge the state government to be transparent about the management of this Fund.


    Diog Dios, Chief Information of MPN PKR Sarawak

    *Emphasizing Edible Agriculture Development Over Destructive Palm Oil Land Use*

    Last week, Lord Jonathan Peter Marland, Chairman of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CEIC), commended Sarawak's commitment to the green economy. However, he emphasized the need for the state to enhance its food security measures. Despite Sarawak's achievements in energy security and youth employment, Marland believes that addressing food security is crucial.

    In response to Marland's remarks, Diog Dios expressed concern over the Sarawak government's efforts regarding food security. He noted that while Sarawak has vast land suitable for agriculture, the government has focused more on promoting oil palm plantations rather than food agriculture. Dios emphasized that oil palm plantations do not contribute to food security, yet the government has not educated the public about this issue.

    Dios further criticized the government for not providing sufficient training and resources to farmers, especially those in inland areas. He revealed instances where agricultural fertilizers, seemingly provided by the government, were significantly reduced in quantity by the time they reached farmers, suggesting corruption in the distribution process. He called for tighter controls and supervision in the distribution process.

    In light of these concerns, it is imperative for the Sarawak government to study more effective and efficient methods for distributing agricultural assistance to ensure it reaches farmers. Additionally, the government should focus more on food safety and strengthen agriculture by providing comprehensive assistance to farmers, enabling them to modernize and increase productivity. Improving agricultural infrastructure and supporting farmers in establishing cooperatives and produce collection centers can also enhance food security and the livelihoods of farmers. These efforts, combined with enhanced training programs, can help modernize farming methods and ensure a secure future for Sarawak's agriculture sector.


    Jeffrery Ngui, chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *Empowering B40 Traders: Promoting Economic Sustainability*

    As the fasting month approaches, concerns about the high costs during this period are mounting, particularly among Bazaar Ramadan traders, many of whom are from the B40 group. These traders rely on the season to earn extra income for Hari Raya, making it a crucial time for their livelihoods.

    In Kuching, where there are 26 premises for Bazaar Ramadan, some traders operate from home to reduce costs, albeit while ensuring compliance with SOPs. However, more needs to be done to alleviate the financial burden on these traders, especially given the economic challenges faced by many during this time.

    MUDA has put forward four recommendations for enforcement and local authorities to address these issues effectively:

    1. Provide free space and permits: Offering free or subsidized rental spaces and permits can significantly reduce the financial strain on Bazaar Ramadan traders.

    2. Subsidize local products: Supporting local products through campaigns and subsidies can make them more affordable for both traders and consumers, boosting sales and income.

    3. Subsidize equipment and booths: Providing subsidies for essential equipment and booths can lower the barrier to entry for traders, enabling more individuals to participate in the Bazaar Ramadan.

    4. Collaborate with food delivery companies: Partnering with food delivery companies, such as Ketek in Kuching, can help traders reach a broader customer base and increase sales.

    It is crucial for the GPS government, to take these recommendations seriously and implement them effectively. By doing so, they can alleviate the financial burden on Bazaar Ramadan traders, support local businesses, and ensure a more prosperous Ramadan for all.


Guest User
28 February 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian Anthony, Sarawak political analyst – Abang Johari Will Plunder Indigenous Customs More Greedily Than Taib
— Jimmy and Akik Migi from Sarikei – Challenges in Gas Cylinder Exchange: Rural Residents Left Struggling
— Roderick Wong, DAP Senator of Sarikei Sarawak – Pressure Mounts on Government to Solve Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Exchange
— Shaq Koyok, artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor – From Witness to Change-maker:Shaq Koyok's Path to Empowerment Through Art

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- John Brian Anthony, Analis politik Sarawak – Abang Johari Akan Merampas Adat Orang Asal Lebih Tamak Daripada Taib
- Jimmy dan Akik Migi dari Sarikei – Cabaran dalam Pertukaran Silinder Gas: Masalah dihadapi oleh Penduduk Pedalaman
- Roderick Wong, Senator DAP Sarikei Sarawak – Tekanan Meningkat ke atas Kerajaan untuk Menyelesaikan Pertukaran Silinder Gas Sarawak
- Shaq Koyok, seorang seniman dan aktivis dari suku Temuan di Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor – Dari Saksi kepada Aktivis: Perjalanan Shaq Koyok Menuju Pejuangan Melalui Seni

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Court of Appeal overturned the release of Muhyiddin Yassin. Muhyiddin Yassin will be charged again in court on charges of abuse of power in the Jana Wibawa program. Muhyiddin was accused in court in March 2023 of four charges of abuse of power and three charges of money laundering involving RM232.5 million linked to Jana Wibawa.

