27 June 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Iswardy Morni, Penganalisis Politik – Menilai Parti Politik Berdasarkan Kecekapan dan Keadilan, Bukan Keterkaitan Agama
> Haji Jofree Jaraee, Pesuruhjaya PAS Sarawak – Polisi Kerajaan GPS Menganiaya Rakyat
> Gabriel Atong, aktivis dari Punan Bah – 5000KM pembinaan jalan di pedalaman menjelang 2030? Pan Borneo masih belum siap
> Encik Tuan dari Suai Niah – Kerajaan harus menyediakan alat pemadam api kepada setiap keluarga rumah Panjang

On Today Show
> Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – Evaluating Political Parties Based on Efficiency and Fairness, Not Religious Affiliation
> Haji Jofree Jaraee, Sarawak PAS Commissioner – The GPS Gov Policies Persecuting the People
> Gabriel Atong, activist from Punan Bah – 5000KM road build in interior by 2030? Pan Borneo yet to be complete
> Mr. Tuan from Suai Niah – Gov should provide fire extinguisher to every longhouse family

  • Special Randau

    > DAP is offering free legal representation to the non-Muslim shop owner in Kota Bharu, Kelantan who was fined for wearing shorts.

    > May Allah protect this state from being overthrown by the enemies of Allah. The choice is related to selecting capable administrators. It has nothing to do with Islam or the enemies of Allah. PAS is too extreme.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst

    *Evaluating Political Parties Based on Efficiency and Fairness, Not Religious Affiliation*

    Leaders of political parties, especially the opposition, have started giving speeches to influence voters who will vote in 6 states in peninsular Malaysia. Iswardy gave an explanation to the voters so as not to get caught up with incorrect views.

    MUDA Party President, Syed Saddiq announced that his party will contest solo against any political bloc that contests. This is to show that the MUDA party is more democratic than other parties. At the same time raising concerns of support/votes for PH and the unity government will split. According to Iswardy, MUDA's view is wrong. The purpose of political parties is to gain power. With power will gain the mandate to rule. If MUDA opposes PH and the unity government. At the same time MUDA also fielded candidates to oppose the opposition bloc. Is there any possibility that MUDA will win and form the administration of the state government. Is doing so MUDA more democratic than any other party? As a political party must obey the discipline of the group we support. Currently MUDA supports PH and the unity government. Does putting a candidate against PH& the unity government show that MUDA is more democratic? Iswardy's question.

    Iswardy believes MUDA is manipulated by certain parties.

    Regarding the PAS party. A PAS speaker gave a speech and prayed that the state should be defended by PAS instead of being overthrown by the enemies of Islam. For Iswardy, this is a very dangerous view and can cause racial tension. Iswardy thinks Allah/God is not hostile to anyone or any political party and elections are only about choosing whichever political party gets the power to rule. All political parties registered with the registrar of organizations (ROS) are certified to carry a healthy ideology. Therefore, a party that is too religiously fanatical like this should be rejected by Iswardy's supporters.

    Iswardy advised voters to think rationally when listening to political talks and make the right choice when voting. As long as any government in a state carries out its duties efficiently, fairly and with trust. That should be a voter's consideration, not a matter of his religion.


    Haji Jofree Jaraee, Sarawak PAS Commissioner

    *The GPS Gov Policies Persecuting the People*

    Jofree was saddened to see the residents of Kampung Usahaja Tukau Miri being evicted from the village they had built since 1978. A few days ago the houses of the residents in the village were demolished by bulldozers. They were driven out without adequate compensation and there was no plan to build a settlement for them. For now they are instructed to rent and the project developer (Parabena) will cover the monthly rent of the resident's residence for a year. There is no certainty about the future of the population. It is surprising how many times the residents have requested that they be given a title deed to the land in the village involved. But not served. But when the Parabena company applied for land in the village for the construction of commercial housing. In a short time approved by the Sarawak government. For information, Kampung usahajaya Tukau is located next to Miri airport. Therefore, the developer predicts that they will get extraordinary profits by developing the land involved. Residents are upset because the village area and agricultural land that they have worked on over the years has been confiscated overnight. Residents have tried to ask for help from the representatives of the Sibuti Parliament. But until now there is no effort to help the residents. The residents have also lost in the court hearing. Jofree hopes that, in the future, the people vote wisely to choose a government that builds policies that favor the people.


    Gabriel Atong, activist from Punan Bah

    *5000KM road build in interior by 2030? Pan Borneo yet to be complete*

    The state government will build 5,000 kilometres of roads to link remote and unconnected longhouses throughout the state by 2030, said Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah.

    As Gabriel Atong always travel to interior areas. If the 5,000 km to be completed by 2030, he feels no confidence. In the past track record we can see when the implement public infrastructure is very slow and many delays. For example of Pan Borneo since the tenure of Fadillah Yusof as a minister of Public work. Announced that road will be completed in first half of 2023. Until now Pan Borneo is yet to be completed.

    The politicians seem not respect people's feelings.

    Especially those in the interior who have been supporting them all the while.

    Where sources of funding come from is not that important but what most important is all the projects must benefit to all the people. As what have been happened is that alot project funding leaking. For example such as project jalan Jiwa Murni so much scandals


    Mr. Tuan from Suai Niah

    *Gov should provide fire extinguisher to every longhouse family*

    Mr Tuan shared about the fire extinguisher project for every family door in his long house, but what is strange is that only the AJKKK know how to operate the fire extinguisher because the AJKKK has been trained in how to put out fires during an emergency. Most of the community the long house does not know how to use it.

    In addition to that, their longhouses were allocated equipment to repair the longhouses at a cost of RM5000 per door by the government with installments charged. But according to Mr. Tuan, the material is seen as not even reaching the value of 5K, because the construction material is needed, some also refuse because they have no income.

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