On Today Show
— John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Bara – Infrastructure Challenges in Baram: Residents Voice Concerns Over Road Quality and Project Oversight
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – PKR Sarawak Open Arms to Former PSB Members: A United Front Against GPS
— Zaidel Baharuddin, Muda vice president – Focusing on Real Challenges: MUDA Highlights Economic and Trust Issues Amidst Controversy
Topik Pada Hari Ini
- John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Bara – Cabaran Infrastruktur di Baram: Penduduk Membangkitkan Keberatan Mengenai Kualiti Jalan dan Pengawasan Projek
- Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – PKR Sarawak Membuka Pelukan kepada Bekas Ahli PSB: Satu Front Bersatu Menentang GPS
- Zaidel Baharuddin, Naib Presiden MUDA – Menumpukan Pada Cabaran Sebenar: MUDA Menekankan Isu Ekonomi dan Kepercayaan di Tengah Kontroversi
*Special Randau*
1. 5 senior PKR leaders were appointed to strengthen the operations of President Anwar Ibrahim's office. They are Romli Ishak Senior Political Secretary General and 4 others Onn Abu Bakar, Sim Tze Tzin, Manivanan Gowin and Juwairiya. They will coordinate the party program, review the party constitution and propose solutions to current issues.
2. Peter John responded to the arrogant and ignorant statement of the Sarawak minister - Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. In the allah socks controversy, Peter John suggested that religious extremists be banned from entering Sarawak. On the other hand, Karim Raman Hamzah said - Peter John should also be banned from entering Sarawak for threatening the harmony of the country while on duty in the RFS. Peter John asserted that there is no law that can prohibit native Sarawakians from entering Sarawak and the RFS is fighting corruption and restoring the people's rights.
3. HDA projects are slow and of low quality. John Bara and the residents of Baram insisted that the contractor be changed and that strict action be taken against contractors who fail to complete the project.
John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram
*Infrastructure Challenges in Baram: Residents Voice Concerns Over Road Quality and Project Oversight*
The Baram Highlands Development Agency (HDA) has issued an update (28 Feb 2024) of the infrastructure projects being implemented in Baram. Overall, the road construction project (RM 649 million - 316 km), building and upgrading a clean water supply plant and an electricity supply project. All at a cost of RM729 million. It is mentioned in the report that the road to Uma Akeh has been completed and can be passed by residents.
But according to John Bara, even though the road is ready, the quality of the road is very bad, there are no iron barriers installed and in many areas the road is built too steeply.
On May 28, 2023, residents of Uma Akeh and residents of Baram met with the contractor Kendiry Mas Sdn.Bhd. But all the complaints submitted by the residents are ignored and not improved.
Therefore I expect that this road will be damaged quickly - John Bara said.
He said he request the authorities to closely monitor the projects carried out under the HDA and to investigate and prosecute the deviant parties. The quality of the road is very important for them, the rural residents because they want to use this road forever.
This 316 km long road will go through Long Lama to the Long Temala junction. Will be connected to the longhouses of Uma Akeh, Kampung Sungai 2, Long Bemeng, Long Wat, Long Buang, Long Tujang and to Long Atip. While the clean water supply project - water intake and treatment plan, high level tank and water booster station will be built in Long Pelutan, Long Loyang, Long Pilah, Long San, Long Kevok and Long Anap - Each with an allocation of RM10 million per village. While RM5 million to upgrade the Long Bedia clean water supply plant and RM15 million to build the Long Bemang clean water plant. While the electricity supply project will be continued by SARES - using 100% solar hybrid. We residents will always report what is not right and we hope that the government will take strict action against contractors who fail to implement the agreed contracts – John Bara said
Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak
*PKR Sarawak Open Arms to Former PSB Members: A United Front Against GPS*
PSB dissolves to join PDP, and PSB members automatically join PDP. However, PKR Sarawak welcomes former PSB members to join PKR if their goal is to overthrow GPS and not to compromise with it. AbunSui urges former PSB members to reflect on the original intention of the reform path, stating that as long as they identify with PKR's core values, PKR welcomes them to join at any time. He pointed out that when PSB emerged in the Sarawak political arena, claiming to be the representative of the local opposition, it did indeed divide the opposition's votes - PKR, DAP. However, their real purpose was not for the people; the fact that PSB dissolved to join PDP and become part of the GPS alliance also proves that PSB's heart is not with the people.
Zaidel Baharuddin, Muda vice president
*Focusing on Real Challenges: MUDA Highlights Economic and Trust Issues Amidst Controversy*
MUDA is urging UMNO Youth's Dr. Akmal Saleh to stop creating an issue out of nothing. MUDA takes seriously the harmony between religious and ethnic groups.
Zaidel comment that, we understand that the word 'Allah' is sensitive, as are the words for God in other religions. However, in the recent case involving a local brand design that is said to be similar to the word 'Allah,' this is not accurate. Akmal is simply creating an issue.
That there was a mistake in an earlier case of stocking in KK Mart, but the owner and staff have come forward to apologize and action has been taken. It seems Akmal is taking advantage to seek instant popularity. Akmal is part of the Madani government. The current government is facing numerous trust crises. For example, there are many people angry with PADU. Why is the ringgit weak? We also have issues with our economy. These are the issues that we need to address.