20 May 2024

On Today Show
— Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan – The Uncertain Future of Carbon Trading: Concerns of Sarawak's Indigenous People
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Baram Residents Question Inaction on Flood-Prone Roads
— Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer – SAM and Segari Network Defend Coastal Ecosystem from Industrial Threats

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Baru Bian, ADUN Ba'kelalan – Masa Depan Yang Tidak Pasti Perdagangan Karbon: Kebimbangan Orang Asal Sarawak
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Penduduk Baram Menyoal Tidak Tindakan Mengenai Jalan Yang Kerap Dilanda Banjir
— Meor Razak, Pegawai Penyelidikan dan Lapangan SAM – SAM dan Rangkaian Segari Mempertahankan Ekosistem Pantai Daripada Ancaman Industri

  • *Special Randau*

    1. President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran was killed in a helicopter crash in the northwest region of Iran, in the Varzagan Azerbaijan area. The helicopter crashed on Sunday afternoon during a return flight with Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian after the inauguration of a dam on the Azerbaijan border.

    2. The third generation of Sarawakians born from marriages with non-Sarawakians are not entitled to receive state government assistance, nor are they eligible for free education in state-owned universities or for aid at state healthcare facilities, said Sarawak Deputy Premier Sim Kui Hian.

    3. Local Sarawakians should seize the opportunity and participate in carbon trading in the state. The potential to share up to 50/50 of the proceeds with the involved companies is available. Agreements that benefit locals should be prioritized. Not only will locals gain financially, but our forests will also be preserved. Binding agreements between companies, forest owners, and the Sarawak government must be signed and agreed upon before carbon trading activities can commence, said Baru Bian.


    Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan

    *The Uncertain Future of Carbon Trading: Concerns of Sarawak's Indigenous People*

    Recently, Baru Bian, the ADUN of Ba’kelalan representing the PDP party, officiated at the Asia Carbon Conference on March 15, 2023. During the event, the Premier of Sarawak projected that carbon credits could generate an annual income of RM315 million to RM1.039 billion for Sarawak. The state has the potential to create carbon sinks, promote carbon sequestration, and implement tree-planting schemes for carbon credits. However, the current question is whether the acquisition of indigenous lands or forests will trigger more conflicts and disputes, or whether the indigenous people will be compensated or given a share in carbon trading.

    Acknowledging carbon trading as a new and increasingly important issue in Sarawak, Baru Bian has taken steps to seek further clarification from several NGOs, including a briefing from Professor Pauline Bala. According to the information he obtained, the concerns of the indigenous people are whether they will be involved, what percentage of returns they will receive, and how carbon trading will be conducted.

    According to the Sarawak Forest Ordinance (Forest Carbon Activities) 2022, the Sarawak government will impose a 5% tax on carbon trading, with the remaining 95% of carbon trading revenue determined by binding agreements between the companies conducting carbon trading and the owners of the forests and lands where the carbon is sourced. Baru Bian noted that the potential of an area varies according to the quality of the forest in that area, meaning the returns to the forest owners depend on the terms agreed upon in the contract between both parties.

    Baru Bian added that a week ago, a company approached him and informed him that the upcoming agreement could potentially split the carbon trading revenue 50/50 between the company and the forest owners. What is good about carbon trading, according to Baru Bian, is that no more logging licenses or LPF (License for Planted Forests) will be issued in the carbon trading areas, and the forests will be 100% protected.

    Regarding the prohibition of any activities in forests gazetted for carbon trading, this depends on the negotiations finalized in the agreement. He pointed out that the carbon trading agreements in Sabah had many weaknesses, which should not be repeated in Sarawak. Furthermore, carbon trading will also provide compensation to the forest owners for refraining from activities in the carbon forests and for the local community’s efforts in forest conservation.

    For now, Baru Bian is positive that carbon trading will benefit the local people, companies, and the Sarawak government.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Baram Residents Question Inaction on Flood-Prone Roads*

    Paul Want shares his views on the frequent flooding on the roads to Long Bedian, Long Lama, and the logging road of Sungai Bemang.

    During the active logging period, logging companies frequently maintained the roads and drainage systems. However, since the logging activities have decreased, the roads have not been adequately maintained, especially in areas where water drainage is obstructed during the rainy season. Where is the responsibility of the elected representatives chosen by the people? Why do the YBs (Yang Berhormat) seem to disregard these flooding issues?

    Each area prone to flooding should have culverts installed to facilitate water flow and prevent flooding.

    Paul wants to ask the people: Do the Baram residents still want to mandate a YB who does not work for them? It has been 60 years of stagnation; it’s time to change. Don’t just take the money during elections and end up losing out.


    Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer

    *SAM and Segari Network Defend Coastal Ecosystem from Industrial Threats*

    Groups of NGOs, including SAM and the Segari Group Network, have been fighting for environmental issues in Segari, Perak. Recently, these groups discovered that a team of university students and their lecturer wanted to meet with the local communities and surrounding NGOs to conduct a Social Impact Assessment related to a proposed gas refinery plant in Tanjung Hantu, Segari, Perak.

    This project had been proposed long ago, but continuous strong protests from the local communities and NGOs, along with the company's inability or lack of capability, have caused the project to be stopped repeatedly. The original project was identified by the communities and NGOs in 2009. In that year, SAM sent a letter to the state government and a memorandum to revive the proposed project, arguing that the selected site was not suitable due to its highly sensitive environmental status.

    Under the 3rd RMN, any turtle landing sites are ranked as Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) Rank 1. This ranking means that there should not be any industrial development, logging, or plantations, except for eco-tourism with minimal impact, or for social, environmental, economic, or research purposes—but not for heavy industry unrelated to the local communities' socio-economic needs. The local communities are mostly coastal fishermen, not commercial fishermen, and they depend heavily on surrounding natural resources. The presence of turtles landing in the coastal area of Tanjung Hantu indicates clean seawater. If turtles stop landing, it signifies that the water is polluted.

    Previously, the groups ran an online petition, which garnered over 80,000 signatures globally. They printed and compiled it into a booklet. One of the local community members, who is an expert in monkey research, facilitated the group's ability to disseminate the petition worldwide.

    Atigas was the original company planning to build the LNG refinery plant.

