11 July 2022
Undang-Undang dua darjat. Seorang Ibu miskin bernama Suhaini Mohd berumur 43 tahun dijatuhi hukuman penjara 14 bulan oleh mahkamah majistret Marang Terengganu kerana mencuri 2 peket Minuman Milo. Suhaini seorang ibu miskin dan penagih dadah terpaksa mencuri untuk menyara 4 orang anak beliau. Dia mencuri 25 Mei lalu, didapati bersalah dan kini menjalani hukuman penjara 14 bulan. Tetapi berbeza bagi mantan perdana menteri Najib Razak yang telah dijatuhkan hukuman bersalah menyeleweng dana RM42 juta -SRC international. Sehingga kini masih bebas dan hukuman penjara 12 tahun dan denda 210 juta masih ditangguhkan sehingga proses rayuan di mahkamah persekutuan selesai. Bukan itu sahaja- malah tular 2 hari lalu sebuah MPV dengan no pendaftaran VBH11 toyota Velfire yang pernah digunakan oleh Najib diiringi oleh polis pengiring dalam suasana sesak ramai pengguna jalan raya balik Kampung untuk perayaan aidiladaha. Yb Steven Sim (PH) ahli parlimen Bukit Mertajam.mengkritik perkhidmatan polis pengiring yang masih diberikan kerajaan kepada Najib. Steven menulis di acc Twitter. “Kerja polis tangkap perompak. Jangan peralatkan polis iringi perompak. Jaga maruah polis: katanya. Pendengar disoal- adalah kita masih nak mengundi pemimpin-pemimpin yang dikaitan dengan jenayah rasuah dan mencuri dalam pilihanraya umum ke 15?
double standard of justice
A poor mother named Suhaini Mohd, 43, was sentenced to 14 months in jail by the Marang Terengganu magistrate's court for stealing 2 packets of Milo Drink. Suhaini a poor mother and drug addict had to steal to feed her 4 children. He stole last May 25, was found guilty and is currently serving a 14 -month prison sentence. But it is different for former prime minister Najib Razak who has been convicted of misappropriating RM42 million -SRC international funds. He is still free and his 12 -year prison sentence and a fine of 210 million are still pending until the appeal process in federal court is completed. Not only that- even 2 days ago, an MPV with registration number VBH11 toyota Velfire that was used by Najib was accompanied by police escorts in a crowded atmosphere of many road users back to the village for the aidiladaha celebration. Yb Steven Sim (PH), Member of Parliament for Bukit Mertajam. Criticized the escort police service that is still given by the government to Najib. Steven wrote on Twitter acc. "Police work to catch robbers. Don't use police to accompany robbers. Take care of the dignity of the police: he said. Listeners are asked- do we still want to vote for leaders linked to corruption and theft in the 15th general election?
Salah satu reformasi yang YB Oscar maksudkan ialah Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Menteri tidak melebihi 2 penggal.
Banyak perkara yang perlu kita reformasi dengan segera. Contohnya, di Parlimen, setiap MP perlu mengemukakan 15 soalan dan apa-apa pun, Parlimen perlu menjawab. Tetapi dalam undang-undang negeri, mereka boleh memilih untuk menjawab dan mengabaikan soalan ahli pembangkang.
Selain itu, kerajaan negeri harus memberikan peruntukan bajet yang sama seperti yang diterima oleh wakil rakyat yang memerintah, ini kerana setiap YB adalah pilihan rakyat.
One of the reforms that YB Oscar means is that the Prime Minister and Chief Minister should not have more than 2 terms.
There are a lot of things we need to urgently reform. For example, in Parliament, every MP has to submit 15 questions and no matter what, Parliament has to answer. But in the state legislative, they can choose to answer and ignore opposition members questions.
Apart from that, the state government should give the same budget allocation as received by the ruling people's representative, this is because every YB is the people's choice.