    2. According to Subang Member of Parliament - Wong Chen. Malaysia's economy suffers if the value of the ringgit is at the level of RM5 compared to the USD. Wong suggested that the government order all GLCs and GLICs to prepare to bring back national equity and assets from foreign countries.

    3. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari will continue Taib Mahmud's economic and administrative policies. In fact, according to John Brian, Johari will be even more greedy by manipulating hydrogen trading and carbon trading. This policy will only change with the defeat of GPS.


    John Brian Anthony, Sarawak political analyst

    *Abang Johari Will Plunder Indigenous Customs More Greedily Than Taib*

    Journalist Marian Mokhtar wrote in Free Malaysia Today by raising the question - in the absence of Taib Mahmud, will the policy of the Sarawak government led by Johari Openg change and recognize the rights of the indigenous people of Sarawak to land and forests?

    John Brian thinks that Taib Mahmud's policy will be continued by Premier Johari Openg and will even be more greedy. According to John Brian, why is that? Because the economic and administrative model founded by Taib brings profit to the government and can control the resistance of the subordinates. The people remain poor and the capitalists who get contracts and projects will donate money to the ruling political party to stay in power. The Fascist economic and administrative model created by Taib is strictly coupled with the exploration of the hydrogen energy industry and carbon trading. This will also take away the forest and land of the indigenous people.

    Asked what is the attitude of the opposition party in Sarawak? The opposition parties should unite and formulate an economic model that is more favorable to the people. The way is to restore the people's rights to land and forests through amendments to Sarawak's land code and give shares to the indigenous population in every land, forest and sea exploration. The companies that have been granted PL must give shares to the people who own land in the area and after the expiry of the PL period. Land and forests should be returned to the original owners.

    John believes that only with a clear explanation of the pro-people economic and administrative model will he be able to convince the people and thus the people will reject GPS in the upcoming elections.


    Jimmy and Akik Migi from Sarikei

    *Challenges in Gas Cylinder Exchange: Rural Residents Left Struggling*

    Jimmy and Akik Migi tells RFS that they facing the problem of exchange yellow gas cylinders for green ones throughout the Sarikei market, because the traders no longer accept yellow cylinders.

    What is disappointing is that Akik Migi, who only has one yellow gas cylinder, has to use firewood for cooking because he cannot afford to have 2 LPG gas cylinders. He is 64 years old with no income, disappointed with the GPS government's action led by Abg Jo for not giving enough time for the rural people to exchange the cylinders when the gov announce on last year Nov and start operate in on Dec.

    Akik Migi want the GPS gov give the people a chance to exchange the yellow LPG to Petros and if possible, deliver it to the rural people so that all the people can exchange their gas cylinders.

    Please Abg Jo, be more sympathetic towards the people – Akik Migi urged.

    On Nov 21, minister of utilities and telecommunications Julaihi Narawi announced in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, that the state government had decided not to renew the LPG distrubtion license of MyGaz, giving Petros Naga control of 100% of the LPG market from Dec 1. Since then it bring chaotic situation in the market and caused public dissatisfaction, when owners of yellow cylinders couldn’t exchange them for red ones, as dealers and distributor were refusing to accept them to avoid incurring a loss of RM200 for each yellow cylinder.


    Roderick Wong, DAP Senator of Sarikei Sarawak

    *Pressure Mounts on Government to Solve Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Exchange*

    Today, after receiving a call from the Sarikei community regarding the yellow gas cylinders issue, RFS contacted Senator Roderick Wong from Sarikei to convey the people's problems. Senator Roderick Wong did not deny this issue and he had received complaints before the last Chinese New Year. Senator Roderick Wong had brought the people's complaints to Petros Sarawak and the Sarawak Government to resolve the people's problems, but until now there has been no response from Petros developers and the Sarawak Premier's office.