Guest User
17 May 2024

On Today Show
— Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI – Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments
— Peter Hee, Sarawak's Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief – Youth Voices in Sarawak's Political Future: Challenges and Opportunities
— Geoffrey Tang, ROSE President – ROSE Campaigns for Transparency in Sarawak's Redelineation

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Ong Kian Ming, Mantan Ahli Parlimen untuk Bangi & Mantan Timbalan Menteri MITI - Jawatankuasa Parlimen Mendorong Perlantikan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya
- Peter Hee, Ketua Pemuda Parti Demokratik Tindakan Sosialis Sarawak (Dapsy) - Suara Belia dalam Masa Depan Politik Sarawak: Cabaran dan Peluang
- Geoffrey Tang, Presiden ROSE - ROSE Berkempen untuk Kejelasan dalam Penyusunan Semula Pilihan Raya Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The appointment of the Chairman of the Election Commission should go through the Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reforms, according to former Deputy Minister of MITI, Ong Kian Ming. Ong believes that all parties are represented in the committee, and its decisions reflect the choices and opinions of all parties. The Prime Minister's task is only to submit the name that has been vetted by the special committee.

    2. Parti Pribumi Bersatu will file a notice of vacancy for six parliamentary seats where the Members of Parliament have expressed support for PMX. The affected areas are Tanjong Karang, Kuala Kangsar, Jeli, Bukit Gantang, Labuan, and Gua Musang. If the notice is accepted by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the vacancies are confirmed, it may lead to by-elections in these six parliamentary areas.

    3. The attackers of the police station in Ulu Tiram, Johor, are believed to be from the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist group, according to the Inspector General of Police, Razarudin Husain. Two police officers were killed in the attack.


    Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI

    *Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments*

    The term of the Chairman of the Election Commission ended on May 9, 2024, and the vacancy must be filled immediately. According to Ong Kian Ming, the most appropriate way to appoint a Chairman or member of the Election Commission is through the Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reforms. Currently, the Prime Minister has the power to propose a name to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Article 114 of the Federal Constitution. However, as often advocated by PH (Pakatan Harapan), they aim to carry out institutional reforms. Now is the right time to appoint the Chairman and members of the Election Commission through the parliamentary select committee, as this committee represents all major political parties in Malaysia. Thus, the committee's decision will reflect the views of each party, as opposed to being proposed by the Prime Minister alone.

    Ong Kian Ming suggested several names he considers suitable for the position, including an academic from Sarawak, Dr. Mohd Faisal Hazis (a current member of the Election Commission). He believes that the re-delineation of electoral boundaries, especially in Sarawak, will try to address the disparity in the number of urban and rural voters. The role of the Chairman of the Election Commission is certainly very important. Ong hopes that PH will issue a media statement as soon as possible to express their stance.


    Geoffrey Tang, ROSE President

    *ROSE Campaigns for Transparency in Sarawak's Redelineation*

    On May 14, GPS announced that it will comply with the Election Commission (EC) should it decide to conduct a redelineation exercise on Sarawak’s electoral boundaries, said Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. The Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice president added that it is timely for Sarawak to undergo a redelineation exercise since the last ones for both state and parliamentary constituencies were carried out more than eight years ago.

    In response, ROSE President Geoffrey Tang, on behalf of ROSE, addressed a recent statement by a minister that caused some confusion. According to the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution, the EC must conduct a study and announce the results of the redelineation whenever there is an increase in seats. This process must be completed before the Sarawak State Assembly can fully approve it. Redelineation can occur every eight years after the last delineation, meaning it can take place after 10 or 12 years. The last delineation was done in 2015, so as of last August, they could start taking action.

    In light of these rumors about redelineation, it is important to raise the correct awareness that the EC only draws the boundaries, while the commitment to increase the number of seats requires approval from the Sarawak State Assembly.

    In connection with the electoral milestone of redelineation due for Sarawak, ROSE will carry out a campaign to inform and build awareness among voters about the process and how affected voters can participate in the democratic process.


    Peter Hee, Sarawak's Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief

    *Youth Voices in Sarawak's Political Future: Challenges and Opportunities*

    Peter Hee emphasized the crucial role of social media in engaging youth during elections. He acknowledged that while social media is important, what truly matters is a party's policies focusing on economic progress and a better quality of life.

    Comparing Sarawak to Peninsular Malaysia, Peter noted that Sarawakian youth are less active and vocal in driving change. He attributed this partly to the lack of widespread access to broadband, hindering effective outreach campaigns into rural areas and impeding significant political change in Sarawak.

    Peter urged Sarawakian youth to courageously voice their opinions and strive for a political system that guarantees shared prosperity. He emphasized that good governance, marked by effective policies ensuring peace and prosperity, remains paramount in attracting youth voters.

    In the recent Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election, while Pang Sock Tao secured a comfortable victory for Pakatan Harapan (PH) with a 3,869-vote majority, analysts noted a decline in youth support for the coalition. Peter attributed this to a potential recognition among young Malay voters of PH's political stance, contrasting with the continued support of young Chinese voters for DAP due to their alignment with the party's direction.

    He stressed the need for political parties to be inclusive and representative of all races, departing from a single-race focus.

Guest User
16 May 2024

On Today Show
— John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Communities Condemns ADUN Allowance Increase as Disproportionate
— Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram – Indigenous Presence Must Not Be Ignored in Sarawak's Carbon Forest Projects
— Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama – Sarawak Needs to Prioritize the Poor, Not Raise Politicians' Allowances
— Jugah Muyang, Former MP for Lubok Antu – ADUN Allowance Raise Supported, But People’s Welfare Should Come First


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Komuniti Mengutuk Kenaikan Elaun ADUN sebagai Tidak Seimbang
— Thomas Jalong, aktivis alam sekitar dari Ulu Baram – Kehadiran Orang Asli Tidak Boleh Diabaikan dalam Projek Hutan Karbon Sarawak
— Encik Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Sarawak Perlu Mengutamakan Golongan Miskin, Bukan Menaikkan Elaun Ahli Politik
— Jugah Muyang, Bekas MP untuk Lubok Antu – Kenaikan Elaun ADUN Disokong, Tetapi Kesejahteraan Rakyat Harus Diletakkan di Hadapan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Teacher’s Day Celebrated Across the Nation - We at RFS would like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Teacher’s Day to all educators throughout Malaysia.

    2. Sarawak ADUN Daily Allowance Increased by 900% - Currently, the daily allowance for an ADUN is only RM50, and it will be increased to RM450 per day. “If the state's revenue increases drastically, welfare aid for the poor should also be increased by 900%,” said John Bara.

    3. Minister of Natural Resources 2, Awang Tengah Ali Hassan - Awang Tengah stated that Sarawak will amend the Ordinance to empower the NREB. According to Awang Tengah, this is in line with the transfer of autonomous powers under MA63, and in the first phase, Sarawak will take over scheduled waste management starting in 2025. Will this make Sarawak’s environment cleaner, or will it further facilitate the state government in building dams or approving logging and plantation licenses?

    4. Sarawak to Impose a 5% Carbon Trading Fee and Land Use Tax - Will the land of Indigenous people involved in carbon trading be compensated? The Sarawak government must be transparent about this matter.


