29 June 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Iswardy Morni- Penganalisis Politik - PAS berhenti mengheret/menggunakan Islam untuk kepentingan politik mereka
> En. Bonny, dari Bintulu - bertungkus-lumus menguruskan IC untuk kanak-kanak
> Dolah Tekoi, pengerusi JPOAJ - Orang Asli Johor bantah enakmen tanah ke Tanah Kesultanan

On Today Show
> Iswardy Morni- Political Analyst - PAS stop dragging/using Islam for their political interests 
> Mr. Bonny, from Bintulu - struggling on managing IC for children
> Dolah Tekoi, chairman of JPOAJ - Johor Orang Asli object to land enactment to Sultanate Land 

  • Special Randau

    > Hotline numbers for Sarawak Forestry Corporation in Kuching, Sibu, Miri, and Bintulu. Please report cases of illegal logging or the killing/hunting/sale/export and import of protected animals.

    > A case of a woman wearing shorts, and she is still wearing them, not naked - said the Minister of Tourism. The attitude of PAS leaders can negatively impact the country's tourism industry.


    Iswardy Morni- Political Analyst.

    *PAS stop dragging/using Islam for their political interests *

    The heat of the election campaign in 6 states is getting felt even though the EC has not announced the official date of the election. Today the president of the PAS Party issued a statement that those who use the brand "green wave" to describe the victory of the PAS Party are trying to sow Islamophobia. And Hadi said Islamic administration through PAS shows PAS as a party with integrity. For Iswardy PAS is the party with the least integrity. PAS party leaders have lost the most in defamation lawsuits and a few days ago PAS's victory in the Kuala Terengganu Parliament was annulled due to corruption and money/vote-buying politics. How can Hadi say PAS Party is the party with the most integrity?. Iswardy's question. As for the issue - PAS's victory is Islamophobia. Iswardy questioned since when PAS is a reflection of Islam. PAS is not a party that represents Islam. Iswardy asked that PAS stop dragging/using Islam for their political interests. Therefore, Iswardy asked PAS leaders to emulate Khairuddin Aman Razali (former PAS leader who joined UMNO). Razali today issued a statement, each party should campaign prudently and present the policies and advantages of their respective parties, stop using the term enemy of God and label those who are not the same party as going to hell. Razali is an example of those who have realized that PAS is a party of religious fanatics.


    Mr. Bonny, from Bintulu

    struggling on managing IC for children

    Mr Bonny a father of two, is extremely stressed about managing the identification process for both of his children. His first child is currently studying in Year 2 and needs to pay an annual fee of RM120 at the Bintulu education office. This issue arises from his wife, who lacks citizenship documents while being originally from the indigenous Iban community in Sarawak. It was a heartbreaking experience for them when their child was born at a government hospital, as they were charged up to 8,000 RM for the delivery. They had to plead for a reduction in the payment rate. Despite submitting the application forms, they have yet to receive any response from the National Registration Department regarding their wife's IC (Identity Card) application.

    The reason behind his wife's lack of identification documents since birth is that both of her parents passed away when she was still a baby. This has made it extremely difficult for her to establish her own citizenship. Additionally, the community leader has not been supportive, adding to their struggles.


    Dolah Tekoi, chairman of JPOAJ

    Johor Orang Asli object to land enactment to Sultanate Land

    Based on the Malaysiakini report, Indigenous communities are unhappy with the Johor Orang Asli Village Network (JPOAJ) protesting the proposal to convert their land into Sultanate Land. The demonstration occurred in front of the Johor Chief Minister's Office on May 8th. The representative of Tok Batin Kampung Orang Asli Kemidak, Hadi Baya, clarified that JPOAJ's actions do not represent the approximately 20,000 indigenous people in the state.

    Dolah, Firstly we ought to understand 2 issues.

    First, who is Hadi Baya to make that particular statement. He is just a son to one of thé Tok Batin in Kpg Kemidak. 90 percents of residents of Kpg Kemidak support JPOAJ . Only Hadi's is not supporting JPOAJ due jis fâcher will loose his post and allowance. Hadi is not representing the villages, but merely his own familly.

    Secondly on land issue. JPOAJ is not against the Ruler. We only object to land enacment to sultanate land. We have several times applied to have dialogue with state govt but rejected all our request. Also apllied to meet up with PM Annuar Ibrahim but we told that his schedules are tight. We just want Federal govt to discuss with state govt on our demand. They should have held a meeting right away with NGOs, Orang Asli expert after our rally . The state JAKOA just kept silent. It is obvious that they want Orang Asli land under sultanate land

    We will not just stop here. What we need now is to have dialogue with govt. There are four issues in land ennactment.

    The most dangerous in section 2, that says, all lands classify under sultanate lands are rightfull of the Ruler. So Orang Asli have no more right.

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