    The senator promised to urge the government to act quickly and also to the consumer cooperative so that the issue of exchanging yellow cylinders for Petros can be resolved as soon as possible.


    Shaq Koyok, artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor

    *From Witness to Change-maker:Shaq Koyok's Path to Empowerment Through Art*

    In the world of art activism at COP28, Shaq Koyok, a remarkable artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor, brought indigenous issues to the forefront. Invited as part of the Artivist Network's artist-in-residence program, Shaq played a crucial role in creating banners, placards, and props for demonstrations and performances during the event.

    Shaq's journey is one of transformation, from a victim of environmental issues to a powerful voice for change through art. Raised in an environment deeply affected by deforestation, illegal logging, and land rights issues, Shaq has firsthand experience of the challenges faced by marginalized communities, especially the Orang Asli. Despite these hardships, Shaq has channeled his experiences into art, using his creativity to shed light on these important issues and advocate for justice.

    Through his work, Shaq aims to not only raise awareness but also to inspire others to join the fight for a more just and sustainable future. He believes that art is a visual language that everyone can understand and through which they can feel the situations, difficulties, struggles, and real stories. Shaq plans to run art workshops for younger generations to continue their struggles in the future, ensuring that the fight for justice and sustainability continues.

Guest User
27 February 2024

On Today Show

— Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Submitting a memorandum to parliament to demand reform, Bersih is a pro-people organization
— Nicholas Mujah, Secretary-General of SADIA –  Do not be swayed by Abg Jo's friendliness, emphasizing the importance of political will in restoring indigenous rights
— Sailisah of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah – Join the Movement: Save Bangau Beach and its Ecosystem

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 - Mengemukakan memorandum kepada parlimen untuk menuntut reformasi, Bersih adalah sebuah organisasi pro-rakyat.
- Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA - Jangan terpedaya dengan kemesraan Abg Jo, menekankan kepentingan kemahuan politik dalam memulihkan hak-hak asasi orang asal.
- Sailisah dari kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah - Sertai Gerakan: Selamatkan Pantai Bangau dan Ekosistemnya.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The parliamentary session of the First Meeting, Third Term, 15th parliament began with protests from the opposition. The opposition left the hall as soon as PMX Anwar began his speech, thanking the King/King for the opening speech of parliament. Did the opposition protest the speech of the Agong/King who did not want to entertain a change of government in the middle of the term?

    2. The Ringgit is below its real value, according to the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia.

    3. Two members of the opposition parliament (PN) requested to switch seats to the ranks of government parliamentarians. With the reason that they are not comfortable in the opposition block.

    4. BERSIH 2.0 successfully submitted a memorandum to members of parliament, demanding 100 percent reform immediately.

    5. After the death of Taib Mahmud, will the Premier of Sarawak recognize the ownership of the traditional bumiputra land (NCR) of the original people? We at RFS believe that Taib Mahmud's policies related to plantations, dam construction and logging will be continued by Abang Johari, unless GPS is defeated in the upcoming state election. what do you say


    Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0

    *Submitting a memorandum to parliament to demand reform, Bersih is a pro-people organization*

    The march to parliament by BERSIH 2.0 this morning went smoothly and got cooperation from the police. A total of 6 members of parliament from Parti MUDA, PKR and PAS came and received a memorandum of 10 demands by BERSIH 2.0.

    Faisal was a bit disappointed because Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim did not come to welcome the gathering, but they are still looking for an opportunity to submit this memorandum to PMX Anwar Ibrahim.

    The memorandum demands fair and clean elections, a moratorium on DNAA to cases of corruption and abuse of power and the separation of the jurisdiction of the attorney general and prosecutor.

    Responding to the PAS deputy president's claim that the organization of the BERSIH 2.0 march to demand 100 percent Reform is a sign of protest by the people and NGOs who are not satisfied with Anwar Ibrahim's administration. NGO BERSIH 2.0 which used to be pro to PH, has now risen against them. PAS Head of Information Ahmad Fadhli Shari commented that the BERSIH 2.0 protests showed that the government was talking nothing about reforms.

    However, according to Fasal, the PAS leader's claim is not true. BERSIH 2.0 is pro people, pro democracy and does not favor any political party.