    John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram

    *Communities Condemns ADUN Allowance Increase as Disproportionate*

    John Bara, a resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram, expressed his shock and disapproval over the daily allowance increase for ADUN as announced by the Premier of Sarawak, Abang Johari Openg. He finds it particularly unfair to the poor. The Premier has announced a 900% increase in the daily allowance for ADUN attending the State Assembly sitting. According to Johari Openg, the projected revenue for 2024 is substantial, around RM13.3 billion.

    John Bara argues that even though the Sarawak government's revenue has increased, welfare aid for the poor should be prioritized. Currently, the Department of Social Welfare provides some assistance to the poor in Sarawak, but many applications are still being rejected. Those who do receive assistance find the amounts to be very small. Moreover, some individuals are waiting up to three months for the aid to be credited to their accounts.

    Upon checking the Sarawak Department of Social Welfare website, John Bara found that the general state aid ranges from RM200 to 300 per month, aid for the elderly is RM500 per month, allowance for disabled workers is RM450 per month, care aid for bedridden disabled individuals is RM500 per month, and aid for underprivileged children or parents who are disabled, elderly, and unable to work ranges from RM150 to 1000 per month. John Bara believes that aid for the poor should be increased as they are the ones who need it the most, not the already wealthy ADUN.

    He pointed out that the salary of the Premier of Sarawak is RM39K per month, the Deputy Premier RM35K, Senior Minister RM30K, Minister RM27K, Junior Minister RM21K, ADUN RM15K, and Political Secretary RM9K per month. These figures do not include other monthly allowances. In contrast, the allowance for civil servants in Malaysia is only RM25 per day compared to RM450 per day for ADUN Sarawak. John Bara concludes that this discrepancy is very unfair.


    Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram

    *Indigenous Presence Must Not Be Ignored in Sarawak's Carbon Forest Projects*

    Thomas Jalong responded to the statement by Awang Tengah regarding carbon forest trading, where Sarawak will charge a 5% fee for forest carbon traded in Sarawak. As an Indigenous person of Sarawak, he finds it reasonable for any Indigenous forest areas affected by this carbon trading to benefit from it. However, he expressed concern that some people take for granted that these forest areas are empty, often forgetting or purposely ignoring the presence of Indigenous communities in Sarawak's forests.

    He highlighted that most licenses given to companies, whether for logging or forest plantations, often sideline the interests of Indigenous peoples, depriving them of the benefits they deserve. The government must remember, and we firmly insist to any parties, private sectors, or international agencies that the forest areas in Sarawak have been occupied by Indigenous communities for generations, since the time of our great-great-grand ancestors, hundreds or even thousands of years ago. The Indigenous peoples have always occupied these forests, especially on Borneo Island, historically known as the land of the Dayak.

    He emphasized the importance of the real definition of pemakai menoa, according to the systems and customs practiced by the Indigenous people of Sarawak. Therefore, for any activities in Indigenous territories, the most important requirement is to obtain Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) from the Indigenous people before any implementation starts, beginning from the research stage that involves their natural resources.


    Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Sarawak Needs to Prioritize the Poor, Not Raise Politicians' Allowances*

    Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama completely disagrees with the increase in allowance for the State Assembly members (ADUN) to RM450 per day. This is because these representatives already receive substantial compensation.

    For example, ADUN members have allocations for village development, outstation allowances, and many other benefits, making this allowance increase unreasonable. In Sarawak, there are still many poor people who need attention.

    If Sarawak has substantial revenue, it should be shared with the people of Sarawak.

    The Sarawak state government SHOULD follow the example of PMX, who does not receive a salary as Prime Minister.


    Jugah Muyang, Former MP for Lubok Antu

    *ADUN Allowance Raise Supported, But People’s Welfare Should Come First, Says Jugah Muyang*

    Jugah Muyang agrees with the increase of RM450 per day for the State Assembly sitting allowance because it will provide strong motivation to work. However, the plight of the poor must also be prioritized.

    If the state's revenue increases, the welfare of the people must be ensured, and leaders should not only focus on their own interests because it is the people who elevate someone to become a representative. If the state's economic growth accelerates, let the people enjoy the state's benefits.

Guest User
15 May 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Penan from the resettlement area of Metalun/Murum – The Struggles of Penan Communities in Metalun: Nine Years of Neglect
— Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Three Years of Effort Culminate in Kuamut Rainforest Project Certification
— Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram – Dayak Voices Against Online Bumiputra Status Application

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Gereng Jadum - We in the Murum resettlement area are facing difficulties and setbacks. No one wants to take responsibility and come to help us. Before the dam was built, the government persuaded us to agree to its construction, promising that in the resettlement/new area, we would progress. But the reality now is that our lives are harder. Gereng agrees with the suggestion of Murum ADUN - Kennedy Chukpai to establish a special task force to address the problems of the relocated residents due to dam construction.

    2. UITM students dressed in black will start protesting tomorrow against the proposal to allow non-Bumiputra students to enter the institution.

    3. Consideration of house arrest for Najib will only come after the 1MDB trial is over, says PMX. Anwar says that if his opinion is sought by the King, that will be what is conveyed.


    Gereng Jadum, Penan from the resettlement area of Metalun/Murum

    *The Struggles of Penan Communities in Metalun: Nine Years of Neglect*

    In the current session of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, the Sarawak State Assemblyman for the Murum area, Kennedy Chukpai Ugon, proposed to the Sarawak government to establish a special task force to address the issues faced by residents in the resettlement areas of Bakun and Murum. According to Chukpai, the problems faced by the resettled residents due to the construction of the dams need to be resolved immediately. Gereng Jadum, who lives in the Metalun-Murum resettlement area, welcomed this proposal and hopes their issues will be addressed promptly. He has frequently spoken on Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) to highlight the problems they are facing, including employment issues, road problems, clean water supply, and the fact that they were not given land for agriculture.

    Gereng Jadum reported that the Penan children in Metalun had not attended school for two weeks. For the past nine years, SK Metalun has been operating in temporary buildings left behind by Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), and the teaching and learning process has not been proceeding as hoped. The children are not being taught as they should be; instead, every day in the classroom, cartoons are shown for their entertainment. The 12 teachers do not enter the classroom and do not teach the children. Therefore, the community protested and refused to send their children to school.

    Children who stay in the hostel—only students from grades 4 to 6 are given food, while grades 1 to 3 are not given food, with the excuse of insufficient funds. The community had been paid a car rental allowance to send their children to school, but now the allowance is delayed by 2 to 3 months. These are the problems they are facing. The new SK Metalun school under construction is only 70% complete. In their opinion, this school should have been built simultaneously with their relocation nine years ago. They have lodged complaints and met with the District Education Officer, who promised to resolve their issues. They are waiting for the resolution. Children who have continued their education in secondary school almost all fail to master their studies because they lack a strong foundation in primary school.


    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist

    *Three Years of Effort Culminate in Kuamut Rainforest Project Certification*

    Barnie Lasimbang commented on the Kuamut Rainforest conservation project involving a carbon credit scheme, which was just announced with the first tranche verified by the Malaysia Stock Exchange and the carbon trading certification body, Verra. This project is located in the Kuamut Forest Reserve in Sabah and is managed by Yayasan Sabah. The project was proposed in 2017 by Permian Global's local subsidiary, Permian Malaysia, a company based in the United Kingdom. The pilot project aimed to ensure the appropriate forest reserve for carbon trading. This project was kept low-profile as a private-public initiative and was not widely known to the public, unlike NCA or other government-led carbon programs.

    Permian invested a significant sum of money in this project to conduct scientific research and engage with the communities in the Kuamut Forest Reserve, covering an area of 83,381 hectares. Permian collaborated with scientific groups, including the Southeast Asia Research Group and the UK Royal Society. They also engaged with the Pacos Sabah NGO to conduct consultations and mapping to identify the Native Customary Rights (NCR) with the related communities, particularly those living along the Kinabatangan River. The aim was to identify the kind of development that the communities needed, such as basic necessities like water supply, electricity, and roads.

    Obtaining certification for the project was not easy. It took three years of work, starting in 2021 until last year, for approval. The certification process involved three main aspects: ensuring the forest is genuinely protected and secure, especially since the area is well known for illegal logging; collaborating with WWF to identify high conservation value forests and determining how these areas could be protected; and ensuring that the communities genuinely benefit from the program.

    The area has been divided into zoning areas such as the core zone, which is fully protected, the buffer zone, and the community zone for activities like swidden agriculture, with community-based protocols in place to manage these activities effectively.


    Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram

    *Dayak Voices Against Online Bumiputra Status Application*

    Richard Engan disagrees with the Sarawak government's proposal to implement an online application for Bumiputra status recognition. He argues that if the Dayak people accept Bumiputra status, they will only become second or third class within the Bumiputra category. This status should not be applied for online because the Dayak people do not want to be divided under a Bumiputra classification, which undermines their identity and constitutes discrimination against their rights as Dayak people.

    Richard suggests that the Dayak people should follow the example of the Kalimantan Dayak, whose status has never been altered, and who continue to maintain their identity as Dayak people from various ethnic groups. He urges that political power should not be allowed to diminish the dignity of the Dayak people.

    Nowadays, the government is seen as feeling threatened by the Dayak community's unity and strength, and thus attempts to undermine their status to cause division and disunity, ultimately marginalizing the Dayak people. Unfortunately, current Dayak leaders lack the courage to speak up for Dayak rights and fear leaders from non-Dayak backgrounds. This is why the congress for Dayak unity has not been successful until now.

    This is the weakness of Dayak leaders; when the Dayak people are oppressed and belittled, no Dayak leader dares to defend them. In the past, when the Dayak were labeled as "others" in government forms, they protested. Now, a new issue has arisen where the Dayak people must apply online for Bumiputra status, which should not be supported.

Guest User
14 May 2024

On Today Show
— Heng Kiah Chun, Regional Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Zero Deforestation is a Better Policy
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan,Ulu Baram – Sarawak's Power Priorities: Export Plans Draw Criticism Amid Local Energy Shortages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Heng Kiah Chun, Pakar Strategi Kempen Serantau, Greenpeace Asia Tenggara – Polisi Tanpa Penebangan Hutan adalah Dasar yang Lebih Baik
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Ulu Baram – Keutamaan Kuasa Sarawak: Rancangan Eksport Menarik Kritikan di Tengah-tengah Kekurangan Tenaga Tempatan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Heng Kah Chun, Regional Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Southeast Asia - The idea of orangutan diplomacy is not a convincing way to demonstrate Malaysia's commitment to biodiversity conservation. Instead, a zero deforestation and zero forest exploitation policy is a sustainable approach for the palm oil industry and can ensure the survival of orangutans.

    2. Anti-corruption group, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) - C4 condemns the reappointment of Azam Baki for another year. C4 stated that this move does not reflect the institutional reforms mentioned by the Prime Minister.

    3. Sarawak State Assembly Conference - Deputy Minister of Utilities and Telecommunications Abdul Rahman Junaidi stated that 11 rivers have the potential to be developed with cascading dams. Today, the number increased to 12 with a new proposal for Sungai Bangkit in Katibas, suggested by the area’s YB. This raises questions for us. Have the elected representatives from these areas been promised million-ringgit contracts if dams are built in their areas?

    4. Sarawak State Assembly was informed that the electricity transmission project to Singapore will start operating in 2031. It involves a 720km undersea cable from Tondong (Sarawak) to Changi (Singapore). We wonder why Punan Bah, which is only 40 km from the Bakun Dam, cannot be connected to the main Sarawak electricity grid. We understand that most longhouses downstream of Bakun rely on SARES electricity and Rosmah Mansor's hybrid solar project, which frequently breaks down.

    Heng Kiah Chun, Regional Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Southeast Asia.

    *Zero Deforestation is a Better Policy*

    Last Wednesday, Malaysia's Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Johari Abdul Ghani, stated that Malaysia intends to introduce Orangutan Diplomacy (DOU), especially to major importing countries of Malaysian palm oil such as the European Union (EU), China, and India. Malaysia plans to gift a pair of adult orangutans to prove to the world that Malaysia is not a country that threatens the orangutan habitat and to highlight Malaysia's commitment at the international level to biodiversity restoration.

    Heng believes this is not the right way to convince the global community to accept Malaysian palm oil or to prove Malaysia's commitment to biodiversity conservation. Instead, a zero deforestation and zero forest exploitation policy would be more effective in convincing palm oil buyers and better preserving the survival of orangutans in Malaysia.

    According to Heng, a community palm oil plantation project in Sumatra and another palm oil plantation project by the Indonesian Palm Oil Farmers Union in West Kalimantan have successfully demonstrated that palm oil cultivation can thrive without deforestation by practicing good agricultural practices using organic fertilizers. Additionally, the commitment of major companies that buy palm oil, not only palm oil but also soy and other vegetable oils, to purchase only zero-deforestation or non-forest-exploiting products in compliance with EPIC. At the same time, it is time for responsible palm oil companies to take a firm stance against plantation operators that destroy forests and do not comply with EPIC and good agricultural practices. It is acknowledged that there are problematic palm oil plantation companies. The answer to this is stricter monitoring and enforcement. If they want a better reputation, palm oil plantation operators must make greater commitments. The problem now is not palm oil. The problem is the destruction of forests and biodiversity due to poor plantation practices. Orangutans are just one of thousands of species living in the forest. A better policy is zero deforestation.