    Faisal said - when the government is slow to reform, we act urgently and the opposition party should also do the same. In the memorandum- we also insist on the fair implementation of the law. No favoritism and no double standards. Najib for example was given amnesty. What about the fate of other prisoners whose cases were not discussed by the pardon board. We demand that parliament discuss our demands and lay down a reasonable timeline for their implementation.


    Nicholas Mujah, Secretary-General of SADIA

    *Do not be swayed by Abg Jo's friendliness, emphasizing the importance of political will in restoring indigenous rights*

    With Taib gone, the question remains whether Abang Jo will respect native land rights. Nicholas Mujah, Secretary-General of SADIA, believes that Abg Jo can understand the plight of the indigenous people, especially regarding land issues under Tun Taib's rule. However, Mujah emphasizes that without outspoken Dayak voices, Abg Jo's administration may not prioritize changes, including restoring indigenous rights.

    Mujah suggests that indigenous people must provide sufficient evidence, especially in cases related to Native Customary Rights (NCR) land claims, to bring to court. He stresses that if landowners are not courageous enough to speak up, their efforts might be in vain. Mujah advises against relying solely on social media and newspapers for exposure, advocating instead for legal action as the most effective approach.

    Additionally, Mujah warns against being swayed by Abg Jo's friendliness, emphasizing the importance of political will in restoring indigenous rights. The challenge ahead lies in whether Abg Jo's administration will indeed address these pressing issues now that Taib is no longer in power.


    Sailisah of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah

    *Join the Movement: Save Bangau Beach and its Ecosystem*

    The communities of Kampung Andah Bangau are urging the public to sign a petition on change.org titled "Save Bangau Beach Kudat, Sabah" to help them voice out and protect the environment.

    Sailisah, a fifth-generation resident of Kampung Andab Bangau in Kudat, Sabah, was one of two women charged with trespassing into the area operated by Kibing company for silica sand mining in the village.

    Before the mining activities, Sailisah and the community ran an eco-tourism initiative with huts along the beach for visitors. They also cultivated vegetables and harvested seafood, including cuttlefish, prawns, fish, and snails. The area is also home to mangrove trees.

    Since the start of the mining operations by Kibing company, the river and beach have become polluted and hazardous, with uneven sands, leading to a decrease in visitors. During Sailisah's arrest, which happened while she was clearing around the huts, the company blocked the access road to their huts.

    The community's livelihood relies heavily on fishing, and the beach serves as a landing area for turtles. Despite the challenges, the beach has been designated as an eco-tourism area. Sailisah remained calm during her arrest, knowing she has the right to defend her eco-tourism area.

    WWF-Malaysia has cautioned the state to proceed with caution in developing the area, stating that the silica sand mining project will negatively impact surrounding communities. The environmental watchdog group highlighted that the processing site will produce fine silica dust particles, which are hazardous to human health with long-term exposure.

Guest User
26 February 2024

On Today Show

— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Bersih Rally Demands Reform: Peaceful Gathering Outside Parliament Tomorrow
— Madam Agnes from Dijih Selangau – Land Victory: Madam Agnes Wins Case After 16-Year Legal Struggle
— Nora, villager from Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang – Nenggiri Dam Sparks Protests: Orang Asli Communities Unite Against Submergence

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 - Perhimpunan Bersih Menuntut Reformasi: Perhimpunan Aman di Luar Parlimen Esok
- Puan Agnes dari Dijih Selangau - Kemenangan Tanah: Puan Agnes Menang Kes Selepas 16 Tahun Perjuangan Undang-Undang
- Nora, penduduk dari Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang - Protes Berkobar: Komuniti Orang Asli Bersatu Menentang Pemendaman Dam Nenggiri

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Faizal Aziz- Chairman of BERSIH 2.0. He has met the police and submitted a notice of a peaceful assembly tomorrow and the police gave a positive response. BERSIH 2.0 will march to parliament tomorrow to remind the government of the reform promises they promised to implement.

    2. PAS Deputy President Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man believes that the BERSIH 2.0 protest is a manifestation of PH supporters' frustration with Anwar Ibrahim's administration. BERSIH 2.0 is indeed an NGO that has been pro-PH since the days when PH became the opposition. PAS is confident that Anwar's administration will not reach the full term.