    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan,Ulu Baram

    *Sarawak's Power Priorities: Export Plans Draw Criticism Amid Local Energy Shortages*

    The electricity supply interconnection project linking Sarawak to Singapore is expected to be commercially operational by 2031, says state utilities and telecommunications minister Julaihi Narawi. He said the project is currently undergoing technical research, which involves survey work for the undersea cable route. This project aims to create a 720km undersea cable from Tondong (Sarawak) to Changi (Singapore), establishing a significant energy link between the two regions. However, the project has not been without controversy.

    Mr. Anyi, a resident of Baram from Long Tebangan, frequently travels to Ulu Baram and is very aware of the issues in Baram. Therefore, He is very disappointed with the Sarawak government's plan to channel electricity to neighboring countries in 2031. This is because many people in Sarawak still rely on solar power and generators to light their homes at night. Even after 60 years of independence, the Sarawak government, which has never changed, continues to regress the people, focusing only on mega projects that benefit politicians alone.

    Mr. Anyi expressed his frustration, saying it is disheartening to see that the Sarawak government prioritizes exporting electricity to other countries while many of its own citizens are left in the dark. The focus should be on improving the basic infrastructure and living conditions for the people of Sarawak first.

    He highlighted that in many rural areas, such as Ulu Baram, communities still lack access to reliable electricity. Residents depend on solar power systems, which can be inconsistent, and on generators, which are costly to operate and maintain.

    Critics argue that the Sarawak government should invest in local infrastructure to ensure all Sarawakians have access to basic utilities before embarking on international projects. They point out that while mega projects like the undersea cable might bring financial benefits and international recognition, they do little to address the immediate needs of the local population. They call for greater transparency and a more balanced approach to development that considers the needs of all Sarawakians, particularly those in rural and underserved areas.

Guest User
13 May 2024

On Today Show
— Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak – The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence
— Sailisah Poyun from Kampung Andab Bangau – Community Frustration: MP's Reversal on Sand Mining Issue
— Mr. Robert, social activist from Sebauh Bintulu – Voice from community: No Special Award for Taib Mahmud


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia, juga Pengerusi PKR Sarawak - Mahkamah Adat Sarawak perlu bebas daripada pengaruh Pejabat Ketua Menteri
- Sailisah Poyun dari Kampung Andab Bangau - Frustrasi Komuniti: Pembalikan Ahli Parlimen dalam Isu Perlombongan Pasir
- Encik Robert, aktivis sosial dari Sebauh Bintulu - Suara dari komuniti: Tiada Anugerah Khas untuk Taib Mahmud

  • *Special Randau*

    1. DAP/PH won the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election with increased support in 16 out of 18 polling stations. Analysis also indicates increased support from all ethnic groups - Malay, Chinese, and Indian.

    2. Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Chong defended the decision not to support a motion of appreciation and special thanks to former Sarawak TYT Taib Mahmud. While the full support of 80 out of 82 Sarawak State Assembly members may seem appropriate, at least 2 members spoke for the people who disagreed with the motion and wanted their views recorded. The criticism from GPS assemblymen against me only shows arrogance and a tendency to bully - said Chong Cheing Jen.

    3. Sarawak State Legislative Assembly informed that disputes over native customary land are difficult to resolve. However, Roland believes that when the native customary court is freed from the influence of the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office, it will be more independent in making decisions and fairer. The call was made by Roland Engan in a statement on RFS today.

    4. Orangutan trade diplomacy in palm oil. Where is the logic when Malaysia's Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities suggests giving orangutans to Malaysia's main palm oil trading partners as gifts? According to the minister, it will strengthen external relations with key trading countries. Does this indicate that Malaysia's forests have been completely cleared for palm oil cultivation and there are no longer any forests for orangutans to live in Malaysia - so we give orangutans (as adopted children) so you can take care of them in your country? Contact RFS and state your views.


    Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak

    *The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence*

    Roland Engan, a human rights lawyer and the Chairman of Keadilan Sarawak, advocates for the independence of the Sarawak Native Customary Courts from the influence of the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office.

    The ongoing State Legislative Assembly (DUN) session has underscored the challenges in resolving Native Customary Rights Land disputes. According to the Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Chief Minister's Department (Law and Native Customary Laws), Datuk Jefferson Jamit Unyat, there are currently over 3,000 pending Native Customary Rights land dispute cases without resolution. Roland emphasizes that "delayed justice is injustice" and proposes a comprehensive reform of the Sarawak Native Customary Courts system. His proposals include increasing the number of judges and court officers, establishing a Special Academy to train court staff in Native Customary Laws, and ensuring that the appointment of judges in the Native Customary Courts is done by a commission comprising community and village chiefs to prevent government interference. He suggests that a special judicial commission for the Native Customary Courts in Sarawak is necessary to complement these reforms and to free the courts from political influence.

    Roland points out that the Sarawak Native Customary Courts are currently under the Sarawak Chief Minister's Department, raising concerns about their independence from political influence. He suggests improving customary court procedures to expedite case resolutions and proposes that the power to adjudicate cases be returned to the village chiefs and community leaders, who are most knowledgeable about the land ownership history in their villages. He has received complaints from various parties about the lack of true independence in the Sarawak Native Customary Courts, as decisions are perceived to be influenced by the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office.


    Sailisah Poyun from Kampung Andab Bangau

    *Community Frustration: MP's Reversal on Sand Mining Issue*

    Sailisah Poyun commented that during the last general election (GE15), the candidate who won the seat promised the community that he would help them fight against sand mining by the Kibing company. However, after winning the Kudat seat, when the community sought the MP - Verdon Bahanda’s help as promised, the MP surprisingly said that there was nothing wrong with the sand mining activity. This left the community feeling frustrated, as they had helped the candidate campaign at their own expense.

    The company has now adopted a new tactic of delivering hampers and even some cash to the homes of those who are vocal against them. However, the villagers see this as a trick.


    Mr. Robert, social activist from Sebauh Bintulu

    *Voice from community: No Special Award for Taib Mahmud*

    Robert is very disappointed if there is a special award for Taib Mahmud. He said it was not necessary if it involved public funds, as was the case when many people questioned the 30 million flagpole.

    During Taib's 33-year rule, he changed laws to suit his wishes and eroded MA63 and the rights of indigenous people's customary land in Sarawak.

    The people should know that it is because of Taib's laws that the TYT and Chief Minister's positions have been eroded, as what should have happened was the TYT (Muslim) should have been given to the non-Muslims (Dayaks or Chinese).

    Mr. Robert supports YB Chong and there should not be a special award for the late Taib Mahmud.

Guest User
10 May 2024

On Today Show
— Randau by SR and MN
— Special Randau by SR
— Thomas Fan, Chairman of Engage – The Freedom Fund 2.0: Standing Up Against Defamation Lawsuits
— Oscar Ling, DAP Member of Parliament Sibu – A Call for Action: Improving Rural Healthcare in Sarawak
— Meneng Ibris, the Women's Chief of PKR in Opar – Community-Centered Advocacy: PKR Opar's Approach

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Thomas Fan, Pengerusi Engage - Dana Kebebasan 2.0: Melawan Tuntutan Fitnah
- Oscar Ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu - Seruan untuk Tindakan: Memperbaiki Penjagaan Kesihatan di Pedalaman Sarawak
- Meneng Ibris, Ketua Wanita PKR Opar - Advokasi Berpusatkan Komuniti: Pendekatan PKR Opar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Senate Speaker- Mutang Tagal passed away at the National Heart Institute. Aged 69, Mutang Tagal garnered attention as the first Lun Bawang ethnic to become Senate Speaker.

    2. SPMR Chief Commissioner's Contract- Azam Baki's contract extended for another year.

    3. Kuala Kubu Baru By-Election- According to the Ilham Centre, PH has a slight advantage to retain and win in the upcoming by-election. Tomorrow, voters will decide whether to choose DAP or PN-BERSATU.

    4. Donate as low as RM10 as a sign of appreciation and gratitude to Clare RB and colleagues who bravely exposed the world's biggest scandal, 1MDB. Without Clare's courageous exposure, it would have been impossible to defeat Najib/Rosmah and UMNO/BN. You can donate through the sokong.org platform.


    Thomas Fan, Chairman of Engage

    *The Freedom Fund 2.0: Standing Up Against Defamation Lawsuits*

    Yesterday, the Chairman of Engage, Thomas Fan, launched the "Freedom Fund 2.0" to collect donations from the public to help Clare RB, Gerakbudaya, and Vinlin Press pay a fine of RM300,000 and another RM120,000 for legal costs. Clare RB, Gerakbudaya, and Vinlin Press were found guilty of defaming the Sultanah of Terengganu, Sultanah Nurzahirah, in Clare's book titled "Sarawak Report: The Inside Story Of The 1MDB Expose" first edition. In the book, Clare was accused of defamation by writing that Sultanah Nurzahirah introduced Jho Lo to TIA (1MDB). After being informed of the mistake, in the second edition, Clare RB corrected the statement to reflect that it was actually the sister of the Sultan of Terengganu who introduced Jho Lo to TIA. Despite the correction, Sultanah Nurzahirah continued with the lawsuit against Clare. So far, Clare RB has managed to raise RM128,000 but is still short of RM292,000. When asked why the Malaysian people should help contribute to paying the fine for Clare, Thomas emphasized that Clare was the first person to expose the 1MDB scandal involving Najib and Rosmah, which ultimately led to the downfall of UMNO BN in the 2018 general election. If Clare had not exposed Najib's wrongdoing, it would have been impossible for a change in government to occur. As Malaysians, we should feel proud and grateful to Clare for her bravery, as her actions led to a change in government, the 1MDB case being brought to light, and Najib Razak being found guilty, a case that is still ongoing. Anyone can donate - even a small amount of RM10 as a token of appreciation to Clare RB, Gerakbudaya, and Vinlin Press. You can visit "sokong.org" or donate to Public Bank account 323 866 9514. If Clare and her colleagues win in the Federal Court, the funds collected will be used by Engage to help others facing lawsuits/fines for upholding their rights and freedom of speech. - Thomas Fann


    Oscar Ling, DAP Member of Parliament Sibu

    *A Call for Action: Improving Rural Healthcare in Sarawak*

    Recently, a health check-up activity was conducted in the outskirts of Sibu, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health from federal government, to provide health checks for villagers in rural and interior areas. Oscar Ling stated that modern people face various health problems, such as hidden high blood pressure and diabetes, and that dietary and lifestyle habits directly impact these conditions.

    He mentioned that people in the interior areas rarely undergo regular health check-ups, so this activity aims to enter the community and ensure the health of those in the interior. Oscar Ling pointed out that there are visible clinics under the Sarawak government (GPS), but they lack basic facilities, and people in the interior areas also face the challenge of distance, leading them to choose not to seek treatment or undergo check-ups.

    He stated that these interior clinics are managed by the State Health Department, so the GPS government must understand the healthcare needs of interior people to improve issues related to distance and lack of facilities.


    Meneng Ibris, the Women's Chief of PKR in Opar

    *Community-Centered Advocacy: PKR Opar's Approach*

    Meneng shared how she remains actively involved in the field despite not being a people's representative. She continues to provide strong support to women in generating income. Ms. Meneng assists with all basic needs, including agriculture and handicrafts. She has never received any assistance from MPs, but she continues her work in the field with honesty. She mentioned that there is a little financial aid from the central PKR. While in the field, political and current issues cannot be addressed as the focus is more on the daily lives of the multicultural population.

    She stated that when the community no longer discusses politics, grassroots activists continue to enter the community and engage through various activities. Compared to GPS's representatives, who have resources, those without resources like them appear more representative.

    She pointed out that only by entering the community, understanding the issues faced by the community, and assisting in support, can the community understand that there will be more opportunities to understand current political phenomena.


Guest User
9 May 2024

On Today Show
— YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP) – Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud
— Paul Nungang from Ulu Baram – The Dammed Reality: Uncovering the Truth in Baleh Dam Kapit
— Raffly from Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah – Defending Ancestral Lands: The Struggle of Kampung Jambu Pitas

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- YB Violet Yong, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak - Padungan (DAP) - Mencabar Kebenaran: Pembangkang Menolak Untuk Mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Taib Mahmud
- Paul Nungang dari Ulu Baram - Realiti Yang Tersumbat: Mendedahkan Kebenaran Mengenai Empangan Baleh Kapit
- Raffly dari Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah - Mempertahankan Tanah Warisan: Perjuangan Kampung Jambu Pitas

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) approved a special thank you motion to the late Taib Mahmud for his significant contributions to the development of Sarawak. However, this motion was opposed by two DAP assemblymen, Chong Cheing Jen and Violet Yong. According to Chong, despite Taib's many contributions, there are many suspicions about his administration. Despite receiving much criticism from GPS representatives, Chong remains unwilling to apologize for his statement.

    2. GPS always wants to silence us - this is what YB Violet Yong said when the opportunity to speak and debate was very limited in the DUN session. Each assemblyman was only given 20 minutes. Yong also said that the people would lose if the power of checks and balances was not practiced in the Sarawak DUN with a very small number of opposition members.

    3. Two representatives from Parti BERSATU were sacked for campaigning in support of the PH candidate in the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election. The Secretary-General of BERSATU, Hamzah Zainuddin, said they should vacate their seats to make way for the by-election.