    3. The parliamentary session starts tomorrow, February 26, 2024 until March 27, 2024 (29 days. First Meeting, Third Term, 15th Parliament.

    4. The Agong/Raja said he will not entertain requests for a change of government in the middle of the term. The democracy festival can be revived after the parliament is dissolved.


    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0

    *Bersih Rally Demands Reform: Peaceful Gathering Outside Parliament Tomorrow*

    BERSIH 2.0 will hold a march to parliament tomorrow in order to remind the government about the reforms they promised must be implemented 100% and without delay.

    Faizal said, Bersih along with other NGOs, demand that the government set a clear timeline and target for the implementation of the reform agenda. They admit that there is a bit of reform but it is very slow, reforms that should be expedited without delay are the Electoral Reforms, especially regarding the appointment of EC chairpersons and EC members so that the appointments are discussed in parliament. EC reports should be transparently presented and debated in parliament. In addition, the issue of separation of powers between the attorney general and the prosecutor is also very urgent and we demand a moratorium on the granting of DNAA by the attorney general to cases of corruption and abuse of power.

    At the same time, the Kuala Lumpur Police chief reminded the public not to participate in parades/gatherings without a permit. However, according to Faizal, such a peaceful assembly does not require a permit. Just a notification to the Police authorities.

    Today Faizal have met and informed the Police that the peaceful assembly will be held tomorrow. For now, 2 PH parliamentarians (YB Hassan Karim and YB Mohammed Taufiq Johari) have agreed to march together.

    Bersih will submit a memorandum to the government and will hold a press conference. Bersih request that all Malaysians come together in a peaceful assembly to urge the government to implement 100% reform without delay.


    Nora, villager from Kampung Angkeh Gua Musang

    *Nenggiri Dam Sparks Protests: Orang Asli Communities Unite Against Submergence*

    Critics remain unconvinced by proponents' repeated assurances that only three Orang Asli villages will be permanently impacted by the Nenggiri Hydroelectric Dam in Gua Musang. Even those whose villages are not expected to be submerged remain skeptical.

    Nora and her team persist in their protest against the dam, which threatens to submerge three Orang Asli villages. Nora, though her village is not directly affected, anticipates long-term issues such as climate change and flooding, given her village's lower elevation. She recalls severe flooding in 2014, exacerbated by extensive logging in the upper areas. The dam's construction is expected to worsen flooding, affecting villages like Pos Tohoi and Kuala Wias. The affected villages have not yet been relocated, and while half of the communities have agreed to relocation, the other half remain opposed.

    The Nenggiri River is home to hundreds of settlements across eight zones, including Wias, Pasik, Gob, Simpor, Tohoi, Bihai, Angkek, and Depak. Three villages - Pos Pulat, Pos Tohoi, and Kampung Kuala Wias - are slated to be fully submerged when the dam is operational in 2027. This will displace 1,200 Orang Asli, who have been promised housing in new villages as compensation.

    Grassroots activists estimate that around 3,000 Orang Asli, primarily from the Temiar tribe, are actively opposing the dam's construction, which began in early 2022.


    Madam Agnes from Dijih Selangau

    *Land Victory: Madam Agnes Wins Case After 16-Year Legal Struggle*

    Madam Agnes has successfully reclaimed her land after 16 years of legal battles. In 2008, Agnes began the legal proceedings, and this year, 2024, she won the case for 1.2 hectares out of her 4.3-hectare land. Agnes stated that initially, her village engaged in a joint venture with Pelita to operate an oil palm plantation. However, she refused to participate because she knew that once involved in the so-called cooperation, the land would not be returned.

    Nevertheless, one day in 2008, when she went to harvest her land, she was stopped by Palm Raya Plantation, who claimed the land was theirs. Agnes investigated and discovered that Pelita Holding quietly transferred her rights to her land in Lot 804 to the Palm Raya Plantation Company, which prompted Agnes to fight for her NCR land rights.

    For Agnes, this is a victory, demonstrating that if one does not succumb to deceptive joint ventures or unfriendly development, it is possible to reclaim land, even though it may take a long time.


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