    4. The request by Daim Zainuddin and his wife for a judicial review to challenge the MACC investigation was rejected by the Court of Appeal today. The panel of 3 judges who heard the application decided that the MACC investigation was not open to judicial review as it would disclose the investigative process to various legal actions.


    YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP)

    *Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud*

    YB Violet Yong, a Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly for Padungan (DAP), shared that during the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly sitting from May 6 to 15, 2024, the assembly approved a motion to express special thanks to former Sarawak chief ministers/former Governors of Sarawak Taib Mahmud. Thirty members of the State Legislative Assembly debated the motion, with only two opposing it, namely YB Chong and YB Violet Yong herself.

    YB Chong Cheing Jen faced heavy criticism from Sarawak State Legislative Assembly members from GPS for not supporting the motion. This was compounded by Chong's statement regarding suspicions in Taib's administration. Chong stood firm and stated that he would not apologize. According to Violet, Chong's statement was reasonable.

    Violet emphasized the difficulties and disadvantages faced by the people of Sarawak when there are only two opposition representatives in the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly. Each ADUN is only given 20 minutes to speak, which often results in many important matters being left unsaid.

    Violet expressed her respect for the people's choice in electing GPS. However, she highlighted that the people would also lose out if a balance of power is not achieved. Currently, GPS holds 80 out of a total of 82 seats in the assembly.

    During the debate on the Sarawak Ports Bill 2024, Violet questioned the failure to deepen the shipping route to Senari Port, despite a proposed depth of 9 meters and an allocation of RM370 million from the federal government. She also noted that although the project did not succeed as promised, the Kuching Port Authority still collects RM1 per ton of cargo as a maintenance fee, even though there is little evidence of maintenance work being done.

    Violet expressed sadness at the habit of GPS ministers not answering questions in the State Legislative Assembly. She hopes that the people will consider the need to give more votes to the opposition, even if it does not bring victory to PH in Sarawak.


    Paul Nungang from Ulu Baram

    *The Dammed Reality: Uncovering the Truth in Baleh Dam Kapit*

    Paul shared about his recent visit to Kapit to observe the lives of communities affected by the Baleh dam.

    Unfortunately, according to Mr. Paul Nungang, the dam victims have not been compensated since the beginning of the dam construction project.

    It is undeniable that many disagree with the construction of the dam. However, there are still many who agree because with the dam, they finally have a road...

    But Paul Nungang hopes that they should steadfastly demand their compensation.

    His call for communities to be aware of future dam plans is important for ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes.


    Raffly from Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah,

    *Defending Ancestral Lands: The Struggle of Kampung Jambu Pitas*

    Raffly shared a land encroachment case with RFS. He highlighted that a logging company encroached on their ancestral land since 2000. The company had promised to build houses at another location and replant the logged areas with acacia trees. However, after waiting for years and witnessing the company log the timber without fulfilling their promises, the community decided to return to their ancestral domain for their daily forest activities.

    In 2017, the logging company filed an Originating Summons for eviction against the community. After a court hearing, the judge ruled that the community has the right to their ancestral land. This decision was based on the fact that the community has been living there for generations, and it is their land. The ruling emphasized the importance of recognizing and respecting the land rights of indigenous communities, especially in cases where they have historical and ancestral ties to the land. The court's decision reaffirmed the principle that indigenous peoples' rights to their ancestral lands must be upheld and protected.

Guest User
8 May 2024

On Today Show
— Ooi Kok Hin, Executive Director of BERSIH 2.0 – The Role of Parliamentary Committees in SPR Appointments
— Apai Mek from Sungai Tangap Niah – The Multi-Billion Ringgit Internet Boost: Including the Interior?
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – From Struggle to Success: Plantation Workers Secure Housing Rights

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Ooi Kok Hin, Pengarah Eksekutif BERSIH 2.0 – Peranan Jawatankuasa Parlimen dalam Pelantikan SPR
— Apai Mek dari Sungai Tangap Niah – Lonjakan Internet Bernilai Berbilion Ringgit: Termasuk Interior?
— S Arutchelvan, naib pengerusi PSM – Dari Perjuangan ke Kejayaan: Pekerja Plantasi Memperoleh Hak Perumahan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court has temporarily returned the passport of former PM Muhyiddin Yassin so that he can visit a family member with cancer in Australia. Previously, Muhyiddin had surrendered his passport as part of the bail conditions in the Jana Wibawa case.

    2. GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) should speak up regarding the proposal to appoint members/chairmen of the Election Commission through a Special Parliamentary Committee. According to the Executive Director of BERSIH 2.0, Ooi Kok Hin, GPS certainly hopes that the redelineation of Sarawak's electoral constituencies will not be influenced by any party.


    Ooi Kok Hin, Executive Director of BERSIH 2.0

    *The Role of Parliamentary Committees in SPR Appointments*

    Today, in a press conference, Ooi Kok Hin stated that both the PH (Pakatan Harapan) and BN (Barisan Nasional) coalitions have twice reneged on their promises regarding the appointment of Election Commission (SPR) members.

    As mentioned in the PH and BN manifestos for the 15th general election (PRU15), both parties expressed their agreement to appoint SPR members through a Special Parliamentary Committee. However, to date, two SPR members have been appointed without going through Parliament. Will PH and BN renege on their promises for the third time, when the position of SPR Chairman will be vacant at the end of this month, Ooi questioned.

    Both dominant parties in this unity government accuse each other, stating that there is no joint manifesto stating agreement to appoint SPR members through a Parliamentary committee. So, the question now is whether GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) opposes the proposal to appoint members through Parliament?

    Ooi said that GPS should be the one wanting the appointment of the SPR Chairman to be free from government influence because the redelineation of Sarawak's electoral constituencies will begin soon, and GPS certainly wants the redelineation to be fair - not influenced by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, through the appointment of the SPR Chairman by the Prime Minister.

    Ooi suggest GPS speak up. In addition to the appointment of SPR members through a Parliamentary committee, Ooi also suggested that the SPR be given enforcement powers and amendments to the election offenses act.

    Regarding the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election, Ooi expressed his disappointment with the old culture of announcing projects in areas involved in elections. That is why we want the SPR to have enforcement powers so that the SPR does not have to wait for police reports or MACC investigations. Through enforcement powers, the SPR will act swiftly to ensure that democracy is conducted fairly for all parties.


    Apai Mek from Sungai Tangap Niah

    *The Multi-Billion Ringgit Internet Boost: Including the Interior?*

    Liwan Lagang, the Utility and Telecommunication Deputy Minister, recently announced that the Sarawak government has allocated RM2.25 billion for intervention programs aimed at improving internet access and infrastructure across the state. This allocation represents an increase from the previous amount of RM1.89 billion. The goal of these programs is to address connectivity issues and benefit residents, businesses, and tourists.

    Apai Mek, from Sungai Tangap Niah, highlighted the long-standing issue of poor internet access in his longhouse, located approximately 3KM from the Niah Cave. The longhouse also offers homestay services to tourists from various countries. Apai Mek expressed concern over the disappointment faced by tourists who stay at the homestay and encounter difficulties accessing the internet on their smartphones.

    Apai Mek urged the Sarawak government, with its increased allocation of RM2.25 billion, to ensure that internet access is available everywhere, especially in interior areas like Sungai Tangap Niah. He emphasized the importance of reliable internet connectivity for the community's daily activities, businesses, and tourism.


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    *From Struggle to Success: Plantation Workers Secure Housing Rights*

    PSM, the Plantation Workers Support Committee (JSML), and plantation workers at large are celebrating a significant victory in their 26-year struggle for housing rights. Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming recently announced the resolution of housing issues for five estates in Hulu Selangor and Kuala Selangor.

    245 workers from Ladang Mary, Ldg Sg Tinggi, Minyak, Niger Gardener, and Ladang Bukit Tagar will receive subsidised affordable landed housing, with most expenses covered by the federal and state governments. This marks a crucial step in addressing the longstanding housing woes of plantation workers.

    The victory is a result of the tireless efforts of plantation workers, PSM, JSML, and other supporters, who have fought for housing rights for years. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, their perseverance has paid off, securing a brighter future for plantation workers in Selangor.

    Arul, a spokesperson for PSM, emphasized the significance of this victory, noting that it sets a precedent for addressing the housing needs of plantation workers nationwide. He also highlighted the contributions of plantation workers to the nation's economy, underscoring the importance of recognizing their rights and ensuring their well-being.

    The successful resolution of this housing issue demonstrates the power of grassroots movements and advocacy in bringing about meaningful change. It serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Guest User
7 May 2024

On Today Show
— Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist – Penan Mobilize Against Samling's Logging Operations in Layun FMU
— Jimmy from Miri – Sarawak's Indigenous Land Rights: A Forgotten Agenda?
— Bryan Tan from Muda Sibu – Muda Sarawak's Advocacy: Ensuring Education Access for All


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nick Kelesau, Aktivis Penan – Penan Bergerak Menentang Operasi Pembalakan Samling di Layun FMU
— Jimmy dari Miri – Hak Tanah Orang Asal Sarawak: Satu Agenda yang Terlupakan?
— Bryan Tan dari Muda Sibu – Advokasi Muda Sarawak: Memastikan Akses Pendidikan untuk Semua

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Samling is expected to start logging in the Layun FMU area soon. The Penan in four settlements in Ulu Baram will protest.

    2. MACC has no intention of arresting Tun Mahathir regarding the declaration of assets case - said MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki.

    3. MACC will investigate the actions of Housing and Local Government Minister (DAP) Nga Kor Ming for announcing infrastructure funds in the Kuala Kubu Baru by-election area.

    4. PAS Secretary-General Takiyuddin Hassan has promised to file a petition if PH wins in Kuala Kubu Baru. Takiyuddin claims that they have evidence of corruption committed by their opponents.

    5. Malaysia lost RM277 billion in the past 5 years due to corruption. This was stated by MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki during the launch of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy in Putrajaya today.


    Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist

    *Penan Mobilize Against Samling's Logging Operations in Layun FMU*

    Field information - Samling Logging Company is set to enter the Layun FMU soon after receiving approval from MTCS in February 2024.

    However, according to Nick, the Penan will block their entry as long as Samling does not meet the conditions they require. Last week, Nick Kelesau and his colleagues visited Long Pakan, Long Sayan, Long Belok, and Long Nen. These are Penan areas affected by logging within the Layun FMU (142,790 hectares). The Penan in these four settlements are still awaiting Samling's arrival to negotiate with them and adhere to their conditions.

    Samling has yet to meet with us, as stated by the Penan in Long Pakan. Meanwhile, the Penan in Long Nen completely oppose Samling's presence. Overall, the Penan are protesting against logging in their area.

    However, since they have been granted logging licenses, Samling must adhere to certain regulations, such as not cutting trees in conservation forests, not cutting protected trees, building roads and houses for the Penan community, and returning a certain percentage of profits to the Penan community.

    The Penan in Long Pakan have written to Samling asking them not to log in NCR land. If these conditions are not met, they will set up a blockade.

    Nick Kelesau's team was obstructed by a small group of Penan who support Village Head Sakaria Pada (a pro-Samling team). Trees were cut along the road to the logging area, preventing them from reaching the area designated for logging by Samling. Due to a small group of Penan being given money and projects by Samling, the Penan in Long Pakan are divided. Some support Samling, but the majority disagree with Samling's logging activities. The supporters are provided with new houses and incentives. These supporters include Sakaria Pada, who took over the position of village head from his father, Pada Jutang.


    Mr. Jimmy from Miri

    *Sarawak's Indigenous Land Rights: A Forgotten Agenda?*

    Jimmy stated that the statement by the TYT of Sarawak to continue demanding the rights enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is unnecessary because it is indeed Sarawak's right. Jimmy also believes that this is just a political game by Sarawak GPS leaders because they are skilled at acting.

    GPS, since the BN era, should have long demanded the rights of MA63 instead of just now. According to Jimmy, the statement by the Governor should not be solely for political purposes, but what about the governance system between the Prime Minister and the Governor himself? The system should also be implemented such that if the Governor is a Muslim, then the Sarawak Premier MUST be from the Dayak or Orang Ulu ethnic group because the position of the state leader has already been taken over by the Sarawak state government itself!

    Lastly, what about the land rights of the indigenous people of Sarawak? Shouldn't they be demanded by the indigenous people who have been deprived of their rights by the Sarawak state government through political power? Therefore, return the customary land rights of the indigenous people.


    Bryan Tan from Muda Sibu

    *Muda Sarawak's Advocacy: Ensuring Education Access for All*

    In Sibu, Sarawak, Muda Sarawak is also working hard to help local residents resolve citizenship issues, especially students who cannot continue their education due to the lack of MyKad.

    Bryan stated that citizenship issues are one of the serious challenges faced by many families in the local area. In Sarawak, not having a MyKad means being unable to access education, employment, and many other basic rights. To address this problem, Muda Sibu is collaborating with local communities to provide support and guidance to those in need. They assist in applying for MyKad, ensuring that students without MyKad but with potential can continue their education.

    Bryan called on all individuals without MyKad to report to them for assistance as soon as possible. He stated that Muda Sarawak will continue to work towards resolving this issue and hopes to help more people access their rightful rights and opportunities.

Guest User